


Chief Sponsor: Rex P. Shipp

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill enacts an individual income tax credit for adoption expenses.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     defines terms;
13          ▸     enacts a nonrefundable individual income tax credit for adoption expenses;
14          ▸     repeals an individual income tax credit for adopting a child with special needs; and
15          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
16     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
17          None
18     Other Special Clauses:
19          This bill provides retrospective operation.
20     Utah Code Sections Affected:
21     AMENDS:
22          59-10-137, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2016, Third Special Session, Chapter 1
23          62A-4a-607, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 148
24     ENACTS:
25          59-10-1041, Utah Code Annotated 1953
26     REPEALS:
27          59-10-1104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 414


29     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
30          Section 1. Section 59-10-137 is amended to read:
31          59-10-137. Review of credits allowed under this chapter.
32          (1) As used in this section, "committee" means the Revenue and Taxation Interim
33     Committee.
34          (2) (a) The committee shall review the tax credits described in this chapter as provided
35     in Subsection (3) and make recommendations concerning whether the tax credits should be
36     continued, modified, or repealed.
37          (b) In conducting the review required under Subsection (2)(a), the committee shall:
38          (i) schedule time on at least one committee agenda to conduct the review;
39          (ii) invite state agencies, individuals, and organizations concerned with the tax credit
40     under review to provide testimony;
41          (iii) (A) invite the Governor's Office of Economic Development to present a summary
42     and analysis of the information for each tax credit regarding which the Governor's Office of
43     Economic Development is required to make a report under this chapter; and
44          (B) invite the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst to present a summary and
45     analysis of the information for each tax credit regarding which the Office of the Legislative
46     Fiscal Analyst is required to make a report under this chapter;
47          (iv) ensure that the committee's recommendations described in this section include an
48     evaluation of:
49          (A) the cost of the tax credit to the state;
50          (B) the purpose and effectiveness of the tax credit; and
51          (C) the extent to which the state benefits from the tax credit; and
52          (v) undertake other review efforts as determined by the committee chairs or as
53     otherwise required by law.
54          (3) (a) On or before November 30, 2017, and every three years after 2017, the
55     committee shall conduct the review required under Subsection (2) of the tax credits allowed
56     under the following sections:
57          (i) Section 59-10-1004;
58          (ii) Section 59-10-1010;

59          (iii) Section 59-10-1015;
60          (iv) Section 59-10-1025;
61          (v) Section 59-10-1027;
62          (vi) Section 59-10-1031;
63          (vii) Section 59-10-1032;
64          (viii) Section 59-10-1035;
65          [(ix) Section 59-10-1104;]
66          [(x)] (ix) Section 59-10-1105; and
67          [(xi)] (x) Section 59-10-1108.
68          (b) On or before November 30, 2018, and every three years after 2018, the committee
69     shall conduct the review required under Subsection (2) of the tax credits allowed under the
70     following sections:
71          (i) Section 59-10-1005;
72          (ii) Section 59-10-1006;
73          (iii) Section 59-10-1012;
74          (iv) Section 59-10-1013;
75          (v) Section 59-10-1022;
76          (vi) Section 59-10-1023;
77          (vii) Section 59-10-1028;
78          (viii) Section 59-10-1034;
79          (ix) Section 59-10-1037; and
80          (x) Section 59-10-1107.
81          (c) On or before November 30, 2019, and every three years after 2019, the committee
82     shall conduct the review required under Subsection (2) of the tax credits allowed under the
83     following sections:
84          (i) Section 59-10-1007;
85          (ii) Section 59-10-1009;
86          (iii) Section 59-10-1014;
87          (iv) Section 59-10-1017;
88          (v) Section 59-10-1018;
89          (vi) Section 59-10-1019;

90          (vii) Section 59-10-1024;
91          (viii) Section 59-10-1029;
92          (ix) Section 59-10-1030;
93          (x) Section 59-10-1033;
94          (xi) Section 59-10-1036;
95          (xii) Section 59-10-1106; and
96          (xiii) Section 59-10-1111.
97          (d) (i) In addition to the reviews described in this Subsection (3), the committee shall
98     conduct a review of a tax credit described in this chapter that is enacted on or after January 1,
99     2017.
100          (ii) The committee shall complete a review described in this Subsection (3)(d) three
101     years after the effective date of the tax credit and every three years after the initial review date.
102          Section 2. Section 59-10-1041 is enacted to read:
103          59-10-1041. Adoption tax credit.
104          (1) As used in this section:
105          (a) "Adoption expense" means a reasonable and necessary adoption fee, court cost,
106     attorney fee, or other expense that is:
107          (i) directly related to, and for the principal purpose of, adoption of a qualifying child
108     through a domestic adoption;
109          (ii) not incurred in violation of state or federal law or in carrying out any surrogate
110     parenting arrangement; and
111          (iii) not paid or reimbursed by an employer or state assistance program.
112          (b) "Domestic adoption" means an adoption completed entirely within the United
113     States.
114          (c) (i) "Qualifying child" means an individual who:
115          (A) is under the age of 18; or
116          (B) is physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself or herself.
117          (ii) "Qualifying child" does not include an individual who is the child of the claimant's
118     spouse.
119          (2) A claimant may claim, in the taxable year in which the adoption is finalized, a
120     nonrefundable tax credit equal to the amount of the claimant's adoption expenses.

121          (3) A claimant may carry forward, to the next five taxable years, the amount of any tax
122     credit that exceeds the claimant's tax liability for the taxable year.
123          (4) A claimant may not claim a credit under this section to the extent that the claimant
124     claims a federal tax credit under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 23 for the same adoption expense.
125          (5) A claimant who is married may claim a tax credit under this section only if the
126     claimant and the claimant's spouse file a joint income tax return.
127          Section 3. Section 62A-4a-607 is amended to read:
128          62A-4a-607. Promotion of adoption -- Agency notice to potential adoptive
129     parents.
130          (1) (a) The division and all child-placing agencies licensed under this part shall
131     promote adoption when that is a possible and appropriate alternative for a child. Specifically,
132     in accordance with Section 62A-4a-205.6, the division shall actively promote the adoption of
133     all children in [its] the division's custody who have a final plan for termination of parental
134     rights pursuant to Section 78A-6-314 or a primary permanency plan of adoption.
135          (b) Beginning May 1, 2000, the division may not place a child for adoption, either
136     temporarily or permanently, with any individual or individuals who do not qualify for adoptive
137     placement pursuant to the requirements of Sections 78B-6-117, 78B-6-102, and 78B-6-137.
138          (2) The division shall obtain or conduct research of prior adoptive families to
139     determine what families may do to be successful with their adoptive children and shall make
140     this research available to potential adoptive parents.
141          (3) (a) A child-placing agency licensed under this part shall inform each potential
142     adoptive parent with whom [it] the child-placing agency is working that:
143          (i) children in the custody of the state are available for adoption;
144          (ii) Medicaid coverage for medical, dental, and mental health services may be available
145     for these children;
146          (iii) tax benefits, including the tax credit provided for in Section [59-10-1104]
147     59-10-1041, and financial assistance may be available to defray the costs of adopting these
148     children;
149          (iv) training and ongoing support may be available to the adoptive parents of these
150     children; and
151          (v) information about individual children may be obtained by contacting the division's

152     offices or its Internet site as explained by the child-placing agency.
153          (b) A child-placing agency shall:
154          (i) provide the notice required by Subsection (3)(a) at the earliest possible opportunity;
155     and
156          (ii) simultaneously distribute a copy of the pamphlet prepared by the division in
157     accordance with Subsection (3)(d).
158          (c) As a condition of licensure, the child-placing agency shall certify to the Office of
159     Licensing at the time of license renewal that it has complied with the provisions of this section.
160          (d) Before July 1, 2000, the division shall:
161          (i) prepare a pamphlet that explains the information that is required by Subsection
162     (3)(a); and
163          (ii) regularly distribute copies of the pamphlet described in Subsection (3)(d)(i) to
164     child-placing agencies.
165          (e) The division shall respond to any inquiry made as a result of the notice provided in
166     Subsection (3)(a).
167          Section 4. Repealer.
168          This bill repeals:
169          Section 59-10-1104, Tax credit for adoption of a child who has a special need.
170          Section 5. Retrospective operation.
171          This bill has retrospective operation for a taxable year beginning on or after January 1,
172     2019.