This document includes Senate 2nd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 8:48 AM by lpoole.
Senator Curtis S. Bramble proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Mike Schultz

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble


8     General Description:
9          This bill amends construction provisions in Title 10, Utah Municipal Code, Title 15A,
10     State Construction and Fire Codes Act, and Title 17, Counties.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     amends provisions related to construction plans for a town, city, and county;
14          ▸     permits Ŝ→ [
ceratin] certain ←Ŝ structures to be exempt from requirements of the State
14a     Construction
15     Code;
16          ▸     adopts and amends the residential provisions of the 2018 edition of the International
17     Swimming Pool and Spa Code;
18          ▸     under certain conditions, exempts airport hangars from having a fire-resistance
19     exterior wall rating of not less than two hours;
20          ▸     deletes a provision for an emergency elevator communication system;
21          ▸     amends provisions in the International Residential Code;
22          ▸     amends citations in amendments to the International Plumbing Code;
23          ▸     amends a citation in an amendment to the International Mechanical Code;
24          ▸     amends provisions in the International Existing Building Code; and
25          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.

26     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
27          None
28     Other Special Clauses:
29          None
30     Utah Code Sections Affected:
31     AMENDS:
32          10-5-132, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 20
33          10-6-160, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 236
34          15A-1-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 20
35          15A-1-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 18
36          15A-2-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 249
37          15A-2-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapters 20 and 436
38          15A-3-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 20
39          15A-3-112, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 20
40          15A-3-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 20
41          15A-3-304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 20
42          15A-3-313, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 249
43          15A-3-402, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 14
44          15A-3-801, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 20
45          17-36-55, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 20
46     ENACTS:
47          15A-3-1001, Utah Code Annotated 1953

49     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
50          Section 1. Section 10-5-132 is amended to read:
51          10-5-132. Fees collected for construction approval -- Approval of plans.
52          (1) As used in this section:
53          (a) "Construction project" means the same as that term is defined in Section 38-1a-102.
54          (b) "Lodging establishment" means a place providing temporary sleeping
55     accommodations to the public, including any of the following:
56          (i) a bed and breakfast establishment;

57          (ii) a boarding house;
58          (iii) a dormitory;
59          (iv) a hotel;
60          (v) an inn;
61          (vi) a lodging house;
62          (vii) a motel;
63          (viii) a resort; or
64          (ix) a rooming house.
65          (c) "Planning review" means a review to verify that a town has approved the following
66     elements of a construction project:
67          (i) zoning;
68          (ii) lot sizes;
69          (iii) setbacks;
70          (iv) easements;
71          (v) curb and gutter elevations;
72          (vi) grades and slopes;
73          (vii) utilities;
74          (viii) street names;
75          (ix) defensible space provisions and elevations, if required by the Utah Wildland Urban
76     Interface Code adopted under Section 15A-2-103; and
77          (x) subdivision.
78          (d) (i) "Plan review" means all of the reviews and approvals of a plan that a town
79     requires to obtain a building permit from the town with a scope that may not exceed a review to
80     verify:
81          (A) that the construction project complies with the provisions of the State Construction
82     Code under Title 15A, State Construction and Fire Codes Act;
83          (B) that the construction project complies with the energy code adopted under Section
84     15A-2-103;
85          (C) that the construction project received a planning review;
86          (D) that the applicant paid any required fees;
87          (E) that the applicant obtained final approvals from any other required reviewing

88     agencies;
89          (F) that the construction project complies with federal, state, and local storm water
90     protection laws;
91          (G) that the construction project received a structural review;
92          (H) the total square footage for each building level of finished, garage, and unfinished
93     space; and
94          (I) that the plans include a printed statement indicating that the actual construction will
95     comply with applicable local ordinances and the state construction codes.
96          (ii) "Plan review" does not mean a review of a document:
97          (A) required to be re-submitted for additional modifications or substantive changes
98     identified by the plan review;
99          (B) submitted as part of a deferred submittal when requested by the applicant and
100     approved by the building official; or
101          (C) that, due to the document's technical nature or on the request of the applicant, is
102     reviewed by a third party.
103          (e) "State Construction Code" means the same as that term is defined in Section
104     15A-1-102.
105          (f) "State Fire Code" means the same as that term is defined in Section 15A-1-102.
106          (g) "Structural review" means:
107          (i) a review that verifies that a construction project complies with the following:
108          (A) footing size and bar placement;
109          (B) foundation thickness and bar placement;
110          (C) beam and header sizes;
111          (D) nailing patterns;
112          (E) bearing points;
113          (F) structural member size and span; and
114          (G) sheathing; or
115          (ii) if the review exceeds the scope of the review described in Subsection (1)[(e)](g)(i),
116     a review that a licensed engineer conducts.
117          (h) "Technical nature" means a characteristic that places an item outside the training
118     and expertise of an individual who regularly performs plan reviews.

119          (2) (a) If a town collects a fee for the inspection of a construction project, the town
120     shall ensure that the construction project receives a prompt inspection.
121          (b) If a town cannot provide a building inspection within [a reasonable time] three
122     business days after the day on which the town Ŝ→ [
collects a fee] receives the request ←Ŝ for the
122a     inspection, the town shall
123     promptly engage an independent inspector with fees collected from the applicant.
124          (c) If an inspector identifies one or more violations of the State Construction Code or
125     State Fire Code during an inspection, [on the day on which the inspection occurs,] the inspector
126     shall give the permit holder written notification [of each violation] that:
127          [(i) is delivered in hardcopy or by electronic means; and]
128          (i) identifies each violation;
129          (ii) upon request by the permit holder, includes a reference to each applicable provision
130     of the State Construction Code or State Fire Code[.]; and
131          (iii) is delivered:
132          (A) in hardcopy or by electronic means; and
133          (B) the day on which the inspection occurs.
134          (3) (a) A town shall complete a plan review of a construction project for a one to two
135     family dwelling or townhome by no later than 14 business days after the day on which the plan
136     is submitted to the town.
137          (b) A town shall complete a plan review of a construction project for a residential
138     structure built under the International Building Code, not including a lodging establishment, by
139     no later than 21 business days after the day on which the plan is submitted to the town.
140          (c) (i) Subject to Subsection (3)(c)(ii), if a town does not complete a plan review before
141     the time period described in Subsection (3)(a) or (b) expires, an applicant may request that the
142     town complete the plan review.
143          (ii) If an applicant makes a request under Subsection (3)(c)(i), the town shall perform
144     the plan review no later than:
145          (A) for a plan review described in Subsection (3)(a), 14 days from the day on which the
146     applicant makes the request; or
147          (B) for a plan review described in Subsection (3)(b), 21 days from the day on which the
148     applicant makes the request.
149          (d) An applicant may:
150          (i) waive the plan review time requirements described in this Subsection (3); or
151          (ii) with the town's consent, establish an alternative plan review time requirement.
152          (4) (a) A town may not enforce a requirement to have a plan review if:
153          (i) the town does not complete the plan review within the time period described in
154     Subsection (3)(a) or (b); and
155          (ii) a licensed architect or structural engineer, or both when required by law, stamps the
156     plan.
157          (b) A town may attach to a reviewed plan a list that includes:
158          (i) items with which the town is concerned and may enforce during construction; and
159          (ii) building code violations found in the plan.
160          (c) A town may not require an applicant to redraft a plan if the town requests minor
161     changes to the plan that the list described in Subsection (4)(b) identifies.
162          (5) An applicant shall ensure that each construction project plan submitted for a plan
163     review under this section has a statement indicating that actual construction will comply with
164     applicable local ordinances and building codes.
165          Section 2. Section 10-6-160 is amended to read:
166          10-6-160. Fees collected for construction approval -- Approval of plans.
167          (1) As used in this section:
168          (a) "Construction project" means the same as that term is defined in Section 38-1a-102.
169          (b) "Lodging establishment" means a place providing temporary sleeping
170     accommodations to the public, including any of the following:
171          (i) a bed and breakfast establishment;
172          (ii) a boarding house;
173          (iii) a dormitory;
174          (iv) a hotel;
175          (v) an inn;
176          (vi) a lodging house;
177          (vii) a motel;
178          (viii) a resort; or
179          (ix) a rooming house.
180          (c) "Planning review" means a review to verify that a city has approved the following

181     elements of a construction project:
182          (i) zoning;
183          (ii) lot sizes;
184          (iii) setbacks;
185          (iv) easements;
186          (v) curb and gutter elevations;
187          (vi) grades and slopes;
188          (vii) utilities;
189          (viii) street names;
190          (ix) defensible space provisions and elevations, if required by the Utah Wildland Urban
191     Interface Code adopted under Section 15A-2-103; and
192          (x) subdivision.
193          (d) (i) " Plan review" means all of the reviews and approvals of a plan that a city
194     requires to obtain a building permit from the city with a scope that may not exceed a review to
195     verify:
196          (A) that the construction project complies with the provisions of the State Construction
197     Code under Title 15A, State Construction and Fire Codes Act;
198          (B) that the construction project complies with the energy code adopted under Section
199     15A-2-103;
200          (C) that the construction project received a planning review;
201          (D) that the applicant paid any required fees;
202          (E) that the applicant obtained final approvals from any other required reviewing
203     agencies;
204          (F) that the construction project complies with federal, state, and local storm water
205     protection laws;
206          (G) that the construction project received a structural review; [and]
207          (H) the total square footage for each building level of finished, garage, and unfinished
208     space[.]; and
209          (I) that the plans include a printed statement indicating that the actual construction will
210     comply with applicable local ordinances and the state construction codes.
211          (ii) "Plan review" does not mean a review of a document:

212          (A) required to be re-submitted for additional modifications or substantive changes
213     identified by the plan review;
214          (B) submitted as part of a deferred submittal when requested by the applicant and
215     approved by the building official; or
216          (C) that, due to the document's technical nature or on the request of the applicant, is
217     reviewed by a third party.
218          (e) "State Construction Code" means the same as that term is defined in Section
219     15A-1-102.
220          (f) "State Fire Code" means the same as that term is defined in Section 15A-1-102.
221          [(e)] (g) "Structural review" means:
222          (i) a review that verifies that a construction project complies with the following:
223          (A) footing size and bar placement;
224          (B) foundation thickness and bar placement;
225          (C) beam and header sizes;
226          (D) nailing patterns;
227          (E) bearing points;
228          (F) structural member size and span; and
229          (G) sheathing; or
230          (ii) if the review exceeds the scope of the review described in Subsection (1)[(e)](g)(i),
231     a review that a licensed engineer conducts.
232          [(f)] (h) "Technical nature" means a characteristic that places an item outside the
233     training and expertise of an individual who regularly performs plan reviews.
234          (2) (a) If a city collects a fee for the inspection of a construction project, the city shall
235     ensure that the construction project receives a prompt inspection.
236          (b) If a city cannot provide a building inspection within three business days after the
237     day on which the Ŝ→ [
town collects a fee] city receives the request ←Ŝ for the inspection, the city
237a     shall promptly engage an
238     independent inspector with fees collected from the applicant.
239          (c) If an inspector identifies one or more violations of the State Construction Code or
240     State Fire Code during an inspection, the inspector shall give the permit holder written
241     notification that:
242          (i) identifies each violation;
243          (ii) upon request by the permit holder, includes a reference to each applicable provision
244     of the State Construction Code or State Fire Code;
245          (iii) is delivered:
246          (A) in hardcopy or by electronic means; and
247          (B) the day on which the inspection occurs.
248          (3) (a) A city shall complete a plan review of a construction project for a one to two
249     family dwelling or townhome by no later than 14 business days after the day on which the plan
250     is submitted to the city.
251          (b) A city shall complete a plan review of a construction project for a residential
252     structure built under the International Building Code, not including a lodging establishment, by
253     no later than 21 business days after the day on which the plan is submitted to the city.
254          (c) (i) Subject to Subsection (3)(c)(ii), if a city does not complete a plan review before
255     the time period described in Subsection (3)(a) or (b) expires, an applicant may request that the
256     city complete the plan review.
257          (ii) If an applicant makes a request under Subsection (3)(c)(i), the city shall perform the
258     plan review no later than:
259          (A) for a plan review described in Subsection (3)(a), 14 days from the day on which the
260     applicant makes the request; or
261          (B) for a plan review described in Subsection (3)(b), 21 days from the day on which the
262     applicant makes the request.
263          (d) An applicant may:
264          (i) waive the plan review time requirements described in this Subsection (3); or
265          (ii) with the city's consent, establish an alternative plan review time requirement.
266          (4) (a) A city may not enforce a requirement to have a plan review if:
267          (i) the city does not complete the plan review within the time period described in
268     Subsection (3)(a) or (b); and
269          (ii) a licensed architect or structural engineer, or both when required by law, stamps the
270     plan.
271          (b) A city may attach to a reviewed plan a list that includes:
272          (i) items with which the city is concerned and may enforce during construction; and
273          (ii) building code violations found in the plan.

274          (c) A city may not require an applicant to redraft a plan if the city requests minor
275     changes to the plan that the list described in Subsection (4)(b) identifies.
276          (5) An applicant shall ensure that each construction project plan submitted for a plan
277     review under this section has a statement indicating that actual construction will comply with
278     applicable local ordinances and building codes.
279          Section 3. Section 15A-1-202 is amended to read:
280          15A-1-202. Definitions.
281          As used in this chapter:
282          (1) "Agricultural use" means a use that relates to the tilling of soil and raising of crops,
283     or keeping or raising domestic animals.
284          (2) (a) "Approved code" means a code, including the standards and specifications
285     contained in the code, approved by the division under Section 15A-1-204 for use by a
286     compliance agency.
287          (b) "Approved code" does not include the State Construction Code.
288          (3) "Building" means a structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use
289     or occupancy and any improvements attached to it.
290          (4) "Code" means:
291          (a) the State Construction Code; or
292          (b) an approved code.
293          (5) "Commission" means the Uniform Building Code Commission created in Section
294     15A-1-203.
295          (6) "Compliance agency" means:
296          (a) an agency of the state or any of its political subdivisions which issues permits for
297     construction regulated under the codes;
298          (b) any other agency of the state or its political subdivisions specifically empowered to
299     enforce compliance with the codes; or
300          (c) any other state agency which chooses to enforce codes adopted under this chapter
301     by authority given the agency under a title other than this part and Part 3, Factory Built
302     Housing and Modular Units Administration Act.
303          (7) "Construction code" means standards and specifications published by a nationally
304     recognized code authority for use in circumstances described in Subsection 15A-1-204(1),

305     including:
306          (a) a building code;
307          (b) an electrical code;
308          (c) a residential one and two family dwelling code;
309          (d) a plumbing code;
310          (e) a mechanical code;
311          (f) a fuel gas code;
312          (g) an energy conservation code; [and]
313          (h) a swimming pool and spa code; and
314          [(h)] (i) a manufactured housing installation standard code.
315          (8) "Executive director" means the executive director of the Department of Commerce.
316          (9) "Legislative action" includes legislation that:
317          (a) adopts a new State Construction Code;
318          (b) amends the State Construction Code; or
319          (c) repeals one or more provisions of the State Construction Code.
320          (10) "Local regulator" means a political subdivision of the state that is empowered to
321     engage in the regulation of construction, alteration, remodeling, building, repair, and other
322     activities subject to the codes.
323          (11) "Not for human occupancy" means use of a structure for purposes other than
324     protection or comfort of human beings, but allows people to enter the structure for:
325          (a) maintenance and repair; and
326          (b) the care of livestock, crops, or equipment intended for agricultural use which are
327     kept there.
328          (12) "Opinion" means a written, nonbinding, and advisory statement issued by the
329     commission concerning an interpretation of the meaning of the codes or the application of the
330     codes in a specific circumstance issued in response to a specific request by a party to the issue.
331          (13) "State regulator" means an agency of the state which is empowered to engage in
332     the regulation of construction, alteration, remodeling, building, repair, and other activities
333     subject to the codes adopted pursuant to this chapter.
334          Section 4. Section 15A-1-204 is amended to read:
335          15A-1-204. Adoption of State Construction Code -- Amendments by commission

336     -- Approved codes -- Exemptions.
337          (1) (a) The State Construction Code is the construction codes adopted with any
338     modifications in accordance with this section that the state and each political subdivision of the
339     state shall follow.
340          (b) A person shall comply with the applicable provisions of the State Construction
341     Code when:
342          (i) new construction is involved; and
343          (ii) the owner of an existing building, or the owner's agent, is voluntarily engaged in:
344          (A) the repair, renovation, remodeling, alteration, enlargement, rehabilitation,
345     conservation, or reconstruction of the building; or
346          (B) changing the character or use of the building in a manner that increases the
347     occupancy loads, other demands, or safety risks of the building.
348          (c) On and after July 1, 2010, the State Construction Code is the State Construction
349     Code in effect on July 1, 2010, until in accordance with this section:
350          (i) a new State Construction Code is adopted; or
351          (ii) one or more provisions of the State Construction Code are amended or repealed in
352     accordance with this section.
353          (d) A provision of the State Construction Code may be applicable:
354          (i) to the entire state; or
355          (ii) within a county, city, or town.
356          (2) (a) The Legislature shall adopt a State Construction Code by enacting legislation
357     that adopts a nationally recognized construction code with any modifications.
358          (b) Legislation described in Subsection (2)(a) shall state that the legislation takes effect
359     on the July 1 after the day on which the legislation is enacted, unless otherwise stated in the
360     legislation.
361          (c) Subject to Subsection (6), a State Construction Code adopted by the Legislature is
362     the State Construction Code until, in accordance with this section, the Legislature adopts a new
363     State Construction Code by:
364          (i) adopting a new State Construction Code in its entirety; or
365          (ii) amending or repealing one or more provisions of the State Construction Code.
366          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), for each update of a nationally

367     recognized construction code, the commission shall prepare a report described in Subsection
368     (4).
369          (b) For the provisions of a nationally recognized construction code that apply only to
370     detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses not more than three stories above
371     grade plane in height with separate means of egress and their accessory structures, the
372     commission shall:
373          (i) prepare a report described in Subsection (4) in 2021 and, thereafter, for every
374     second update of the nationally recognized construction code; and
375          (ii) not prepare a report described in Subsection (4) in 2018.
376          (4) (a) In accordance with Subsection (3), on or before September 1 of the same year as
377     the year designated in the title of a nationally recognized construction code, the commission
378     shall prepare and submit, in accordance with Section 68-3-14, a written report to the Business
379     and Labor Interim Committee that:
380          (i) states whether the commission recommends the Legislature adopt the update with
381     any modifications; and
382          (ii) describes the costs and benefits of each recommended change in the update or in
383     any modification.
384          (b) After the Business and Labor Interim Committee receives the report described in
385     Subsection (4)(a), the Business and Labor Interim Committee shall:
386          (i) study the recommendations; and
387          (ii) if the Business and Labor Interim Committee decides to recommend legislative
388     action to the Legislature, prepare legislation for consideration by the Legislature in the next
389     general session.
390          (5) (a) (i) The commission shall, by no later than September 1 of each year in which
391     the commission is not required to submit a report described in Subsection (4), submit, in
392     accordance with Section 68-3-14, a written report to the Business and Labor Interim
393     Committee recommending whether the Legislature should amend or repeal one or more
394     provisions of the State Construction Code.
395          (ii) As part of a recommendation described in Subsection (5)(a)(i), the commission
396     shall describe the costs and benefits of each proposed amendment or repeal.
397          (b) The commission may recommend legislative action related to the State

398     Construction Code:
399          (i) on its own initiative;
400          (ii) upon the recommendation of the division; or
401          (iii) upon the receipt of a request by one of the following that the commission
402     recommend legislative action related to the State Construction Code:
403          (A) a local regulator;
404          (B) a state regulator;
405          (C) a state agency involved with the construction and design of a building;
406          (D) the Construction Services Commission;
407          (E) the Electrician Licensing Board;
408          (F) the Plumbers Licensing Board; or
409          (G) a recognized construction-related association.
410          (c) If the Business and Labor Interim Committee decides to recommend legislative
411     action to the Legislature, the Business and Labor Interim Committee shall prepare legislation
412     for consideration by the Legislature in the next general session.
413          (6) (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the commission may, in
414     accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, amend the State
415     Construction Code if the commission determines that waiting for legislative action in the next
416     general legislative session would:
417          (i) cause an imminent peril to the public health, safety, or welfare; or
418          (ii) place a person in violation of federal or other state law.
419          (b) If the commission amends the State Construction Code in accordance with this
420     Subsection (6), the commission shall file with the division:
421          (i) the text of the amendment to the State Construction Code; and
422          (ii) an analysis that includes the specific reasons and justifications for the commission's
423     findings.
424          (c) If the State Construction Code is amended under this Subsection (6), the division
425     shall:
426          (i) publish the amendment to the State Construction Code in accordance with Section
427     15A-1-205; and
428          (ii) prepare and submit, in accordance with Section 68-3-14, a written notice to the

429     Business and Labor Interim Committee containing the amendment to the State Construction
430     Code, including a copy of the commission's analysis described in Subsection (6)(b)(ii).
431          (d) If not formally adopted by the Legislature at the next annual general session, an
432     amendment to the State Construction Code under this Subsection (6) is repealed on the July 1
433     immediately following the next annual general session that follows the adoption of the
434     amendment.
435          (7) (a) The division, in consultation with the commission, may approve, without
436     adopting, one or more approved codes, including a specific edition of a construction code, for
437     use by a compliance agency.
438          (b) If the code adopted by a compliance agency is an approved code described in
439     Subsection (7)(a), the compliance agency may:
440          (i) adopt an ordinance requiring removal, demolition, or repair of a building;
441          (ii) adopt, by ordinance or rule, a dangerous building code; or
442          (iii) adopt, by ordinance or rule, a building rehabilitation code.
443          (8) Except as provided in Subsections (6), (7), (9), and (10), or as expressly provided in
444     state law, a state executive branch entity or political subdivision of the state may not, after
445     December 1, 2016, adopt or enforce a rule, ordinance, or requirement that applies to a subject
446     specifically addressed by, and that is more restrictive than, the State Construction Code.
447          (9) A state executive branch entity or political subdivision of the state may:
448          (a) enforce a federal law or regulation;
449          (b) adopt or enforce a rule, ordinance, or requirement if the rule, ordinance, or
450     requirement applies only to a facility or construction owned or used by a state entity or a
451     political subdivision of the state; or
452          (c) enforce a rule, ordinance, or requirement:
453          (i) that the state executive branch entity or political subdivision adopted or made
454     effective before July 1, 2015; and
455          (ii) for which the state executive branch entity or political subdivision can demonstrate,
456     with substantial evidence, that the rule, ordinance, or requirement is necessary to protect an
457     individual from a condition likely to cause imminent injury or death.
458          (10) The Department of Health or the Department of Environmental Quality may
459     enforce a rule or requirement adopted before January 1, 2015.

460          (11) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (11)(b), a structure used solely in
461     conjunction with agriculture use, and not for human occupancy, or a structure that is no more
462     than 1,500 square feet and used solely for the type of sales described in Subsection
463     59-12-104(20), is exempt from the [permit] requirements of the State Construction Code.
464          (b) (i) Unless exempted by a provision other than Subsection (11)(a), a plumbing,
465     electrical, and mechanical permit may be required when that work is included in a structure
466     described in Subsection (11)(a).
467          (ii) Unless located in whole or in part in an agricultural protection area created under
468     Title 17, Chapter 41, Agriculture, Industrial, or Critical Infrastructure Materials Protection
469     Areas, a structure described in Subsection (11)(a) is not exempt from a permit requirement if
470     the structure is located on land that is:
471          (A) within the boundaries of a city or town, and less than five contiguous acres; or
472          (B) within a subdivision for which the county has approved a subdivision plat under
473     Title 17, Chapter 27a, Part 6, Subdivisions, and less than two contiguous acres.
474          Section 5. Section 15A-2-102 is amended to read:
475          15A-2-102. Definitions.
476          As used in this chapter and Chapter 3, Statewide Amendments Incorporated as Part of
477     State Construction Code, and Chapter 4, Local Amendments Incorporated as Part of State
478     Construction Code:
479          (1) "HUD Code" means the Federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety
480     Standards Act, as issued by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and published
481     in 24 C.F.R. Parts 3280 and 3282 (as revised April 1, 1990).
482          (2) "IBC" means the edition of the International Building Code adopted under Section
483     15A-2-103.
484          (3) "IEBC" means the edition of the International Existing Building Code adopted
485     under Section 15A-2-103.
486          (4) "IECC" means the edition of the International Energy Conservation Code adopted
487     under Section 15A-2-103.
488          (5) "IFGC" means the edition of the International Fuel Gas Code adopted under
489     Section 15A-2-103.
490          (6) "IMC" means the edition of the International Mechanical Code adopted under

491     Section 15A-2-103.
492          (7) "IPC" means the edition of the International Plumbing Code adopted under Section
493     15A-2-103.
494          (8) "IRC" means the edition of the International Residential Code adopted under
495     Section 15A-2-103.
496          (9) "ISPSC" means the edition of the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code
497     adopted under Section 15A-2-103.
498          [(9)] (10) "NEC" means the edition of the National Electrical Code adopted under
499     Section 15A-2-103.
500          [(10)] (11) "UWUI" means the edition of the Utah Wildland Urban Interface Code
501     adopted under Section 15A-2-103.
502          Section 6. Section 15A-2-103 is amended to read:
503          15A-2-103. Specific editions adopted of construction code of a nationally
504     recognized code authority.
505          (1) Subject to the other provisions of this part, the following construction codes are
506     incorporated by reference, and together with the amendments specified in Chapter 3, Statewide
507     Amendments Incorporated as Part of State Construction Code, and Chapter 4, Local
508     Amendments Incorporated as Part of State Construction Code, are the construction standards to
509     be applied to building construction, alteration, remodeling, and repair, and in the regulation of
510     building construction, alteration, remodeling, and repair in the state:
511          (a) the 2018 edition of the International Building Code, including Appendix J, issued
512     by the International Code Council;
513          (b) the 2015 edition of the International Residential Code, issued by the International
514     Code Council;
515          (c) Appendix Q of the 2018 edition of the International Residential Code, issued by the
516     International Code Council;
517          (d) the 2018 edition of the International Plumbing Code, issued by the International
518     Code Council;
519          (e) the 2018 edition of the International Mechanical Code, issued by the International
520     Code Council;
521          (f) the 2018 edition of the International Fuel Gas Code, issued by the International

522     Code Council;
523          (g) the 2017 edition of the National Electrical Code, issued by the National Fire
524     Protection Association;
525          (h) the residential provisions of the 2015 edition of the International Energy
526     Conservation Code, issued by the International Code Council;
527          (i) the commercial provisions of the 2018 edition of the International Energy
528     Conservation Code, issued by the International Code Council;
529          (j) the 2018 edition of the International Existing Building Code, issued by the
530     International Code Council;
531          (k) subject to Subsection 15A-2-104(2), the HUD Code;
532          (l) subject to Subsection 15A-2-104(1), Appendix E of the 2015 edition of the
533     International Residential Code, issued by the International Code Council;
534          (m) subject to Subsection 15A-2-104(1), the 2005 edition of the NFPA 225 Model
535     Manufactured Home Installation Standard, issued by the National Fire Protection Association;
536     [and]
537          (n) subject to Subsection (3), for standards and guidelines pertaining to plaster on a
538     historic property, as defined in Section 9-8-302, the U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary's
539     Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings[.]; and
540          (o) the residential provisions of the 2018 edition of the International Swimming Pool
541     and Spa Code, issued by the International Code Council.
542          (2) Consistent with Title 65A, Chapter 8, Management of Forest Lands and Fire
543     Control, the Legislature adopts the 2006 edition of the Utah Wildland Urban Interface Code,
544     issued by the International Code Council, with the alternatives or amendments approved by the
545     Utah Division of Forestry, as a construction code that may be adopted by a local compliance
546     agency by local ordinance or other similar action as a local amendment to the codes listed in
547     this section.
548          (3) The standards and guidelines described in Subsection (1)(n) apply only if:
549          (a) the owner of the historic property receives a government tax subsidy based on the
550     property's status as a historic property;
551          (b) the historic property is wholly or partially funded by public money; or
552          (c) the historic property is owned by a government entity.

553          Section 7. Section 15A-3-103 is amended to read:
554          15A-3-103. Amendments to Chapters 4 through 6 of IBC.
555          (1) IBC Section 403.5.5 is deleted.
556          (2) In IBC, Section 407.2.5, the words "and assisted living facility" are added in the
557     title and first sentence after the words "nursing home."
558          (3) In IBC, Section 407.2.6, the words "and assisted living facility" are added in the
559     title after the words "nursing home."
560          (4) In IBC, Section 407.11, a new exception is added as follows: "Exception: An
561     essential electrical system is not required in assisted living facilities."
562          (5) In IBC, Section 412.3.1, a new exception is added as follows: "Exception: Aircraft
563     hangars of Type I or II construction that are less than 5,000 square feet (464.5m
2) in area."
564          [(5)] (6) A new IBC, Section 422.2.1 is added as follows: " 422.2.1 Separations:
565     Ambulatory care facilities licensed by the Department of Health shall be separated from
566     adjacent tenants with a fire partition having a minimum one hour fire-resistance rating. Any
567     level below the level of exit discharge shall be separated from the level of exit discharge by a
568     horizontal assembly having a minimum one hour fire-resistance rating.
569     Exception: A fire barrier is not required to separate the level of exit discharge when:
570     1. Such levels are under the control of the Ambulatory Care Facility.
571     2. Any hazardous spaces are separated by horizontal assembly having a minimum one hour
572     fire-resistance rating."
573          [(6)] (7) A new IBC Section 429, Day Care, is added as follows:
574     " 429.1 Detailed Requirements. In addition to the occupancy and construction requirements in
575     this code, the additional provisions of this section shall apply to all Day Care in accordance
576     with Utah Administrative Code R710-8 Day Care Rules.
577     429.2 Definitions.
578     429.2.1 Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ): State Fire Marshal, his duly authorized deputies,
579     or the local fire enforcement authority code official.
580     429.2.2 Day Care Facility: Any building or structure occupied by clients of any age who
581     receive custodial care for less than 24 hours by individuals other than parents, guardians,
582     relatives by blood, marriage or adoption.
583     429.2.3 Day Care Center: Providing care for five or more clients in a place other than the home

584     of the person cared for. This would also include Child Care Centers, Out of School Time or
585     Hourly Child Care Centers licensed by the Department of Health.
586     429.2.4 Family Day Care: Providing care for clients listed in the following two groups:
587     429.2.4.1 Type 1: Services provided for five to eight clients in a home. This would also
588     include a home that is certified by the Department of Health as Residential Certificate Child
589     Care or licensed as Family Child Care.
590     429.2.4.2 Type 2: Services provided for nine to sixteen clients in a home with sufficient
591     staffing. This would also include a home that is licensed by the Department of Health as
592     Family Child Care.
593     429.2.5 R710-8: Utah Administrative Code, R710-8, Day Care Rules, as enacted under the
594     authority of the Utah Fire Prevention Board.
595     429.3 Family Day Care.
596     429.3.1 Family Day Care units shall have on each floor occupied by clients, two separate
597     means of egress, arranged so that if one is blocked the other will be available.
598     429.3.2 Family Day Care units that are located in the basement or on the second story shall be
599     provided with two means of egress, one of which shall discharge directly to the outside.
600     429.3.2.1 Residential Certificate Child Care and Licensed Family Child Care with five to eight
601     clients in a home, located on the ground level or in a basement, may use an emergency escape
602     or rescue window as allowed in IFC, Chapter 10, Section 1030.
603     429.3.3 Family Day Care units shall not be located above the second story.
604     429.3.4 In Family Day Care units, clients under the age of two shall not be located above or
605     below the first story.
606     429.3.4.1 Clients under the age of two may be housed above or below the first story where
607     there is at least one exit that leads directly to the outside and complies with IFC, Section 1011
608     or Section 1012 or Section 1027.
609     429.3.5 Family Day Care units located in split entry/split level type homes in which stairs to
610     the lower level and upper level are equal or nearly equal, may have clients housed on both
611     levels when approved by the AHJ.
612     429.3.6 Family Day Care units shall have a portable fire extinguisher on each level occupied by
613     clients, which shall have a classification of not less than 2A:10BC, and shall be serviced in
614     accordance with NFPA, Standard 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.

615     429.3.7 Family Day Care units shall have single station smoke detectors in good operating
616     condition on each level occupied by clients. Battery operated smoke detectors shall be
617     permitted if the facility demonstrates testing, maintenance, and battery replacement to insure
618     continued operation of the smoke detectors.
619     429.3.8 Rooms in Family Day Care units that are provided for clients to sleep or nap, shall
620     have at least one window or door approved for emergency escape.
621     429.3.9 Fire drills shall be conducted in Family Day Care units quarterly and shall include the
622     complete evacuation from the building of all clients and staff. At least annually, in Type I
623     Family Day Care units, the fire drill shall include the actual evacuation using the escape or
624     rescue window, if one is used as a substitute for one of the required means of egress.
625     429.4 Day Care Centers.
626     429.4.1 Day Care Centers shall comply with either I-4 requirements or E requirements of the
627     IBC, whichever is applicable for the type of Day Care Center.
628     429.4.2 Emergency Evacuation Drills shall be completed as required in IFC, Chapter 4, Section
629     405.
630     429.4.3 Location at grade. Group E child day care centers shall be located at the level of exit
631     discharge.
632     429.4.3.1 Child day care spaces for children over the age of 24 months may be located on the
633     second floor of buildings equipped with automatic fire protection throughout and an automatic
634     fire alarm system.
635     429.4.4 Egress. All Group E child day care spaces with an occupant load of more than 10 shall
636     have a second means of egress. If the second means of egress is not an exit door leading
637     directly to the exterior, the room shall have an emergency escape and rescue window
638     complying with Section 1030.
639     429.4.5 All Group E Child Day Care Centers shall comply with Utah Administrative Code,
640     R430-100 Child Care Centers, R430-60 Hourly Child Care Centers, and R430-70 Out of
641     School Time.
642     429.5 Requirements for all Day Care.
643     429.5.1 Heating equipment in spaces occupied by children shall be provided with partitions,
644     screens, or other means to protect children from hot surfaces and open flames.
645     429.5.2 A fire escape plan shall be completed and posted in a conspicuous place. All staff shall

646     be trained on the fire escape plan and procedure."
647          [(7) In IBC, Section 504.4, a new section is added as follows: "504.4.1
648     Notwithstanding the exceptions to Section 504.2, Group I-2 Assisted Living Facilities shall be
649     allowed on each level of a two-story building of Type V-A construction when all of the
650     following apply:]
651     [1. All secured units are located at the level of exit discharge in compliance with Section
652     1010.1.9.3 as amended;]
653     [2. The total combined area of both stories shall not exceed the total allowable area for a
654     one-story building; and]
655     [3. All other provisions that apply in Section 407 have been provided."]
656          (8) In IBC, Section 504.4, a new section is added as follows: ["504.4.2] "504.4.1
657     Group I-2 Assisted Living Facilities. Notwithstanding the allowable number of stories
658     permitted by Table 504.4 Group I-2 Assisted Living Facilities of type VA, construction shall be
659     allowed on each level of a two-story building when all of the following apply:
660     1. The total combined area of both stories does not exceed the total allowable area for a
661     one-story, above grade plane building equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system
662     installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
663     2. All other provisions that apply in Section 407 have been provided."
664          (9) A new IBC, Section 504.5, is added as follows: "504.5 Group 1-2 Secured areas in
665     Assisted Living Facilities. In Type IIIB, IV, and V construction, all areas for the use and care of
666     residents required to be secured shall be located on the level of exit discharge with door
667     operations in compliance with Section 1010.1.9.7, as amended."
668          Section 8. Section 15A-3-112 is amended to read:
669          15A-3-112. Amendments to Chapters 29 through 31 of IBC.
670          (1) In IBC [P] Table 2902.1 the following changes are made:
671          (a) In the row for "E" occupancy in the field for "OTHER" a new footnote i is added.
672          (b) In the row for "I-4" occupancy in the field for "OTHER" a new footnote i is added.
673          (c) A new footnote h is added as follows: "FOOTNOTE: g. When provided, subject to
674     footnote i, in public toilet facilities there shall be an equal number of diaper changing facilities
675     in male toilet rooms and female toilet rooms."
676          (d) A new footnote h is added to the table as follows: "FOOTNOTE h: Non-residential

677     child care facilities shall comply with additional sink requirements of Utah Administrative
678     Code, R381-60-9, Hourly Child Care Centers, R381-70-9, Out of School Time Child Care
679     Programs, and R381-100-9, Child Care Centers."
680          (e) A new footnote i is added to the table as follows: "FOOTNOTE i: A building
681     owned by a state government entity or by a political subdivision of the state that allows access
682     to the public shall provide diaper changing facilities in accordance with footnote h if:
683          1. the building is newly constructed; or
684          2. a bathroom in the building is renovated."
685          (f) Footnote f is deleted and replaced with the following: "FOOTNOTE f: The required
686     number and type of plumbing fixtures for outdoor public swimming pools shall be in
687     accordance with Utah Administrative Code, R392-302, Design, Construction and Operation of
688     Public Pools."
689          (2) A new IBC, Section [P]2902.7, is added as follows:
690     "[P]2902.7 Toilet Facilities for Workers.
691     Toilet facilities shall be provided for construction workers and such facilities shall be
692     maintained in a sanitary condition. Construction worker toilet facilities of the nonsewer type
693     shall conform to ANSI Z4.3."
694          (3) IBC, Section 3001.2, is deleted.
695          [(3)] (4) In IBC, Section 3006.5, a new exception is added as follows: "Exception:
696     Hydraulic elevators and roped hydraulic elevators with a rise of 50 feet or less."
697          (5) In IBC, Section 3109.1, the words "the International Swimming Pool and Spa
698     Code" at the end of the section are deleted and replaced with the words "Utah Administrative
699     Code, R392-302, Design, Construction and Operation of Public Pools."
700          Section 9. Section 15A-3-202 is amended to read:
701          15A-3-202. Amendments to Chapters 1 through 5 of IRC.
702          (1) In IRC, Section R102, a new Section R102.7.2 is added as follows: "R102.7.2
703     Physical change for bedroom window egress. A structure whose egress window in an existing
704     bedroom is smaller than required by this code, and that complied with the construction code in
705     effect at the time that the bedroom was finished, is not required to undergo a physical change to
706     conform to this code if the change would compromise the structural integrity of the structure or
707     could not be completed in accordance with other applicable requirements of this code,

708     including setback and window well requirements."
709          (2) In IRC, Section R108.3, the following sentence is added at the end of the section:
710     "The building official shall not request proprietary information."
711          [(2)] (3) In IRC, Section 109:
712          (a) A new IRC, Section 109.1.5, is added as follows: "R109.1.5 Weather-resistant
713     exterior wall envelope inspections. An inspection shall be made of the weather-resistant
714     exterior wall envelope as required by Section R703.1 and flashings as required by Section
715     R703.8 to prevent water from entering the weather-resistive barrier."
716          (b) The remaining sections are renumbered as follows: R109.1.6 Other inspections;
717     R109.1.6.1 Fire- and smoke-resistance-rated construction inspection; R109.1.6.2 Reinforced
718     masonry, insulating concrete form (ICF) and conventionally formed concrete wall inspection;
719     and R109.1.7 Final inspection.
720          [(3)] (4) IRC, Section R114.1, is deleted and replaced with the following: "R114.1
721     Notice to owner. Upon notice from the building official that work on any building or structure
722     is being prosecuted contrary to the provisions of this code or other pertinent laws or ordinances
723     or in an unsafe and dangerous manner, such work shall be immediately stopped. The stop
724     work order shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of the property involved, or to
725     the owner's agent or to the person doing the work; and shall state the conditions under which
726     work will be permitted to resume."
727          [(4)] (5) In IRC, Section R202, the following definition is added: "CERTIFIED
728     BACKFLOW PREVENTER ASSEMBLY TESTER: A person who has shown competence to
729     test Backflow prevention assemblies to the satisfaction of the authority having jurisdiction
730     under Utah Code, Subsection 19-4-104(4)."
731          [(5)] (6) In IRC, Section R202, the definition of "Cross Connection" is deleted and
732     replaced with the following: "CROSS CONNECTION. Any physical connection or potential
733     connection or arrangement between two otherwise separate piping systems, one of which
734     contains potable water and the other either water of unknown or questionable safety or steam,
735     gas, or chemical, whereby there exists the possibility for flow from one system to the other,
736     with the direction of flow depending on the pressure differential between the two systems (see
737     "Backflow, Water Distribution")."
738          [(6)] (7) In IRC, Section 202, in the definition for gray water a comma is inserted after

739     the word "washers"; the word "and" is deleted; and the following is added to the end: "and
740     clear water wastes which have a pH of 6.0 to 9.0; are non-flammable; non-combustible;
741     without objectionable odors; non-highly pigmented; and will not interfere with the operation of
742     the sewer treatment facility."
743          [(7)] (8) In IRC, Section R202, the definition of "Potable Water" is deleted and
744     replaced with the following: "POTABLE WATER. Water free from impurities present in
745     amounts sufficient to cause disease or harmful physiological effects and conforming to the
746     Utah Code, Title 19, Chapter 4, Safe Drinking Water Act, and Title 19, Chapter 5, Water
747     Quality Act, and the regulations of the public health authority having jurisdiction."
748          [(8)] (9) IRC, Figure R301.2(5), is deleted and replaced with R301.2(5) as follows:
"TABLE R301.2(5)
751      City/TownCountyGround Snow Load (lb/ft2)Elevation (ft)
752      BeaverBeaver355886
753      Brigham CityBox Elder424423
754      Castle DaleEmery325669
755      CoalvilleSummit575581
756      DuchesneDuchesne395508
757      FarmingtonDavis354318
758      FillmoreMillard305138
759      Heber CityWasatch605604
760      JunctionPiute276030
761      KanabKane254964
762      LoaWayne377060
763      LoganCache434531
764      ManilaDaggett266368
765      MantiSanpete375620
766      MoabGrand214029
767      MonticelloSan Juan677064
768      MorganMorgan525062
769      NephiJuab395131
770      OgdenWeber374334
771      PanguitchGarfield416630
772      ParowanIron326007
773      PriceCarbon315558
774      ProvoUtah314541
775      RandolphRich506286
776      RichfieldSevier275338
777      St. GeorgeWashington212585
778      Salt Lake CitySalt Lake284239
779      TooeleTooele355029
780      VernalUintah395384
781      Note: To convert lb/ft2 to kN/m2, multiply by 0.0479. To convert feet to meters, multiply
by 0.3048.
1. Statutory requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction are not included in this state
ground snow load table.
2. For locations where there is substantial change in altitude over the city/town, the load
applies at and below the cited elevation, with a tolerance of 100 ft (30 m).
3. For other locations in Utah, see Bean, B., Maguire, M., Sun, Y. (2018), "The Utah Snow
Load Study," Utah State University Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty
Publications, Paper 3589,, for ground snow load values.
782          [(9)] (10) IRC, Section R301.6, is deleted and replaced with the following: "R301.6
783     Utah Snow Loads. The snow loads specified in Table R301.2(5b) shall be used for the
784     jurisdictions identified in that table. Otherwise, for other locations in Utah, see Bean, B.,
785     Maguire, M., Sun, Y. (2018), "The Utah Snow Load Study," Utah State University Civil and
786     Environmental Engineering Faculty Publications, Paper 3589,, for
787     ground snow load values."
788          [(10)] (11) In IRC, Section R302.2, the following sentence is added after the second
789     sentence: "When an access/maintenance agreement or easement is in place, plumbing,

790     mechanical ducting, schedule 40 steel gas pipe, and electric service conductors including
791     feeders, are permitted to penetrate the common wall at grade, above grade, or below grade."
792          [(11)] (12) In IRC, Section R302.5.1, the words "self-closing device" are deleted and
793     replaced with "self-latching hardware."
794          [(12)] (13) IRC, Section R302.13, is deleted.
795          [(13)] (14) In IRC, Section R303.4, the number "5" is changed to "3" in the first
796     sentence.
797          [(14)] (15) IRC, Sections R311.7.4 through R311.7.5.3, are deleted and replaced with
798     the following: "R311.7.4 Stair treads and risers. R311.7.5.1 Riser height. The maximum riser
799     height shall be 8 inches (203 mm). The riser shall be measured vertically between leading
800     edges of the adjacent treads. The greatest riser height within any flight of stairs shall not
801     exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).
802     R311.7.5.2 Tread depth. The minimum tread depth shall be 9 inches (228 mm). The tread
803     depth shall be measured horizontally between the vertical planes of the foremost projection of
804     adjacent treads and at a right angle to the tread's leading edge. The greatest tread depth within
805     any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm). Winder
806     treads shall have a minimum tread depth of 10 inches (254 mm) measured as above at a point
807     12 inches (305 mm) from the side where the treads are narrower. Winder treads shall have a
808     minimum tread depth of 6 inches (152 mm) at any point. Within any flight of stairs, the
809     greatest winder tread depth at the 12-inch (305 mm) walk line shall not exceed the smallest by
810     more than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).
811     R311.7.5.3 Profile. The radius of curvature at the leading edge of the tread shall be no greater
812     than 9/16 inch (14.3 mm). A nosing not less than 3/4 inch (19 mm) but not more than 1 1/4
813     inches (32 mm) shall be provided on stairways with solid risers. The greatest nosing projection
814     shall not exceed the smallest nosing projection by more than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) between two
815     stories, including the nosing at the level of floors and landings. Beveling of nosing shall not
816     exceed 1/2 inch (12.7 mm). Risers shall be vertical or sloped from the underside of the leading
817     edge of the tread above at an angle not more than 30 degrees (0.51 rad) from the vertical. Open
818     risers are permitted, provided that the opening between treads does not permit the passage of a
819     4-inch diameter (102 mm) sphere.
820     Exceptions.

821     1. A nosing is not required where the tread depth is a minimum of 10 inches (254 mm).
822     2. The opening between adjacent treads is not limited on stairs with a total rise of 30 inches
823     (762 mm) or less."
824          [(15)] (16) IRC, Section R312.2, is deleted.
825          [(16)] (17) IRC, Sections R313.1 through R313.2.1, are deleted and replaced with the
826     following: "R313.1 Design and installation. When installed, automatic residential fire
827     sprinkler systems for townhouses or one- and two-family dwellings shall be designed and
828     installed in accordance with Section P2904 or NFPA 13D."
829          [(17)] (18) In IRC, Section 315.3, the following words are added to the first sentence
830     after the word "installed": "on each level of the dwelling unit and."
831          [(18)] (19) In IRC, Section R315.5, a new exception, 3, is added as follows:
832     "3. Hard wiring of carbon monoxide alarms in existing areas shall not be required where the
833     alterations or repairs do not result in the removal of interior wall or ceiling finishes exposing
834     the structure, unless there is an attic, crawl space or basement available which could provide
835     access for hard wiring, without the removal of interior finishes."
836          [(19)] (20) A new IRC, Section R315.7, is added as follows: " R315.7 Interconnection.
837     Where more than one carbon monoxide alarm is required to be installed within an individual
838     dwelling unit in accordance with Section R315.1, the alarm devices shall be interconnected in
839     such a manner that the actuation of one alarm will activate all of the alarms in the individual
840     unit. Physical interconnection of smoke alarms shall not be required where listed wireless
841     alarms are installed and all alarms sound upon activation of one alarm.
842     Exception: Interconnection of carbon monoxide alarms in existing areas shall not be required
843     where alterations or repairs do not result in removal of interior wall or ceiling finishes exposing
844     the structure, unless there is an attic, crawl space or basement available which could provide
845     access for interconnection without the removal of interior finishes."
846          (21) In IRC, Section R317.1.5, the period is deleted and the following language is
847     added to the end of the paragraph: "or treated with a moisture resistant coating."
848          (22) In IRC, Section 326.1, the words "residential provisions of the" are added after the
849     words "pools and spas shall comply with".
850          [(20)] (23) In IRC, Section R403.1.6, a new Exception 3 is added as follows: " 3.
851     When anchor bolt spacing does not exceed 32 inches (813 mm) apart, anchor bolts may be

852     placed with a minimum of two bolts per plate section located not less than 4 inches (102 mm)
853     from each end of each plate section at interior bearing walls, interior braced wall lines, and at
854     all exterior walls."
855          [(21)] (24) In IRC, Section R403.1.6.1, a new exception is added at the end of Item 2
856     and Item 3 as follows: "Exception: When anchor bolt spacing does not exceed 32 inches (816
857     mm) apart, anchor bolts may be placed with a minimum of two bolts per plate section located
858     not less than 4 inches (102 mm) from each end of each plate section at interior bearing walls,
859     interior braced wall lines, and at all exterior walls."
860          [(22)] (25) In IRC, Section R404.1, a new exception is added as follows: "Exception:
861     As an alternative to complying with Sections R404.1 through R404.1.5.3, concrete and
862     masonry foundation walls may be designed in accordance with IBC Sections 1807.1.5 and
863     1807.1.6 as amended in Section 1807.1.6.4 and Table 1807.1.6.4 under these rules."
864          [(23)] (26) In IRC, Section R405.1, a new exception is added as follows: "Exception:
865     When a geotechnical report has been provided for the property, a drainage system is not
866     required unless the drainage system is required as a condition of the geotechnical report. The
867     geological report shall make a recommendation regarding a drainage system."
868          Section 10. Section 15A-3-304 is amended to read:
869          15A-3-304. Amendments to Chapter 4 of IPC.
870          (1) In IPC, Table 403.1, the following changes are made:
871          (a) In row number "3", for in the field for "OTHER", a new footnote h is added.
872          (b) In row number "5", for "Adult day care and child day care" occupancy, in the field
873     for "OTHER", a new footnote h is added.
874          (c) Footnote f is deleted and replaced with the following: "FOOTNOTE f: The required
875     number and type of plumbing fixtures for outdoor public swimming pools shall be in
876     accordance with Utah Administrative Code, R392-302 Design, Construction and Operation of
877     Public Pools."
878          (d) A new footnote g is added as follows: "FOOTNOTE: g: When provided, in public
879     toilet facilities, there shall be an equal number of diaper changing facilities in male toilet rooms
880     and female toilet rooms. Diaper changing facilities shall meet the requirements of ASTM
881     F2285-04 (2010) Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specifications for Diaper Changing
882     Tables for Commercial Use."

883          (e) A new footnote h is added to the table as follows: "FOOTNOTE h: Non-residential
884     child care facilities shall comply with the additional sink requirements of Utah Administrative
885     Code, R381-60-9, Hourly Child Care Centers, R381-70-9, Out of School Time Child Care
886     Programs, and R381-100-9, Child Care Centers."
887          (2) A new IPC, Section 406.3, is added as follows: "406.3 Automatic clothes washer
888     safe pans. Safe pans, when installed under automatic clothes washers, shall be installed in
889     accordance with Section 504.7."
890          (3) A new IPC, Section 413.5, is added as follows: "413.5 Public toilet rooms. All
891     public toilet rooms shall be equipped with at least one floor drain."
892          (4) A new IPC, Section [412.6] 413.6, is added as follows: "Prohibition of motor
893     vehicle waste disposal wells. New and existing motor vehicle waste disposal wells are
894     prohibited. A motor vehicle waste disposal well associated with a single family residence is not
895     subject to this prohibition."
896          (5) IPC, Section 423.3, is deleted.
897          Section 11. Section 15A-3-313 is amended to read:
898          15A-3-313. Amendments to Chapter 13 of IPC.
899          (1) A new IPC, Section 1301.4.1, is added as follows:
900     "1301.4.1 Recording.
901     The existence of a nonpotable water system shall be recorded on the deed of ownership for the
902     property. The certificate of occupancy shall not be issued until the documentation for the
903     recording required under this section is completed by the property owner."
904          (2) IPC, Section 1301.5, is deleted and replaced with the following:
905     "1301.5 Potable water connections.
906     Where a potable water system is connected to a nonpotable water system, the potable water
907     supply shall be protected against backflow by a reduced pressure backflow prevention
908     assembly or an air gap installed in accordance with Section 608."
909          (3) IPC, Section [1301.9.5] 1301.9.4, is deleted and replaced with the following:
910     "[1301.9.5] 1301.9.4 Makeup water.
911     Where an uninterrupted supply is required for the intended application, potable or reclaimed
912     water shall be provided as a source of makeup water for the storage tank. The makeup water
913     supply shall be protected against backflow by a reduced pressure backflow prevention

914     assembly or an air gap installed in accordance with Section 608. A full-open valve located on
915     the makeup water supply line to the storage tank shall be provided. Inlets to the storage tank
916     shall be controlled by fill valves or other automatic supply valves installed to prevent the tank
917     from overflowing and to prevent the water level from dropping below a predetermined point.
918     Where makeup water is provided, the water level shall not be permitted to drop below the
919     source water inlet or the intake of any attached pump."
920          (4) IPC, Section 1302.12.4, is deleted and replaced with the following:
921     "1302.12.4 Inspection and testing of backflow prevention assemblies.
922     Testing of a backflow preventer shall be conducted in accordance with Sections 312.10.1,
923     312.10.2, and 312.10.3."
924          (5) IPC, Section 1303.15.6, is deleted and replaced with the following:
925     "1303.15.6 Inspection and testing of backflow prevention assemblies.
926     Testing of a backflow prevention assembly shall be conducted in accordance with Sections
927     312.10.1, 312.10.2, and 312.10.3."
928          (6) IPC, Section 1304.4.2, is deleted and replaced with the following:
929     "1304.4.2 Inspection and testing of backflow prevention assemblies.
930     Testing of a backflow preventer or backwater valve shall be conducted in accordance with
931     Sections 312.10.1, 312.10.2, and 312.10.3."
932          Section 12. Section 15A-3-402 is amended to read:
933          15A-3-402. Amendments to Chapters 1 through 5 of IMC.
934          (1) In IMC, Table [403.3] 403.3.1.1, note h is deleted and replaced with the following:
935          "h. 1. A nail salon shall provide each manicure station where a nail technician files or
936     shapes an acrylic nail, as defined by rule by the Division of Occupational and Professional
937     Licensing, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
938     with:
939          a. a source capture system equipped with, at minimum, a MERV 8 particulate filter and
940     an activated carbon filter that is capable of filtering and recirculating air to inside space at a
941     rate not less than 50 cfm per station; or
942          b. a source capture system capable of exhausting not less than 50 cfm per station.
943          c. A nail salon that complies with Note h.l.a or h.l.b is not required to comply with the
944     labeling, listing, or testing requirements described in International Mechanical Code sections

945     301.7 or 301.8.
946          2. For a source capture system described in paragraph 1, the source capture system
947     inlets for exhausting or recirculating air shall be located in accordance with Section 502.20.
948          3. Where one or more exhausting source capture systems described in paragraph 1
949     operate continuously during occupancy, the source capture system exhaust rate shall be
950     permitted to be applied to the exhaust flow rate required by Table 403.3.1.1 for the nail salon.
951          4. The requirements of this note apply to:
952          a. an existing nail salon that remodels the nail salon after July 1, 2017;
953          b. a new nail salon that begins construction after July 1, 2017; and
954          c. all nail salons beginning on July 1, 2020."
955          (2) In IMC, Section 502.20 is deleted and rewritten as follows:
956          "502.20 Manicure stations. A nail salon that files or shapes an acrylic nail shall provide
957     each manicure station with a source capture system in accordance with Table 403.3.1.1, note h.
958     For a manicure table that does not have factory-installed source capture system inlets for
959     recirculating or exhausting air, a nail salon shall provide the manicure table with inlets for
960     recirculating or exhausting air located not more than 12 inches (305 mm) horizontally and
961     vertically from the point of any acrylic chemical application.
962          Exception: Section 502.20 applies to a manicure station in:
963          a. an existing nail salon that remodels the nail salon after July 1, 2017;
964          b. a new nail salon that begins construction after July 1, 2017; and
965          c. all nail salons beginning on July 1, 2020."
966          Section 13. Section 15A-3-801 is amended to read:
967          15A-3-801. General provisions.
968     The following are adopted as amendments to the IEBC and are applicable statewide:
969          (1) In Section 202, the following definition is added: "BUILDING OFFICIAL. See
970     Code Official."
971          (2) In Section 202, the definition for "code official" is deleted and replaced with the
972     following:
973     "CODE OFFICIAL. The officer or other designated authority having jurisdiction (AHJ)
974     charged with the administration and enforcement of this code."
975          (3) In Section 202, the definition for existing buildings is deleted and replaced with the

976     following:
977     "EXISTING BUILDING. A building that is not a dangerous building and that was either
978     lawfully erected under a prior adopted code, or deemed a legal non-conforming building by the
979     code official."
980          (4) In Section 301.3, the exception is deleted.
981          (5) In Section 305.4.2, number 7 is added after number 6 as follows: "7. When a
982     change of occupancy in a building or portion of a building results in a Group R-2 occupancy,
983     not less than 20% of the dwelling or sleeping units shall be Type-B dwelling or sleeping units.
984     These dwelling or sleeping units may be located on any floor of the building provided with an
985     accessible route. Two percent, but not less than one unit, of the dwelling or sleeping units shall
986     be Type-A dwelling units."
987          [(5)] (6) Section 503.6 is deleted and replaced with the following:
988     "503.6 Bracing for unreinforced masonry parapets and other appendages upon reroofing.
989     Where the intended alteration requires a permit for reroofing and involves removal of roofing
990     materials from more than 25% of the roof area of a building assigned to Seismic Design
991     Category D, E, or F that has parapets constructed of unreinforced masonry or appendages such
992     as cornices, spires, towers, tanks, signs, statuary, etc., the work shall include installation of
993     bracing to resist out-of-plane seismic forces, unless an evaluation demonstrates compliance of
994     such items. Reduced seismic forces are permitted for design purposes."
995          [(6)] (7) In Section 705.1, Exception number 3, the following is added at the end of the
996     exception:
997     "This exception does not apply if the existing facility is undergoing a change of occupancy
998     classification."
999          [(7)] (8) Section 706.3.1 is deleted and replaced with the following:
1000     "706.3.1 Bracing for unreinforced masonry bearing wall parapets and other appendages.
1001     Where a permit is issued for reroofing more than 25 percent of the roof area of a building
1002     assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E, or F that has parapets constructed of unreinforced
1003     masonry or appendages such as cornices, spires, towers, tanks, signs, statuary, etc., the work
1004     shall include installation of bracing to resist the reduced International Building Code level
1005     seismic forces as specified in Section 303 of this code unless an evaluation demonstrates
1006     compliance of such items."

1007          [(8)] (9) Section 906.6 is deleted and replaced with the following:
1008          "906.6 Bracing for unreinforced masonry parapets and other appendages upon
1009     reroofing.
1010          Where the intended alteration requires a permit for reroofing and involves removal of
1011     roofing materials from more than 25% of the roof area of a building assigned to Seismic
1012     Design Category D, E, or F that has parapets constructed of unreinforced masonry or
1013     appendages such as cornices, spires, towers, tanks, signs, statuary, etc., the work shall include
1014     installation of bracing to resist out-of-plane seismic forces, unless an evaluation demonstrates
1015     compliance with such items. Reduced seismic forces are permitted for design purposes."
1016          [(9)] (10) (a) Section 1006.3 is deleted and replaced with the following:
1017          "1006.3 Seismic Loads. Where a change of occupancy results in a building being
1018     assigned to a higher risk category, or when a change of occupancy results in a design occupant
1019     load increase of 100% or more, the building shall satisfy the requirements of Section 1613 of
1020     the International Building Code using full seismic forces."
1021          (b) Section 1006.3, exceptions 1 through 3 remain unchanged.
1022          (c) In Section 1006.3, add a new exception 4 as follows:
1023     "4. Where the design occupant load increase is less than 25 occupants and the occupancy
1024     category does not change."
1025          [(10)] (11) In Section 1012.7.3, exception 2 is deleted.
1026          [(11) In Section 1012.8.2, number 7 is added as follows:]
1027     ["7. When a change of occupancy in a building or portion of a building results in a Group R-2
1028     occupancy, not less than 20% of the dwelling or sleeping units shall be Type B dwelling or
1029     sleeping units. These dwelling or sleeping units may be located on any floor of the building
1030     provided with an accessible route. Two percent, but not less than one unit, of the dwelling or
1031     sleeping units shall be Type A dwelling units."]
1032          Section 14. Section 15A-3-1001 is enacted to read:
Part 10. Statewide Amendments to International Swimming Pool and Spa Code

1034          15A-3-1001. General provisions.
1035          (1) In ISPSC, Section 202, the following definition is added for private residential
1036     swimming pool: "PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL SWIMMING POOL. A swimming pool, spa
1037     pool, or wading pool used only by an individual, family, or living unit members and guests, but

1038     not serving any type of multiple unit housing complex of four or more living units."
1039          (2) In ISPSC, Section 320.1, the following changes are made:
1040          (a) the words "or storm" are deleted;
1041          (b) the words "onsite waste water" are added before the word "disposal"; and
1042          (c) the words "or shall be disposed of by other means approved by the state or local
1043     authority" are deleted.
1044          Section 15. Section 17-36-55 is amended to read:
1045          17-36-55. Fees collected for construction approval -- Approval of plans.
1046          (1) As used in this section:
1047          (a) "Construction project" means the same as that term is defined in Section 38-1a-102.
1048          (b) "Lodging establishment" means a place providing temporary sleeping
1049     accommodations to the public, including any of the following:
1050          (i) a bed and breakfast establishment;
1051          (ii) a boarding house;
1052          (iii) a dormitory;
1053          (iv) a hotel;
1054          (v) an inn;
1055          (vi) a lodging house;
1056          (vii) a motel;
1057          (viii) a resort; or
1058          (ix) a rooming house.
1059          (c) "Planning review" means a review to verify that a county has approved the
1060     following elements of a construction project:
1061          (i) zoning;
1062          (ii) lot sizes;
1063          (iii) setbacks;
1064          (iv) easements;
1065          (v) curb and gutter elevations;
1066          (vi) grades and slopes;
1067          (vii) utilities;
1068          (viii) street names;

1069          (ix) defensible space provisions and elevations, if required by the Utah Wildland Urban
1070     Interface Code adopted under Section 15A-2-103; and
1071          (x) subdivision.
1072          (d) (i) "Plan review" means all of the reviews and approvals of a plan that a county
1073     requires to obtain a building permit from the county with a scope that may not exceed a review
1074     to verify:
1075          (A) that the construction project complies with the provisions of the State Construction
1076     Code under Title 15A, State Construction and Fire Codes Act;
1077          (B) that the construction project complies with the energy code adopted under Section
1078     15A-2-103;
1079          (C) that the construction project received a planning review;
1080          (D) that the applicant paid any required fees;
1081          (E) that the applicant obtained final approvals from any other required reviewing
1082     agencies;
1083          (F) that the construction project complies with federal, state, and local storm water
1084     protection laws;
1085          (G) that the construction project received a structural review; [and]
1086          (H) the total square footage for each building level of finished, garage, and unfinished
1087     space[.]; and
1088          (I) that the plans include a printed statement indicating that the actual construction will
1089     comply with applicable local ordinances and the state construction codes.
1090          (ii) "Plan review" does not mean a review of a document:
1091          (A) required to be re-submitted for additional modifications or substantive changes
1092     identified by the plan review;
1093          (B) submitted as part of a deferred submittal when requested by the applicant and
1094     approved by the building official; or
1095          (C) that, due to the document's technical nature or on the request of the applicant, is
1096     reviewed by a third party.
1097          (e) "State Construction Code" means the same as that term is defined in Section
1098     15A-1-102.
1099          (f) "State Fire Code" means the same as that term is defined in Section 15A-1-102.

1100          (g) "Structural review" means:
1101          (i) a review that verifies that a construction project complies with the following:
1102          (A) footing size and bar placement;
1103          (B) foundation thickness and bar placement;
1104          (C) beam and header sizes;
1105          (D) nailing patterns;
1106          (E) bearing points;
1107          (F) structural member size and span; and
1108          (G) sheathing; or
1109          (ii) if the review exceeds the scope of the review described in Subsection (1)(g)(i), a
1110     review that a licensed engineer conducts.
1111          (h) "Technical nature" means a characteristic that places an item outside the training
1112     and expertise of an individual who regularly performs plan reviews.
1113          (2) (a) If a county collects a fee for the inspection of a construction project, the county
1114     shall ensure that the construction project receives a prompt inspection.
1115          (b) If a county cannot provide a building inspection within three business days after the
1116     day on which the Ŝ→ [
town collects a fee] county receives the request ←Ŝ for the inspection, the
1116a     county shall promptly engage an
1117     independent inspector with fees collected from the applicant.
1118          (c) If an inspector identifies one or more violations of the State Construction Code or
1119     State Fire Code during an inspection, [on the day on which the inspection occurs,] the inspector
1120     shall give the permit holder written notification [of each violation] that:
1121          [(i) is delivered in hardcopy or by electronic means; and]
1122          (i) identifies each violation:
1123          (ii) upon request by the permit holder, includes a reference to each applicable provision
1124     of the State Construction Code or State Fire Code[.]; and
1125          (iii) is delivered:
1126          (A) in hardcopy or by electronic means; and
1127          (B) the day on which the inspection occurs.
1128          (3) (a) A county shall complete a plan review of a construction project for a one to two
1129     family dwelling or townhome by no later than 14 business days after the day on which the plan
1130     is submitted to the county.
1131          (b) A county shall complete a plan review of a construction project for a residential
1132     structure built under the International Building Code, not including a lodging establishment, by
1133     no later than 21 business days after the day on which the plan is submitted to the county.
1134          (c) (i) Subject to Subsection (3)(c)(ii), if a county does not complete a plan review
1135     before the time period described in Subsection (3)(a) or (b) expires, an applicant may request
1136     that the county complete the plan review.
1137          (ii) If an applicant makes a request under Subsection (3)(c)(i), the county shall perform
1138     the plan review no later than:
1139          (A) for a plan review described in Subsection (3)(a), 14 days from the day on which the
1140     applicant makes the request; or
1141          (B) for a plan review described in Subsection (3)(b), 21 days from the day on which the
1142     applicant makes the request.
1143          (d) An applicant may:
1144          (i) waive the plan review time requirements described in this Subsection (3); or
1145          (ii) with the county's consent, establish an alternative plan review time requirement.
1146          (4) (a) A county may not enforce a requirement to have a plan review if:
1147          (i) the county does not complete the plan review within the time period described in
1148     Subsection (3)(a) or (b); and
1149          (ii) a licensed architect or structural engineer, or both when required by law, stamps the
1150     plan.
1151          (b) A county may attach to a reviewed plan a list that includes:
1152          (i) items with which the county is concerned and may enforce during construction; and
1153          (ii) building code violations found in the plan.
1154          (c) A county may not require an applicant to redraft a plan if the county requests minor
1155     changes to the plan that the list described in Subsection (4)(b) identifies.
1156          (5) An applicant shall ensure that each construction project plan submitted for a plan
1157     review under this section has a statement indicating that actual construction will comply with
1158     applicable local ordinances and building codes.