This document includes Senate 3rd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 11:03 AM by lpoole.
8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies provisions related to property tax.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ provides that when an ownership interest in residential property changes the county
13 assessor shall provide the new owner a form prescribed by statute on which the new
14 owner may declare that the residential property qualifies for the primary residential
15 exemption;
16 ▸ requires a property tax notice to include additional information, including the
17 taxable value of the property, the deadline to appeal the valuation or equalization of
18 the property, information related to the residential exemption, and information
19 related to a rate increase resulting from a change to state law; and
20 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
21 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22 None
23 Other Special Clauses:
24 This bill provides retrospective operation.
25 Utah Code Sections Affected:
27 59-2-103.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 323
28 59-2-919.1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 16
30 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
31 Section 1. Section 59-2-103.5 is amended to read:
32 59-2-103.5. Procedures to obtain an exemption for residential property --
33 Procedure if property owner or property no longer qualifies to receive a residential
34 exemption.
35 (1) Subject to Subsection (8), for residential property other than part-year residential
36 property, a county legislative body may adopt an ordinance that requires an owner to file an
37 application with the county board of equalization before a residential exemption under Section
38 59-2-103 may be applied to the value of the residential property if:
39 (a) the residential property was ineligible for the residential exemption during the
40 calendar year immediately preceding the calendar year for which the owner is seeking to have
41 the residential exemption applied to the value of the residential property;
42 (b) an ownership interest in the residential property changes; or
43 (c) the county board of equalization determines that there is reason to believe that the
44 residential property no longer qualifies for the residential exemption.
45 (2) (a) The application described in Subsection (1) Ŝ→ [
46 (i) Ŝ→ shall ←Ŝ be on a form the commission prescribes by rule and makes available to the
46a counties;
47 (ii) Ŝ→ shall ←Ŝ be signed by [
48 [
49 [
50 Ŝ→ [
51 form provided in Subsection (8)(e).
51a property. ←Ŝ
52 (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
53 commission may make rules prescribing the contents of the form described in Subsection
54 (2)(a).
55 (c) For purposes of the application described in Subsection (1), a county may not
56 request information from an owner of a residential property beyond the information provided in
57 the form prescribed by the commission under this Subsection (2).
58 (3) (a) Regardless of whether a county legislative body adopts an ordinance described
59 in Subsection (1), before a residential exemption may be applied to the value of part-year
60 residential property, an owner of the property shall:
61 (i) file the application described in Subsection (2)(a) with the county board of
62 equalization; and
63 (ii) include as part of the application described in Subsection (2)(a) a statement that
64 certifies:
65 (A) the date the part-year residential property became residential property;
66 (B) that the part-year residential property will be used as residential property for 183 or
67 more consecutive calendar days during the calendar year for which the owner seeks to obtain
68 the residential exemption; and
69 (C) that the owner, or a member of the owner's household, may not claim a residential
70 exemption for any property for the calendar year for which the owner seeks to obtain the
71 residential exemption, other than the part-year residential property, or as allowed under Section
72 59-2-103 with respect to the primary residence or household furnishings, furniture, and
73 equipment of the owner's tenant.
74 (b) An owner may not obtain a residential exemption for part-year residential property
75 unless the owner files an application under this Subsection (3) on or before November 30 of the
76 calendar year for which the owner seeks to obtain the residential exemption.
77 (c) If an owner files an application under this Subsection (3) on or after May 1 of the
78 calendar year for which the owner seeks to obtain the residential exemption, the county board
79 of equalization may require the owner to pay an application fee of not to exceed $50.
80 (4) Except as provided in Subsection (5), if a property owner no longer qualifies to
81 receive a residential exemption authorized under Section 59-2-103 for the property owner's
82 primary residence, the property owner shall:
83 (a) file a written statement with the county board of equalization of the county in which
84 the property is located:
85 (i) on a form provided by the county board of equalization; and
86 (ii) notifying the county board of equalization that the property owner no longer
87 qualifies to receive a residential exemption authorized under Section 59-2-103 for the property
88 owner's primary residence; and
89 (b) declare on the property owner's individual income tax return under Chapter 10,
90 Individual Income Tax Act, for the taxable year for which the property owner no longer
91 qualifies to receive a residential exemption authorized under Section 59-2-103 for the property
92 owner's primary residence, that the property owner no longer qualifies to receive a residential
93 exemption authorized under Section 59-2-103 for the property owner's primary residence.
94 (5) A property owner is not required to file a written statement or make the declaration
95 described in Subsection (4) if the property owner:
96 (a) changes primary residences;
97 (b) qualified to receive a residential exemption authorized under Section 59-2-103 for
98 the residence that was the property owner's former primary residence; and
99 (c) qualifies to receive a residential exemption authorized under Section 59-2-103 for
100 the residence that is the property owner's current primary residence.
101 (6) Subsections (2) through (5) do not apply to qualifying exempt primary residential
102 rental personal property.
103 (7) (a) Subject to Subsection (8), for the first calendar year in which a property owner
104 qualifies to receive a residential exemption under Section 59-2-103, a county assessor may
105 require the property owner to file a signed statement described in Section 59-2-306.
106 (b) Subject to Subsection (8) and notwithstanding Section 59-2-306, for a calendar year
107 after the calendar year described in Subsection (7)(a) in which a property owner qualifies for an
108 exemption described in Subsection 59-2-1115(2) for qualifying exempt primary residential
109 rental personal property, a signed statement described in Section 59-2-306 with respect to the
110 qualifying exempt primary residential rental personal property may only require the property
111 owner to certify, under penalty of perjury, that the property owner qualifies for the exemption
112 under Subsection 59-2-1115(2).
113 (8) (a) Subject to the requirements of this Subsection (8) and except as provided in
114 Subsection (8)[
115 (i) notify each owner of residential property that the owner is required to submit a
116 written declaration described in Subsection (8)[
117 the county assessor mails the notice under this Subsection (8)(a); and
118 (ii) provide each owner with a form described in Subsection (8)(e) to make the written
119 declaration described in Subsection (8)[
120 [
122 [
124 [
126 [
128 [
129 [
130 [
131 [
132 property under Subsection (8)(a) if the situs address of the residential property is the same as
133 any one of the following:
134 (i) the mailing address of the residential property owner or the tenant of the residential
135 property;
136 (ii) the address listed on the:
137 (A) residential property owner's driver license; or
138 (B) tenant of the residential property's driver license; or
139 (iii) the address listed on the:
140 (A) residential property owner's voter registration; or
141 (B) tenant of the residential property's voter registration.
142 [
145 [
147 [
149 [
151 [
152 [
153 [
154 (c) After an ownership interest in residential property changes, the county assessor
155 shall:
156 (i) notify the owner of the residential property that the owner is required to submit a
157 written declaration described in Subsection (8)(d) within 90 days after the day on which the
158 owner receives notice under this Subsection (8)(c); and
159 (ii) provide the owner of the residential property with the form described in Subsection
160 (8)(e) to make the written declaration described in Subsection (8)(d).
161 (d) An owner of residential property that receives a notice described in Subsection
162 (8)(a) or (c) shall submit a written declaration to the county assessor under penalty of perjury
163 certifying the information contained in the form provided in Subsection (8)(e).
164 (e) The written declaration required by Subsection [
165 [
166 [
167 [
168 (ii) in substantially the following form:
170 This form must be submitted to the County Assessor's office where your new residential
171 property is located within 90 days of receipt. Failure to do so will result in the county assessor
172 taking action that could result in the withdrawal of the primary residential exemption from your
173 residential property.
175 Name(s):__________________________________________________
176 Home Phone:_______________________________________________
177 Work Phone:_______________________________________________
178 Mailing Address:____________________________________________
180 Physical Address:___________________________________________
181 Certification
182 1. Is this property used as a primary residential property or part-year residential
183 property for you or another person?
184 "Part-year residential property" means owned property that is not residential property on
185 January 1 of a calendar year but becomes residential property after January 1 of the calendar
186 year.
187 Yes No
188 2. Will this primary residential property or part-year residential property be occupied
189 for 183 or more consecutive calendar days by the owner or another person?
190 A part-year residential property occupied for 183 or more consecutive calendar days in
191 a calendar year by the owner(s) or a tenant is eligible for the exemption.
192 Yes No
193 [
194 under Utah Code Ann. § 59-2-103 for property in this state that is the primary residence of the
195 property owner or the property owner's spouse, that claim of a residential exemption creates a
196 rebuttable presumption that the property owner and the property owner's spouse have domicile
197 in Utah for income tax purposes. The rebuttable presumption of domicile does not apply if the
198 residential property is the primary residence of a tenant of the property owner or the property
199 owner's spouse.[
200 Signature
201 This form must be signed by all owners of the property.
202 Under penalties of perjury, I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief, this
203 declaration and accompanying pages are true, correct, and complete.
204 __________________(Owner signature) _____________________Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
205 __________________(Owner printed name)
206 (f) For purposes of a written declaration described in this Subsection (8), a county may
207 not request information from a property owner beyond the information described in the form
208 provided in Subsection (8)(e).
209 [
212 (g) (i) If, after receiving a written declaration filed under Subsection [
213 the county determines that the property has been incorrectly qualified or disqualified to receive
214 a residential exemption, the county shall:
215 (A) redetermine the property's qualification to receive a residential exemption; and
216 (B) notify the claimant of the redetermination and its reason for the redetermination.
217 (ii) The redetermination provided in Subsection (8)(g)(i)(A) [
218 appealed within 30 days after the notice required by Subsection (8)(g)(i)(B).
219 (h) (i) If a residential property owner fails to file a written declaration required by
220 Subsection [
221 property a notice that:
222 (A) the property owner failed to file a written declaration as required by Subsection
223 [
224 (B) the property owner will no longer qualify to receive the residential exemption
225 authorized under Section 59-2-103 for the property that is the subject of the written declaration
226 if the property owner does not file the written declaration required by Subsection [
227 (8)(d) within 30 days after the day on which the county assessor mails the notice under this
228 Subsection (8)(h)(i).
229 (ii) If a property owner fails to file a written declaration required by Subsection [
231 longer qualifies to receive the residential exemption authorized under Section 59-2-103 in the
232 calendar year for the property that is the subject of the written declaration.
233 (iii) A property owner that is disqualified to receive the residential exemption under
234 Subsection (8)(h)(ii) may file an application described in Subsection (1) to determine whether
235 the owner is eligible to receive the residential exemption.
236 (i) The requirements of this Subsection (8) do not apply to a county assessor in a
237 county that has, for the five calendar years prior to 2019, had in place and enforced an
238 ordinance described in Subsection (1).
239 Section 2. Section 59-2-919.1 is amended to read:
240 59-2-919.1. Notice of property valuation and tax changes.
241 (1) In addition to the notice requirements of Section 59-2-919, the county auditor, on or
242 before July 22 of each year, shall notify each owner of real estate who is listed on the
243 assessment roll.
244 (2) The notice described in Subsection (1) shall:
245 (a) except as provided in Subsection [
246 mail 10 or more days before the day on which:
247 (i) the county board of equalization meets; and
248 (ii) the taxing entity holds a public hearing on the proposed increase in the certified tax
249 rate;
250 (b) be on a form that is:
251 (i) approved by the commission; and
252 (ii) uniform in content in all counties in the state; and
253 (c) contain for each property:
254 (i) the assessor's determination of the value of the property;
255 (ii) the taxable value of the property;
256 [
258 (iii) (A) the deadline for the taxpayer to make an application to appeal the valuation or
259 equalization of the property under Section 59-2-1004; or
260 (B) for property assessed by the commission, the deadline for the taxpayer to apply to
261 the commission for a hearing on an objection to the valuation or equalization of the property
262 under Section 59-2-1007;
263 (iv) for a property assessed by the commission, a statement that the taxpayer may not
264 appeal the valuation or equalization of the property to the county board of equalization;
265 [
266 (A) the dollar amount of the taxpayer's tax liability for the property in the prior year;
267 and
268 (B) the dollar amount of the taxpayer's tax liability under the current rate;
269 (vi) the following, stated separately:
270 (A) the charter school levy described in Section 53F-2-703;
271 (B) the multicounty assessing and collecting levy described in Subsection
272 59-2-1602(2);
273 (C) the county assessing and collecting levy described in Subsection 59-2-1602(4);
274 (D) for a fiscal year that begins before July 1, 2023, the combined basic rate as defined
275 in Section 53F-2-301.5; and
276 (E) for a fiscal year that begins on or after July 1, 2023, the combined basic rate as
277 defined in Section 53F-2-301;
278 [
279 [
280 [
281 (A) taxpayer relief;
282 (B) options for payment of taxes; [
283 (C) collection procedures; and
284 (D) the residential exemption described in Section 59-2-103;
285 [
286 chapter;
287 [
288 59-2-303.1(1)(c); and
289 [
290 (3) If a taxing entity that is subject to the notice and hearing requirements of
291 Subsection 59-2-919(4) proposes a tax increase, the notice described in Subsection (1) shall
292 state, in addition to the information required by Subsection (2):
293 (a) the dollar amount of the taxpayer's tax liability if the proposed increase is approved;
294 (b) the difference between the dollar amount of the taxpayer's tax liability if the
295 proposed increase is approved and the dollar amount of the taxpayer's tax liability under the
296 current rate, placed in close proximity to the information described in Subsection
297 (2)(c)[
298 (c) the percentage increase that the dollar amount of the taxpayer's tax liability under
299 the proposed tax rate represents as compared to the dollar amount of the taxpayer's tax liability
300 under the current tax rate.
301 (4) If a change to state law increases a tax rate stated on a notice described in
302 Subsection (1), the notice described in Subsection (1) shall state in addition to the information
303 required by Subsections (2) and (3):
304 (a) the difference between the dollar amount of the taxpayer's tax liability under the
305 current tax rate and the dollar amount of the taxpayer's tax liability before the change to state
306 law became effective; and
307 (b) the percentage increase that the dollar amount of the taxpayer's tax liability under
308 the current tax rate represents as compared to the dollar amount of the taxpayer's tax liability
309 under the tax rate before the change to state law becomes effective.
310 [
311 may, at the county auditor's discretion, provide the notice required by this section to a taxpayer
312 by electronic means if a taxpayer makes an election, according to procedures determined by the
313 county auditor, to receive the notice by electronic means.
314 (b) (i) If a notice required by this section is sent by electronic means, a county auditor
315 shall attempt to verify whether a taxpayer receives the notice.
316 (ii) If receipt of the notice sent by electronic means cannot be verified 14 days or more
317 before the county board of equalization meets and the taxing entity holds a public hearing on a
318 proposed increase in the certified tax rate, the notice required by this section shall also be sent
319 by mail as provided in Subsection (2).
320 (c) A taxpayer may revoke an election to receive the notice required by this section by
321 electronic means if the taxpayer provides written notice to the county auditor on or before April
322 30.
323 (d) An election or a revocation of an election under this Subsection [
324 (i) does not relieve a taxpayer of the duty to pay a tax due under this chapter on or
325 before the due date for paying the tax; or
326 (ii) does not alter the requirement that a taxpayer appealing the valuation or the
327 equalization of the taxpayer's real property submit the application for appeal within the time
328 period provided in Subsection 59-2-1004(3).
329 (e) A county auditor shall provide the notice required by this section as provided in
330 Subsection (2), until a taxpayer makes a new election in accordance with this Subsection [
331 (5), if:
332 (i) the taxpayer revokes an election in accordance with Subsection [
333 the notice required by this section by electronic means; or
334 (ii) the county auditor finds that the taxpayer's electronic contact information is invalid.
335 (f) A person is considered to be a taxpayer for purposes of this Subsection [
336 regardless of whether the property that is the subject of the notice required by this section is
337 exempt from taxation.
338 Section 3. Retrospective operation.
339 The actions affecting Section 59-2-919.1 have retrospective operation to January 1,
340 2020.