8 General Description:
9 This bill creates training requirements for human trafficking prevention and awareness.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ requires school districts and charter schools to provide biennial training regarding
13 human trafficking prevention and awareness to school personnel, parents and
14 guardians, and students; and
15 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
16 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
17 None
18 Other Special Clauses:
19 None
20 Utah Code Sections Affected:
22 53G-9-207, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 209 and renumbered and
23 amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 3
25 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
26 Section 1. Section 53G-9-207 is amended to read:
27 53G-9-207. Child sexual abuse prevention.
28 (1) As used in this section, "school personnel" means the same as that term is defined
29 in Section 53G-9-203.
30 (2) The State Board of Education shall approve, in partnership with the Department of
31 Human Services, age-appropriate instructional materials for the training and instruction
32 described in Subsections (3)(a) and (4).
33 (3) (a) A school district or charter school shall provide, every other year, training and
34 instruction on child sexual abuse and human trafficking prevention and awareness to:
35 (i) school personnel in elementary and secondary schools on:
36 (A) responding to a disclosure of child sexual abuse in a supportive, appropriate
37 manner; [
38 (B) identifying children who are victims or may be at risk of becoming victims of
39 human trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation; and
40 [
41 62A-4a-403; and
42 (ii) parents or guardians of elementary school students on:
43 (A) recognizing warning signs of a child who is being sexually abused or who is a
44 victim or may be at risk of becoming a victim of human trafficking or commercial sexual
45 exploitation; and
46 (B) effective, age-appropriate methods for discussing the topic of child sexual abuse
47 with a child.
48 (b) A school district or charter school shall use the instructional materials approved by
49 the State Board of Education under Subsection (2) to provide the training and instruction to
50 school personnel and parents or guardians under Subsection (3)(a).
51 (4) (a) In accordance with Subsections (4)(b) and (5), a school district or charter school
52 may provide instruction on child sexual abuse and human trafficking prevention and awareness
53 to elementary school students using age-appropriate curriculum.
54 (b) A school district or charter school that provides the instruction described in
55 Subsection (4)(a) shall use the instructional materials approved by the board under Subsection
56 (2) to provide the instruction.
57 (5) (a) An elementary school student may not be given the instruction described in
58 Subsection (4) unless the parent or guardian of the student is:
59 (i) notified in advance of the:
60 (A) instruction and the content of the instruction; and
61 (B) parent or guardian's right to have the student excused from the instruction;
62 (ii) given an opportunity to review the instructional materials before the instruction
63 occurs; and
64 (iii) allowed to be present when the instruction is delivered.
65 (b) Upon the written request of the parent or guardian of an elementary school student,
66 the student shall be excused from the instruction described in Subsection (4).
67 (c) Participation of a student requires compliance with Sections 53E-9-202 and
68 53E-9-203.
69 (6) A school district or charter school may determine the mode of delivery for the
70 training and instruction described in Subsections (3) and (4).
71 (7) Upon request of the State Board of Education, a school district or charter school
72 shall provide evidence of compliance with this section.