8 General Description:
9 This bill amends provisions related to and imposes limitations on enforcement of
10 municipal ordinances.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ defines terms;
14 ▸ for each municipal ordinance that restricts the use of an individual's property,
15 requires a municipality to identify in the ordinance the negative impact that the
16 ordinance intends to abate;
17 ▸ requires municipalities to revise the existing ordinances to comply with this bill;
18 ▸ prohibits enforcement of an ordinance that restricts the use of an individual's
19 property unless the violation of the ordinance causes the identified negative impact
20 that the ordinance intends to abate; and
21 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
22 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
23 None
24 Other Special Clauses:
25 None
26 Utah Code Sections Affected:
28 10-8-60, Utah Code Annotated 1953
30 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
31 Section 1. Section 10-8-60 is amended to read:
32 10-8-60. Nuisances -- Restrictive ordinances required to identify negative
33 impacts.
34 (1) [
35 (a) declare what [
36 (b) abate [
37 (c) impose fines upon [
38 continues a nuisance or [
39 (2) (a) If a municipality enacts an ordinance that restricts an individual's use of the
40 individual's primary residence, the municipality shall ensure that the ordinance identifies the
41 negative impact of the restricted use that the ordinance intends to abate.
42 (b) Before July 1, 2020, a municipality shall review and revise the municipality's
43 existing ordinances to ensure that any ordinance that restricts an individual's use of a primary
44 residence complies with Subsection (2)(a).
45 (3) A municipality may not enforce an ordinance described in Subsection (2) unless the
46 use of the individual's property that constitutes a violation of the ordinance causes a nuisance or
47 the negative impact that the ordinance identifies as the effect the ordinance intends to abate.