Representative Norman K. Thurston proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Norman K. Thurston

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble


8     General Description:
9          This bill enacts licensing and operational standards for trampoline parks.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     defines terms;
13          ▸     requires the operator of a trampoline park to obtain a business license to operate the
14     trampoline park;
15          ▸     provides for a local regulating authority to suspend or revoke a trampoline park
16     operator's business license for noncompliance;
17          ▸     identifies industry standards with which a trampoline park must comply;
18          ▸     describes specific notification, training, supervision, injury reporting, and
19     emergency response standards with which a trampoline park must comply;
20          ▸     requires an annual inspection;
21          ▸     requires a trampoline park operator to annually provide a local regulating authority
22     certain certificates of compliance;
23          ▸     requires a trampoline park to carry certain insurance; and
24          ▸     insulates a trampoline park from liability claims due to certain inherent risks related
25     to the use of a trampoline park.

26     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
27          None
28     Other Special Clauses:
29          None
30     Utah Code Sections Affected:
31     ENACTS:
32          11-63-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
33          11-63-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
34          11-63-103, Utah Code Annotated 1953
35          11-63-201, Utah Code Annotated 1953
36          11-63-202, Utah Code Annotated 1953
37          11-63-301, Utah Code Annotated 1953
38          11-63-302, Utah Code Annotated 1953
39          11-63-303, Utah Code Annotated 1953
40          11-63-304, Utah Code Annotated 1953
41          11-63-305, Utah Code Annotated 1953
42          11-63-401, Utah Code Annotated 1953
43          11-63-402, Utah Code Annotated 1953
44          11-63-501, Utah Code Annotated 1953
45          11-63-502, Utah Code Annotated 1953

47     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
48          Section 1. Section 11-63-101 is enacted to read:

Part 1. General Provisions

51          11-63-101. Title.
52          This chapter shall be known as "Trampoline Park Safety."
53          Section 2. Section 11-63-102 is enacted to read:
54          11-63-102. Definitions.
55          As used in this chapter:
56          (1) "Commercial trampoline" means a device that:

57          (a) incorporates a trampoline bed; and
58          (b) is used for recreational jumping, springing, bouncing, acrobatics, or gymnastics in a
59     trampoline park.
60          (2) "Emergency response plan" means a written plan of action for the reasonable and
61     appropriate contact, deployment, and coordination of services, agencies, and personnel to
62     provide the earliest possible response to an injury or emergency.
63          (3) "Inherent risk" means a danger or condition that is an integral part of an activity
64     occurring at a trampoline park.
65          (4) "Inspection" means a procedure that an inspector conducts to:
66          (a) determine whether a trampoline park facility, including any device or material, is
67     constructed, assembled, maintained, tested, and operated in accordance with this chapter and
68     the manufacturer's recommendations;
69          (b) determine the operational safety of a trampoline park facility, including any device
70     or material; and
71          (c) determine whether the trampoline park's policies and procedures comply with this
72     chapter.
73          (5) "Inspector" means an individual who:
74          (a) conducts an inspection of a trampoline park to certify compliance with this chapter
75     and industry safety standards; and
76          (b) (i) is certified by:
77          (A) an organization that develops and publishes consensus standards for a wide range
78     of materials, products, systems, and services that are used for trampolines; or
79          (B) an organization that promotes trampoline park safety and adopts the standards
80     described in Subsection (5)(b)(i)(A);
81          (ii) represents the insurer of the trampoline park;
82          (iii) represents or is certified by a department or agency, regardless of whether the
83     agency is located within the state, that:
84          (A) inspects amusement and recreational facilities and equipment; and
85          (B) certifies and trains professional private industry inspectors through written testing
86     and continuing education requirements; or
87          (iv) represents an organization that the United States Olympic Committee designates as

88     the national governing body for gymnastics.
89          (6) "Local regulating authority" means the business licensing division of:
90          (a) the city, town, or metro township in which the trampoline park is located; or
91          (b) if the trampoline park is located in an unincorporated area, the county.
92          (7) "Operator" means a person who owns, manages, or controls or who has the duty to
93     manage or control the operation of a trampoline park.
94          (8) "Participant" means an individual that uses trampoline park equipment.
95          (9) "Trampoline bed" means the flexible surface of a trampoline on which a user jumps
96     or bounces.
97          (10) "Trampoline court" means an area of a trampoline park comprising:
98          (a) multiple commercial trampolines; or
99          (b) at least one commercial trampoline and at least one associated foam or inflatable
100     bag pit.
101          (11) "Trampoline park" means a place of business that offers the recreational use of a
102     trampoline court for a fee.
103          Section 3. Section 11-63-103 is enacted to read:
104          11-63-103. Exemptions.
105          This chapter does not apply to:
106          (1) a playground that a school or local government operates, if:
107          (a) the playground is an incidental amenity; and
108          (b) the operating entity does not primarily derive revenue from operating the
109     playground for a fee;
110          (2) a gymnastics, dance, cheer, or tumbling facility where:
111          (a) the majority of activities are based in training or rehearsal and not recreation;
112          (b) the facility derives at least 80% of revenues through supervised instruction or
113     classes; and
114          (c) the student-coach or student-instructor ratio is based on age, skill level, and number
115     of students; or
116          (3) equipment used exclusively for exercise, an inflatable ride, or an inflatable bounce
117     house.
118          Section 4. Section 11-63-201 is enacted to read:

Part 2. License Required

120          11-63-201. Municipal or county business license required.
121          To operate a trampoline park the operator of a trampoline park shall obtain and
122     maintain, conditioned upon compliance with this chapter:
123          (1) if the trampoline park is located within an incorporated municipality, a municipal
124     business license authorized under Section 10-1-203; or
125          (2) if located within the unincorporated area of a county, a county business license
126     authorized under Section 17-53-216.
127          Section 5. Section 11-63-202 is enacted to read:
128          11-63-202. Violation -- License suspension or revocation.
129          (1) Except as provided in this section, a violation of this chapter is grounds for the
130     local regulating authority to suspend or revoke the operator's business license.
131          (2) A local regulating authority may not suspend or revoke a license under Subsection
132     (1) unless:
133          (a) the local regulating authority provides the operator with at least 60 days to cure the
134     violation that is the grounds for the action in accordance with the policy described in
135     Subsection (3); or
136          (b) regardless of the operator curing a violation as described in Subsection (2)(a), the
137     violation repeats.
138          (3) A local regulating authority that licenses a trampoline park operator shall define the
139     reasonable opportunity to cure violations described in Subsection (2)(a) by creating a generally
140     applicable policy that identifies a standard timeline and process for curing a violation.
141          Section 6. Section 11-63-301 is enacted to read:
Part 3. Safety Standards

143          11-63-301. Compliance with industry standards.
144          A trampoline park operator shall:
145          (1) ensure that the trampoline park complies with industry standards regarding:
146          (a) signage and notification for proper use of the trampoline park, safety procedures,
147     and education of risk;
148          (b) equipment and facilities, including materials, layout, condition, and maintenance;
149          (c) staff training, including safety procedures and emergency response;

150          (d) participant activities and behaviors that should be restricted;
151          (e) separation of participants within the trampoline park based on age, size, or other
152     necessary factors;
153          (f) operational issues, including maintenance and injury logs and emergency response
154     plans;
155          (g) staff supervision and monitoring of activities; and
156          (h) statistical tracking of injuries in a manner that does not personally identify the
157     injured participant; and
158          (2) notify the licensing staff of the local regulating authority within 48 hours of any
159     changes in status to any requirement under this section.
160          Section 7. Section 11-63-302 is enacted to read:
161          11-63-302. Notification and education of risk -- Signs.
162          An operator shall prominently display throughout the trampoline park contrasted safety,
163     warning, advisory, and instructional signage reflecting the trampoline park's rules.
164          Section 8. Section 11-63-303 is enacted to read:
165          11-63-303. Trampoline park employee training and equipment.
166          An operator shall ensure that, during all hours of operation:
167          (1) at least one trampoline park employee is working onsite who is certified in first aid
168     and CPR; and
169          (2) the trampoline park has an operable automated external defibrillator.
170          Section 9. Section 11-63-304 is enacted to read:
171          11-63-304. Trampoline court supervision.
172          An operator shall:
173          (1) require that trampoline park employees monitor the trampoline court and
174     participants during all hours of operation; and
175          (2) ensure that the number of trampoline park employees described in Subsection (1) is
176     adequate to view each area of the trampoline court.
177          Section 10. Section 11-63-305 is enacted to read:
178          11-63-305. Reporting of injuries -- Emergency response plan.
179          (1) An operator shall develop, implement, and follow an in-house injury reporting
180     system and emergency response plan for injuries.

181          (2) The operator shall retain any records related to the injury reporting system and
182     emergency response plan described in Subsection (1).
183          (3) The operator shall make available to the Department of Health or the local health
184     department, upon request:
185          (a) the information contained in the injury reporting system described in Subsection
186     (1); and
187          (b) the records described in Subsection (2).
188          Section 11. Section 11-63-401 is enacted to read:
Part 4. Compliance

190          11-63-401. Annual certification to local regulating authority.
191          (1) A trampoline park operator shall provide the certifications described in Subsection
192     (2):
193          (a) at the time a trampoline park operator applies to a local regulating authority to
194     renew a business license to operate a trampoline park; and
195          (b) if the term of the license described in Subsection (1)(a) exceeds one year, at least
196     once per calendar year.
197          (2) In accordance with Subsection (1), a trampoline park operator shall certify
198     compliance with this chapter by submitting to the local regulating authority:
199          (a) an inspection certificate described in Subsection 11-63-402(3); and
200          (b) the certification of insurance described in Subsection 11-63-501(2).
201          Section 12. Section 11-63-402 is enacted to read:
202          11-63-402. Inspection.
203          A trampoline park operator shall:
204          (1) ensure that an inspector conducts an inspection of the facilities and records of the
205     trampoline park at least once per calendar year to certify compliance with:
206          (a) industry safety standards, including each category of standards described in Section
207     11-63-301; and
208          (b) this chapter, including safety standards described in Sections 11-63-302,
209     11-63-303, 11-63-304, and 11-63-305;
210          (2) during the inspection described in Subsection (1), provide the inspector with:
211          (a) proof that the trampoline court is maintained in good repair;

212          (b) an emergency response plan; and
213          (c) maintenance, inspection, staff member training, and injury logs; and
214          (3) obtain from the inspector a written report documenting the inspection and a
215     certificate certifying that:
216          (a) the trampoline park has successfully passed the inspection described in this section;
217     and
218          (b) the trampoline park is in full compliance with this chapter.
219          Section 13. Section 11-63-501 is enacted to read:
Part 5. Liability

221          11-63-501. Insurance.
222          A trampoline park operator shall:
223          (1) maintain insurance providing liability coverage of at least $1,000,000 in the
224     aggregate and $500,000 per incident to cover injuries to participants arising out of any
225     negligence or misconduct by the trampoline park operator or staff in the construction,
226     maintenance, or operation of the trampoline park;
227          (2) maintain a certificate of insurance demonstrating compliance with this section; and
228          (3) notify the licensing staff of the local regulating authority within 24 hours of the
229     lapse, expiration, or cancellation of the insurance described in Subsection (1).
230          Section 14. Section 11-63-502 is enacted to read:
231          11-63-502. Claims for inherent risks.
232          Notwithstanding anything in this chapter to the contrary, if a participant makes a claim
233     against an operator for an injury resulting from an inherent risk:
234          (1) the operator may raise as a defense the operator's compliance with Sections
235     11-63-301, 11-63-302, 11-63-303, 11-63-304, and 11-63-305; and
236          (2) the factfinder shall consider, in accordance with Section 78B-5-818, the operator's
237     compliance described in Subsection (1).