9 General Description:
10 This resolution enacts provisions related to a bill or resolution effective date and the
11 Legislature calling itself into session.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This resolution:
14 ▸ enacts provisions related to the effective or contingent date of a bill;
15 ▸ enacts provisions related to the effective or contingent date of a resolution;
16 ▸ amends provisions related to convening the Legislature and introducing bills to
17 reflect constitutional changes allowing the Legislature to call itself into a special
18 session; and
19 ▸ makes technical corrections.
20 Special Clauses:
21 None
22 Legislative Rules Affected:
24 JR1-2-101
25 JR2-1-102
26 JR4-1-203
27 JR4-1-302
29 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
30 Section 1. JR1-2-101 is amended to read:
31 JR1-2-101. Convening the Legislature -- Process -- Date.
32 (1) The Legislature shall convene:
33 (a) on the date set by the Utah Constitution for the beginning of the annual general
34 session; [
35 (b) on the date set by the governor in the proclamation that calls the Legislature into
36 special session[
37 (c) on the date set by joint proclamation of the president and the speaker that convenes
38 the Legislature into special session.
39 (2) The Legislature shall convene by:
40 (a) each house being called to order;
41 (b) having an invocation;
42 (c) reciting the pledge of allegiance;
43 (d) reading the certificates of election and giving the oath of office to legislators, if
44 necessary;
45 (e) calling the roll and declaring whether or not a quorum is present;
46 (f) electing a presiding officer, if necessary;
47 (g) appointing standing committees, if necessary;
48 (h) adopting rules;
49 (i) giving and receiving the notifications required in JR1-2-102 and JR1-2-103; and
50 (j) introducing bills.
51 (3) Nothing in this rule:
52 (a) requires the Senate or House to perform the items in this rule in a particular order;
53 or
54 (b) prohibits the Senate or House from adding or deleting items.
55 (4) The daily order of business set forth in SR1-5-103 and HR1-5-103 governs on all
56 legislative days other than the day on which the Legislature convenes.
57 Section 2. JR2-1-102 is amended to read:
58 JR2-1-102. Introduction of bills.
59 Legislation authorized by the governor's special session proclamation or by joint
60 proclamation of the president and the speaker may be introduced in either house at any time
61 during a special session of the Legislature.
62 Section 3. JR4-1-203 is amended to read:
63 JR4-1-203. Effective date of bills.
64 (1) (a) Unless otherwise directed by the Legislature and subject to Subsections (2) and
65 (3), a bill becomes effective 60 days after the adjournment of the session at which it passed.
66 [
67 (2) (a) The effective date of a bill may not be a date later than December 31 of the
68 calendar year immediately following the calendar year of the session at which the bill is passed.
69 (b) A bill with a contingent effective date is not subject to Subsection (2)(a).
70 (3) (a) If the effective date of a bill is contingent, before the bill may be introduced:
71 (i) the bill sponsor shall inform the legislative general counsel of the contingent
72 effective date; and
73 (ii) the legislative general counsel shall, on behalf of the bill sponsor, request approval
74 of the contingent effective date from the president and speaker.
75 (b) A bill that has a contingent effective date that is not approved by the president and
76 the speaker may not be introduced.
77 (c) Subsections (3)(a) and (b) do not apply to a bill that has a contingent effective date
78 that is contingent on voter approval of an amendment to the Utah Constitution.
79 (4) A rules committee, a standing committee, the Senate, or the House of
80 Representatives is prohibited from suspending the provisions of Subsection (2) or (3).
81 Section 4. JR4-1-302 is amended to read:
82 JR4-1-302. Effective date of resolutions.
83 (1) Unless otherwise directed by the Legislature and subject to Subsections (2) and (3),
84 a resolution becomes effective on the day that the resolution receives final approval from:
85 [
86 [
87 [
88 concurrent resolution; or
89 [
90 election, if it is a constitutional joint resolution.
91 (2) (a) The effective date of a resolution may not be a date later than December 31 of
92 the calendar year immediately following the calendar year of the session at which the resolution
93 is passed.
94 (b) A resolution with a contingent effective date is not subject to Subsection (2)(a).
95 (3) (a) If the effective date of a resolution is contingent, before the resolution may be
96 introduced:
97 (i) the resolution sponsor shall inform the legislative general counsel of the contingent
98 effective date; and
99 (ii) the legislative general counsel shall, on behalf of the resolution sponsor, request
100 approval of the contingent effective date from the president and speaker.
101 (b) A resolution that has a contingent effective date that is not approved by the
102 president and the speaker may not be introduced.
103 (c) Subsections (3)(a) and (b) do not apply to a resolution to amend the Utah
104 Constitution that is contingent on approval by the voters.
105 (4) A rules committee, a standing committee, the Senate, or the House of
106 Representatives is prohibited from suspending the provisions of Subsection (2) or (3).