


Chief Sponsor: Steve Eliason

Senate Sponsor: Lyle W. Hillyard


8     General Description:
9          This bill supplements or reduces appropriations previously provided for the support and
10     operation of public education for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018, and ending
11     June 30, 2019, and for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020.
12     Highlighted Provisions:
13          This bill:
14          ▸     provides appropriations for the use and support of school districts, charter schools,
15     and state education agencies;
16          ▸     sets the value of the weighted pupil unit (WPU) at $3,515 for fiscal year 2020;
17          ▸     adjusts the number of weighted pupil units to reflect anticipated student enrollment
18     in fall 2019;
19          ▸     provides appropriations for other purposes as described;
20          ▸     amends and enacts provisions related to certain appropriations for public education,
21     including appropriations for:
22               •     charter schools;
23               •     the Enhancement for At-Risk Students Program; and
24               •     rural school district transportation;
25          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes; and
26          ▸     provides intent language.
27     Money Appropriated in this Bill:

28          This bill appropriates $4,567,500 in operating and capital budgets for fiscal year 2019,
29     including:
30          ▸     $4,167,500 from the Education Fund; and
31          ▸     $400,000 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
32          This bill appropriates $330,668,700 in operating and capital budgets for fiscal year
33     2020, including:
34          ▸     $613,000 from the General Fund;
35          ▸     $5,000,000 from the Uniform School Fund;
36          ▸     $114,613,600 from the Education Fund; and
37          ▸     $210,442,100 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
38          This bill appropriates $29,330,600 in restricted fund and account transfers for fiscal
39     year 2020, all of which is from the Education Fund.
40     Other Special Clauses:
41          This bill provides a special effective date.
42     Utah Code Sections Affected:
43     AMENDS:
44          53F-2-301.5, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 456
45          53F-2-306, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 2
46          53F-2-410, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapters 117, 165, 396 and
47     renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 2
49          53F-2-520, (Renumbered from 53F-5-211, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter
50     441)
51     Uncodified Material Affected:

54     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
55          Section 1. Section 53F-2-301.5 is amended to read:
56          53F-2-301.5. Minimum basic tax rate for a fiscal year that begins on July 1, 2018,
57     2019, 2020, 2021, or 2022.
58          (1) The provisions of this section are in effect for a fiscal year that begins before July 1,

59     2023.
60          (2) As used in this section:
61          (a) "Basic levy increment rate" means a tax rate that will generate an amount of
62     revenue equal to $75,000,000.
63          (b) "Combined basic rate" means a rate that is the sum of:
64          (i) the rate floor; and
65          (ii) the WPU value rate.
66          (c) "Commission" means the State Tax Commission.
67          (d) "Equity pupil tax rate" means the tax rate that is:
68          (i) calculated by subtracting the minimum basic tax rate from the rate floor; or
69          (ii) zero, if the rate calculated in accordance with Subsection (2)(d)(i) is zero or less.
70          (e) "Minimum basic local amount" means an amount that is:
71          (i) equal to the sum of:
72          (A) the school districts' contribution to the basic school program the previous fiscal
73     year;
74          (B) the amount generated by the basic levy increment rate; and
75          (C) the eligible new growth, as defined in Section 59-2-924 and rules of the State Tax
76     Commission multiplied by the minimum basic tax rate; and
77          (ii) set annually by the Legislature in Subsection (3)(a).
78          (f) "Minimum basic tax rate" means a tax rate certified by the commission that will
79     generate an amount of revenue equal to the minimum basic local amount described in
80     Subsection (3)(a).
81          (g) "Rate floor" means a rate that is the greater of:
82          (i) a .0016 tax rate; or
83          (ii) the minimum basic tax rate.
84          (h) "Weighted pupil unit value" or "WPU value" means the amount established each
85     year in the enacted public education budget that is multiplied by the number of weighted pupil
86     units to yield the funding level for the basic school program.
87          (i) "WPU value amount" means an amount that is:
88          (i) equal to the product of:
89          (A) the total cost to the basic school program to increase the WPU value over the WPU

90     value in the prior fiscal year; and
91          (B) the percentage share of local revenue to the cost of the basic school program in the
92     prior fiscal year; and
93          (ii) set annually by the Legislature in Subsection (4)(a).
94          (j) "WPU value rate" means a tax rate certified by the commission that will generate an
95     amount of revenue equal to the WPU value amount described in Subsection (4)(a).
96          (3) (a) The minimum basic local amount for the fiscal year that begins on July 1,
97     [2018, is $408,073,800] 2019, is $490,684,600 in revenue statewide.
98          (b) The preliminary estimate for the minimum basic tax rate for the fiscal year that
99     begins on July 1, [2018, is .001498] 2019, is .001588.
100          (4) (a) The WPU value amount for the fiscal year that begins on July 1, [2018, is
101     $18,650,000] 2019, is $16,450,000 in revenue statewide.
102          (b) The preliminary estimate for the WPU value rate for the fiscal year that begins on
103     July 1, [2018, is .000069] 2019, is .000054.
104          (5) (a) On or before June 22, the commission shall certify for the year:
105          (i) the minimum basic tax rate; and
106          (ii) the WPU value rate.
107          (b) The estimate of the minimum basic tax rate provided in Subsection (3)(b) and the
108     estimate of the WPU value rate provided in Subsection (4)(b) is based on a forecast for
109     property values for the next calendar year.
110          (c) The certified minimum basic tax rate described in Subsection (5)(a)(i) and the
111     certified WPU value rate described in Subsection (5)(a)(ii) are based on property values as of
112     January 1 of the current calendar year, except personal property, which is based on values from
113     the previous calendar year.
114          (6) (a) To qualify for receipt of the state contribution toward the basic school program
115     and as a school district's contribution toward the cost of the basic school program for the school
116     district, a local school board shall impose the combined basic rate.
117          (b) (i) The state is not subject to the notice requirements of Section 59-2-926 before
118     imposing the tax rates described in this Subsection (6).
119          (ii) The state is subject to the notice requirements of Section 59-2-926 if the state
120     authorizes a tax rate that exceeds the tax rates described in this Subsection (6).

121          (7) (a) The state shall contribute to each school district toward the cost of the basic
122     school program in the school district an amount of money that is the difference between the
123     cost of the school district's basic school program and the sum of the revenue generated by the
124     school district by the following:
125          (i) the minimum basic tax rate;
126          (ii) the basic levy increment rate;
127          (iii) the equity pupil tax rate; and
128          (iv) the WPU value rate.
129          (b) (i) If the difference described in Subsection (7)(a) equals or exceeds the cost of the
130     basic school program in a school district, no state contribution shall be made to the basic
131     school program for the school district.
132          (ii) The proceeds of the difference described in Subsection (7)(a) that exceed the cost
133     of the basic school program shall be paid into the Uniform School Fund as provided by law and
134     by the close of the fiscal year in which the proceeds were calculated.
135          (8) Upon appropriation by the Legislature, the Division of Finance shall deposit an
136     amount equal to the proceeds generated statewide:
137          (a) by the basic levy increment rate into the Minimum Basic Growth Account created
138     in Section 53F-9-302;
139          (b) by the equity pupil tax rate into the Local Levy Growth Account created in Section
140     53F-9-305; and
141          (c) by the WPU value rate into the Teacher and Student Success Account created in
142     Section 53F-9-306.
143          Section 2. Section 53F-2-306 is amended to read:
144          53F-2-306. Weighted pupil units for small school district administrative costs --
145     Appropriation for charter school administrative costs.
146          (1) Administrative costs weighted pupil units are computed for a small school district
147     and distributed to the small school district in accordance with the following schedule:
Administrative Costs Schedule
149      School District Enrollment as of October 1Weighted Pupil Units
150      1 - 500 students95
151      501 - 1,000 students80
152      1,001 - 2,000 students70
153      2,001 - 5,000 students60
154          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), money appropriated to the State Board
155     of Education for charter school administrative costs shall be distributed to charter schools in
156     the amount of $100 for each charter school student in enrollment.
157          (b) (i) If money appropriated for charter school administrative costs is insufficient to
158     provide the amount per student prescribed in Subsection (2)(a), the appropriation shall be
159     allocated among charter schools in proportion to each charter school's enrollment as a
160     percentage of the total enrollment in charter schools.
161          (ii) If the State Board of Education makes adjustments to Minimum School Program
162     allocations under Section 53F-2-205, the allocation provided in Subsection (2)(b)(i) shall be
163     determined after adjustments are made under Section 53F-2-205.
164          (iii) For fiscal year 2020, the state board shall distribute $40,000 to each charter school
165     that enrolls fewer than 400 students.
166          (c) Charter school governing boards are encouraged to identify and use cost-effective
167     methods of performing administrative functions, including contracting for administrative
168     services with the State Charter School Board as provided in Section 53G-5-202.
169          (3) Charter schools are not eligible for funds for administrative costs under Subsection
170     (1).
171          Section 3. Section 53F-2-410 is amended to read:
172          53F-2-410. Enhancement for At-Risk Students Program.
173          (1) (a) Subject to Subsection (1)(b), the State Board of Education shall distribute
174     money appropriated for the Enhancement for At-Risk Students Program to school districts and
175     charter schools according to a formula adopted by the State Board of Education, after
176     consultation with local education boards.
177          (b) (i) The State Board of Education shall appropriate $1,500,000 from the
178     appropriation for Enhancement for At-Risk Students Program for a gang prevention and
179     intervention program designed to help students at risk for gang involvement stay in school.
180          (ii) Money for the gang prevention and intervention program shall be distributed to
181     school districts and charter schools through a request for proposals process.

182          (2) In establishing a distribution formula under Subsection (1)(a), the State Board of
183     Education shall:
184          (a) use the following criteria:
185          (i) low performance on statewide assessments described in Section 53E-4-301;
186          (ii) poverty;
187          (iii) mobility;
188          (iv) limited English proficiency;
189          (v) chronic absenteeism; and
190          (vi) homelessness;
191          (b) ensure that the distribution formula distributes money on a per student and per
192     criterion basis; and
193          (c) ensure that the distribution formula provides funding for each criterion that a
194     student meets such that a student who meets:
195          (i) one criterion is counted once; and
196          (ii) more than one criterion is counted for each criterion the student meets up to three
197     criteria.
198          (3) Subject to future budget constraints, the amount appropriated for the Enhancement
199     for At-Risk Students Program shall increase annually [with growth in the at-risk student
200     population and] based on:
201          (a) a student growth adjustment that is the higher of:
202          (i) the percentage of enrollment growth of students in kindergarten through grade 12;
203     or
204          (ii) the percentage of enrollment growth of students in the combined three highest
205     at-risk student criteria categories described in Subsection (2)(a); and
206          (b) changes to the value of the weighted pupil unit as defined in Section [53F-9-305]
207     53F-4-301.
208          (4) A local education board shall use money distributed under this section to improve
209     the academic achievement of students who are at risk of academic failure including addressing
210     truancy.
211          (5) The State Board of Education shall:
212          (a) develop performance criteria to measure the effectiveness of the Enhancement for

213     At-Risk Students Program[.]; and
214          (b) annually determine the three highest at-risk student criteria categories described in
215     Subsection (2)(a).
216          (6) If a school district or charter school receives an allocation of less than $10,000
217     under this section, the school district or charter school may use the allocation as described in
218     Section 53F-2-206.
219          (7) During the fiscal year that begins July 1, 2022, the Public Education Appropriations
220     Subcommittee shall evaluate:
221          (a) the impact of funding provided in this section to determine whether the funding has
222     improved educational outcomes for students who are at-risk for academic failure; and
223          (b) whether the funding should continue as established, be amended, or be consolidated
224     in the value of the weighted pupil unit.
225          Section 4. Section 53F-2-520, which is renumbered from Section 53F-5-211 is
226     renumbered and amended to read:
227          [53F-5-211].      53F-2-520. Rural school transportation reimbursement.
228          (1) As used in this section:
229          (a) "Eligible [school] LEA" means a [district] school district or a charter school:
230          (i) that is located in a county of the fourth, fifth, or sixth class, as defined in Section
231     17-50-501; and
232          (ii) in which at least 65% of the students enrolled in the school district or charter
233     school qualify for free or reduced price lunch[; and (iii) that].
234          (b) "Eligible school" means a school:
235          (i) in an eligible LEA; and
236          (ii) that the eligible LEA has provided transportation to and from [the school] for a
237     regular school day for students for at least five years.
238          [(b) "Local board"] (c) "LEA governing board" means:
239          (i) [for a school district,] the local school board of a school district that is an eligible
240     LEA; or
241          (ii) [for a charter school,] the charter school governing board of a charter school that is
242     an eligible LEA.
243          (2) [A local] An LEA governing board may annually submit a request to the State

244     Board of Education to receive reimbursement for an expense that:
245          (a) the [local] LEA governing board incurs transporting a student to or from an eligible
246     school for the regular school day; and
247          (b) the [local] LEA governing board does not pay using state funding for pupil
248     transportation described in Section 53F-2-402 or 53F-2-403.
249          (3) (a) Subject to legislative appropriations, and except as provided in Subsection
250     (3)(b), the State Board of Education shall reimburse [a local school] an LEA governing board
251     for an expense included in a request described in Subsection (2).
252          (b) If the legislative appropriation for this section is insufficient to fund an expense in a
253     request received under Subsection (2), the State Board of Education may reduce [a local
254     school] an LEA governing board's reimbursement in accordance with the rules described in
255     Subsection (4).
256          (4) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
257     State Board of Education shall make rules that establish:
258          (a) requirements for information [a local school] an LEA governing board shall include
259     in a reimbursement request described in Subsection (2);
260          (b) a deadline by which [a local school] an LEA governing board shall submit a request
261     described in Subsection (2); and
262          (c) a formula for reducing [a local school] an LEA governing board's allocation under
263     Subsection (3).
264          (5) Nothing in this section affects a school district's allocation for pupil transportation
265     under Sections 53F-2-402 and 53F-2-403.
266          Section 5. Fiscal year 2019 appropriations.
267          The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
268     2018, and ending June 30, 2019. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for
269     fiscal year 2019.
270          Subsection 5(a). Operating and Capital Budgets.
271          Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the
272     Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts indicated for
273     the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
Public Education

State Board of Education - Minimum School Program

1 To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Related to Basic School
277     Programs
278          From Education Fund, One-time

279          Schedule of Programs:
280               Flexible Allocation - WPU Distribution               (76,800)
281               Educator Salary Adjustments                         4,300,000
282               Early Graduation from Competency-Based Education     (55,700)
State Board of Education

2 To State Board of Education - State Administrative Office
285          From Nonlapsing Balances - MSP - Related to Basic Program, One-time

286          Schedule of Programs:
287               Information Technology                         400,000
288          The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education use up to $400,000 in
289     nonlapsing balances in the Minimum School Program - Related to Basic School Program to
290     implement an online reporting platform for student transportation data.
291          Section 6. Fiscal year 2020 appropriations -- Value of the weighted pupil unit.
292          (1) The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
293     2019, and ending June 30, 2020. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for
294     fiscal year 2020.
295          (2) The value of each weighted pupil unit (WPU) for fiscal year 2020 is increased from
296     the value of the WPU for fiscal year 2020 established in S.B. 1, Public Education Base Budget
297     Amendments, and set at $3,515.
298          Subsection 6(a). Operating and Capital Budgets.
299          Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the
300     Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts indicated for
301     the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
Public Education

State Board of Education - Minimum School Program

3 To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Basic School Program
305          From Education Fund

306          From Uniform School Fund

307          From Local Revenue

308          Schedule of Programs:
309               Kindergarten (894 WPUs)                         6,308,400
310               Grades 1 - 12 (6,429 WPUs)                         93,820,700
311               Foreign Exchange                              39,300
312               Necessarily Existent Small Schools                    1,150,500
313               Professional Staff (374 WPUs)                    7,980,000
314               Administrative Costs (-15 WPUs)                    127,900
315               Special Education - Add-on (1,875 WPUs)               16,044,500
316               Special Education - Preschool (127 WPUs)               1,772,700
317               Special Education - Self-Contained (-183 WPUs)          1,033,100
318               Special Education - Extended School Year (5 WPUs)     71,200
319               Special Education - Impact Aid (21 WPUs)               315,600
320               Special Education - Intensive Services (8 WPUs)          121,500
321               Special Education - Extended Year for Special Educators     109,000
322               Career and Technical Education - Add-on (-60 WPUs)     3,241,600
323               Class Size Reduction (457 WPUs)                    6,576,300
324          (1) (a) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education study the Necessarily
325     Existent Small Schools distribution formula, including:
326          (i) the recalculation of the regression formulas used to distribute program weighted
327     pupil units;
328          (ii) ways to address the unique needs of geographically isolated schools;
329          (iii) school size limits identified in statute; and
330          (iv) school qualification requirements.
331          (b) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education report to the
332     Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee, regarding the study described in Subsection
333     (1)(a), with:
334          (i) a progress update on or before October 31, 2019; and
335          (ii) a final report on or before October 31, 2020.
336          (2) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education, in conjunction with the

337     local education agencies (LEAs), report on or before January 31, 2020, to the Public Education
338     Appropriations Subcommittee on per pupil expenditures on operations as defined by the State
339     Board of Education for each LEA and each school within the LEA in fiscal year 2019.
4 To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Related to Basic School

341     Programs
342          From Education Fund

343          From Education Fund, One-time

344          From Education Fund Restricted - Charter School Levy Account

345          From Teacher and Student Success Account

346          From Uniform School Fund Restricted - Trust Distribution Account

347          Schedule of Programs:
348               Pupil Transportation To and From School               4,164,400
349               Enhancement for At-Risk Students                    1,567,500
350               Youth in Custody                              385,400
351               Adult Education                              615,200
352               Enhancement for Accelerated Students               237,900
353               Centennial Scholarship Program                    18,000
354               Concurrent Enrollment                         510,000
355               School LAND Trust Program                    8,663,100
356               Charter School Local Replacement                    12,516,300
357               Charter School Administration                    131,600
358               Early Literacy Program                         (450,000)
359               Educator Salary Adjustments                         4,300,000
360               Early Graduation from Competency-Based Education     (55,700)
361               Teacher and Student Success Program               36,450,000
362          The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education use up to $445,800 in
363     nonlapsing balances in the Minimum School Program - Related to Basic School Program,
364     Charter School Administration and Charter School Local Replacement programs to provide
365     $40,000 to each charter school that enrolls fewer than 400 students.
5 To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Voted and Board Local

367     Levy Programs

368          From Education Fund, One-time     

369          From Local Levy Growth Account     

370          From Local Revenue                         

371          Schedule of Programs:
372               Voted Local Levy Program                         25,777,200
373               Board Local Levy Program                         91,030,500
State Board of Education

6 To State Board of Education - Child Nutrition
376          From Education Fund     

377          From Federal Funds     

378          From Dedicated Credit - Liquor Tax     

7 To State Board of Education - Educator Licensing

380          From Education Fund     

381          From Dedicated Credits Revenue     

8 To State Board of Education - Initiative Programs

383          From General Fund     

384          From Education Fund     

385          Schedule of Programs:
386               Carson Smith Scholarships                         363,000
387               Contracts and Grants                              (300,000)
388               CTE Online Assessments                         (341,000)
389               Competency-Based Education Grants               2,300,000
9 To State Board of Education - MSP Categorical Program Administration

391          From Education Fund     

392          Schedule of Programs:
393               Enhancement for At-Risk Students                    180,700
394               Youth-in-Custody                              741,400
395               Early Literacy Program                         450,000
396               CTE Online Assessments                         625,500
397               CTE Student Organizations                         969,300
10 To State Board of Education - State Administrative Office

399          From Education Fund     

400          From Federal Funds     

401          From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease     

402          From General Fund Restricted - Substance Abuse Prevention     

403          From Uniform School Fund Restricted - Trust Distribution Account     

404          Schedule of Programs:
405               School Trust                                   60,000
406               Statewide Online Education Program               36,100
407          The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education:
408          (1) study the governance, funding, and role of the State Board of Education in
409     providing oversight and coordinating the delivery of state education programs in the regional
410     service centers; and
411          (2) report on or before October 31, 2019, to the Public Education Appropriations
412     Subcommittee on the study described in Subsection (1).
11 To State Board of Education - General System Support

414          From General Fund, One-time     

415          Schedule of Programs:
416               Career and Technical Education                    250,000
12 To State Board of Education - Teaching and Learning

418          From Education Fund     

419          From Revenue Transfers     

13 To State Board of Education - Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind

421          From Education Fund, One-time     

422          Schedule of Programs:
423               Educational Services                              (19,507,700)
424               Support Services                              (19,885,700)
425               Administration                              3,839,000
426               Transportation                              4,257,300
427               Utah State Instructional Materials Access Center          1,876,200
428               School for the Deaf                              17,281,900
429               School for the Blind                              12,639,000

School and Institutional Trust Fund Office

14 To School and Institutional Trust Fund Office

432          From School and Institutional Trust Fund Management Account     

433          Schedule of Programs:
434               School and Institutional Trust Fund Office               260,000
435          Subsection 6(b). Restricted Fund and Account Transfers.
436          The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer the following
437     amounts between the following funds or accounts as indicated. Expenditures and outlays from
438     the funds to which the money is transferred must be authorized by an appropriation.
Public Education

15 To Local Levy Growth Account

441          From Education Fund

442          Schedule of Programs:
443               Local Levy Growth Account                         12,880,600
16 To Teacher and Student Success Account

445          From Education Fund     

446          Schedule of Programs:
447               Teacher and Student Success Account               16,450,000
448          Section 7. Effective date.
449          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), this bill takes effect on July 1, 2019.
450          (2) If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, Section 5,
451     Fiscal year 2019 appropriations, takes effect upon approval by the governor, or the day
452     following the constitutional time limit of Utah Constitution, Article VII, Section 8, without the
453     governor's signature, or in the case of a veto, the date of veto override.