Representative Steve Eliason proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Steve Eliason

Senate Sponsor: Allen M. Christensen


8     General Description:
9          This bill relates to defrauding an alcohol or drug test.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     defines terms;
13          ▸     makes it a criminal offense to distribute, possess, or sell an adulterant or synthetic
14     urine;
15          ▸     makes it a criminal offense to defraud an alcohol or drug test using an adulterant,
16     bodily fluid of another person, or bodily fluid expelled or withdrawn before
17     collection for the test;
18          ▸     exempts from criminal liability a person who distributes, possesses, sells, or uses an
19     adulterant or human or synthetic urine for the sole purpose of education or research;
20     and
21          ▸     requires the entity that collects specimens for the purpose of testing that becomes
22     aware that an adulterated sample or synthetic urine was submitted for screening
23     report it to the requesting employer and the Department of Public Safety.
24     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
25          None

26     Other Special Clauses:
27          None
28     Utah Code Sections Affected:
29     ENACTS:
30          76-10-2203, Utah Code Annotated 1953

32     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
33          Section 1. Section 76-10-2203 is enacted to read:
34          76-10-2203. Possession, sale, or use of an adulterant or synthetic urine.
35          (1) As used in this section, "adulterant" means a substance that may be added to human
36     urine or another human bodily fluid to change, dilute, or interfere with the composition,
37     chemical properties, physical appearance, or physical properties of the urine or other bodily
38     fluid.
39          (2) Under circumstances not amounting to a violation of Section 76-8-510.5, it is
40     unlawful for a person to:
41          (a) distribute, possess, or sell synthetic urine;
42          (b) distribute or sell an adulterant with:
43          (i) intent that the adulterant be used to defeat or defraud an alcohol or drug screening
44     test; or
45          (ii) knowledge that the recipient of the adulterant intends to use the adulterant to defeat
46     or defraud an alcohol or drug screening test;
47          (c) possess an adulterant with intent to use the adulterant to defeat or defraud an
48     alcohol or drug screening test; or
49          (d) intentionally use:
50          (i) an adulterant to defeat or defraud an alcohol or drug screening test;
51          (ii) the person's urine or bodily fluid to defeat or defraud an alcohol or drug screening
52     test if the urine or bodily fluid was expelled or withdrawn before the time at which the urine or
53     bodily fluid is collected for the test; or
54          (iii) the urine or bodily fluid of another person to defeat or defraud an alcohol or drug
55     screening test.
56          (3) A person who violates this section is guilty of an infraction.

57          (4) A person is not guilty of a violation of this section for engaging in conduct
58     described in this section for the sole purpose of education or medical or scientific research.
59          (5) This section does not apply to persons currently under the supervision of Adult
60     Probation and Parole.
61          (6) An entity that collects specimens for the purpose of testing and screening, and
62     reports the results back to an employer shall report to the employer and the Department of
63     Public Safety if a report is received that indicates that adulterated or synthetic urine was
64     submitted for an alcohol or drug screening test.