9 General Description:
10 This bill amends provisions related to financial and economic literacy education.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ amends the definition of "financial and economic literacy concepts";
14 ▸ amends provisions related to standards related to financial literacy;
15 ▸ repeals and reenacts provisions related to:
16 • a general financial literacy course; and
17 • professional development related to financial literacy education;
18 ▸ repeals provisions related to a financial and economic literacy passport;
19 ▸ amends provisions related to the convening of a task force; and
20 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
21 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22 None
23 Other Special Clauses:
24 None
25 Utah Code Sections Affected:
27 53E-3-505, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 22 and renumbered and
28 amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 1
29 53E-4-204, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 1
30 53G-10-305, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 3
32 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
33 Section 1. Section 53E-3-505 is amended to read:
34 53E-3-505. Financial and economic literacy education.
35 (1) As used in this section:
36 (a) "Financial and economic activities" include activities related to the topics listed in
37 Subsection (1)(b).
38 (b) "Financial and economic literacy concepts" include concepts related to the
39 following topics:
40 (i) basic budgeting;
41 (ii) saving and financial investments;
42 (iii) banking and financial services, including balancing a checkbook or a bank account
43 and online banking services;
44 (iv) career management, including earning an income;
45 (v) rights and responsibilities of renting or buying a home;
46 (vi) retirement planning;
47 (vii) loans and borrowing money, including interest, credit card debt, predatory
48 lending, and payday loans;
49 (viii) insurance;
50 (ix) federal, state, and local taxes;
51 (x) charitable giving;
52 [
53 [
54 [
55 [
56 [
57 (A) a command system such as socialism or communism, a market system such as
58 capitalism, and a mixed system; and
59 (B) historic and current examples of the effects of each economic system on economic
60 growth;
61 [
62 [
63 [
64 creating a plan;
65 [
66 [
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70 [
73 [
75 (2) The State Board of Education shall:
76 [
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85 [
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87 [
88 education into instruction in kindergarten through grade 12 by:
89 (i) coordinating financial and economic literacy instruction with existing instruction in
90 other areas of the core standards for Utah public schools, such as mathematics and social
91 studies;
92 (ii) using curriculum mapping;
93 (iii) creating training materials and staff development programs that:
94 (A) highlight areas of potential coordination between financial and economic literacy
95 education and other core standards for Utah public schools concepts; and
96 (B) demonstrate specific examples of financial and economic literacy concepts as a
97 way of teaching other core standards for Utah public schools concepts; and
98 (iv) using appropriate financial and economic literacy assessments to improve financial
99 and economic literacy education and, if necessary, developing assessments;
100 [
101 (i) identify, and make available to teachers, online resources for financial and
102 economic literacy education, including modules with interactive activities and turnkey
103 instructor resources;
104 (ii) coordinate school use of existing financial and economic literacy education
105 resources;
106 (iii) develop simple, clear, and consistent messaging to reinforce and link existing
107 financial literacy resources;
108 (iv) coordinate the efforts of school, work, private, nonprofit, and other financial
109 education providers in implementing methods of appropriately communicating to teachers,
110 students, and parents key financial and economic literacy messages; and
111 (v) encourage parents and students to establish higher education savings, including a
112 Utah Educational Savings Plan account;
113 [
114 Act, make rules to develop guidelines and methods for school districts and charter schools to
115 more fully integrate financial and economic literacy education into other core standards for
116 Utah public schools courses; and
117 (d) in cooperation with school districts, charter schools, and interested private and
118 nonprofit entities, provide opportunities for professional development in financial and
119 economic literacy concepts to teachers, including:
120 (i) a statewide learning community for financial and economic literacy;
121 (ii) summer workshops; and
122 (iii) online videos of experts in the field of financial and economic literacy education.
123 (3) The state board shall:
124 (a) administer a general financial literacy course in the same manner that the state
125 board administers other core standards for Utah public school courses for grades 9 through 12;
126 (b) adopt standards and objectives for the general financial literacy course that address:
127 (i) financial and economic literacy concepts;
128 (ii) the costs of going to college, student loans, scholarships, and the Free Application
129 for Federal Student Aid;
130 (iii) financial benefits of pursuing concurrent enrollment as defined in Section
131 53E-10-301; and
132 (iv) technology that relates to banking, savings, and financial products; and
133 [
134 an online, end-of-course assessment for the general financial literacy course;
135 (ii) require a school district or charter school to administer an online, end-of-course
136 assessment to a student who takes the general financial literacy course; and
137 (iii) develop a plan, through the state superintendent of public instruction, to analyze
138 the results of an online, end-of-course assessment in general financial literacy that includes:
139 (A) an analysis of assessment results by standard; and
140 (B) average scores statewide and by school district and school[
141 [
144 [
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146 [
147 [
148 recommendations to the board on how to improve financial and economic literacy education in
149 the public school system.
150 (b) The task force membership shall include representatives of:
151 (i) the State Board of Education;
152 (ii) school districts and charter schools;
153 (iii) the State Board of Regents; and
154 (iv) private or public entities that teach financial education and share a commitment to
155 empower individuals and families to achieve economic stability, opportunity, and upward
156 mobility.
157 (c) The state board shall convene the task force [
158 three years to review and recommend adjustments to the standards and objectives of the general
159 financial literacy course.
160 Section 2. Section 53E-4-204 is amended to read:
161 53E-4-204. Standards and graduation requirements.
162 (1) The State Board of Education shall establish rigorous core standards for Utah
163 public schools and graduation requirements under Section 53E-3-501 for grades 9 through 12
164 that:
165 (a) are consistent with state law and federal regulations; [
166 [
167 [
168 [
169 to financial investments, including bankruptcy education and a general financial literacy
170 test-out option; and
171 [
172 and science [
173 arts, 2.0 units in mathematics, and 2.0 units in science.
174 (2) The State Board of Education shall [
175 and assessments for elective courses.
176 [
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182 [
185 Section 3. Section 53G-10-305 is amended to read:
186 53G-10-305. Financial education information.
187 A public school shall provide [
188 kindergarten student during kindergarten enrollment[
190 savings options, including information about opening a Utah Educational Savings Plan
191 account.