This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 8:10 AM by pflowers.
8 General Description:
9 This bill addresses water quality for schools.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ defines terms;
13 ▸ addresses testing drinking water for lead at schools;
14 ▸ requires action if lead test results are above a certain level; Ĥ→ [
15 ▸ requires records to be kept and made public Ĥ→ [
15a ▸ requires annual reporting by the Division of Drinking Water. ←Ĥ
16 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
17 This bill appropriates in fiscal year 2021:
18 ▸ to the State Board of Education - State Administrative Office, as a one-time
19 appropriation:
20 • from the Education Fund, One-time, $2,000,000.
21 Other Special Clauses:
22 None
23 Utah Code Sections Affected:
25 53G-9-210, Utah Code Annotated 1953
27 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
28 Section 1. Section 53G-9-210 is enacted to read:
29 53G-9-210. Drinking water quality in schools.
30 (1) As used in this section:
31 (a) "Action level" means a lead concentration equal to 10 parts per billion.
32 (b) "Certified laboratory" means the State of Utah primacy laboratory or a laboratory
33 certified by the Utah State Health Laboratory.
34 (c) "Consumable tap" means a sink or fountain used for consumption of water or food
35 preparation.
36 (d) "Private school" means a private:
37 (i) elementary school or secondary school;
38 (ii) preschool; or
39 (iii) kindergarten.
40 (e) "Public school" means a public:
41 (i) elementary school or secondary school;
42 (ii) preschool; or
43 (iii) kindergarten.
44 (2) (a) A public school shall test each consumable tap at the public school for lead:
45 (i) by no later than December 31, 2023; and
46 (ii) every five years after the initial test of the consumable tap under Subsection (2)(a).
47 (b) A private school may test a consumable tap at the private school under this section.
48 (3) (a) In conducting a test under Subsection (2), a public or private school shall:
49 (i) comply with the current state testing guidelines for reducing lead in drinking water
50 in schools; and
51 (ii) submit the samples to a certified laboratory.
52 (b) If a private school tests a consumable tap under this section, the private school may
53 be eligible for reimbursement of costs associated with the testing at a certified laboratory if the
54 private school requests reimbursement from the Department of Environmental Quality.
55 (c) If the Department of Environmental Quality determines that a public school has
56 tested the public school's consumable taps as required by Subsection (2)(a), a public school
57 may request reimbursement from the state board of the costs associated with testing under this
58 section. Subject to appropriations, the state board shall reimburse the costs of testing in the
59 order that the requests for reimbursement are made with the state board. The state board may
60 make rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Procedure Act, for
61 applying for reimbursement of the costs associated with testing under this section.
62 (4) If a test result of a consumable tap under Subsection (2) results in a lead level
63 above the action level, the public or private school shall take steps to stop the use of the
64 consumable tap or reduce the lead level below the action level.
65 (5) A public or private school shall:
66 (a) for at least five years from the day on which test results are received by the public
67 or private school, keep a record of:
68 (i) the test results for a test taken under Subsection (2); and
69 (ii) the steps taken as required under Subsection (4); and
70 (b) make a record described in Subsection (5)(a) available to the public upon request.
70a Ĥ→ (6) The Division of Drinking Water shall annually report regarding schools' compliance
70b with this section to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee
70c by no later than the November interim meeting of the committee. ←Ĥ
71 Section 2. Appropriation.
72 The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
73 2020 and ending June 30, 2021. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for
74 fiscal year 2021. Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures
75 Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts
76 indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
77 ITEM 1
78 To State Board of Education - State Administrative Office
79 From Education Fund, One-time
80 Schedule of Programs:
81 Financial Operations $2,000,000
82 The Legislature intends that the appropriation under this item be used to reimburse
83 public schools for testing for lead in consumable taps as described in Section 53G-9-210
84 enacted in this bill.