Senator Curtis S. Bramble proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

House Sponsor: Brad M. Daw


8     General Description:
9          This bill creates the Kratom Consumer Protection Act.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     defines terms;
13          ▸     requires a person that prepares, distributes, sells, or offers to sell a kratom product
14     to follow certain labeling requirements;
15          ▸     prohibits a person from preparing, distributing, selling, or offering for sale certain
16     kratom products;
17          ▸     establishes penalties for violating the Kratom Consumer Protection Act;
18          ▸     requires registration with the Department of Agriculture and Food of any kratom
19     product offered for sale in this state;
20          ▸     requires the Department of Agriculture and Food to set a fee and create standards
21     for registering a kratom product;
22          ▸     creates a civil cause of action; and
23          ▸     requires the Department of Agriculture and Food to make rules to administer and
24     enforce the Kratom Consumer Protection Act.
25     Money Appropriated in this Bill:

26          None
27     Other Special Clauses:
28          None
29     Utah Code Sections Affected:
30     ENACTS:
31          4-44-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
32          4-44-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
33          4-44-103, Utah Code Annotated 1953
34          4-44-104, Utah Code Annotated 1953
35          4-44-105, Utah Code Annotated 1953
36          4-44-106, Utah Code Annotated 1953
37          4-44-107, Utah Code Annotated 1953
38          4-44-108, Utah Code Annotated 1953

40     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
41          Section 1. Section 4-44-101 is enacted to read:

43          4-44-101. Title.
44          This chapter is known as the "Kratom Consumer Protection Act."
45          Section 2. Section 4-44-102 is enacted to read:
46          4-44-102. Definitions.
47          As used in this chapter:
48          (1) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of the department.
49          (2) "Department" means the Department of Agriculture and Food created in Section
50     4-2-102.
51          (3) "Food" means:
52          (a) an article used for food or drink for human or animal consumption or the
53     components of the article;
54          (b) chewing gum or chewing gum components; or
55          (c) a food supplement for special dietary use that is necessitated because of a physical,
56     physiological, pathological, or other condition.

57          (4) "Kratom processor" means a person who:
58          (a) sells, prepares, or maintains a kratom product; or
59          (b) advertises, represents, or holds oneself out as selling, preparing, or maintaining a
60     kratom product.
61          (5) "Kratom product" mean food containing any part of a leaf of the plant Mitragyna
62     speciosa.
63          Section 3. Section 4-44-103 is enacted to read:
64          4-44-103. Factual basis for claim as kratom product required -- Administrative
65     penalty -- Request for hearing.
66          (1) A kratom processor shall disclose on the product label of each kratom product that
67     the kratom processor prepares, distributes, sells, or offers for sale the factual basis upon which
68     the kratom processor represents the food as a kratom product.
69          (2) For a violation of Subsection (1), a kratom processor is subject to an administrative
70     fine of:
71          (a) up to $500 for the first offense; and
72          (b) up to $1,000 for a second or subsequent offense.
73          (3) Upon the request of a kratom processor fined under this section, the commissioner
74     shall conduct a hearing in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Utah Administrative
75     Procedures Act.
76          Section 4. Section 4-44-104 is enacted to read:
77          4-44-104. Kratom processor requirements -- Criminal penalty.
78          (1) A kratom processor may not prepare, distribute, sell, or offer for sale a kratom
79     product:
80          (a) that is mixed or packed with a nonkratom substance that affects the quality or
81     strength of the kratom product to such a degree as to render the kratom product injurious to a
82     consumer;
83          (b) that contains a poisonous or otherwise deleterious nonkratom ingredient, including
84     a controlled substance as defined in Section 58-37-2;
85          (c) containing a level of 7-hydroxymitragynine in the alkaloid fraction that is greater
86     than 2% of the alkaloid composition of the kratom product;
87          (d) containing a synthetic alkaloid, including synthetic mitragynine, synthetic

88     7-hydroxymitragynine, or any other synthetically derived compound of the kratom plant; or
89          (e) that does not include a product label on the kratom product packaging that states the
90     amount of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine contained in the packaged kratom product.
91          (2) A kratom processor who violates Subsection (1) is:
92          (a) guilty of a misdemeanor for each violation; and
93          (b) punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 days, a fine not to exceed $500,
94     or both.
95          (3) A kratom processor does not violate Subsection (1) if the kratom processor shows
96     by a preponderance of the evidence that the kratom processor relied in good faith upon the
97     representation of a manufacturer, processor, packer, or distributor of food represented to be a
98     kratom product.
99          (4) A kratom processor may not prepare, distribute, sell, or offer for sale a kratom
100     product that is not registered with the department in accordance with this chapter.
101          (5) A kratom processor shall register as a food establishment in accordance with
102     Section 4-5-301.
103          Section 5. Section 4-44-105 is enacted to read:
104          4-44-105. Prohibition on sale to minors -- Criminal penalty.
105          (1) A kratom processor may not distribute, sell, or offer for sale a kratom product to an
106     individual under 18 years of age.
107          (2) A kratom processor who violates this section is:
108          (a) guilty of a misdemeanor for each violation; and
109          (b) punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 days, a fine not to exceed $500,
110     or both.
111          Section 6. Section 4-44-106 is enacted to read:
112          4-44-106. Civil action available.
113          In addition to and distinct from any other remedy at law, an individual may bring a civil
114     action, in a competent court of jurisdiction, for damages resulting from a violation of this
115     chapter, including economic, noneconomic, or consequential damages.
116          Section 7. Section 4-44-107 is enacted to read:
117          4-44-107. Rulemaking.
118          (1) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Administrative Rulemaking Act, the

119     department shall make rules for the administration and enforcement of this chapter.
120          (2) The rules described in Subsection (1) shall include standards for a registered
121     kratom product, including standards for:
122          (a) testing to ensure the product is safe for human consumption;
123          (b) accurate labeling; and
124          (c) any other issue the department considers necessary.
125          Section 8. Section 4-44-108 is enacted to read:
126          4-44-108. Registration of kratom products -- Department duties.
127          (1) The department shall set a fee to register a kratom product, in accordance with
128     Section 4-2-103.
129          (2) The fee described in Subsection (1) may be paid by a producer, manufacturer, or
130     distributor of a kratom product, but a kratom product may not be registered with the
131     department until the fee is paid.
132          (3) The department shall:
133          (a) set an administrative fine, larger than the fee described in Subsection (1), for a
134     person who sells a kratom product that is not registered with the department; and
135          (b) assess the fine described in Subsection (3)(a) against any person who offers an
136     unregistered kratom product for sale in this state.
137          (4) The department may seize and destroy any unregistered kratom product offered for
138     sale in this state.