8 Committee Note:
9 The Judiciary Interim Committee recommended this bill.
10 General Description:
11 This bill modifies provisions regarding custody and parent-time.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This bill:
14 ▸ rewrites and consolidates some provisions regarding custody;
15 ▸ addresses custody of children and factors the court may consider;
16 ▸ addresses joint legal custody, joint physical custody, and factors the court shall
17 consider in making a determination;
18 ▸ addresses parent-time;
19 ▸ permits a court to rely on divorce custody and parent-time provisions in a parentage
20 act judicial proceeding; and
21 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
22 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
23 None
24 Other Special Clauses:
25 None
26 Utah Code Sections Affected:
28 30-3-10, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Third Special Session, Chapter 1
29 30-3-10.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2005, Chapter 142
30 30-3-10.4, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 224
31 30-3-32, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 120
32 30-3-34, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 18
33 30-3-35, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 39
34 30-3-35.1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 96
35 78A-6-104, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 3
36 78B-15-610, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 45
38 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
39 Section 1. Section 30-3-10 is amended to read:
40 30-3-10. Custody of a child -- Custody factors.
41 [
44 [
47 [
49 [
51 [
53 [
55 [
56 (1) If a married couple having one or more minor children are separated, or the married
57 couple's marriage is declared void or dissolved, the court shall enter, and has continuing
58 jurisdiction to modify, an order of custody and parent-time.
59 (2) In determining any form of custody and parent-time under Subsection (1), the court
60 shall consider the best interest of the child and may consider among other factors the court
61 finds relevant, the following for each parent:
62 (a) evidence of domestic violence, neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, or emotional
63 abuse, involving the child, the parent, or a household member of the parent;
64 (b) the parent's demonstrated understanding of, responsiveness to, and ability to meet
65 the developmental needs of the child, including the child's:
66 (i) physical needs;
67 (ii) emotional needs;
68 (iii) educational needs;
69 (iv) medical needs; and
70 (v) any special needs;
71 (c) the parent's capacity and willingness to function as a parent, including:
72 (i) parenting skills;
73 (ii) co-parenting skills, including:
74 (A) ability to appropriately communicate with the other parent;
75 (B) ability to encourage the sharing of love and affection; and
76 (C) willingness to allow frequent and continuous contact between the child and the
77 other parent, except that, if the court determines that the parent is acting to protect the child
78 from domestic violence, neglect, or abuse, the parent's protective actions may be taken into
79 consideration; and
80 (iii) ability to provide personal care rather than surrogate care;
81 (d) in accordance with Subsection (10), the past conduct and demonstrated moral
82 character of the parent;
83 (e) the emotional stability of the parent;
84 (f) the parent's inability to function as a parent because of drug abuse, excessive
85 drinking, or other causes;
86 (g) whether the parent has intentionally exposed the child to pornography or material
87 harmful to minors, as "material" and "harmful to minors" are defined in Section 76-10-1201;
88 (h) the parent's reasons for having relinquished custody or parent-time in the past;
89 (i) duration and depth of desire for custody or parent-time;
90 (j) the parent's religious compatibility with the child;
91 (k) the parent's financial responsibility;
92 (l) the child's interaction and relationship with step-parents, extended family members
93 of other individuals who may significantly affect the child's best interests;
94 (m) who has been the primary caretaker of the child;
95 (n) previous parenting arrangements in which the child has been happy and
96 well-adjusted in the home, school, and community;
97 (o) the relative benefit of keeping siblings together;
98 (p) the stated wishes and concerns of the child, taking into consideration the child's
99 cognitive ability and emotional maturity;
100 (q) the relative strength of the child's bond with the parent, meaning the depth, quality,
101 and nature of the relationship between the parent and the child; and
102 (r) any other factor the court finds relevant.
103 [
104 Section 30-3-10.1, is in the best interest of the child, except in cases [
105 [
106 (a) evidence of domestic violence, neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, or emotional
107 abuse involving the child, a parent, or a household member of the parent;
108 [
109 custody unreasonable;
110 [
111 making impractical in certain circumstances; or
112 [
113 section and Section 30-3-10.2.
114 [
115 plan in accordance with Sections 30-3-10.8 and 30-3-10.9.
116 (ii) A presumption for joint legal custody may be rebutted by a showing by a
117 preponderance of the evidence that it is not in the best interest of the child.
118 [
119 determines that extenuating circumstances exist that would necessitate the testimony of the
120 child be heard and there is no other reasonable method to present the child's testimony.
121 [
122 child's desires regarding future custody or parent-time schedules, but the expressed desires are
123 not controlling and the court may determine the children's custody or parent-time otherwise.
124 (ii) The desires of a child 14 years of age or older shall be given added weight, but is
125 not the single controlling factor.
126 [
127 [
128 (ii) The prior consent of the parties may be obtained but is not necessary if the court
129 finds that an interview with a child is the only method to ascertain the child's desires regarding
130 custody.
131 [
135 [
138 [
139 against a parent due to a disability, as defined in Section 57-21-2, in awarding custody or
140 determining whether a substantial change has occurred for the purpose of modifying an award
141 of custody.
142 (b) The court may not consider the disability of a parent as a factor in awarding custody
143 or modifying an award of custody based on a determination of a substantial change in
144 circumstances, unless the court makes specific findings that:
145 (i) the disability significantly or substantially inhibits the parent's ability to provide for
146 the physical and emotional needs of the child at issue; and
147 (ii) the parent with a disability lacks sufficient human, monetary, or other resources
148 available to supplement the parent's ability to provide for the physical and emotional needs of
149 the child at issue.
150 (c) Nothing in this section may be construed to apply to adoption proceedings under
151 Title 78B, Chapter 6, Part 1, Utah Adoption Act.
152 (7) This section does not establish a preference for either parent solely because of the
153 gender of the parent.
154 [
155 joint physical custody or sole physical custody, but allows the court and the family the widest
156 discretion to choose a parenting plan that is in the best interest of the child.
157 [
158 of a deployment of one or both parents who are servicemembers, and the servicemember has
159 not yet been notified of deployment, the court shall resolve the issue based on the standards in
160 Sections 78B-20-306 through 78B-20-309.
161 [
162 party under Subsection [
163 not discriminate against a parent because of or otherwise consider the parent's:
164 (a) lawful possession or use of cannabis in a medicinal dosage form, a cannabis
165 product in a medicinal dosage form, or a medical cannabis device, in accordance with Title 26,
166 Chapter 61a, Utah Medical Cannabis Act, except as it relates to that parent's ability to care for a
167 child; or
168 (b) status as a:
169 (i) cannabis production establishment agent, as that term is defined in Section
170 4-41a-102;
171 (ii) medical cannabis pharmacy agent, as that term is defined in Section 26-61a-102;
172 (iii) state central fill agent, as that term is defined in Section 26-61a-102; or
173 (iv) medical cannabis cardholder in accordance with Title 26, Chapter 61a, Utah
174 Medical Cannabis Act.
175 Section 2. Section 30-3-10.2 is amended to read:
176 30-3-10.2. Joint custody order -- Factors for court determination -- Public
177 assistance.
178 (1) The court may order joint legal custody or joint physical custody or both if one or
179 both parents have filed a parenting plan in accordance with Section 30-3-10.8 and [
180 determines that joint legal custody or joint physical custody or both is in the best interest of the
181 child.
182 (2) In determining whether the best interest of a child will be served by ordering joint
183 legal custody or joint physical custody or both, the court shall consider the custody factors in
184 Section 30-3-10 and the following factors:
185 (a) whether the physical, psychological, and emotional needs and development of the
186 child will benefit from joint legal custody or joint physical custody or both;
187 (b) the ability of the parents to give first priority to the welfare of the child and reach
188 shared decisions in the child's best interest;
189 [
192 (c) co-parenting skills, including:
193 (i) ability to appropriately communicate with the other parent;
194 (ii) ability to encourage the sharing of love and affection; and
195 (iii) willingness to allow frequent and continuous contact between the child and the
196 other parent, except that, if the court determines that the parent is acting to protect the child
197 from domestic violence, neglect, or abuse, the parent's protective actions may be taken into
198 consideration; and
199 (d) whether both parents participated in raising the child before the divorce;
200 (e) the geographical proximity of the homes of the parents;
201 (f) the preference of the child if the child is of sufficient age and capacity to reason so
202 as to form an intelligent preference as to joint legal custody or joint physical custody or both;
203 (g) the maturity of the parents and their willingness and ability to protect the child from
204 conflict that may arise between the parents;
205 (h) the past and present ability of the parents to cooperate with each other and make
206 decisions jointly; and
207 [
208 [
209 (3) The determination of the best interest of the child shall be by a preponderance of
210 the evidence.
211 (4) The court shall inform both parties that an order for joint physical custody may
212 preclude eligibility for cash assistance provided under Title 35A, Chapter 3, Employment
213 Support Act.
214 (5) The court may order that [
215 disputes by a dispute resolution method before seeking enforcement or modification of the
216 terms and conditions of the order of joint legal custody or joint physical custody through
217 litigation, except in emergency situations requiring ex parte orders to protect the child.
218 Section 3. Section 30-3-10.4 is amended to read:
219 30-3-10.4. Modification or termination of order.
220 (1) On the petition of one or both of the parents, or the joint legal or physical
221 custodians if they are not the parents, the court may, after a hearing, modify or terminate an
222 order that established joint legal custody or joint physical custody if:
223 (a) the verified petition or accompanying affidavit initially alleges that admissible
224 evidence will show that the circumstances of the child or one or both parents or joint legal or
225 physical custodians have materially and substantially changed since the entry of the order to be
226 modified;
227 (b) a modification of the terms and conditions of the order would be an improvement
228 for and in the best interest of the child; and
229 (c) (i) both parents have complied in good faith with the dispute resolution procedure
230 in accordance with Subsection 30-3-10.3(7); or
231 (ii) if no dispute resolution procedure is contained in the order that established joint
232 legal custody or joint physical custody, the court orders the parents to participate in a dispute
233 resolution procedure in accordance with Subsection 30-3-10.2(5) unless the parents certify that,
234 in good faith, they have used a dispute resolution procedure to resolve their dispute.
235 (2) (a) In determining whether the best interest of a child will be served by either
236 modifying or terminating the joint legal custody or joint physical custody order, the court shall,
237 in addition to other factors the court considers relevant, consider the factors outlined in Section
238 30-3-10 and Subsection 30-3-10.2(2).
239 (b) A court order modifying or terminating an existing joint legal custody or joint
240 physical custody order shall contain written findings that:
241 (i) a material and substantial change of circumstance has occurred; and
242 (ii) a modification of the terms and conditions of the order would be an improvement
243 for and in the best interest of the child.
244 (c) The court shall give substantial weight to the existing joint legal custody or joint
245 physical custody order when the child is thriving, happy, and well-adjusted.
246 (3) The court shall, in every case regarding a petition for termination of a joint legal
247 custody or joint physical custody order, consider reasonable alternatives to preserve the
248 existing order in accordance with Subsection 30-3-10[
249 terms and conditions of the existing order in accordance with Subsection 30-3-10[
250 may order the parents to file a parenting plan in accordance with this chapter.
251 (4) A parent requesting a modification from sole custody to joint legal custody or joint
252 physical custody or both, or any other type of shared parenting arrangement, shall file and serve
253 a proposed parenting plan with the petition to modify in accordance with Section 30-3-10.8.
254 (5) If the court finds that an action under this section is filed or answered frivolously
255 and in a manner designed to harass the other party, the court shall assess attorney fees as costs
256 against the offending party.
257 (6) [
258 deployment of one or both parents who are servicemembers, and the servicemember has not yet
259 been notified of deployment, the court shall resolve the issue based on the standards in Sections
260 78B-20-306 through 78B-20-309.
261 Section 4. Section 30-3-32 is amended to read:
262 30-3-32. Parent-time -- Intent -- Policy -- Definitions.
263 (1) It is the intent of the Legislature to promote parent-time at a level consistent with
264 all parties' interests.
265 (2) (a) A court shall consider as primary the safety and well-being of the child and the
266 parent who experiences domestic or family violence.
267 (b) Absent a showing by a preponderance of evidence of real harm or substantiated
268 potential harm to the child:
269 (i) it is in the best interests of the child of divorcing, divorced, or adjudicated parents to
270 have frequent, meaningful, and continuing access to each parent following separation or
271 divorce;
272 (ii) each divorcing, separating, or adjudicated parent is entitled to and responsible for
273 frequent, meaningful, and continuing access with the parent's child consistent with the child's
274 best interests; and
275 (iii) it is in the best interests of the child to have both parents actively involved in
276 parenting the child.
277 (c) An order issued by a court pursuant to Title 78B, Chapter 7, Part 1, Cohabitant
278 Abuse Act, shall be considered evidence of real harm or substantiated potential harm to the
279 child.
280 (3) For purposes of [
281 (a) "Child" means the child or children of divorcing, separating, or adjudicated parents.
282 (b) Subject to Subsection (5), "Christmas school vacation" means:
283 (i) for a single child, the time period beginning on the evening the child is released
284 from school for the Christmas or winter school break and ending the evening before the child
285 returns to school; and
286 (ii) for multiple children when the children's school schedules differ, at the option of
287 the parent exercising the holiday or the parent's half of the holiday, the time period [
288 may begin on the first evening all children's schools are released for the Christmas or winter
289 school break and [
290 (c) "Extended parent-time" means a period of parent-time other than a weekend,
291 holiday as provided in Subsections 30-3-35(2)(f) and (2)(g), religious holidays as provided in
292 Subsections 30-3-33(3) and (17), and "Christmas school vacation."
293 (d) "Supervised parent-time" means parent-time that requires the noncustodial parent to
294 be accompanied during parent-time by an individual approved by the court.
295 (e) "Surrogate care" means care by any individual other than the parent of the child.
296 (f) "Uninterrupted time" means parent-time exercised by one parent without
297 interruption at any time by the presence of the other parent.
298 (g) "Virtual parent-time" means parent-time facilitated by tools such as telephone,
299 email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and other wired or wireless technologies over the
300 Internet or other communication media to supplement in-person visits between a noncustodial
301 parent and a child or between a child and the custodial parent when the child is staying with the
302 noncustodial parent. Virtual parent-time is designed to supplement, not replace, in-person
303 parent-time.
304 (4) If a parent relocates because of an act of domestic violence or family violence by
305 the other parent, the court shall make specific findings and orders with regards to the
306 application of Section 30-3-37.
307 (5) A Christmas school vacation shall be divided equally as required by Section
308 30-3-35.
309 Section 5. Section 30-3-34 is amended to read:
310 30-3-34. Parent-time -- Best interests -- Rebuttable presumption.
311 (1) If the parties are unable to agree on a parent-time schedule, the court may establish
312 a parent-time schedule consistent with the best interests of the child.
313 (2) The advisory guidelines as provided in Section 30-3-33 and the parent-time
314 schedule as provided in Sections 30-3-35 and 30-3-35.5 shall be presumed to be in the best
315 interests of the child unless the court determines that Section 30-3-35.1 should apply. The
316 parent-time schedule shall be considered the minimum parent-time to which the noncustodial
317 parent and the child shall be entitled unless a parent can establish otherwise by a preponderance
318 of the evidence that more or less parent-time should be awarded based upon [
319 of the following criteria:
320 (a) parent-time would endanger the child's physical health or mental health, or
321 significantly impair the child's emotional development;
322 (b) evidence of domestic violence, neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, or emotional
323 abuse, involving the child, a parent, or a household member of the parent;
324 [
325 [
326 made;
327 [
328 child's well-being during parent-time;
329 [
330 shelter for the child during periods of parent-time;
331 [
332 sufficient maturity;
333 [
334 corrections facility, or an adult corrections facility;
335 [
336 [
337 school, community, religious, or other related activities of the child;
338 [
339 custodial parent is unavailable to do so because of work or other circumstances;
340 [
341 scheduled parent-time;
342 [
343 relationship [
344 [
345 [
346 [
347 child.
348 (3) The court shall enter the reasons underlying [
349 that:
350 (a) incorporates a parent-time schedule provided in Section 30-3-35 or 30-3-35.5; or
351 (b) provides more or less parent-time than a parent-time schedule provided in Section
352 30-3-35 or 30-3-35.5.
353 (4) Once the parent-time schedule has been established, the parties may not alter the
354 schedule except by mutual consent of the parties or a court order.
355 Section 6. Section 30-3-35 is amended to read:
356 30-3-35. Minimum schedule for parent-time for children 5 to 18 years of age.
357 (1) The parent-time schedule in this section applies to children 5 to 18 years of age.
358 (2) If the parties do not agree to a parent-time schedule, the following schedule shall be
359 considered the minimum parent-time to which the noncustodial parent and the child shall be
360 entitled.
361 (a) (i) (A) One weekday evening to be specified by the noncustodial parent or the court,
362 or Wednesday evening if not specified, from 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.;
363 (B) at the election of the noncustodial parent, one weekday from the time the child's
364 school is regularly dismissed until 8:30 p.m., unless the court directs the application of
365 Subsection (2)(a)(i); or
366 (C) at the election of the noncustodial parent, if school is not in session, one weekday
367 from approximately 9 a.m., accommodating the custodial parent's work schedule, until 8:30
368 p.m. if the noncustodial parent is available to be with the child, unless the court directs the
369 application of Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) or (2)(a)(i)(B).
370 (ii) Once the election of the weekday for the weekday evening parent-time is made, it
371 may not be changed except by mutual written agreement or court order.
372 (b) (i) (A) Alternating weekends beginning on the first weekend after the entry of the
373 decree from 6 p.m. on Friday until 7 p.m. on Sunday continuing each year;
374 (B) at the election of the noncustodial parent, from the time the child's school is
375 regularly dismissed on Friday until 7 p.m. on Sunday, unless the court directs the application of
376 Subsection (2)(b)(i)(A); or
377 (C) at the election of the noncustodial parent, if school is not in session, on Friday from
378 approximately 9 a.m., accommodating the custodial parent's work schedule, until 7 p.m. on
379 Sunday, if the noncustodial parent is available to be with the child unless the court directs the
380 application of Subsection (2)(b)(i)(A) or (2)(b)(i)(B).
381 (ii) A step-parent, grandparent, or other responsible adult designated by the
382 noncustodial parent, may pick up the child if the custodial parent is aware of the identity of the
383 individual, and the parent will be with the child by 7 p.m.
384 (iii) An election should be made by the noncustodial parent at the time of entry of the
385 divorce decree or court order, and may be changed by mutual agreement, court order, or by the
386 noncustodial parent in the event of a change in the child's schedule.
387 (iv) Weekends include any "snow" days, teacher development days, or other days when
388 school is not scheduled and which are contiguous to the weekend period.
389 (c) Holidays include any "snow" days, teacher development days after the children
390 begin the school year, or other days when school is not scheduled, contiguous to the holiday
391 period, and take precedence over the weekend parent-time. Changes may not be made to the
392 regular rotation of the alternating weekend parent-time schedule, however:
393 (i) birthdays take precedence over holidays and extended parent-time, except Mother's
394 Day and Father's Day; and
395 (ii) birthdays do not take precedence over uninterrupted parent-time if the parent
396 exercising uninterrupted time takes the child away from that parent's residence for the
397 uninterrupted extended parent-time.
398 (d) If a holiday falls on a regularly scheduled school day, the noncustodial parent shall
399 be responsible for the child's attendance at school for that school day.
400 (e) (i) If a holiday falls on a weekend or on a Friday or Monday and the total holiday
401 period extends beyond that time so that the child is free from school and the parent is free from
402 work, the noncustodial parent shall be entitled to this lengthier holiday period.
403 (ii) (A) At the election of the noncustodial parent, parent-time over a scheduled holiday
404 weekend may begin from the time the child's school is regularly dismissed at the beginning of
405 the holiday weekend until 7 p.m. on the last day of the holiday weekend; or
406 (B) at the election of the noncustodial parent, if school is not in session, parent-time
407 over a scheduled holiday weekend may begin at approximately 9 a.m., accommodating the
408 custodial parent's work schedule, the first day of the holiday weekend until 7 p.m. on the last
409 day of the holiday weekend, if the noncustodial parent is available to be with the child unless
410 the court directs the application of Subsection (2)(e)(ii)(A).
411 (iii) A step-parent, grandparent, or other responsible individual designated by the
412 noncustodial parent, may pick up the child if the custodial parent is aware of the identity of the
413 individual, and the parent will be with the child by 7 p.m.
414 (iv) An election should be made by the noncustodial parent at the time of the divorce
415 decree or court order, and may be changed by mutual agreement, court order, or by the
416 noncustodial parent in the event of a change in the child's schedule.
417 (f) In years ending in an odd number, the noncustodial parent is entitled to the
418 following holidays:
419 (i) child's birthday on the day before or after the actual birthdate beginning at 3 p.m.
420 until 9 p.m., at the discretion of the noncustodial parent, the noncustodial parent may take other
421 siblings along for the birthday;
422 (ii) Martin Luther King, Jr. beginning 6 p.m. on Friday until Monday at 7 p.m. unless
423 the holiday extends for a lengthier period of time to which the noncustodial parent is
424 completely entitled;
425 (iii) subject to Subsection (2)(i), spring break beginning at 6 p.m. on the day school lets
426 out for the holiday until 7 p.m. on the evening before school resumes;
427 (iv) July 4 beginning 6 p.m. the day before the holiday until 11 p.m. or no later than 6
428 p.m. on the day following the holiday, at the option of the parent exercising the holiday;
429 (v) Labor Day beginning 6 p.m. on Friday until Monday at 7 p.m., unless the holiday
430 extends for a lengthier period of time to which the noncustodial parent is completely entitled;
431 (vi) the fall school break, if applicable, commonly known as U.E.A. weekend
432 beginning at 6 p.m. on Wednesday until Sunday at 7 p.m. unless the holiday extends for a
433 lengthier period of time to which the noncustodial parent is completely entitled;
434 (vii) Veterans Day holiday beginning 6 p.m. the day before the holiday until 7 p.m. on
435 the holiday; and
436 (viii) the first portion of the Christmas school vacation as defined in Subsection
437 30-3-32(3)(b) including Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, continuing until 1 p.m. on the day
438 halfway through the holiday period, if there are an odd number of days for the holiday period,
439 or until 7 p.m. if there are an even number of days for the holiday period, so long as the entire
440 holiday period is equally divided.
441 (g) In years ending in an even number, the noncustodial parent is entitled to the
442 following holidays:
443 (i) child's birthday on actual birthdate beginning at 3 p.m. until 9 p.m., at the discretion
444 of the noncustodial parent, the noncustodial parent may take other siblings along for the
445 birthday;
446 (ii) President's Day beginning at 6 p.m. on Friday until 7 p.m. on Monday unless the
447 holiday extends for a lengthier period of time to which the noncustodial parent is completely
448 entitled;
449 (iii) Memorial Day beginning at 6 p.m. on Friday until Monday at 7 p.m., unless the
450 holiday extends for a lengthier period of time to which the noncustodial parent is completely
451 entitled;
452 (iv) July 24 beginning at 6 p.m. on the day before the holiday until 11 p.m. or no later
453 than 6 p.m. on the day following the holiday, at the option of the parent exercising the holiday;
454 (v) Columbus Day beginning at 6 p.m. the day before the holiday until 7 p.m. on the
455 holiday;
456 (vi) Halloween on October 31 or the day Halloween is traditionally celebrated in the
457 local community from after school until 9 p.m. if on a school day, or from 4 p.m. until 9 p.m.;
458 (vii) Thanksgiving holiday beginning Wednesday at 7 p.m. until Sunday at 7 p.m.; and
459 (viii) the second portion of the Christmas school vacation as defined in Subsection
460 30-3-32(3)(b), beginning 1 p.m. on the day halfway through the holiday period, if there are an
461 odd number of days for the holiday period, or at 7 p.m. if there are an even number of days for
462 the holiday period, so long as the entire Christmas holiday period is equally divided.
463 (h) The custodial parent is entitled to the odd year holidays in even years and the even
464 year holidays in odd years.
465 (i) If there is more than one child and the children's school schedules vary for purpose
466 of a holiday, [
467 parent's half of the holiday the children [
468 beginning the first evening that all children's schools are let out for the holiday and ending the
469 evening before any child returns to school.
470 (j) Father's Day shall be spent with the natural or adoptive father every year beginning
471 at 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. on the holiday.
472 (k) Mother's Day shall be spent with the natural or adoptive mother every year
473 beginning at 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. on the holiday.
474 (l) Extended parent-time with the noncustodial parent may be:
475 (i) up to four consecutive weeks when school is not in session at the option of the
476 noncustodial parent, including weekends normally exercised by the noncustodial parent, but
477 not holidays;
478 (ii) two weeks shall be uninterrupted time for the noncustodial parent; and
479 (iii) the remaining two weeks shall be subject to parent-time for the custodial parent for
480 weekday parent-time but not weekends, except for a holiday to be exercised by the other
481 parent.
482 (m) The custodial parent shall have an identical two-week period of uninterrupted time
483 when school is not in session for purposes of vacation.
484 (n) Both parents shall provide notification of extended parent-time or vacation weeks
485 with the child at least 30 days before the end of the child's school year to the other parent and if
486 notification is not provided timely the complying parent may determine the schedule for
487 extended parent-time for the noncomplying parent.
488 (o) Telephone contact shall be at reasonable hours and for a reasonable duration.
489 (p) Virtual parent-time, if the equipment is reasonably available and the parents reside
490 at least 100 miles apart, shall be at reasonable hours and for reasonable duration, provided that
491 if the parties cannot agree on whether the equipment is reasonably available, the court shall
492 decide whether the equipment for virtual parent-time is reasonably available, taking into
493 consideration:
494 (i) the best interests of the child;
495 (ii) each parent's ability to handle any additional expenses for virtual parent-time; and
496 (iii) any other factors the court considers material.
497 (3) An election required to be made in accordance with this section by either parent
498 concerning parent-time shall be made a part of the decree and made a part of the parent-time
499 order.
500 (4) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(e)(i), the Halloween holiday may not be extended
501 beyond the hours designated in Subsection (2)(g)(vi).
502 Section 7. Section 30-3-35.1 is amended to read:
503 30-3-35.1. Optional schedule for parent-time for children 5 to 18 years of age.
504 (1) The optional parent-time schedule in this section applies to [
505 18 years of age. This schedule is 145 overnights. Any impact on child support shall be
506 consistent with Subsection 78B-12-102(15).
507 (2) The parents and the court may consider the following increased parent-time
508 schedule as a minimum when the parties agree or the noncustodial parent can demonstrate the
509 following:
510 (a) the noncustodial parent has been actively involved in the child's life;
511 (b) the parties are able to communicate effectively regarding the child, or the
512 noncustodial parent has a plan to accomplish effective communications regarding the child;
513 (c) the noncustodial parent has the ability to facilitate the increased parent-time;
514 (d) the increased parent-time would be in the best interest of the child; and
515 (e) any other factor the court considers relevant.
516 (3) In determining whether a noncustodial parent has been actively involved in the
517 child's life, the court shall consider:
518 (a) demonstrated responsibility in caring for the child;
519 (b) involvement in [
520 (c) presence or volunteer efforts in the child's school and at extracurricular activities;
521 (d) assistance with the child's homework;
522 (e) involvement in preparation of meals, bath time, and bedtime for the child;
523 (f) bonding with the child; and
524 (g) any other factor the court considers relevant.
525 (4) In determining whether a noncustodial parent has the ability to facilitate the
526 increased parent-time, the court shall consider:
527 (a) the geographic distance between the residences of the parents and the distance
528 between the parents' residences and the child's school;
529 (b) the noncustodial parent's ability to assist with after school care;
530 (c) the health of the child and the noncustodial parent, consistent with Subsection
531 30-3-10[
532 (d) flexibility of employment or other schedule of the parent;
533 (e) ability to provide appropriate playtime with the child;
534 (f) history and ability of the parent to implement a flexible schedule for the child;
535 (g) physical facilities of the noncustodial parent's residence; and
536 (h) any other factor the court considers relevant.
537 (5) An election required to be made in accordance with this section by either parent
538 concerning parent-time shall be made a part of the decree and made a part of the parent-time
539 order. An election may only be changed by mutual agreement, court order, or by the
540 noncustodial parent in the event of a change in the child's schedule.
541 (6) If the parties agree or the court enters an order for the optional parent-time schedule
542 as set forth in this section, a parenting plan in compliance with Sections 30-3-10.7 through
543 30-3-10.10 shall be filed with any order incorporating the following optional parent-time
544 schedule[
545 (a) The noncustodial parent or the court may specify one weekday for parent-time. If
546 no day is specified, weekday parent-time shall be on Wednesday from 5:30 p.m. until the
547 following day when delivering the child to school, or until 8 a.m., if there is no school the
548 following day. Once the election of the weekday is made, it may only be changed in
549 accordance with Subsection (5). At the election of the noncustodial parent, weekday
550 parent-time may commence:
551 (i) from the time the child's school is regularly dismissed; or
552 (ii) if school is not in session, and the parent is available to be with the child, at
553 approximately 8 a.m., accommodating the custodial parent's work schedule.
554 (b) Beginning on the first weekend after the entry of the decree, the noncustodial parent
555 shall be entitled to alternating weekends beginning on the first weekend after the entry of the
556 decree from 6 p.m. on Friday until Monday when delivering the child to school, or until 8 a.m.
557 if there is no school on Monday. At the election of the noncustodial parent, weekend
558 parent-time may commence:
559 (i) from the time the child's school is regularly dismissed on Friday; or
560 (ii) if school is not in session, and the parent is available to be with the child, at
561 approximately 8 a.m. on Friday, accommodating the custodial parent's work schedule.
562 (c) Subsections 30-3-35(2)(f) through (p) are incorporated into this section and
563 constitute the parent-time schedule with the exception that all instances that require the
564 noncustodial parent to return the child at any time after 6 p.m. be changed so that the
565 noncustodial parent is required to return the child to school the next morning or at 8 a.m., if
566 there is no school.
567 (7) A stepparent, grandparent, or other responsible adult designated by the noncustodial
568 parent may pick up the child if the custodial parent is aware of the identity of the individual,
569 and if the noncustodial parent will be with the child by 7 p.m.
570 (8) Weekends include any "snow" days, teacher development days, or other days when
571 school is not scheduled and that are contiguous to the weekend period.
572 (9) Holidays include any "snow" days, teacher development days after the child begins
573 the school year, or other days when school is not scheduled, contiguous to the holiday period,
574 and take precedence over weekend parent-time. Changes may not be made to the regular
575 rotation of the alternating weekend parent-time schedule.
576 (a) If a holiday falls on a school day, the noncustodial parent shall be responsible for
577 the child's attendance at school for that school day.
578 (b) If a holiday falls on a weekend or on a Friday or Monday and the total holiday
579 period extends beyond that time so that the child is free from school and the parent is free from
580 work, the noncustodial parent shall be entitled to this lengthier holiday period.
581 (c) At the election of the noncustodial parent, parent-time over a scheduled holiday
582 weekend may begin from the time the child's school is dismissed at the beginning of the
583 holiday weekend or, if school is not in session, and if the noncustodial parent is available to be
584 with the child, parent-time over a scheduled holiday weekend may begin at approximately 8
585 a.m., accommodating the custodial parent's work schedule, unless the court directs the
586 application of Subsection (6)(a).
587 (10) Birthdays take precedence over holidays and extended parent-time, except
588 Mother's Day and Father's Day. Birthdays do not take precedence over uninterrupted
589 parent-time if the parent exercising uninterrupted time is out of town for the uninterrupted
590 extended parent-time. At the discretion of the noncustodial parent, other siblings may be taken
591 along for birthdays.
592 (11) Notwithstanding Subsection (9)(b), the Halloween holiday may not be extended
593 beyond the hours designated in Subsection 30-3-35(2)(g)(vi).
594 (12) If there [
595 of five who are the natural or adopted children of the parties, the parents and the court should
596 consider an upward deviation for parent-time with all the minor children so that parent-time is
597 uniform based on a schedule pursuant to this section.
598 Section 8. Section 78A-6-104 is amended to read:
599 78A-6-104. Concurrent jurisdiction -- District court and juvenile court.
600 (1) The district court or other court has concurrent jurisdiction with the juvenile court
601 as follows:
602 (a) when a person who is 18 years of age or older and who is under the continuing
603 jurisdiction of the juvenile court under Section 78A-6-117 violates any federal, state, or local
604 law or municipal ordinance; and
605 (b) in establishing paternity and ordering testing for the purposes of establishing
606 paternity, in accordance with Title 78B, Chapter 15, Utah Uniform Parentage Act, with regard
607 to proceedings initiated under Part 3, Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency Proceedings, or Part 5,
608 Termination of Parental Rights Act.
609 (2) The juvenile court has jurisdiction over petitions to modify a minor's birth
610 certificate if the court otherwise has jurisdiction over the minor.
611 (3) This section does not deprive the district court of jurisdiction to appoint a guardian
612 for a child, or to determine the support, custody, and parent-time of a child upon writ of habeas
613 corpus or when the question of support, custody, and parent-time is incidental to the
614 determination of a cause in the district court.
615 (4) (a) [
616 district court in a divorce action or other proceeding, and the jurisdiction of the district court in
617 the case is continuing, the juvenile court may acquire jurisdiction in a case involving the same
618 child if the child is dependent, abused, neglected, or otherwise comes within the jurisdiction of
619 the juvenile court under Section 78A-6-103.
620 (b) The juvenile court may, by order, change the custody, subject to Subsection
621 30-3-10[
622 court as necessary to implement the order of the juvenile court for the safety and welfare of the
623 child. The juvenile court order remains in effect so long as the jurisdiction of the juvenile court
624 continues.
625 (c) [
626 the district court, the findings and order of the juvenile court are binding on the parties to the
627 divorce action as though entered in the district court.
628 (5) The juvenile court has jurisdiction over questions of custody, support, and
629 parent-time of a minor who comes within the court's jurisdiction under this section or Section
630 78A-6-103.
631 Section 9. Section 78B-15-610 is amended to read:
632 78B-15-610. Joinder of judicial proceedings -- Court reliance of custody and
633 parent-time standards.
634 (1) Except as otherwise provided in Subsection (2), a judicial proceeding to adjudicate
635 parentage may be joined with a proceeding for adoption, termination of parental rights, child
636 custody or visitation, child support, divorce, annulment, legal separation or separate
637 maintenance, probate or administration of an estate, or other appropriate proceeding.
638 (2) A respondent may not join a proceeding described in Subsection (1) with a
639 proceeding to adjudicate parentage brought under Title 78B, Chapter 14, Utah Uniform
640 Interstate Family Support Act.
641 (3) A court may rely on Title 30, Chapter 3, Divorce, in determining issues related to
642 custody or parent-time.