This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 11:57 AM by pflowers.



Chief Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

House Sponsor: ____________


8     Committee Note:
9          The Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee recommended this bill.
10     General Description:
11          This bill modifies tax provisions relating to income tax domicile requirements.
12     Highlighted Provisions:
13          This bill:
14          ▸     requires certain owners of residential property in the state to file a written
15     declaration with the county assessor under penalty of perjury certifying certain
16     property tax information on a form prescribed by the Tax Commission;
17          ▸     amends the definition of resident individual for income tax purposes;
18          ▸     amends voting provisions that create a rebuttable presumption that an individual is
19     considered to have domicile in this state for income tax purposes;
20          ▸     amends the requirements for determining whether an individual is considered to
21     have domicile in the state for income tax purposes;
22          ▸     grants the Tax Commission rulemaking authority to define by rule what constitutes
23     spending a day in the state for determining domicile;
24          ▸     specifies when a spouse is not considered to have domicile in the state when the
25     other spouse has domicile for income tax purposes; and
26          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
27     Money Appropriated in this Bill:

28          None
29     Other Special Clauses:
30          This bill provides retrospective operation.
31     Utah Code Sections Affected:
32     AMENDS:
33          59-2-103.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 65
34          59-10-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 202
35          59-10-136, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapters 405 and 456

37     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
38          Section 1. Section 59-2-103.5 is amended to read:
39          59-2-103.5. Procedures to obtain an exemption for residential property --
40     Procedure if property owner or property no longer qualifies to receive a residential
41     exemption -- Declaration for calendar year 2019.
42          (1) [For] Subject to Subsection (8), for residential property other than part-year
43     residential property, a county legislative body may adopt an ordinance that requires an owner to
44     file an application with the county board of equalization before a residential exemption under
45     Section 59-2-103 may be applied to the value of the residential property if:
46          (a) the residential property was ineligible for the residential exemption during the
47     calendar year immediately preceding the calendar year for which the owner is seeking to have
48     the residential exemption applied to the value of the residential property;
49          (b) an ownership interest in the residential property changes; or
50          (c) the county board of equalization determines that there is reason to believe that the
51     residential property no longer qualifies for the residential exemption.
52          (2) (a) The application described in Subsection (1) shall:
53          (i) be on a form the commission prescribes by rule and makes available to the counties;
54          (ii) be signed by all of the owners of the residential property;
55          (iii) certify that the residential property is residential property; and
56          (iv) contain other information as the commission requires by rule.
57          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
58     commission may make rules prescribing the contents of the form described in Subsection

59     (2)(a).
60          (3) (a) Regardless of whether a county legislative body adopts an ordinance described
61     in Subsection (1), before a residential exemption may be applied to the value of part-year
62     residential property, an owner of the property shall:
63          (i) file the application described in Subsection (2)(a) with the county board of
64     equalization; and
65          (ii) include as part of the application described in Subsection (2)(a) a statement that
66     certifies:
67          (A) the date the part-year residential property became residential property;
68          (B) that the part-year residential property will be used as residential property for 183 or
69     more consecutive calendar days during the calendar year for which the owner seeks to obtain
70     the residential exemption; and
71          (C) that the owner, or a member of the owner's household, may not claim a residential
72     exemption for any property for the calendar year for which the owner seeks to obtain the
73     residential exemption, other than the part-year residential property, or as allowed under Section
74     59-2-103 with respect to the primary residence or household furnishings, furniture, and
75     equipment of the owner's tenant.
76          (b) An owner may not obtain a residential exemption for part-year residential property
77     unless the owner files an application under this Subsection (3) on or before November 30 of the
78     calendar year for which the owner seeks to obtain the residential exemption.
79          (c) If an owner files an application under this Subsection (3) on or after May 1 of the
80     calendar year for which the owner seeks to obtain the residential exemption, the county board
81     of equalization may require the owner to pay an application fee of not to exceed $50.
82          (4) Except as provided in Subsection (5), if a property owner no longer qualifies to
83     receive a residential exemption authorized under Section 59-2-103 for the property owner's
84     primary residence, the property owner shall:
85          (a) file a written statement with the county board of equalization of the county in which
86     the property is located:
87          (i) on a form provided by the county board of equalization; and
88          (ii) notifying the county board of equalization that the property owner no longer
89     qualifies to receive a residential exemption authorized under Section 59-2-103 for the property

90     owner's primary residence; and
91          (b) declare on the property owner's individual income tax return under Chapter 10,
92     Individual Income Tax Act, for the taxable year for which the property owner no longer
93     qualifies to receive a residential exemption authorized under Section 59-2-103 for the property
94     owner's primary residence, that the property owner no longer qualifies to receive a residential
95     exemption authorized under Section 59-2-103 for the property owner's primary residence.
96          (5) A property owner is not required to file a written statement or make the declaration
97     described in Subsection (4) if the property owner:
98          (a) changes primary residences;
99          (b) qualified to receive a residential exemption authorized under Section 59-2-103 for
100     the residence that was the property owner's former primary residence; and
101          (c) qualifies to receive a residential exemption authorized under Section 59-2-103 for
102     the residence that is the property owner's current primary residence.
103          (6) Subsections (2) through (5) do not apply to qualifying exempt primary residential
104     rental personal property.
105          (7) (a) [For] Subject to Subsection (8), for the first calendar year in which a property
106     owner qualifies to receive a residential exemption under Section 59-2-103, a county assessor
107     may require the property owner to file a signed statement described in Section 59-2-306.
108          (b) [Notwithstanding] Subject to Subsection (8) and notwithstanding Section 59-2-306,
109     for a calendar year after the calendar year described in Subsection (7)(a) in which a property
110     owner qualifies for an exemption described in Subsection 59-2-1115(2) for qualifying exempt
111     primary residential rental personal property, a signed statement described in Section 59-2-306
112     with respect to the qualifying exempt primary residential rental personal property may only
113     require the property owner to certify, under penalty of perjury, that the property owner qualifies
114     for the exemption under Subsection 59-2-1115(2).
115          (8) (a) Subject to the requirements of this Subsection (8) and except as provided in
116     Subsection (8)(c), on or before Ĥ→ [
November 30, 2019] May 1, 2020 ←Ĥ , a county assessor
116a     shall:
117          (i) notify each owner of residential property that the owner is required to submit a
118     written declaration described in Subsection (8)(b) within 30 days after the day on which the
119     county assessor mails the notice under this Subsection (8)(a); and
120          (ii) provide each owner with a form described in Subsection (8)(e) to make the written

121     declaration described in Subsection (8)(b).
122          (b) Each owner of residential property that receives a notice described in Subsection
123     (8)(a) shall file a written declaration with the county assessor under penalty of perjury:
124          (i) certifying whether the property is residential property or part-year residential
125     property;
126          (ii) certifying whether during any portion of Ĥ→ [
calendar year 2019] the current calendar
126a     year ←Ĥ , the property receives a
127     residential exemption under Section 59-2-103; and
128          (iii) certifying whether the property owner owns other property in the state that receives
129     a residential exemption under Section 59-2-103, and if so, listing:
130          (A) the parcel number of the property;
131          (B) the county in which the property is located; and
132          (C) whether the property is the primary residence of a tenant.
133          (c) A county assessor is not required to provide a notice to an owner of residential
134     property under Subsection (8)(a) if the situs address of the residential property is the same as
135     any one of the following:
136          (i) the mailing address of the residential property owner or the tenant of the residential
137     property;
138          (ii) the address listed on the:
139          (A) residential property owner's driver license; or
140          (B) tenant of the residential property's driver license; or
141          (iii) the address listed on the:
142          (A) residential property owner's voter registration; or
143          (B) tenant of the residential property's voter registration.
144          (d) If an ownership interest in residential property changes, the new owner of the
145     residential property, at the time title to the property is transferred to the new owner, shall Ĥ→ [
145a     make ←Ĥ a
146     written declaration Ĥ→ [
with the county assessor] ←Ĥ under penalty of perjury:
147          (i) certifying whether the property is residential property or part-year residential
148     property;
149          (ii) certifying whether the property receives a residential exemption under Section
150     59-2-103; and
151          (iii) certifying whether the property owner owns other property in the state that receives

152     a residential exemption under Section 59-2-103, and if so, listing:
153          (A) the parcel number of the property;
154          (B) the county in which the property is located; and
155          (C) whether the property is the primary residence of a tenant.
156          (e) The declaration required by Subsection (8)(b) or (d) shall:
157          (i) be on a form the commission prescribes and makes available to the counties;
158          (ii) be signed by all of the owners of the property; and
159          (iii) include the following statement:
160          "If a property owner or a property owner's spouse claims a residential exemption under
161     Utah Code Ann. § 59-2-103 for property in this state that is the primary residence of the
162     property owner or the property owner's spouse, that claim of a residential exemption creates a
163     rebuttable presumption that the property owner and the property owner's spouse have domicile
164     in Utah for income tax purposes. The rebuttable presumption of domicile does not apply if the
165     residential property is the primary residence of a tenant of the property owner or the property
166     owner's spouse."
166a     Ĥ→ (f) The written declaration made under Subsection (8)(d) shall be remitted to the county
166b     assessor of the county where the property described in Subsection (8)(d) is located within five
166c     business days of the title being transferred to the new owner. ←Ĥ
167          Ĥ→ [
(f)] (g) ←Ĥ (i) If, after receiving a written declaration filed under Subsection (8)(b) or
167a     (d), the
168     county determines that the property has been incorrectly qualified or disqualified to receive a
169     residential exemption, the county shall:
170          (A) redetermine the property's qualification to receive a residential exemption; and
171          (B) notify the claimant of the redetermination and its reason for the redetermination.
172          (ii) The redetermination provided in Subsection (8) Ĥ→ [
(f)] (g) ←Ĥ (i)(A) shall be final
172a     unless
173     appealed within 30 days after the notice required by Subsection (8) Ĥ→ [
(f)] (g) ←Ĥ (i)(B).
174          Ĥ→ [
(g)] (h) ←Ĥ (i) If a residential property owner fails to file a written declaration
174a     required by
175     Subsection (8)(b) or (d), the county assessor shall mail to the owner of the residential property
176     a notice that:
177          (A) the property owner failed to file a written declaration as required by Subsection
178     (8)(b) or (d); and
179          (B) the property owner will no longer qualify to receive the residential exemption
180     authorized under Section 59-2-103 for the property that is the subject of the written declaration
181     if the property owner does not file the written declaration required by Subsection (8)(b) or (d)
182     within 30 days after the day on which the county assessor mails the notice under this
183     Subsection (8) Ĥ→ [
(g)] (h) ←Ĥ (i).
184          (ii) If a property owner fails to file a written declaration required by Subsection (8)(b)
185     or (d) after receiving the notice described in Subsection (8) Ĥ→ [
(g)] (h) ←Ĥ (i), the property
185a     owner no longer
186     qualifies to receive the residential exemption authorized under Section 59-2-103 in the calendar
187     year for the property that is the subject of the written declaration.
188          (iii) A property owner that is disqualified to receive the residential exemption under
189     Subsection (8) Ĥ→ [
(g)] (h) ←Ĥ (ii) may file an application described in Subsection (1) to
189a     determine whether
190     the owner is eligible to receive the residential exemption Ĥ→ [
in the next calendar year] ←Ĥ .
190a     Ĥ→ (i) The requirements of this Subsection (8) do not apply to a county assessor in a county
190b     that has, for the five calendar years prior to 2019, had in place and enforced an ordinance
190c     described in Subsection (1). ←Ĥ
191          Section 2. Section 59-10-103 is amended to read:
192          59-10-103. Definitions.
193          (1) As used in this chapter:
194          (a) "Adjusted gross income":
195          (i) for a resident or nonresident individual, is as defined in Section 62, Internal
196     Revenue Code; or
197          (ii) for a resident or nonresident estate or trust, is as calculated in Section 67(e),
198     Internal Revenue Code.
199          (b) "Corporation" includes:
200          (i) an association;
201          (ii) a joint stock company; and
202          (iii) an insurance company.
203          (c) "Distributable net income" is as defined in Section 643, Internal Revenue Code.
204          (d) "Employee" is as defined in Section 59-10-401.
205          (e) "Employer" is as defined in Section 59-10-401.
206          (f) "Federal taxable income":
207          (i) for a resident or nonresident individual, means taxable income as defined by Section
208     63, Internal Revenue Code; or
209          (ii) for a resident or nonresident estate or trust, is as calculated in Section 641(a) and
210     (b), Internal Revenue Code.
211          (g) "Fiduciary" means:
212          (i) a guardian;
213          (ii) a trustee;

214          (iii) an executor;
215          (iv) an administrator;
216          (v) a receiver;
217          (vi) a conservator; or
218          (vii) any person acting in any fiduciary capacity for any individual.
219          (h) "Guaranteed annuity interest" is as defined in 26 C.F.R. Sec. 1.170A-6(c)(2).
220          (i) "Homesteaded land diminished from the Uintah and Ouray Reservation" means the
221     homesteaded land that was held to have been diminished from the Uintah and Ouray
222     Reservation in Hagen v. Utah, 510 U.S. 399 (1994).
223          (j) "Individual" means a natural person and includes aliens and minors.
224          (k) "Irrevocable trust" means a trust in which the settlor may not revoke or terminate
225     all or part of the trust without the consent of a person who has a substantial beneficial interest
226     in the trust and the interest would be adversely affected by the exercise of the settlor's power to
227     revoke or terminate all or part of the trust.
228          (l) "Military service" is as defined in Pub. L. No. 108-189, Sec. 101.
229          (m) "Nonresident individual" means an individual who is not a resident of this state.
230          (n) "Nonresident trust" or "nonresident estate" means a trust or estate which is not a
231     resident estate or trust.
232          (o) (i) "Partnership" includes a syndicate, group, pool, joint venture, or other
233     unincorporated organization:
234          (A) through or by means of which any business, financial operation, or venture is
235     carried on; and
236          (B) which is not, within the meaning of this chapter:
237          (I) a trust;
238          (II) an estate; or
239          (III) a corporation.
240          (ii) "Partnership" does not include any organization not included under the definition of
241     "partnership" in Section 761, Internal Revenue Code.
242          (iii) "Partner" includes a member in a syndicate, group, pool, joint venture, or
243     organization described in Subsection (1)(o)(i).
244          (p) "Qualified nongrantor charitable lead trust" means a trust:

245          (i) that is irrevocable;
246          (ii) that has a trust term measured by:
247          (A) a fixed term of years; or
248          (B) the life of a person living on the day on which the trust is created;
249          (iii) under which:
250          (A) a portion of the value of the trust assets is distributed during the trust term:
251          (I) to an organization described in Section 170(c), Internal Revenue Code; and
252          (II) as a:
253          (Aa) guaranteed annuity interest; or
254          (Bb) unitrust interest; and
255          (B) assets remaining in the trust at the termination of the trust term are distributed to a
256     beneficiary:
257          (I) designated in the trust; and
258          (II) that is not an organization described in Section 170(c), Internal Revenue Code;
259          (iv) for which the trust is allowed a deduction under Section 642(c), Internal Revenue
260     Code; and
261          (v) under which the grantor of the trust is not treated as the owner of any portion of the
262     trust for federal income tax purposes.
263          (q) [(i)] "Resident individual" means[: (A)] an individual who is domiciled in this state
264     for any period of time during the taxable year, but only for the duration of the period during
265     which the individual is domiciled in this state[; or].
266          [(B) an individual who is not domiciled in this state but:]
267          [(I) maintains a place of abode in this state; and]
268          [(II) spends in the aggregate 183 or more days of the taxable year in this state.]
269          [(ii) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
270     and for purposes of Subsection (1)(q)(i)(B), the commission shall by rule define what
271     constitutes spending a day of the taxable year in the state.]
272          (r) "Resident estate" or "resident trust" is as defined in Section 75-7-103.
273          (s) "Servicemember" is as defined in Pub. L. No. 108-189, Sec. 101.
274          (t) "State income tax percentage for a nonresident estate or trust" means a percentage
275     equal to a nonresident estate's or trust's state taxable income for the taxable year divided by the

276     nonresident estate's or trust's total adjusted gross income for that taxable year after making the
277     adjustments required by:
278          (i) Section 59-10-202;
279          (ii) Section 59-10-207;
280          (iii) Section 59-10-209.1; or
281          (iv) Section 59-10-210.
282          (u) "State income tax percentage for a nonresident individual" means a percentage
283     equal to a nonresident individual's state taxable income for the taxable year divided by the
284     difference between:
285          (i) subject to Section 59-10-1405, the nonresident individual's total adjusted gross
286     income for that taxable year, after making the:
287          (A) additions and subtractions required by Section 59-10-114; and
288          (B) adjustments required by Section 59-10-115; and
289          (ii) if the nonresident individual described in Subsection (1)(u)(i) is a servicemember,
290     the compensation the servicemember receives for military service if the servicemember is
291     serving in compliance with military orders.
292          (v) "State income tax percentage for a part-year resident individual" means, for a
293     taxable year, a fraction:
294          (i) the numerator of which is the sum of:
295          (A) subject to Section 59-10-1404.5, for the time period during the taxable year that the
296     part-year resident individual is a resident, the part-year resident individual's total adjusted gross
297     income for that time period, after making the:
298          (I) additions and subtractions required by Section 59-10-114; and
299          (II) adjustments required by Section 59-10-115; and
300          (B) for the time period during the taxable year that the part-year resident individual is a
301     nonresident, an amount calculated by:
302          (I) determining the part-year resident individual's adjusted gross income for that time
303     period, after making the:
304          (Aa) additions and subtractions required by Section 59-10-114; and
305          (Bb) adjustments required by Section 59-10-115; and
306          (II) calculating the portion of the amount determined under Subsection (1)(v)(i)(B)(I)

307     that is derived from Utah sources in accordance with Section 59-10-117; and
308          (ii) the denominator of which is the difference between:
309          (A) the part-year resident individual's total adjusted gross income for that taxable year,
310     after making the:
311          (I) additions and subtractions required by Section 59-10-114; and
312          (II) adjustments required by Section 59-10-115; and
313          (B) if the part-year resident individual is a servicemember, any compensation the
314     servicemember receives for military service during the portion of the taxable year that the
315     servicemember is a nonresident if the servicemember is serving in compliance with military
316     orders.
317          (w) "Taxable income" or "state taxable income":
318          (i) subject to Section 59-10-1404.5, for a resident individual, means the resident
319     individual's adjusted gross income after making the:
320          (A) additions and subtractions required by Section 59-10-114; and
321          (B) adjustments required by Section 59-10-115;
322          (ii) for a nonresident individual, is an amount calculated by:
323          (A) determining the nonresident individual's adjusted gross income for the taxable
324     year, after making the:
325          (I) additions and subtractions required by Section 59-10-114; and
326          (II) adjustments required by Section 59-10-115; and
327          (B) calculating the portion of the amount determined under Subsection (1)(w)(ii)(A)
328     that is derived from Utah sources in accordance with Section 59-10-117;
329          (iii) for a resident estate or trust, is as calculated under Section 59-10-201.1; and
330          (iv) for a nonresident estate or trust, is as calculated under Section 59-10-204.
331          (x) "Taxpayer" means any individual, estate, trust, or beneficiary of an estate or trust,
332     that has income subject in whole or part to the tax imposed by this chapter.
333          (y) "Trust term" means a time period:
334          (i) beginning on the day on which a qualified nongrantor charitable lead trust is
335     created; and
336          (ii) ending on the day on which the qualified nongrantor charitable lead trust described
337     in Subsection (1)(y)(i) terminates.

338          (z) "Uintah and Ouray Reservation" means the lands recognized as being included
339     within the Uintah and Ouray Reservation in:
340          (i) Hagen v. Utah, 510 U.S. 399 (1994); and
341          (ii) Ute Indian Tribe v. Utah, 114 F.3d 1513 (10th Cir. 1997).
342          (aa) "Unadjusted income" means an amount equal to the difference between:
343          (i) the total income required to be reported by a resident or nonresident estate or trust
344     on the resident or nonresident estate's or trust's federal income tax return for estates and trusts
345     for the taxable year; and
346          (ii) the sum of the following:
347          (A) fees paid or incurred to the fiduciary of a resident or nonresident estate or trust:
348          (I) for administering the resident or nonresident estate or trust; and
349          (II) that the resident or nonresident estate or trust deducts as allowed on the resident or
350     nonresident estate's or trust's federal income tax return for estates and trusts for the taxable
351     year;
352          (B) the income distribution deduction that a resident or nonresident estate or trust
353     deducts under Section 651 or 661, Internal Revenue Code, as allowed on the resident or
354     nonresident estate's or trust's federal income tax return for estates and trusts for the taxable
355     year;
356          (C) the amount that a resident or nonresident estate or trust deducts as a deduction for
357     estate tax or generation skipping transfer tax under Section 691(c), Internal Revenue Code, as
358     allowed on the resident or nonresident estate's or trust's federal income tax return for estates
359     and trusts for the taxable year; and
360          (D) the amount that a resident or nonresident estate or trust deducts as a personal
361     exemption under Section 642(b), Internal Revenue Code, as allowed on the resident or
362     nonresident estate's or trust's federal income tax return for estates and trusts for the taxable
363     year.
364          (bb) "Unitrust interest" is as defined in 26 C.F.R. Sec. 1.170A-6(c)(2).
365          (cc) "Ute tribal member" means a person who is enrolled as a member of the Ute
366     Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation.
367          (dd) "Ute tribe" means the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation.
368          (ee) "Wages" is as defined in Section 59-10-401.

369          (2) (a) Any term used in this chapter has the same meaning as when used in
370     comparable context in the laws of the United States relating to federal income taxes unless a
371     different meaning is clearly required.
372          (b) Any reference to the Internal Revenue Code or to the laws of the United States shall
373     mean the Internal Revenue Code or other provisions of the laws of the United States relating to
374     federal income taxes that are in effect for the taxable year.
375          (c) Any reference to a specific section of the Internal Revenue Code or other provision
376     of the laws of the United States relating to federal income taxes shall include any
377     corresponding or comparable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code as amended,
378     redesignated, or reenacted.
379          Section 3. Section 59-10-136 is amended to read:
380          59-10-136. Domicile -- Temporary absence from state.
381          (1) (a) An individual is considered to have domicile in this state if:
382          (i) except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), a dependent with respect to whom the
383     individual or the individual's spouse claims a personal exemption or a tax credit under Section
384     24, Internal Revenue Code, on the individual's or individual's spouse's federal individual
385     income tax return is enrolled in a public kindergarten, public elementary school, or public
386     secondary school in this state; or
387          (ii) the individual or the individual's spouse is a resident student in accordance with
388     Section 53B-8-102 who is enrolled in an institution of higher education described in Section
389     53B-2-101 in this state.
390          (b) The determination of whether an individual is considered to have domicile in this
391     state may not be determined in accordance with Subsection (1)(a)(i) if the individual:
392          (i) is the noncustodial parent of a dependent:
393          (A) with respect to whom the individual claims a personal exemption or a tax credit
394     under Section 24, Internal Revenue Code, on the individual's federal individual income tax
395     return; and
396          (B) who is enrolled in a public kindergarten, public elementary school, or public
397     secondary school in this state; and
398          (ii) is divorced from the custodial parent of the dependent described in Subsection
399     (1)(b)(i).

400          (2) There is a rebuttable presumption that an individual is considered to have domicile
401     in this state if:
402          (a) the individual or the individual's spouse claims a residential exemption in
403     accordance with Chapter 2, Property Tax Act, for that individual's or individual's spouse's
404     primary residence;
405          (b) the individual or the individual's spouse [is registered to vote]:
406          (i) votes in this state [in accordance with Title 20A, Chapter 2, Voter Registration] in a
407     regular general election, municipal general election, primary election, or special election during
408     the taxable year; and
409          (ii) has not registered to vote in another state in that taxable year; or
410          (c) the individual or the individual's spouse asserts residency in this state for purposes
411     of filing an individual income tax return under this chapter, including asserting that the
412     individual or the individual's spouse is a part-year resident of this state for the portion of the
413     taxable year for which the individual or the individual's spouse is a resident of this state.
414          (3) (a) Subject to Subsection (3)(b), if the requirements of Subsection (1) or (2) are not
415     met for an individual to be considered to have domicile in this state, the individual is
416     considered to have domicile in this state if:
417          (i) the individual or the individual's spouse has a permanent home in this state to which
418     the individual or the individual's spouse intends to return after being absent; and
419          (ii) the individual or the individual's spouse has voluntarily fixed the individual's or the
420     individual's spouse's habitation in this state, not for a special or temporary purpose, but with the
421     intent of making a permanent home.
422          (b) The determination of whether an individual is considered to have domicile in this
423     state under Subsection (3)(a) shall be based on the preponderance of the evidence, taking into
424     consideration the totality of the following facts and circumstances:
425          (i) whether the individual or the individual's spouse has a driver license in this state;
426          (ii) whether a dependent with respect to whom the individual or the individual's spouse
427     claims a personal exemption or a tax credit under Section 24, Internal Revenue Code, on the
428     individual's or individual's spouse's federal individual income tax return is a resident student in
429     accordance with Section 53B-8-102 who is enrolled in an institution of higher education
430     described in Section 53B-2-101 in this state;

431          (iii) the nature and quality of the living accommodations that the individual or the
432     individual's spouse has in this state as compared to another state;
433          (iv) the presence in this state of a spouse or dependent with respect to whom the
434     individual or the individual's spouse claims a personal exemption or a tax credit under Section
435     24, Internal Revenue Code, on the individual's or individual's spouse's federal individual
436     income tax return;
437          (v) the physical location in which earned income as defined in Section 32(c)(2),
438     Internal Revenue Code, is earned by the individual or the individual's spouse;
439          (vi) the state of registration of a vehicle as defined in Section 59-12-102 owned or
440     leased by the individual or the individual's spouse;
441          (vii) whether the individual or the individual's spouse is a member of a church, a club,
442     or another similar organization in this state;
443          (viii) whether the individual or the individual's spouse lists an address in this state on
444     mail, a telephone listing, a listing in an official government publication, other correspondence,
445     or another similar item;
446          (ix) whether the individual or the individual's spouse lists an address in this state on a
447     state or federal tax return;
448          (x) whether the individual or the individual's spouse asserts residency in this state on a
449     document, other than an individual income tax return filed under this chapter, filed with or
450     provided to a court or other governmental entity;
451          (xi) the failure of an individual or the individual's spouse to obtain a permit or license
452     normally required of a resident of the state for which the individual or the individual's spouse
453     asserts to have domicile; or
454          (xii) whether the individual is an individual described in Subsection (1)(b)[.]; or
455          (xiii) whether the individual:
456          (A) maintains a place of abode in the state; and
457          (B) spends in the aggregate 183 or more days of the taxable year in the state.
458          (xiv) whether the individual or the individual's spouse:
459          (A) did not vote in this state in a regular general election, municipal general election,
460     primary election, or special election during the taxable year, but voted in the state in a general
461     election, municipal general election, primary election, or special election during any of the

462     three taxable years prior to that taxable year; and
463          (B) has not registered to vote in another state during a taxable year described in
464     Subsection (3)(b)(xiv)(A).
465          (c) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, and
466     for purposes of Subsection (3)(b)(xiii), the commission may by rule define what constitutes
467     spending a day of the taxable year in the state.
468          (4) (a) Notwithstanding Subsections (1) through (3) and subject to the other provisions
469     of this Subsection (4), an individual is not considered to have domicile in this state if the
470     individual meets the following qualifications:
471          (i) except as provided in Subsection (4)(a)(ii)(A), the individual and the individual's
472     spouse are absent from the state for at least 761 consecutive days; and
473          (ii) during the time period described in Subsection (4)(a)(i), neither the individual nor
474     the individual's spouse:
475          (A) return to this state for more than 30 days in a calendar year;
476          (B) claim a personal exemption or a tax credit under Section 24, Internal Revenue
477     Code, on the individual's or individual's spouse's federal individual income tax return with
478     respect to a dependent who is enrolled in a public kindergarten, public elementary school, or
479     public secondary school in this state, unless the individual is an individual described in
480     Subsection (1)(b);
481          (C) are resident students in accordance with Section 53B-8-102 who are enrolled in an
482     institution of higher education described in Section 53B-2-101 in this state;
483          (D) claim a residential exemption in accordance with Chapter 2, Property Tax Act, for
484     that individual's or individual's spouse's primary residence; or
485          (E) assert that this state is the individual's or the individual's spouse's tax home for
486     federal individual income tax purposes.
487          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(a), an individual that meets the qualifications of
488     Subsection (4)(a) to not be considered to have domicile in this state may elect to be considered
489     to have domicile in this state by filing an individual income tax return in this state as a resident
490     individual.
491          (c) For purposes of Subsection (4)(a), an absence from the state:
492          (i) begins on the later of the date:

493          (A) the individual leaves this state; or
494          (B) the individual's spouse leaves this state; and
495          (ii) ends on the date the individual or the individual's spouse returns to this state if the
496     individual or the individual's spouse remains in this state for more than 30 days in a calendar
497     year.
498          (d) An individual shall file an individual income tax return or amended individual
499     income tax return under this chapter and pay any applicable interest imposed under Section
500     59-1-402 if:
501          (i) the individual did not file an individual income tax return or amended individual
502     income tax return under this chapter based on the individual's belief that the individual has met
503     the qualifications of Subsection (4)(a) to not be considered to have domicile in this state; and
504          (ii) the individual or the individual's spouse fails to meet a qualification of Subsection
505     (4)(a) to not be considered to have domicile in this state.
506          (e) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(e)(ii), an individual that files an individual
507     income tax return or amended individual income tax return under Subsection (4)(d) shall pay
508     any applicable penalty imposed under Section 59-1-401.
509          (ii) The commission shall waive the penalties under Subsections 59-1-401(2), (3), and
510     (5) if an individual who is required by Subsection (4)(d) to file an individual income tax return
511     or amended individual income tax return under this chapter:
512          (A) files the individual income tax return or amended individual income tax return
513     within 105 days after the individual fails to meet a qualification of Subsection (4)(a) to not be
514     considered to have domicile in this state; and
515          (B) within the 105-day period described in Subsection (4)(e)(ii)(A), pays in full the tax
516     due on the return, any interest imposed under Section 59-1-402, and any applicable penalty
517     imposed under Section 59-1-401, except for a penalty under Subsection 59-1-401(2), (3), or
518     (5).
519          (5) Notwithstanding Subsections (2) and (3), for individuals who are spouses for
520     purposes of this section and one of the spouses has domicile under this section, the other
521     spouse is not considered to have domicile in this state under Subsection (2) or (3) if one of the
522     spouses establishes by a preponderance of the evidence that, during the taxable year and for
523     three taxable years prior to that taxable year, that other spouse:

524          (a) is not an owner of property in this state;
525          (b) does not return to this state for more than 30 days in a calendar year;
526          (c) has not received earned income as defined in Section 32(c)(2), Internal Revenue
527     Code, in this state;
528          (d) has not voted in this state in a regular general election, municipal general election,
529     primary election, or special election; and
530          (e) does not have a driver license in this state.
531          [(5)] (6) (a) [If] Except as provided in Subsection (5), an individual is considered to
532     have domicile in this state in accordance with this section, the individual's spouse is considered
533     to have domicile in this state.
534          (b) For purposes of this section, an individual is not considered to have a spouse if:
535          (i) the individual is legally separated or divorced from the spouse; or
536          (ii) the individual and the individual's spouse claim married filing separately filing
537     status for purposes of filing a federal individual income tax return for the taxable year.
538          (c) Except as provided in Subsection [(5)] (6)(b)(ii), for purposes of this section, an
539     individual's filing status on a federal individual income tax return or a return filed under this
540     chapter may not be considered in determining whether an individual has a spouse.
541          [(6)] (7) For purposes of this section, whether or not an individual or the individual's
542     spouse claims a property tax residential exemption under Chapter 2, Property Tax Act, for the
543     residential property that is the primary residence of a tenant of the individual or the individual's
544     spouse may not be considered in determining domicile in this state.
545          Section 4. Retrospective operation.
546          This bill has retrospective operation for a taxable year beginning on or after January 1,
547     2018.