This document includes Senate 2nd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 2:51 PM by lpoole.
9 General Description:
10 This concurrent resolution urges solutions for the Central Wasatch Mountains.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This resolution:
13 ▸ recognizes the tremendous value of the Central Wasatch Mountains;
14 ▸ acknowledges the work of the Central Wasatch Commission to develop solutions
15 that address significant transportation and land management issues;
16 ▸ urges the President of the United States, Congress, and Utah's congressional
17 delegation to propose and secure passage of legislation that Ŝ→ [
18 Mountain Accord developed and implements the Central Wasatch Commission's
19 recommendations
20 ▸ reflects the desires of local and state governments to work with all parties to further
21 solutions to longstanding issues and desires of the parties of the Mountain Accord.
22 Special Clauses:
23 None
25 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
26 WHEREAS, the Central Wasatch Mountains have enormous economic, watershed,
27 natural, and recreational value for the state of Utah;
28 WHEREAS, resolving the longstanding issues facing the Central Wasatch Mountains
29 and providing for the implementation of actions that will serve the Central Wasatch Region and
30 the state of Utah benefits all parties, interests, and governmental entities;
31 WHEREAS, the severe traffic congestion in the Cottonwood Canyons and other areas,
32 including associated safety problems, is the most urgent issue affecting the safe and enjoyable
33 use of the Central Wasatch Mountains;
34 Ŝ→ [
35 Concurrent Resolution Supporting Utah's Interconnected Ski and Snowboard Industry, which
36 urged the low-impact interconnection of the seven Salt Lake County and Summit County ski
37 resorts and supported a comprehensive set of solutions to transportation problems in the
38 Wasatch Mountains;
39 WHEREAS, public and private parties worked together for five years to find solutions
40 to longstanding issues in the Central Wasatch Mountains, resulting in a comprehensive
41 agreement, the Mountain Accord, signed by all major stakeholders;
42 WHEREAS, part of the Mountain Accord called for the establishment of a coordinating
43 and implementing governmental entity, which became the Central Wasatch Commission,
44 formed in accordance with Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, by the state of
45 Utah and all the local governments in and around the Central Wasatch Mountains;
46 WHEREAS, the Central Wasatch Commission, working with the Utah Department of
47 Transportation and all affected parties, seeks local, state, and federal solutions to the increasing
48 transportation issues limiting access and ability to enjoy the Central Wasatch Mountains;
49 WHEREAS, the Central Wasatch Commission and many stakeholders have made
50 progress in negotiating compromises and developing potential solutions regarding:
51 • providing additional direction for the federal lands managed by the
52 United States Forest Service; and
53 • consolidating public and private ownership through land exchanges in
54 sensible realignments that protect public interests and promote private
55 interests; and
56 WHEREAS, in accordance with legislative appropriations and direction, the Utah
57 Department of Transportation and the Central Wasatch Commission are determining
58 approaches to address the transportation crisis in Little Cottonwood Canyon and Big
59 Cottonwood Canyon in conjunction with other transportation solutions on the Wasatch Front
60 and Wasatch Back through an Environmental Impact Statement and Transportation Corridor
61 Action Plan:
62 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
63 Governor concurring therein, reflecting the will of local communities and many interests, urge
64 the President of the United States, Congress, and Utah's congressional delegation to develop
65 legislation that builds upon the work of the Central Wasatch Commission, addresses
66 unresolved concerns of major stakeholders, and provides for expeditious federal permitting for
67 transportation solutions involving federal land.
68 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Central Wasatch Commission, Utah
69 Department of Transportation, Utah Transit Authority, and local and federal governments
70 continue working toward solutions to transportation issues in the Central Wasatch Mountains
71 that will address traffic congestion effectively and can be implemented pending congressional
72 action on long-term solutions.
73 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Central Wasatch Commission continue to work
74 with all private and public interests to collaboratively move forward with locally-based
75 approaches that will serve the short- and long-term needs and desires of local communities and
76 the state of Utah.