


Chief Sponsor: V. Lowry Snow

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill addresses provisions related to courts.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     enacts the Veterans Treatment Court Act, including:
13               •     defining terms;
14               •     providing for establishing veterans treatment courts;
15               •     requiring a record of policy and procedures for a veterans treatment court;
16               •     outlining the key components and supplemental policies and procedures of a
17     veterans treatment court;
18               •     addressing eligibility for participation in a veterans treatment court, including
19     requiring a participation agreement and providing for modification, termination,
20     and completion of the agreement;
21               •     addressing domestic violence issues; and
22               •     stating that there is no right to participate; and
23          ▸     makes technical changes.
24     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
25          None
26     Other Special Clauses:
27          This bill provides a special effective date.

28     Utah Code Sections Affected:
29     ENACTS:
30          78A-5-302, Utah Code Annotated 1953
31          78A-5-303, Utah Code Annotated 1953
32          78A-5-304, Utah Code Annotated 1953
33          78A-5-305, Utah Code Annotated 1953
34          78A-5-306, Utah Code Annotated 1953
35          78A-5-307, Utah Code Annotated 1953
36          78A-5-308, Utah Code Annotated 1953
37          78A-5-309, Utah Code Annotated 1953
38          78A-5-310, Utah Code Annotated 1953
39          78A-5-311, Utah Code Annotated 1953
40          78A-5-312, Utah Code Annotated 1953
41          78A-5-313, Utah Code Annotated 1953
42          78A-5-314, Utah Code Annotated 1953
44          78A-5-301, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 354

46     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
47          Section 1. Section 78A-5-301 is repealed and reenacted to read:
Part 3. Veterans Treatment Court Act

49          78A-5-301. Title.
50          This part is known as the "Veterans Treatment Court Act."
51          Section 2. Section 78A-5-302 is enacted to read:
52          78A-5-302. Definitions.
53          As used in this part:
54          (1) "Defendant" means a veteran or servicemember charged with a criminal offense.
55          (2) "Domestic violence" means the same as that term is defined in Section 77-36-1.
56          (3) (a) "Participant agreement" means the record, required by Subsection
57     78A-5-304(1), of the policies and procedures of a veterans treatment court and any specific
58     terms and conditions applicable to the defendant.

59          (b) "Participant agreement" includes a modification under Section 78A-5-310.
60          (4) "Record," except as otherwise provided in Subsection 78A-5-307(1)(b), means
61     information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other
62     medium and is retrievable in perceivable form.
63          (5) "Servicemember" means:
64          (a) a member of the active or reserve components of the Army, Navy, Air Force,
65     Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, of the United States;
66          (b) a member of the National Guard of the United States; or
67          (c) a member of the Utah National Guard.
68          (6) (a) "State" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto
69     Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject to the
70     jurisdiction of the United States.
71          (b) "State" includes a federally recognized Indian tribe.
72          (7) "Veteran" means a former servicemember who qualifies for health care benefits
73     from the Veterans Administration.
74          (8) "Veterans treatment court" means a veterans and servicemembers treatment court
75     program administered under this part by a court of this state.
76          Section 3. Section 78A-5-303 is enacted to read:
77          78A-5-303. Creation of a veterans treatment court.
78          (1) The Judicial Council may create a veterans treatment court in any judicial district or
79     geographic region that demonstrates:
80          (a) the need for a veterans treatment court; and
81          (b) the existence of a collaborative strategy between the court, prosecutors, defense
82     counsel, corrections, substance abuse treatment services, and the United States Department of
83     Veterans Affairs Veterans Justice Outreach Program to divert veteran offenders.
84          (2) The collaborative strategy in each veterans treatment court shall:
85          (a) include monitoring and evaluation components to measure program effectiveness;
86     and
87          (b) be submitted, for the purpose of coordinating the disbursement of funding, to the
88     Administrative Office of the Courts.
89          (3) A veterans treatment court shall include continuous judicial supervision using a

90     cooperative approach with prosecutors, defense counsel, corrections, substance abuse treatment
91     services, and the United States Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Justice Outreach
92     Program as appropriate to promote public safety, protect participants' due process rights, and
93     integrate veteran diversion treatment programs with the justice system case processing.
94          (4) Screening criteria for participation in a veterans treatment court shall include:
95          (a) a plea to, conviction of, or adjudication for a criminal offense;
96          (b) frequent alcohol and other drug testing, if appropriate;
97          (c) participation in veteran diversion outreach programs, including substance abuse
98     treatment programs where appropriate; and
99          (d) sanctions for noncompliance with diversion and substance abuse programs'
100     requirements.
101          (5) The Administrative Office of the Courts shall submit in writing by October 1 of
102     each year, an annual report on each veterans treatment court, including:
103          (a) types of programs;
104          (b) number of veteran participants;
105          (c) outcomes for veteran participants; and
106          (d) recommendations for future veterans treatment courts, including expansion and
107     funding.
108          Section 4. Section 78A-5-304 is enacted to read:
109          78A-5-304. Record of policies and procedures.
110          (1) A veterans treatment court shall create a record of policies and procedures adopted
111     to implement Sections 78A-5-305 through 78A-5-312.
112          (2) A veterans treatment court shall seek input from prosecution and defense counsel
113     and other interested persons in developing and adopting policies and procedures to implement
114     Sections 78A-5-305 through 78A-5-312.
115          Section 5. Section 78A-5-305 is enacted to read:
116          78A-5-305. Key components of veterans treatment court.
117          (1) A veterans treatment court shall adopt policies and procedures to implement the
118     following key components:
119          (a) integrating alcohol-treatment, drug-treatment, and mental-health services with
120     justice-system case processing;

121          (b) using a nonadversarial approach in which prosecution and defense counsel promote
122     public safety while protecting due-process rights of defendants;
123          (c) early identification of eligible defendants;
124          (d) providing access to a continuum of alcohol-treatment, drug-treatment,
125     mental-health treatment, and other related treatment and rehabilitation services;
126          (e) monitoring defendants for abstinence from alcohol and drugs by frequent testing;
127          (f) directing a coordinated strategy that responds to each defendant's compliance;
128          (g) providing ongoing judicial interaction with each defendant;
129          (h) monitoring and evaluating the achievement of goals;
130          (i) continuing interdisciplinary education to promote effective veterans treatment court
131     planning, implementation, and operations; and
132          (j) forging partnerships among the veterans treatment court, the United States
133     Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Justice Outreach Program, the Department of
134     Veterans and Military Affairs, public agencies, and community-based organizations to generate
135     local support and enhance the effectiveness of the veterans treatment court.
136          (2) In adopting policies and procedures under this section, the court shall consult
137     nationally recognized best practices related to the key components and comply with
138     certification standards for problem solving courts adopted by the Judicial Council.
139          Section 6. Section 78A-5-306 is enacted to read:
140          78A-5-306. Supplemental policies and procedures of veterans treatment court.
141          (1) A veterans treatment court may adopt supplemental policies and procedures to:
142          (a) refer a defendant with a medical or medication need to an appropriate health care
143     provider;
144          (b) refer a defendant to other available services, which may include assistance with
145     housing, employment, nutrition, and education;
146          (c) provide a defendant access to a mentor who is a servicemember or veteran;
147          (d) integrate intervention, treatment, and counseling, as part of the rehabilitative
148     services offered to a defendant who has been a victim of domestic violence, sexual trauma,
149     child abuse, or other trauma;
150          (e) confer with the victim or alleged victim of the domestic violence offense that serves
151     as the basis for the defendant's participation in the veterans treatment court;

152          (f) evaluate and assess a defendant charged with a domestic violence offense and
153     integrate specific counseling as part of the total rehabilitative services for the defendant;
154          (g) monitor a defendant charged with a domestic violence offense to assure compliance
155     with a domestic violence protection order, no-contact order, and prohibition on weapon
156     possession; and
157          (h) otherwise assist the veterans treatment court.
158          (2) In adopting policies and procedures under this section, the court shall consult
159     nationally recognized best practices related to these components and comply with certification
160     standards for problem solving courts adopted by the Judicial Council.
161          Section 7. Section 78A-5-307 is enacted to read:
162          78A-5-307. Eligibility.
163          (1) A defendant is eligible to participate in a veterans treatment court if:
164          (a) the defendant has a mental-health condition, traumatic brain injury, or substance
165     use disorder;
166          (b) the defendant agrees on the court record to enter the veterans treatment court
167     voluntarily and adhere to a participant agreement; and
168          (c) the defendant's participation in the veterans treatment court would be in the interest
169     of justice and of benefit to the defendant and the community, as determined by the court.
170          (2) In making the determination under Subsection (1)(c), the court shall consider:
171          (a) the nature and circumstances of the offense charged;
172          (b) special characteristics or circumstances of the defendant, including the defendant's
173     criminogenic risk and need;
174          (c) the defendant's criminal history and whether the defendant previously participated
175     in a veterans treatment court or a similar program;
176          (d) whether the defendant's needs exceed treatment resources available to the veterans
177     treatment court;
178          (e) the impact on the community of the defendant's participation and treatment in the
179     veterans treatment court;
180          (f) special characteristics or circumstances of the victim or alleged victim;
181          (g) provision for and the likelihood of obtaining restitution from the defendant over the
182     course of participation in the veterans treatment court;

183          (h) mitigating circumstances; and
184          (i) other circumstances reasonably related to the defendant's case.
185          (3) Section 77-37-3 applies when making the determination under Subsections (1) and
186     (2) in a case in which a domestic violence offense serves as the basis for the defendant's
187     participation in the veterans treatment court.
188          Section 8. Section 78A-5-308 is enacted to read:
189          78A-5-308. Participant agreement.
190          For a defendant to be admitted to a veterans treatment court, the defendant must sign,
191     and the court must approve, a participant agreement.
192          Section 9. Section 78A-5-309 is enacted to read:
193          78A-5-309. Victim of domestic violence.
194          (1) If a victim or alleged victim of a domestic violence offense that serves as the basis
195     for the defendant's participation in a veterans treatment court can reasonably be located, the
196     victim or alleged victim must be offered:
197          (a) referrals to services of domestic violence providers; and
198          (b) information on how to report an allegation of:
199          (i) an offense committed by the defendant; or
200          (ii) a violation by the defendant of the participant agreement.
201          (2) The participation of the defendant in a veterans treatment court does not alter the
202     rights of a victim or alleged victim of domestic violence under law of this state other than this
203     part.
204          Section 10. Section 78A-5-310 is enacted to read:
205          78A-5-310. Modification or termination.
206          (1) If a veterans treatment court determines after a hearing that a defendant has not
207     complied with the defendant's participant agreement, the court may modify or terminate the
208     defendant's participation in the veterans treatment court.
209          (2) Modification or termination is subject to the participant agreement.
210          Section 11. Section 78A-5-311 is enacted to read:
211          78A-5-311. Completion of the participant agreement.
212          If the veterans treatment court determines that a defendant has completed the
213     requirements of the defendant's participant agreement, the court shall dispose of the charge that

214     served as the basis of participation in the veterans treatment court in accordance with the
215     defendant's participant agreement and any applicable plea agreement, court order, or judgment.
216          Section 12. Section 78A-5-312 is enacted to read:
217          78A-5-312. Liberal construction.
218          This part shall be liberally construed.
219          Section 13. Section 78A-5-313 is enacted to read:
220          78A-5-313. No right to participate.
221          This part does not create a right to participation in a veterans treatment court.
222          Section 14. Section 78A-5-314 is enacted to read:
223          78A-5-314. Severability.
224          If any provision of this part or its application to any person or circumstance is held
225     invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this part that can be
226     given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this
227     part are severable.
228          Section 15. Effective date.
229          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2019.