8 General Description:
9 This bill amends provisions related to industrial hemp and cannabinoid products.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ defines terms;
13 ▸ repeals provisions related to an agricultural pilot program;
14 ▸ amends provisions related to cannabidiol products to address cannabinoid products;
15 ▸ requires the Department of Agriculture and Food ("department") to establish
16 requirements for a license to cultivate, process, or market industrial hemp;
17 ▸ amends the information a person seeking to cultivate industrial hemp is required to
18 provide to the department;
19 ▸ amends a licensing prohibition related to criminal history;
20 ▸ repeals a requirement that the department seek a federal waiver from certain federal
21 law;
22 ▸ repeals a provision allowing the department to seize and destroy any cannabidiol
23 product offered for sale that is not registered with the department; and
24 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
25 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
26 None
27 Other Special Clauses:
28 None
29 Utah Code Sections Affected:
31 4-41-101, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 452
32 4-41-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Third Special Session, Chapter 1
33 4-41-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 227
34 4-41-401, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 452
35 4-41-402, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 452
36 4-41-403, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 452
37 4-41-404, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 452
39 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
40 Section 1. Section 4-41-101 is amended to read:
42 4-41-101. Title.
43 (1) This chapter is known as the "Hemp and [
44 (2) This part is known as "Industrial Hemp Research."
45 Section 2. Section 4-41-102 is amended to read:
46 4-41-102. Definitions.
47 As used in this chapter:
48 [
50 [
51 from a hemp product that:
52 (a) is processed into a medicinal dosage form; and
53 (b) contains less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol by dry weight.
54 [
55 with a concentration of less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol by dry weight.
56 [
57 department issues to a higher education institution to grow or cultivate industrial hemp under
58 Subsection 4-41-103(1).
59 [
60 issues to a person for the purpose of [
61 cultivating, processing, or marketing industrial hemp or an industrial hemp product.
62 [
63 processing industrial hemp plants or industrial hemp parts.
64 [
66 industrial hemp or an industrial hemp product.
67 [
68 (a) a tablet;
69 (b) a capsule;
70 (c) a concentrated oil;
71 (d) a sublingual preparation;
72 (e) a topical preparation;
73 (f) a transdermal preparation;
74 (g) a gelatinous cube, gelatinous rectangular cuboid, or lozenge in a cube or rectangular
75 cuboid shape; or
76 (h) other preparations that the department approves.
77 [
78 (a) an individual, partnership, association, firm, trust, limited liability company, or
79 corporation; and
80 (b) an agent or employee of an individual, partnership, association, firm, trust, limited
81 liability company, or corporation.
82 [
83 collaboration with at least one licensee to study methods of cultivating, processing, or
84 marketing industrial hemp.
85 Section 3. Section 4-41-103 is amended to read:
86 4-41-103. Industrial hemp -- Agricultural and academic research.
87 (1) The department and its licensee may grow, cultivate, or process industrial hemp
88 [
89 (2) The department shall certify a higher education institution to grow or cultivate
90 industrial hemp for the purpose of agricultural or academic research if the higher education
91 institution submits to the department:
92 (a) the location where the higher education institution intends to grow or cultivate
93 industrial hemp;
94 (b) the higher education institution's research plan; and
95 (c) the name of an employee of the higher education institution who will supervise the
96 industrial hemp growth, cultivation, and research.
97 (3) The department shall maintain a list of each industrial hemp certificate holder and
98 licensee.
99 (4) The department shall make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
100 Administrative Rulemaking Act, to:
101 (a) ensure any industrial hemp project or research pilot project meets the standards of
102 an agricultural pilot project, as defined by Section 7606 of the United States Agricultural Act
103 of 2014;
104 (b) establish requirements for a license to participate in an industrial hemp research
105 pilot program;
106 (c) establish requirements for a license to grow, cultivate, process, or market industrial
107 hemp;
108 [
109 [
110 transfer, or distribution to a member of the public.
111 (5) A person seeking to cultivate industrial hemp shall provide to the department:
112 (a) the legal description and global positioning coordinates sufficient for locating any
113 field or greenhouse [
114 (b) written consent allowing a representative of the department and local law
115 enforcement to enter all premises where the person cultivates, processes, or stores industrial
116 hemp [
117 (i) conducting a physical inspection; or
118 (ii) ensuring compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
119 [
120 [
121 felony within the last 10 years is not eligible to obtain a license under this chapter.
122 [
124 (7) The department may set a fee[
125 4-2-103(2)[
126 an industrial hemp license.
127 Section 4. Section 4-41-401 is amended to read:
129 4-41-401. Title.
130 This part is known as [
131 Section 5. Section 4-41-402 is amended to read:
132 4-41-402. Cannabidiol sales and use authorized.
133 (1) The sale or use of a [
134 (a) except as provided in this chapter; or
135 [
136 [
137 Administration approves the product.
138 (2) The department shall keep a list of registered [
139 that the department has determined, [
140 for human consumption.
141 (3) A person may sell or use a [
142 registered cannabidiol products described in Subsection (2).
143 Section 6. Section 4-41-403 is amended to read:
144 4-41-403. Standards for registration.
145 (1) The department shall [
146 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, to determine standards for a registered
147 [
148 (a) testing to ensure the product is safe for human consumption;
149 (b) accurate labeling; and
150 (c) any other issue the department considers necessary.
151 (2) The department shall set a fee for a registered [
152 accordance with Section 4-2-103.
153 (3) (a) [
154 manufacturer, or distributor of a [
155 may pay the fee described in Subsection (2).
156 (b) A cannabinoid product may not be registered with the department until the fee
157 described in Subsection (2) is paid.
158 (4) The department shall set an administrative fine, larger than the fee described in
159 Subsection (2), for a person who sells a [
160 by the department.
161 Section 7. Section 4-41-404 is amended to read:
162 4-41-404. Department duties.
163 [
166 [
167 [
169 [
170 [
172 [
173 [
175 [
176 any person who offers an unregistered [