Chief Sponsor: Bradley G. Last
Senate Sponsor: Jerry W. Stevenson
General Description:
This bill supplements or reduces appropriations otherwise provided for the support and operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020 and for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021.
Highlighted Provisions:
This bill:
▸ provides budget increases and decreases for the use and support of certain state agencies;
▸ provides budget increases and decreases for the use and support of certain public education programs;
▸ provides budget increases and decreases for the use and support of certain institutions of higher education;
▸ provides funds for the bills with fiscal impact passed in the 2020 General Session;
▸ provides budget increases and decreases for other purposes as described;
▸ provides a mathematical formula for the annual appropriations limit; and,
▸ provides intent language.
Money Appropriated in this Bill:
This bill appropriates $24,663,100 in operating and capital budgets for fiscal year 2020, including:
▸ $5,324,000 from the General Fund;
▸ ($3,000,000) from the Uniform School Fund;
▸ $3,310,000 from the Education Fund; and
▸ $19,029,100 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
This bill appropriates $9,756,300 in expendable funds and accounts for fiscal year 2020.
This bill appropriates ($4,403,300) in business-like activities for fiscal year 2020.
This bill appropriates $11,353,100 in restricted fund and account transfers for fiscal year 2020, including:
▸ $723,100 from the General Fund; and
▸ $10,630,000 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
This bill appropriates $12,943,600 in transfers to unrestricted funds for fiscal year 2020.
This bill appropriates $213,180,700 in operating and capital budgets for fiscal year 2021, including:
▸ ($13,403,600) from the General Fund;
▸ ($7,000,000) from the Uniform School Fund;
▸ $100,549,000 from the Education Fund; and
▸ $133,035,300 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
This bill appropriates $10,744,200 in expendable funds and accounts for fiscal year 2021.
This bill appropriates ($458,800) in business-like activities for fiscal year 2021, including:
▸ ($1,209,800) from the General Fund; and
▸ $751,000 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
This bill appropriates $47,116,500 in restricted fund and account transfers for fiscal year 2021, including:
▸ $19,088,200 from the General Fund;
▸ $14,462,000 from the Education Fund; and
▸ $13,566,300 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
This bill appropriates $88,000 in fiduciary funds for fiscal year 2021.
This bill appropriates $11,000,000 in capital project funds for fiscal year 2021, including:
▸ $34,500,000 from the General Fund; and
▸ ($23,500,000) from the Education Fund.
Other Special Clauses:
Section 1 of this bill takes effect immediately. Section 2 and Section 3 of this bill take effect on July 1, 2020.
Utah Code Sections Affected:
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
Section 1. FY 2020 Appropriations. The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020. These are additions to amounts otherwise appropriated for fiscal year 2020.
Subsection 1(a). Operating and Capital Budgets. Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
Executive Offices and Criminal Justice
Attorney General
Item 1
To Attorney GeneralAttorney General
Item 1
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Item 2
To Attorney GeneralFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Prosecutor Data Collection Amendments (House Bill 288, 2020 General Session).
Utah Department of Corrections
Item 3
To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and OperationsItem 3
Under Section 63-J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up $750,000 to the Department of Corrections provided for in S.B. 3, "Current Fiscal year Supplemental Appropriations", Item 7 for Community Case Managment not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2020.
The Legislature intends that, if the Department of Corrections is able to reallocate resources internally to fund two additional Lieutenants in the Department's Division of Prison Operations Inmate Placement Program, the Legislature grants authority to purchase two vehicles with Department funds.
The Legislature intends that the Department of Corrections, Division of Prison Operations, be able to purchase one vehicle with Department funds.
Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
Item 4
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationItem 4
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
District Courts
To implement the provisions of Probate Notice Amendments (House Bill 343, 2020 General Session).
Governors Office
Item 5
To Governors Office - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile JusticeItem 5
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
CCJJ Commission
To implement the provisions of Prosecutor Data Collection Amendments (House Bill 288, 2020 General Session).
Item 6
To Governors Office - Indigent Defense CommissionFrom Expendable Receipts, One-Time
From Revenue Transfers, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Office of Indigent Defense Services
To implement the provisions of Defense Contracts Amendments (Senate Bill 175, 2020 General Session).
Department of Public Safety
Item 7
To Department of Public Safety - Driver LicenseItem 7
From Department of Public Safety Restricted Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Driver Records
To implement the provisions of DUI Liability Amendments (House Bill 139, 2020 General Session).
Item 8
To Department of Public Safety - Driver LicenseFrom Department of Public Safety Restricted Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Driver Services
To implement the provisions of Driver License Record Amendments (House Bill 183, 2020 General Session).
State Treasurer
Item 9
To State TreasurerItem 9
From Qualified Patient Enterprise Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Treasury and Investment
To implement the provisions of Medical Cannabis Amendments (Senate Bill 121, 2020 General Session).
Infrastructure and General Government
Department of Administrative Services
Item 10
To Department of Administrative Services - Executive DirectorDepartment of Administrative Services
Item 10
The Legislature intends that the Department of Administrative Services submit to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and the Governor's Office of Management and Budget a monthly accounting of any transfer or expenditure of the funds provided by 63J-1-206 (3) for the state's response to the coronavirus.
Item 11
To Department of Administrative Services - Finance - MandatedFrom General Fund, One-Time
From General Fund Restricted - State Disaster Recovery Restr Acct, One-Time
From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Support, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Emergency Disease Response
The Legislature intends that the Division of Finance Mandated - Emergency Disease Response spend combined for FY 2020 and FY 2021 no more than a total of $4.0 million from the State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account and no more than a total of $1.0 million from the Department of Public Safety Restricted Account.
The Legislature intends that approximately $3.0 million of the General Fund appropriated in this item be used specifically to support seniors, through programs such as Meals on Wheels, food boxes similar to the federal Commodity Supplemental Food Program, in-home medical testing and care, Aging Alternatives, and coronavirus intensive response.
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that up to $19,000,000 General Fund provided for Public Health Emergency Response shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2020. The funding is to be used for the state's response to coronavirus.
Item 12
To Department of Administrative Services - Finance AdministrationFrom Qualified Patient Enterprise Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Medical Cannabis Amendments (Senate Bill 121, 2020 General Session).
Business, Economic Development, and Labor
Department of Commerce
Item 13
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationDepartment of Commerce
Item 13
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Occupational and Professional Licensing
To implement the provisions of Medical Cannabis Amendments (Senate Bill 121, 2020 General Session).
Governor's Office of Economic Development
Item 14
To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Utah Office of Outdoor RecreationItem 14
From Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Grant Program
Department of Heritage and Arts
Item 15
To Department of Heritage and Arts - Pass-ThroughItem 15
The Legislature intends that the pass-through dollars from the 2019 General Session in the amount of $500,000 to Zion's National Park 100th Anniversary Celebration be given to KUED-TV (PBS Channel 7). The Legislature further intends that the full appropriation of $500,000 be used for direct costs and not administrative overhead.
Utah State Tax Commission
Item 16
To Utah State Tax Commission - Tax AdministrationItem 16
From General Fund Rest. - Sales and Use Tax Admin Fees, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Technology Management
To implement the provisions of Recreational Vehicle Tax Amendments (Senate Bill 216, 2020 General Session).
Social Services
Department of Health
Item 17
To Department of Health - Children's Health Insurance ProgramDepartment of Health
Item 17
From Federal Funds, One-Time
From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Children's Health Insurance Program
Item 18
To Department of Health - Disease Control and PreventionFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Health Promotion
To implement the provisions of Substance Use and Violence Prevention Reporting Amendments (House Bill 419, 2020 General Session).
Item 19
To Department of Health - Executive Director's OperationsUnder Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that up to $6,000 General Fund provided in this line item for the Department of Health's Executive Director's Operations line item shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2020. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the implementation of H.B. 195.
Item 20
To Department of Health - Executive Director's OperationsFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Center for Health Data and Informatics
To implement the provisions of Identifying Wasteful Health Care Spending (House Bill 195, 2020 General Session).
Item 21
To Department of Health - Family Health and PreparednessFrom Federal Funds, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness
The Legislature intends that the Department of Health coordinate any spending including federal funds on the state's response to coronavirus with the Department of Administrative Services.
Item 22
To Department of Health - Family Health and PreparednessFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Health Facility Licensing and Certification
To implement the provisions of Birthing Facility Licensure Amendments (House Bill 428, 2020 General Session).
Item 23
To Department of Health - Family Health and PreparednessFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Maternal and Child Health
To implement the provisions of Disposition of Fetal Remains (Senate Bill 67, 2020 General Session).
Item 24
To Department of Health - Medicaid and Health FinancingFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Eligibility Policy
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that up to $3,000 General Fund provided in this line item for the Department of Health's Medicaid and Health Financing line item shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2020. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the implementation of 12 month eligibility for children on Medicaid.
Item 25
To Department of Health - Medicaid and Health FinancingFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Managed Health Care
To implement the provisions of Crisis Services Amendments (House Bill 32, 2020 General Session).
Item 26
To Department of Health - Medicaid ServicesFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds, One-Time
From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Other Services
Item 27
To Department of Health - Emergency Disease ResponseFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Emergency Disease Response
The Legislature intends that the following intent language in S.B. 3, Item 90, 2020 General Session, is deleted: "Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that up to $16,000,000 General Fund provided in this line item for the Department of Health's Emergency Disease Response line item shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2020. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to state response to coronavirus."
Department of Human Services
Item 28
To Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family ServicesItem 28
From Federal Funds, One-Time
From Revenue Transfers, One-Time
To implement the provisions of Defense Contracts Amendments (Senate Bill 175, 2020 General Session).
Department of Workforce Services
Item 29
To Department of Workforce Services - Operations and PolicyItem 29
From General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Eligibility Services
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that up to $27,400 General Fund provided in this line item for the Department of Workforce Services' Operations and Policy line item shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2020. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the implementation of 12 month eligibility for children on Medicaid.
Higher Education
Southern Utah University
Item 30
To Southern Utah University - Education and GeneralSouthern Utah University
Item 30
From Education Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Education and General
Utah Valley University
Item 31
To Utah Valley University - Education and GeneralItem 31
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Education and General
The Legislature intends that funds appropriated in this item to Utah Valley University be used for the Federalism Index Project. The Legislature further intends that Utah Valley University report quarterly to the Federalism Commission on use of the funds.
Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
Department of Agriculture and Food
Item 32
To Department of Agriculture and Food - AdministrationDepartment of Agriculture and Food
Item 32
From General Fund, One-Time
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Item 33
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Plant IndustryFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Department of Environmental Quality
Item 34
To Department of Environmental Quality - Water QualityItem 34
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Water Quality
Legislature intends that General Fund appropriations for the Lake Ecosystems funding item to the Division of Water Quality are limited to the treatment and monitoring of Harmful Algal Blooms in water bodies of the state of Utah. Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $100,000 shall not lapse at the close of FY 2020.
Department of Natural Resources
Item 35
To Department of Natural Resources - Forestry, Fire and State LandsItem 35
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that the $100,000 appropriation for Utah Lake Ecosystems funded in S.B. 3, Item 129, 2020 General Session, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2020.
Item 36
To Department of Natural Resources - Water ResourcesFrom Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Watershed Councils (House Bill 166, 2020 General Session).
Public Education
State Board of Education - Minimum School Program
Item 37
To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Basic School ProgramState Board of Education - Minimum School Program
Item 37
From Education Fund, One-Time
From Uniform School Fund, One-Time
From Revenue Transfers, One-Time
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Grades 1 - 12
Item 38
To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Related to Basic School ProgramsFrom Revenue Transfers, One-Time
From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
Item 39
To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Voted and Board Local Levy ProgramsFrom Education Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Voted Local Levy Program
Board Local Levy Program
Executive Appropriations
Capitol Preservation Board
Item 40
To Capitol Preservation BoardCapitol Preservation Board
Item 40
Under terms of Section 63J-1-603(3)(a) Utah Code Annotated, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Capitol Preservation Board in Senate Bill 3, Item 139, 2020 General Session not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2020. Use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to capital projects and associated costs.
Item 41
To Legislature - SenateItem 41
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Joint Resolution Authorizing Pay of In-session Employees (Senate Joint Resolution 7, 2020 General Session).
Item 42
To Legislature - House of RepresentativesFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Joint Resolution Authorizing Pay of In-session Employees (Senate Joint Resolution 7, 2020 General Session).
Item 43
To Legislature - Legislative ServicesFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Department of Veterans and Military Affairs
Item 44
To Department of Veterans and Military Affairs - Veterans and Military AffairsItem 44
Under terms of Section 63J-1-603(3)(a) Utah Code Annotated, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Department of Veterans and Military Affairs in Item 25, Chapter 6, Laws of Utah 2019 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2020. Use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to veterans outreach, cemetery, First Time Home Buyer Program, up to $50,000 for USS Utah commissioning, and other one-time operations costs.
Subsection 1(b). Expendable Funds and Accounts. The Legislature has reviewed the following expendable funds. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts between funds and accounts as indicated. Outlays and expenditures from the funds or accounts to which the money is transferred may be made without further legislative action, in accordance with statutory provisions relating to the funds or accounts.
Business, Economic Development, and Labor
Governor's Office of Economic Development
Item 45
To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure AccountGovernor's Office of Economic Development
Item 45
From Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Account
The Legislature intends that $150,000 appropriated to the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Account be used one-time for a 2020 grant to parties working to secure the Oakley School, in Oakley, UT for the express purpose of providing an outdoor recreation educational facility.
Public Service Commission
Item 46
To Public Service Commission - Universal Public Telecom ServiceItem 46
From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
From Closing Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Universal Public Telecommunications Service Support
Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
Department of Natural Resources
Item 47
To Department of Natural Resources - Wildland Fire Suppression FundDepartment of Natural Resources
Item 47
The Legislature intends that, if the amount available in the Mineral Bonus Account from payments deposited in the previous fiscal year exceeds the amount appropriated, the Division of Finance distribute the excess according to the formula provided in UCA 59-21-2(1)(e).
Subsection 1(c). Business-like Activities. The Legislature has reviewed the following proprietary funds. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code 63J-1-410, for any included Internal Service Fund, the Legislature approves budgets, full-time permanent positions, and capital acquisition amounts as indicated, and appropriates to the funds, as indicated, estimated revenue from rates, fees, and other charges. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts between funds and accounts as indicated.
Infrastructure and General Government
Department of Administrative Services Internal Service Funds
Item 48
To Department of Administrative Services Internal Service Funds - Risk ManagementDepartment of Administrative Services Internal Service Funds
Item 48
From Risk Management - Workers Compensation Fund, One-Time
From Risk Management Internal Service Fund, One-Time
From Risk Management-Property, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
ISF - Risk Management Administration
ISF - Workers' Compensation
Risk Management - Property
Item 49
To Transportation - State Infrastructure Bank FundItem 49
The Legislature intends that the Department of Transportation not use $10 million of the authorized $24 million in bond proceeds to issue a State Infrastructure Bank loan for the purpose authorized in Section 63B-27-101(3)(a).
Social Services
Department of Health
Item 50
To Department of Health - Qualified Patient Enterprise FundDepartment of Health
Item 50
From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Qualified Patient Enterprise Fund
To implement the provisions of Medical Cannabis Modifications (House Bill 425, 2020 General Session).
Item 51
To Department of Health - Qualified Patient Enterprise FundFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Qualified Patient Enterprise Fund
To implement the provisions of Medical Cannabis Amendments (Senate Bill 121, 2020 General Session).
Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
Department of Agriculture and Food
Item 52
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Qualified Production Enterprise FundDepartment of Agriculture and Food
Item 52
From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Qualified Production Enterprise Fund
To implement the provisions of Medical Cannabis Amendments (Senate Bill 121, 2020 General Session).
Subsection 1(d). Restricted Fund and Account Transfers. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer the following amounts between the following funds or accounts as indicated. Expenditures and outlays from the funds to which the money is transferred must be authorized by an appropriation.
Infrastructure and General Government
Item 53
To Risk Management-LiabilityItem 53
From Risk Management - Workers Compensation Fund, One-Time
From Risk Management Internal Service Fund, One-Time
From Risk Management-Property, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Risk Management - Liability Fund
Social Services
Item 54
To Medicaid Expansion FundItem 54
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Medicaid Expansion Fund
Item 55
To General Fund Restricted - Homeless to Housing Reform AccountFrom Revenue Transfers, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
General Fund Restricted - Homeless to Housing Reform Restricted Account
To implement the provisions of Homeless Services Funding Amendments (House Bill 440, 2020 General Session).
Subsection 1(e). Transfers to Unrestricted Funds. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer the following amounts to the unrestricted General Fund, Education Fund, or Uniform School Fund, as indicated, from the restricted funds or accounts indicated. Expenditures and outlays from the General Fund, Education Fund, or Uniform School Fund must be authorized by an appropriation.
Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
Item 56
To General FundItem 56
From Waste Management and Radiation Control Expendable Special Revenue Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
General Fund, One-time
Public Education
Item 57
To Education FundItem 57
From Nonlapsing Balances - MSP - Basic Program, One-Time
From Nonlapsing Balances - MSP - Related to Basic Program, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Education Fund, One-time
Section 2. FY 2021 Appropriations. The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021. These are additions to amounts otherwise appropriated for fiscal year 2021.
Subsection 2(a). Operating and Capital Budgets. Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
Executive Offices and Criminal Justice
Attorney General
Item 58
To Attorney GeneralAttorney General
Item 58
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Criminal Prosecution
Item 59
To Attorney GeneralFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Prosecutor Data Collection Amendments (House Bill 288, 2020 General Session).
Item 60
To Attorney GeneralFrom General Fund Restricted - Criminal Forfeiture Restricted Account
Schedule of Programs:
Criminal Prosecution
To implement the provisions of Attorney General Fund Amendments (House Bill 373, 2020 General Session).
Item 61
To Attorney GeneralFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Criminal Prosecution
To implement the provisions of Financial Exploitation Prevention Act (House Bill 459, 2020 General Session).
Item 62
To Attorney GeneralFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Criminal Prosecution
To implement the provisions of Criminal Justice Amendments (House Bill 461, 2020 General Session).
Item 63
To Attorney GeneralFrom Attorney General Crime & Violence Prevention Fund
From Attorney General Crime & Violence Prevention Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Criminal Prosecution
To implement the provisions of Drug Disposal Program (Senate Bill 29, 2020 General Session).
Item 64
To Attorney General - Prosecution CouncilNotwithstanding the intent language in H.B. 2, Item 3, 2020 General Session, the Legislature intends that the Attorney General's Office report on the following performance measures for the Utah Prosecution Council (UPC), whose mission is "to provide training and continuing legal education and provide assistance for state and local prosecutors": (1) The percentage of prosecutors whose continuing legal education credits come solely from UPC conferences; (2) The number of prosecutors who use a trauma expert in a jury trial; (3) The number of prosecutors who proceed to trial in domestic violence cases without the cooperation of the victim by October 15, 2020 to the Executive Offices and Criminal Justice Appropriations Subcommittee.
Item 65
To Attorney General - Prosecution CouncilFrom General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Support
From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Support, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Prosecution Council
To implement the provisions of Amendments Related to Surcharge Fees (House Bill 485, 2020 General Session).
Board of Pardons and Parole
Item 66
To Board of Pardons and ParoleItem 66
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Board of Pardons and Parole
To implement the provisions of Crime Enhancement Amendments (House Bill 238, 2020 General Session).
Item 67
To Board of Pardons and ParoleFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Board of Pardons and Parole
To implement the provisions of Unlawful Sexual Activity Statute of Limitations Amendments (House Bill 247, 2020 General Session).
Item 68
To Board of Pardons and ParoleFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Board of Pardons and Parole
To implement the provisions of Criminal Nonsupport Amendments (House Bill 367, 2020 General Session).
Item 69
To Board of Pardons and ParoleFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
To implement the provisions of Juvenile Justice Amendments (House Bill 384, 2020 General Session).
Item 70
To Board of Pardons and ParoleFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Board of Pardons and Parole
To implement the provisions of Mail Theft Amendments (House Bill 433, 2020 General Session).
Utah Department of Corrections
Item 71
To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and OperationsItem 71
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Prison Operations Draper Facility
Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code Title 63J Chapter 1 and other fee statutes as applicable, the following fees and rates are approved for the use and support of the government of the State of Utah for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021: Odd Size photocopies - Actual Cost; Document Certification - $2; Local document faxing - $0.50; Long distance document faxing - $2; Staff time to search, compile, and otherwise prepare record - Actual Cost; Mail and ship preparation, plus actual postage costs - Actual Cost; CD Duplication - $5; DVD Duplication - $10; Other media - Actual Cost; Other services - Actual Cost; 8.5 x 11 photocopy - $0.25; OSDC Supervision Collection - $30; Resident Support - $6; Restitution for Prisoner Damages - Actual Cost; False Information Fines - Range: $1 to $84,200; Sale of Services - Actual Cost; Inmate Leases & Concessions - $11; Patient Social Security Benefits Collections - Amount Based on Actual Collected; Sale of Goods and Materials - Actual Cost; Buildings Rental - Contractual; Victim Rep Inmate Withheld - Range: $1 to $50,000; Sundry Revenue Collection - Miscellaneous Collections; Offender Tuition Payments - Actual Cost. The Legislature intends that the aforementioned fees apply for the entire Department of Corrections.
The Legislature intends that the following intent language in H.B. 2, Item 6, 2020 General Session, is deleted: "To the extent that funding is available, the Legislature intends to increase ongoing appropriations to fully fund the certified correctional staff pay plan to the amount of $8,439,600 in yearly increments of $2,813,200 over the next three years."
Item 72
To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and OperationsFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Department Administrative Services
To implement the provisions of Inmate Expenses Amendments (House Bill 110, 2020 General Session).
Item 73
To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and OperationsFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Prison Operations Draper Facility
To implement the provisions of Crime Enhancement Amendments (House Bill 238, 2020 General Session).
Item 74
To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and OperationsFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Adult Probation and Parole Administration
Prison Operations Draper Facility
To implement the provisions of Unlawful Sexual Activity Statute of Limitations Amendments (House Bill 247, 2020 General Session).
Item 75
To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and OperationsFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Adult Probation and Parole Programs
Prison Operations Draper Facility
To implement the provisions of Criminal Nonsupport Amendments (House Bill 367, 2020 General Session).
Item 76
To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and OperationsFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
To implement the provisions of Juvenile Justice Amendments (House Bill 384, 2020 General Session).
Item 77
To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and OperationsFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Prison Operations Draper Facility
To implement the provisions of Mail Theft Amendments (House Bill 433, 2020 General Session).
Item 78
To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and OperationsFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Prison Operations Draper Facility
To implement the provisions of Sex Offender Registry Amendments (Senate Bill 34, 2020 General Session).
Item 79
To Utah Department of Corrections - Department Medical ServicesUnder the terms and conditions of Utah Code Title 63J Chapter 1 and other fee statutes as applicable, the following fees and rates are approved for the use and support of the government of the State of Utah for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021: Prisoner Various Prostheses Copay - 1/2 Cost; Inmate Support Collections - Actual Cost.
Item 80
To Utah Department of Corrections - Jail ContractingThe Legislature intends that under Section 64-13e-105 that the final state daily incarceration rate be set at $74.98 for FY 2021. If this H.B. 3 and S.B. 236 Jail Contracting and Reimbursement Amendments, both pass and become law, the Legislature intends that for FY 2021, the Actual County Daily Incarceration Rate be set at $82.93 and the Actual State Daily Incarceration Rate be set at $82.23 and that the state daily incarceration rate be set at $74.98 for 2021 previously mentioned be deleted per the adjustments in S.B. 236.
Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
Item 81
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationItem 81
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Juvenile Courts
To implement the provisions of Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency Proceedings Amendments (House Bill 33, 2020 General Session).
Item 82
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
District Courts
To implement the provisions of Distracted Driver Amendments (House Bill 101, 2020 General Session).
Item 83
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
District Courts
To implement the provisions of DUI Liability Amendments (House Bill 139, 2020 General Session).
Item 84
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
District Courts
To implement the provisions of Domestic Relations Debt (House Bill 196, 2020 General Session).
Item 85
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
District Courts
To implement the provisions of Bail and Pretrial Release Amendments (House Bill 206, 2020 General Session).
Item 86
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
District Courts
To implement the provisions of Crime Enhancement Amendments (House Bill 238, 2020 General Session).
Item 87
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
District Courts
To implement the provisions of Warning Labels Amendments (House Bill 243, 2020 General Session).
Item 88
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
District Courts
To implement the provisions of Unlawful Sexual Activity Statute of Limitations Amendments (House Bill 247, 2020 General Session).
Item 89
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
District Courts
To implement the provisions of Juvenile Delinquency Amendments (House Bill 262, 2020 General Session).
Item 90
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Office
To implement the provisions of Prohibited Persons Amendments (House Bill 267, 2020 General Session).
Item 91
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Data Processing
To implement the provisions of Prosecutor Data Collection Amendments (House Bill 288, 2020 General Session).
Item 92
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Data Processing
To implement the provisions of Restricted Status Amendments (House Bill 316, 2020 General Session).
Item 93
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
District Courts
To implement the provisions of Probate Notice Amendments (House Bill 343, 2020 General Session).
Item 94
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationFrom Surcharge Fines
Schedule of Programs:
District Courts
To implement the provisions of Mail Theft Amendments (House Bill 433, 2020 General Session).
Item 95
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationFrom General Fund, One-Time
From General Fund Restricted - Substance Abuse Prevention
Schedule of Programs:
District Courts
Juvenile Courts
To implement the provisions of Amendments Related to Surcharge Fees (House Bill 485, 2020 General Session).
Item 96
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
District Courts
To implement the provisions of Prisoner Offense Amendments (Senate Bill 32, 2020 General Session).
Item 97
To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - AdministrationFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
District Courts
To implement the provisions of Disorderly Conduct Amendments (Senate Bill 173, 2020 General Session).
Governors Office
Item 98
To Governors Office - CCJJ - Child Welfare Parental DefenseItem 98
From General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Revenue Transfers
Schedule of Programs:
Child Welfare Parental Defense
To implement the provisions of Defense Contracts Amendments (Senate Bill 175, 2020 General Session).
Item 99
To Governors Office - CCJJ Jail ReimbursementFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Jail Reimbursement
To implement the provisions of Jail Contracting and Reimbursement Amendments (Senate Bill 236, 2020 General Session).
Item 100
To Governors Office - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile JusticeFrom Crime Victim Reparations Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Utah Office for Victims of Crime
To implement the provisions of Warning Labels Amendments (House Bill 243, 2020 General Session).
Item 101
To Governors Office - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile JusticeFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
CCJJ Commission
To implement the provisions of Prosecutor Data Collection Amendments (House Bill 288, 2020 General Session).
Item 102
To Governors Office - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile JusticeFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
CCJJ Commission
To implement the provisions of Rampage Violence Prevention Study (House Bill 340, 2020 General Session).
Item 103
To Governors Office - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile JusticeFrom General Fund
From General Fund Restricted - Law Enforcement Operations
From General Fund Restricted - Law Enforcement Operations, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Law Enforcement Services Grants
State Task Force Grants
To implement the provisions of Amendments Related to Surcharge Fees (House Bill 485, 2020 General Session).
Item 104
To Governors Office - Governor's OfficeFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Lt. Governor's Office
Item 105
To Governors Office - Governor's OfficeFrom Lt Governor-Election File Fee Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Lt. Governor's Office
To implement the provisions of Election and Campaign Amendments (House Bill 19, 2020 General Session).
Item 106
To Governors Office - Governor's OfficeFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Lt. Governor's Office
To implement the provisions of Election Amendments (House Bill 36, 2020 General Session).
Item 107
To Governors Office - Governor's OfficeFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Lt. Governor's Office
To implement the provisions of Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution -- Water Resources of Municipalities (House Joint Resolution 3, 2020 General Session).
Item 108
To Governors Office - Governor's OfficeFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Lt. Governor's Office
To implement the provisions of Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution - The Right to Hunt and Fish (House Joint Resolution 15, 2020 General Session).
Item 109
To Governors Office - Governor's OfficeFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Lt. Governor's Office
To implement the provisions of Public Document Signature Classification (Senate Bill 47, 2020 General Session).
Item 110
To Governors Office - Governor's OfficeFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Boards and Commissions Modifications (Senate Bill 146, 2020 General Session).
Item 111
To Governors Office - Governor's OfficeFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Lt. Governor's Office
To implement the provisions of Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution -- Annual General Sessions of the Legislature (Senate Joint Resolution 3, 2020 General Session).
Item 112
To Governors Office - Governor's OfficeFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Lt. Governor's Office
To implement the provisions of Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution - Use of Tax Revenue (Senate Joint Resolution 9, 2020 General Session).
Item 113
To Governors Office - Indigent Defense CommissionFrom General Fund Restricted - Indigent Defense Resources
Schedule of Programs:
Office of Indigent Defense Services
Indigent Appellate Defense Division
To implement the provisions of Amendments to Indigent Defense (Senate Bill 139, 2020 General Session).
Item 114
To Governors Office - Indigent Defense CommissionFrom General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Expendable Receipts
From Revenue Transfers
Schedule of Programs:
Office of Indigent Defense Services
Child Welfare Parental Defense Program
To implement the provisions of Defense Contracts Amendments (Senate Bill 175, 2020 General Session).
Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services
Item 115
To Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services - Programs and OperationsItem 115
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Correctional Facilities
To implement the provisions of Juvenile Delinquency Amendments (House Bill 262, 2020 General Session).
Item 116
To Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services - Programs and OperationsFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Early Intervention Services
To implement the provisions of Child Welfare Amendments (Senate Bill 65, 2020 General Session).
Department of Public Safety
Item 117
To Department of Public Safety - Driver LicenseItem 117
From Department of Public Safety Restricted Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Driver Services
To implement the provisions of Electronic Driver License Amendments (Senate Bill 110, 2020 General Session).
Item 118
To Department of Public Safety - Emergency ManagementFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Emergency Management
To implement the provisions of Search and Rescue Funding Amendments (Senate Bill 152, 2020 General Session).
Item 119
To Department of Public Safety - Programs & OperationsFrom Department of Public Safety Restricted Account
From Department of Public Safety Restricted Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Highway Patrol - Safety Inspections
To implement the provisions of School Bus Safety Inspection Amendments (House Bill 143, 2020 General Session).
Item 120
To Department of Public Safety - Programs & OperationsFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Highway Patrol - Safety Inspections
To implement the provisions of Safety Inspections for Cited Vehicles (Senate Bill 31, 2020 General Session).
Item 121
To Department of Public Safety - Programs & OperationsFrom General Fund Restricted - Electronic Cigarette Substance and Nicotine Product Tax Restricted Account
Schedule of Programs:
Department Commissioner's Office
To implement the provisions of Electronic Cigarette and Other Nicotine Product Amendments (Senate Bill 37, 2020 General Session).
Item 122
To Department of Public Safety - Bureau of Criminal IdentificationFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Non-Government/Other Services
To implement the provisions of Medical Cannabis Amendments (Senate Bill 121, 2020 General Session).
State Treasurer
Item 123
To State TreasurerItem 123
From Qualified Patient Enterprise Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Treasury and Investment
To implement the provisions of Medical Cannabis Amendments (Senate Bill 121, 2020 General Session).
Utah Communications Authority
Item 124
To Utah Communications Authority - Administrative Services DivisionItem 124
From General Fund Restricted - Utah Statewide Radio System Acct., One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Radio Network Division
To implement the provisions of 911 Communications Amendments (Senate Bill 130, 2020 General Session).
Infrastructure and General Government
Department of Administrative Services
Item 125
To Department of Administrative Services - DFCM AdministrationDepartment of Administrative Services
Item 125
The Legislature intends that before commencing construction of any building funded during the 2020 General Session, the Division of Facilities Construction Management and partner higher education institution, where appropriate, report to the Executive Appropriations Committee and Infrastructure and General Government Appropriations Subcommittee on the status and cost of the project. DFCM and institutions shall seek feedback from at least one of these legislative committees before committing ongoing funds for demolition or construction.
Item 126
To Department of Administrative Services - Executive DirectorThe Legislature intends that the Department of Administrative Services submit to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and the Governor's Office of Management and Budget a monthly accounting of any transfer or expenditure of the funds provided by 63J-1-206 (3) for the state's response to the coronavirus.
Item 127
To Department of Administrative Services - Finance - MandatedFrom General Fund Restricted - State Disaster Recovery Restr Acct, One-Time
From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Support, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Emergency Disease Response
The Legislature intends that the Division of Finance Mandated - Emergency Disease Response spend combined for FY 2020 and FY 2021 no more than a total of $4.0 million from the State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account and no more than a total of $1.0 million from the Department of Public Safety Restricted Account.
The Legislature intends that approximately $3.0 million of the General Fund appropriated in this item be used specifically to support seniors, through programs such as Meals on Wheels, food boxes similar to the federal Commodity Supplemental Food Program, in-home medical testing and care, Aging Alternatives, and coronavirus intensive response.
Item 128
To Department of Administrative Services - Finance - MandatedFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Legislature -- Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Redistricting Commission
To implement the provisions of Redistricting Amendments (Senate Bill 200, 2020 General Session).
Item 129
To Department of Administrative Services - Finance AdministrationFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Phased Retirement Amendments (House Bill 225, 2020 General Session).
Item 130
To Department of Administrative Services - Finance AdministrationFrom Qualified Patient Enterprise Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Medical Cannabis Amendments (Senate Bill 121, 2020 General Session).
Item 131
To Department of Administrative Services - Inspector General of Medicaid ServicesFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds
From Federal Funds, One-Time
To implement the provisions of Mental Health Amendments (House Bill 219, 2020 General Session).
Capital Budget
Item 132
To Capital Budget - Capital Development - Other State GovernmentItem 132
From Capital Projects Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Taylorsville State Office Building
Behavioral Health Transition Facility
Item 133
To Capital Budget - Capital ImprovementsFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Education Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Capital Improvements
Item 134
To Transportation - AeronauticsItem 134
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Airplane Operations
Item 135
To Transportation - Engineering ServicesFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Planning and Investment
Program Development
Item 136
To Transportation - Operations/Maintenance ManagementFrom Transportation Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Sign Operations
To implement the provisions of Jordan River Amendments (House Bill 278, 2020 General Session).
Item 137
To Transportation - Operations/Maintenance ManagementFrom Transportation Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Maintenance Administration
To implement the provisions of State Highway System Modifications (Senate Bill 25, 2020 General Session).
Item 138
To Transportation - Support ServicesFrom Transportation Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Transportation Governance and Funding Amendments (Senate Bill 150, 2020 General Session).
Item 139
To Transportation - Transportation Investment Fund Capacity ProgramThe Legislature intends that as transportation projects are prioritized under Title 72 Chapter 1 Part 3, consideration be given to program beyond the normal programming horizon.
Item 140
To Transportation - Amusement Ride SafetyFrom General Fund, One-Time
From General Fund Restricted - Amusement Ride Safety Restricted Account, One-Time
To implement the provisions of Amusement Ride Safety (House Bill 154, 2020 General Session).
Item 141
To Transportation - Pass-ThroughFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
The Legislature intends that the Department of Transportation report to the Infrastructure and General Government Appropriations Subcommittee by October 15, 2020 on its plan for spending $2,000,000 one-time appropriated in this item for Rural Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.
Business, Economic Development, and Labor
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Item 142
To Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control - DABC OperationsDepartment of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Item 142
From Liquor Control Fund
From Liquor Control Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Stores and Agencies
To implement the provisions of Wine Services and Amendments (House Bill 157, 2020 General Session).
Item 143
To Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control - Parents EmpoweredFrom General Fund Restricted - Underage Drinking Prevention Media and Education Campaign Restricted Account
Schedule of Programs:
Parents Empowered
Department of Commerce
Item 144
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationItem 144
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account
Schedule of Programs:
Consumer Protection
To implement the provisions of Consumer Sales Practices Amendments (House Bill 113, 2020 General Session).
Item 145
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationFrom General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Occupational and Professional Licensing
To implement the provisions of Audiology and Speech-language Pathology Interstate Compact (House Bill 161, 2020 General Session).
Item 146
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationFrom General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account
Schedule of Programs:
Consumer Protection
To implement the provisions of Telephone and Facsimile Solicitation Act Amendments (House Bill 165, 2020 General Session).
Item 147
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationFrom General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account
Schedule of Programs:
Occupational and Professional Licensing
To implement the provisions of Prescription Revisions (House Bill 177, 2020 General Session).
Item 148
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationFrom General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Occupational and Professional Licensing
To implement the provisions of Insulin Access Amendments (House Bill 207, 2020 General Session).
Item 149
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationFrom General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Occupational and Professional Licensing
To implement the provisions of Delegation of Health Care Services Amendments (House Bill 274, 2020 General Session).
Item 150
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationFrom General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account, One-Time
To implement the provisions of Occupational Licensing Amendments (House Bill 290, 2020 General Session).
Item 151
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationFrom General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Consumer Protection
To implement the provisions of Maintenance Funding Practices Act (House Bill 312, 2020 General Session).
Item 152
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationFrom General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Occupational and Professional Licensing
To implement the provisions of Veterinary Technician Certification Amendments (House Bill 455, 2020 General Session).
Item 153
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationFrom General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Occupational and Professional Licensing
To implement the provisions of Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing Amendments (Senate Bill 23, 2020 General Session).
Item 154
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationFrom General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Occupational and Professional Licensing
To implement the provisions of Dental Practice Act Amendments (Senate Bill 135, 2020 General Session).
Item 155
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationFrom General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Occupational and Professional Licensing
To implement the provisions of Pharmacy Practice Act Amendments (Senate Bill 145, 2020 General Session).
Item 156
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationFrom General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account
Schedule of Programs:
Occupational and Professional Licensing
To implement the provisions of Occupational and Professional Licensing Amendments (Senate Bill 149, 2020 General Session).
Item 157
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationFrom General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account
Schedule of Programs:
Occupational and Professional Licensing
To implement the provisions of Business Payroll Practices Amendments (Senate Bill 153, 2020 General Session).
Item 158
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationFrom General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Occupational and Professional Licensing
To implement the provisions of Professional Licensing Amendments (Senate Bill 201, 2020 General Session).
Item 159
To Department of Commerce - Commerce General RegulationFrom General Fund Restricted - Latino Community Support Restricted Account
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Special Group License Plate Amendments (Senate Bill 212, 2020 General Session).
Governor's Office of Economic Development
Item 160
To Governor's Office of Economic Development - AdministrationItem 160
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Public-private Partnerships Amendments (Senate Bill 133, 2020 General Session).
Item 161
To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Business DevelopmentFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Corporate Recruitment and Business Services
Item 162
To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Business DevelopmentFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Corporate Recruitment and Business Services
To implement the provisions of Public-private Partnerships Amendments (Senate Bill 133, 2020 General Session).
Item 163
To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Pass-ThroughFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
From Education Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Item 164
To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Point of the Mountain AuthorityFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Transit Transportation Investment Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Point of the Mountain Authority
The Legislature intends that the Department of Transportation use up to $750,000, as revenue allows, from the Transit Transportation Investment Fund to begin subsequent environmental analysis for any locally preferred alternative identified. Use of funds by the department for an environmental analysis is contingent upon contribution of nonstate funds to the analysis.
Item 165
To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Economic Assistance GrantsFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Economic Assistance Grants
The Legislature intends that $1,000,000 provided one-time from the General Fund by this item be used for economic assistance grants targeting conferences, summits, expos, and events that: 1. draw more than 10,000 participants; 2. have a significant regional and state-wide economic impact, and 3. support the tech industry, outdoor recreation, large fan-based expos and regional performing organizations that offer a wide variety of productions. The Legislature further intends for GOED to report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst during the 2020 interim plans to efficiently allocate and administer such grants.
Department of Heritage and Arts
Item 166
To Department of Heritage and Arts - State HistoryItem 166
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Historic Preservation and Antiquities
To implement the provisions of Cultural Stewardship Amendments (House Bill 163, 2020 General Session).
Insurance Department
Item 167
To Insurance Department - Insurance Department AdministrationItem 167
From General Fund Restricted - Insurance Department Acct., One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Insurance Amendments (House Bill 37, 2020 General Session).
Item 168
To Insurance Department - Insurance Department AdministrationFrom General Fund Restricted - Insurance Department Acct.
From General Fund Restricted - Insurance Department Acct., One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Insulin Access Amendments (House Bill 207, 2020 General Session).
Item 169
To Insurance Department - Insurance Department AdministrationFrom General Fund Restricted - Insurance Department Acct.
From General Fund Restricted - Technology Development
From General Fund Restricted - Technology Development, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Pharmacy Benefit Amendments (House Bill 272, 2020 General Session).
Item 170
To Insurance Department - Insurance Department AdministrationFrom General Fund Restricted - Insurance Department Acct., One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Insurance Modifications (House Bill 349, 2020 General Session).
Item 171
To Insurance Department - Insurance Department AdministrationFrom General Fund Restricted - Insurance Department Acct., One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Medical Billing Amendments (Senate Bill 155, 2020 General Session).
Utah State Tax Commission
Item 172
To Utah State Tax Commission - Tax AdministrationItem 172
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Administration Division
Auditing Division
Tax Payer Services
Item 173
To Utah State Tax Commission - Tax AdministrationFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Motor Vehicles
To implement the provisions of Special Group License Plate Amendments (Senate Bill 212, 2020 General Session).
Social Services
Department of Health
Item 174
To Department of Health - Disease Control and PreventionDepartment of Health
Item 174
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Health Promotion
To implement the provisions of Hepatitis C Outreach Pilot Program (House Bill 220, 2020 General Session).
Item 175
To Department of Health - Disease Control and PreventionFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Health Promotion
To implement the provisions of Fatality Review Amendments (House Bill 295, 2020 General Session).
Item 176
To Department of Health - Disease Control and PreventionFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Health Promotion
To implement the provisions of Substance Use and Violence Prevention Reporting Amendments (House Bill 419, 2020 General Session).
Item 177
To Department of Health - Disease Control and PreventionFrom General Fund Restricted - Electronic Cigarette Substance and Nicotine Product Tax Restricted Account
Schedule of Programs:
Health Promotion
To implement the provisions of Electronic Cigarette and Other Nicotine Product Amendments (Senate Bill 37, 2020 General Session).
Item 178
To Department of Health - Executive Director's OperationsThe Legislature intends that the Department of Health report by May 1, 2021 to the Health and Human Services Interim Committee on the findings from the health care waste calculator and recommended steps that the State could take to reduce wasteful spending and ways to bring duplicative quality measurements into alignment.
Item 179
To Department of Health - Executive Director's OperationsFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Center for Health Data and Informatics
To implement the provisions of Identifying Wasteful Health Care Spending (House Bill 195, 2020 General Session).
Item 180
To Department of Health - Executive Director's OperationsFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director
To implement the provisions of American Indian-alaska Native Related Amendments (Senate Bill 22, 2020 General Session).
Item 181
To Department of Health - Family Health and PreparednessFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness
Primary Care
The Legislature intends that the Department of Health coordinate any spending including federal funds on the state's response to coronavirus with the Department of Administrative Services.
Item 182
To Department of Health - Family Health and PreparednessFrom General Fund Restricted - Adult Autism Treatment Account
Schedule of Programs:
Children with Special Health Care Needs
To implement the provisions of Adult Autism Treatment Program (House Bill 86, 2020 General Session).
Item 183
To Department of Health - Family Health and PreparednessFrom General Fund
From Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
Maternal and Child Health
To implement the provisions of Newborn Safe Haven Amendments (House Bill 97, 2020 General Session).
Item 184
To Department of Health - Family Health and PreparednessFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Children with Special Health Care Needs
To implement the provisions of Alcohol Education Amendments (House Bill 208, 2020 General Session).
Item 185
To Department of Health - Family Health and PreparednessFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Maternal and Child Health
To implement the provisions of Fetal Exposure Reporting and Treatment Amendments (House Bill 244, 2020 General Session).
Item 186
To Department of Health - Family Health and PreparednessFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Health Facility Licensing and Certification
To implement the provisions of Delegation of Health Care Services Amendments (House Bill 274, 2020 General Session).
Item 187
To Department of Health - Family Health and PreparednessFrom General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Maternal and Child Health
To implement the provisions of Abortion Revisions (House Bill 364, 2020 General Session).
Item 188
To Department of Health - Family Health and PreparednessFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Health Facility Licensing and Certification
To implement the provisions of Birthing Facility Licensure Amendments (House Bill 428, 2020 General Session).
Item 189
To Department of Health - Family Health and PreparednessFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Health Facility Licensing and Certification
To implement the provisions of Disposition of Fetal Remains (Senate Bill 67, 2020 General Session).
Item 190
To Department of Health - Medicaid and Health FinancingFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds, One-Time
From Expendable Receipts, One-Time
From Medicaid Expansion Fund, One-Time
From Nursing Care Facilities Provider Assessment Fund, One-Time
From Revenue Transfers, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Financial Services
Medicaid Operations
To implement the provisions of Crisis Services Amendments (House Bill 32, 2020 General Session).
Item 191
To Department of Health - Medicaid and Health FinancingFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds, One-Time
From Medicaid Expansion Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Director's Office
To implement the provisions of Substance Use and Health Care Amendments (House Bill 38, 2020 General Session).
Item 192
To Department of Health - Medicaid and Health FinancingFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds
From Federal Funds, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Director's Office
To implement the provisions of Insurance Coverage Modifications (House Bill 214, 2020 General Session).
Item 193
To Department of Health - Medicaid and Health FinancingFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds
From Federal Funds, One-Time
From Expendable Receipts
From Expendable Receipts, One-Time
From Medicaid Expansion Fund
From Medicaid Expansion Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Coverage and Reimbursement Policy
Eligibility Policy
Financial Services
To implement the provisions of Mental Health Amendments (House Bill 219, 2020 General Session).
Item 194
To Department of Health - Medicaid and Health FinancingFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Director's Office
To implement the provisions of Disability Act Compliance Amendments (House Bill 378, 2020 General Session).
Item 195
To Department of Health - Medicaid and Health FinancingFrom General Fund
From Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
Authorization and Community Based Services
To implement the provisions of Limited Support Services Waiver Amendments (Senate Bill 44, 2020 General Session).
Item 196
To Department of Health - Medicaid ServicesFrom General Fund
From Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
Accountable Care Organizations
Home and Community Based Waivers
Item 197
To Department of Health - Medicaid ServicesFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds
From Federal Funds, One-Time
From Expendable Receipts
From Expendable Receipts, One-Time
From Medicaid Expansion Fund
From Medicaid Expansion Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Medicaid Expansion
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Provider Reimbursement Information System for Medicaid
To implement the provisions of Crisis Services Amendments (House Bill 32, 2020 General Session).
Item 198
To Department of Health - Medicaid ServicesFrom Federal Funds
From Expendable Receipts
Schedule of Programs:
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
To implement the provisions of Mental Health Treatment Access Amendments (House Bill 35, 2020 General Session).
Item 199
To Department of Health - Medicaid ServicesFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds
From Federal Funds, One-Time
From Expendable Receipts
From Expendable Receipts, One-Time
From Medicaid Expansion Fund
From Medicaid Expansion Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Medicaid Expansion
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Provider Reimbursement Information System for Medicaid
To implement the provisions of Mental Health Amendments (House Bill 219, 2020 General Session).
Item 200
To Department of Health - Medicaid ServicesFrom General Fund
From Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
Other Services
To implement the provisions of Health and Human Services Amendments (House Bill 436, 2020 General Session).
Item 201
To Department of Health - Medicaid ServicesFrom General Fund
From Federal Funds
From Federal Funds, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Other Services
Provider Reimbursement Information System for Medicaid
To implement the provisions of Limited Support Services Waiver Amendments (Senate Bill 44, 2020 General Session).
Department of Human Services
Item 202
To Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family ServicesItem 202
From General Fund
From Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
Out-of-Home Care
Selected Programs
To implement the provisions of Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency Proceedings Amendments (House Bill 33, 2020 General Session).
Item 203
To Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family ServicesFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
From Gen. Fund Rest. - Victims of Domestic Violence Services Acct
From Gen. Fund Rest. - Victims of Domestic Violence Services Acct, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Domestic Violence
To implement the provisions of Amendments Related to Surcharge Fees (House Bill 485, 2020 General Session).
Item 204
To Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family ServicesFrom General Fund
From Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
Facility-Based Services
Service Delivery
To implement the provisions of Child Welfare Amendments (Senate Bill 65, 2020 General Session).
Item 205
To Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family ServicesFrom Federal Funds
From Revenue Transfers
To implement the provisions of Defense Contracts Amendments (Senate Bill 175, 2020 General Session).
Item 206
To Department of Human Services - Executive Director OperationsFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds, One-Time
From Revenue Transfers, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Legal Affairs
To implement the provisions of Crisis Services Amendments (House Bill 32, 2020 General Session).
Item 207
To Department of Human Services - Executive Director OperationsFrom General Fund
From Federal Funds
From Revenue Transfers
Schedule of Programs:
Legal Affairs
To implement the provisions of Mental Health Treatment Access Amendments (House Bill 35, 2020 General Session).
Item 208
To Department of Human Services - Executive Director OperationsFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Office of Licensing
To implement the provisions of Child Placement Background Check Limits (House Bill 137, 2020 General Session).
Item 209
To Department of Human Services - Executive Director OperationsFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds, One-Time
From Revenue Transfers, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Legal Affairs
To implement the provisions of Disability Act Compliance Amendments (House Bill 378, 2020 General Session).
Item 210
To Department of Human Services - Executive Director OperationsFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Office of Licensing
To implement the provisions of Health and Human Services Amendments (House Bill 436, 2020 General Session).
Item 211
To Department of Human Services - Division of Services for People with DisabilitiesFrom General Fund
From Revenue Transfers
Schedule of Programs:
Community Supports Waiver
Utah State Developmental Center
Item 212
To Department of Human Services - Division of Services for People with DisabilitiesFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Administration - DSPD
To implement the provisions of Disability Act Compliance Amendments (House Bill 378, 2020 General Session).
Item 213
To Department of Human Services - Division of Services for People with DisabilitiesFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
From Revenue Transfers
From Revenue Transfers, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Service Delivery
Limited Supports Waiver
To implement the provisions of Limited Support Services Waiver Amendments (Senate Bill 44, 2020 General Session).
Item 214
To Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Abuse and Mental HealthFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Community Mental Health Services
Item 215
To Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Abuse and Mental HealthFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Community Mental Health Services
To implement the provisions of Mental Health Treatment Access Amendments (House Bill 35, 2020 General Session).
Item 216
To Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Abuse and Mental HealthFrom General Fund, One-Time
From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Residential Mental Health Services
To implement the provisions of Mental Health Amendments (House Bill 219, 2020 General Session).
Item 217
To Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Abuse and Mental HealthFrom Federal Funds
Schedule of Programs:
State Substance Abuse Services
To implement the provisions of Fetal Exposure Reporting and Treatment Amendments (House Bill 244, 2020 General Session).
Department of Workforce Services
Item 218
To Department of Workforce Services - Housing and Community DevelopmentItem 218
From General Fund, One-Time
From Gen. Fund Rest. - Homeless Housing Reform Rest. Acct
Schedule of Programs:
Community Development
Homeless Committee
The Legislature intends that $1,500,000 appropriated from the Homeless to Housing Reform Restricted Account in this item be granted to one or more homeless shelters that began operations on or after January 1, 2019 for operational costs; a homeless shelter receiving a grant shall provide matching funds equal to the grant amount, in accordance with 35A-8-604(8)(a). The Legislature further intends that for entities to qualify for matching funds for this funding amount for $1,500,000, that entity funds also increase operational resource funding as opposed to bonding, in-kind, or other indirectly related resources.
Item 219
To Department of Workforce Services - Operations and PolicyFrom General Fund Restricted - School Readiness Account
Schedule of Programs:
Workforce Development
Item 220
To Department of Workforce Services - Operations and PolicyFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
From Revenue Transfers
From Revenue Transfers, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Eligibility Services
Information Technology
To implement the provisions of Limited Support Services Waiver Amendments (Senate Bill 44, 2020 General Session).
Higher Education
University of Utah
Item 221
To University of Utah - Education and GeneralUniversity of Utah
Item 221
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
From Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Education and General
The Legislature intends that $300,000 one-time provided by this item be used by the University of Utah Center for Medical Innovation for a multi-dimensional educational experience showcasing Utah's world-class life sciences programs and Utah's dynamic biotech industries. It further intends that this be done in collaboration with the University of Utah and other Utah educational institutions and may be showcased at museums around the world. The appropriation must be combined with matching funds raised through private donations.
Item 222
To University of Utah - Education and GeneralFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Education and General
To implement the provisions of Mental Health Services Amendments (Senate Bill 89, 2020 General Session).
Item 223
To University of Utah - School of MedicineFrom Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
School of Medicine
Item 224
To University of Utah - SafeUT Crisis Text and TipFrom Education Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
SafeUT Operations
Utah State University
Item 225
To Utah State University - Education and GeneralItem 225
From General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Education and General
Item 226
To Utah State University - Blanding CampusFrom Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Blanding Campus
Southern Utah University
Item 227
To Southern Utah University - Shakespeare FestivalItem 227
From Education Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Shakespeare Festival
Utah Valley University
Item 228
To Utah Valley University - Education and GeneralItem 228
From General Fund
From Education Fund
Snow College
Item 229
To Snow College - Career and Technical EducationItem 229
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Career and Technical Education
Dixie State University
Item 230
To Dixie State University - Education and GeneralItem 230
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Education and General
The Legislature intends that $1,500,000 ongoing, from the Education Fund in the Dixie State University - Education and General Line Item be used for development of programs that will eventually be wholly operated by Dixie State University.
The Legislature further intends that Dixie State University annually approve a proposed program budget prior to disbursal of any of these funds for program development by the University of Utah.
Salt Lake Community College
Item 231
To Salt Lake Community College - School of Applied TechnologyItem 231
From Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
School of Applied Technology
State Board of Regents
Item 232
To State Board of Regents - AdministrationItem 232
The Legislature intends that all funds allocated in FY 2021 in the performance funding program be distributed to institutions using the Board of Regents performance funding allocation formula as defined in 53B-7-706 and that the funds may be used by the institutions to support institutional priorities. Any funds not earned by institutions may be utilized by the State Board of Regents on a one-time basis in FY 2021 for cyber security needs within the system as determined by the Regents. These ongoing funds will be available for performance funding allocation in the FY 2022 budget cycle.
Item 233
To State Board of Regents - AdministrationFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Emerging Technology Talent Initiative (Senate Bill 96, 2020 General Session).
Item 234
To State Board of Regents - AdministrationFrom Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Higher Education Amendments (Senate Bill 111, 2020 General Session).
Item 235
To State Board of Regents - Student AssistanceFrom Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
T.H. Bell Teaching Incentive Loans Program
Item 236
To State Board of Regents - TechnologyFrom Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Higher Education Technology Initiative
To implement the provisions of Higher Education Amendments (Senate Bill 111, 2020 General Session).
Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
Department of Agriculture and Food
Item 237
To Department of Agriculture and Food - AdministrationDepartment of Agriculture and Food
Item 237
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Chemistry Laboratory
To implement the provisions of Raw Milk Products Amendments (House Bill 134, 2020 General Session).
Item 238
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Animal HealthFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Meat Inspection
To implement the provisions of Poultry Amendments (House Bill 358, 2020 General Session).
Item 239
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Plant IndustryFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Plant Industry
Item 240
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Regulatory ServicesFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Regulatory Services
To implement the provisions of Occupational Licensing Amendments (House Bill 290, 2020 General Session).
Item 241
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Medical CannabisFrom Qualified Production Enterprise Fund
From Qualified Production Enterprise Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Medical Cannabis
Item 242
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Industrial HempFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
Schedule of Programs:
Industrial Hemp
Item 243
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Industrial HempFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Industrial Hemp
To implement the provisions of Industrial Hemp Program Amendments (House Bill 18, 2020 General Session).
Department of Environmental Quality
Item 244
To Department of Environmental Quality - Water QualityItem 244
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Water Quality
Governor's Office
Item 245
To Governor's Office - Office of Energy DevelopmentItem 245
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Office of Energy Development
The Legislature intends that the Governor's Office of Energy Development is authorized to charge an application fee for the Well Recompletion Workover Tax Credit certificate in the amount of $10 per application.
Department of Natural Resources
Item 246
To Department of Natural Resources - DNR Pass ThroughItem 246
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
DNR Pass Through
Item 247
To Department of Natural Resources - Forestry, Fire and State LandsFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Project Management
The Legislature intends that the $190,000 one-time provided by this item be used for the planning and development of the Wakara Way Park under the direction of the Utah Lake Commission.
Item 248
To Department of Natural Resources - Oil, Gas and MiningFrom Gen. Fund Rest. - Oil & Gas Conservation Account
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Oil and Gas Modifications (Senate Bill 148, 2020 General Session).
Item 249
To Department of Natural Resources - Water ResourcesFrom General Fund Restricted - Agricultural Water Optimization Restricted Account
Schedule of Programs:
Funding Projects and Research
To implement the provisions of Agricultural Water Optimization Task Force Amendments (House Bill 39, 2020 General Session).
Item 250
To Department of Natural Resources - Water ResourcesFrom Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Watershed Councils (House Bill 166, 2020 General Session).
Item 251
To Department of Natural Resources - Water ResourcesFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Water Banking Amendments (Senate Bill 26, 2020 General Session).
Item 252
To Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife ResourcesFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Services
To implement the provisions of Fishing and Hunting Restrictions for Nonpayment of Child Support (House Bill 197, 2020 General Session).
Item 253
To Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife ResourcesFrom New Account Created By Bill (FN Only)
Schedule of Programs:
Aquatic Section
To implement the provisions of Boat Fees Amendments (House Bill 255, 2020 General Session).
School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
Item 254
To School and Institutional Trust Lands AdministrationItem 254
From Land Grant Management Fund
From Trust and Agency Funds
Public Education
State Board of Education - Minimum School Program
Item 255
To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Basic School ProgramState Board of Education - Minimum School Program
Item 255
From Education Fund
From Uniform School Fund
Item 256
To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Related to Basic School ProgramsFrom Education Fund, One-Time
From Teacher and Student Success Account
Schedule of Programs:
Flexible Allocation - WPU Distribution
Teacher and Student Success Program
The Legislature intends that local education agencies (LEAs) expend one-time funding received through the Flexible Allocation - WPU Distribution Program to meet school level priorities, first to address one-time student and school safety priorities and second to meet other one-time school level priorities. The Legislature further intends that LEAs report expenditures to the State Board of Education and the State Board of Education report to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on these expenditures by February 1, 2021.
The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education use $800,000 one-time appropriated to Concurrent Enrollment to support the Concurrent Enrollment Certificate Pilot for two years beginning in the 2021 academic year as provided in House Bill 336, Concurrent Enrollment Certificate Pilot Program from the 2020 General Session.
Item 257
To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Related to Basic School ProgramsFrom Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Effective Teachers in High Poverty Schools Incentive Program
To implement the provisions of Effective Teachers in High Poverty Schools Incentive Program Amendments (House Bill 107, 2020 General Session).
Item 258
To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Related to Basic School ProgramsFrom Education Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Concurrent Enrollment
To implement the provisions of Concurrent Enrollment Certificate Pilot Program (House Bill 336, 2020 General Session).
Item 259
To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Related to Basic School ProgramsFrom Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Concurrent Enrollment
To implement the provisions of Concurrent Enrollment Amendments (House Bill 409, 2020 General Session).
Item 260
To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Voted and Board Local Levy ProgramsFrom Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-Time
Item 261
To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Voted and Board Local Levy ProgramsFrom Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Voted Local Levy Program
To implement the provisions of Local Education Levy State Guarantee Amendments (Senate Bill 104, 2020 General Session).
State Board of Education
Item 262
To State Board of Education - Child NutritionItem 262
From Education Fund
From Federal Funds
From Federal Funds, One-Time
From Dedicated Credit - Liquor Tax
From Dedicated Credit - Liquor Tax, One-Time
Item 263
To State Board of Education - Fine Arts OutreachFrom Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Professional Outreach Programs in the Schools
The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education use $200,000 appropriated to Professional Outreach Programs in the Schools (POPS) to increase participation of schools and students through a symphony in the schools outreach program.
Item 264
To State Board of Education - Initiative ProgramsFrom Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Contracts and Grants
Kindergarten Supplement Enrichment Program
Under Item 8 in S.B. 2, Public Education Budget Amendments, the Legislature intends that the State Board of Education use $500,000 one-time appropriated in FY 2021 to contract with a provider to offer an online course that meets the states financial literacy standards.
Under Item 8 in S.B. 2, Public Education Budget Amendments, 2020 General Session, the Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before September 30, 2020, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following performance measures for the Intergenerational Poverty Interventions Grant Program: Improvement in the following areas for regularly participating afterschool students, as measured by appropriate assessment: reading proficiency rates (target = 8 points); math proficiency rates (target = 7 points); and science proficiency rates (target = 4 points).
Under Item 8 in S.B. 2, Public Education Budget Amendments, 2020 General Session, the Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before September 30, 2020, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following performance measures for the Partnerships for Student Success Grant Program: Percentage of grade 3 students at Partnerships for Student Success schools who met reading benchmark at year end (target = 55%); percentage of grade 8 students at Partnerships for Student Success schools proficient in mathematics (target = 24%); and high school graduation rate for students at Partnerships for Student Success schools (target = 86%).
Item 265
To State Board of Education - Initiative ProgramsFrom Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Education Technology Management System
To implement the provisions of Interactive Reading Software Amendments (House Bill 360, 2020 General Session).
Item 266
To State Board of Education - State Administrative OfficeFrom Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Student Support Services
To implement the provisions of School Mental Health Funding Amendments (House Bill 323, 2020 General Session).
Item 267
To State Board of Education - State Administrative OfficeFrom Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Teaching and Learning
To implement the provisions of Civics Education Amendments (House Bill 334, 2020 General Session).
Item 268
To State Board of Education - State Administrative OfficeFrom General Fund Restricted - Substance Abuse Prevention
From General Fund Restricted - Substance Abuse Prevention, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Student Support Services
To implement the provisions of Amendments Related to Surcharge Fees (House Bill 485, 2020 General Session).
Item 269
To State Board of Education - General System SupportFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
From Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-Time
From Federal Funds
From Federal Funds, One-Time
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Expendable Receipts, One-Time
From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease
From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease, One-Time
Item 270
To State Board of Education - State Charter School BoardFrom Education Fund
Schedule of Programs:
State Charter School Board
To implement the provisions of Charter School Operations and School Accounting Amendments (House Bill 242, 2020 General Session).
Retirement and Independent Entities
Career Service Review Office
Item 271
To Career Service Review OfficeCareer Service Review Office
Item 271
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Career Service Review Office
To implement the provisions of Abusive Conduct Reporting Amendments (House Bill 12, 2020 General Session).
Executive Appropriations
Capitol Preservation Board
Item 272
To Capitol Preservation BoardCapitol Preservation Board
Item 272
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Capitol Preservation Board
Item 273
To Legislature - SenateItem 273
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Labor Commission Amendments (House Bill 15, 2020 General Session).
Item 274
To Legislature - SenateFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Outdoor Adventure Commission Amendments (House Bill 283, 2020 General Session).
Item 275
To Legislature - SenateFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Fatality Review Amendments (House Bill 295, 2020 General Session).
Item 276
To Legislature - SenateFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Digital Wellness, Citizenship, and Safe Technology Commission (House Bill 372, 2020 General Session).
Item 277
To Legislature - SenateFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Native American Legislative Liaison Committee Amendments (Senate Bill 13, 2020 General Session).
Item 278
To Legislature - SenateFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Emerging Technology Talent Initiative (Senate Bill 96, 2020 General Session).
Item 279
To Legislature - SenateFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Higher Education Amendments (Senate Bill 111, 2020 General Session).
Item 280
To Legislature - SenateFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Joint Resolution Authorizing Pay of In-session Employees (Senate Joint Resolution 7, 2020 General Session).
Item 281
To Legislature - House of RepresentativesFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Labor Commission Amendments (House Bill 15, 2020 General Session).
Item 282
To Legislature - House of RepresentativesFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Outdoor Adventure Commission Amendments (House Bill 283, 2020 General Session).
Item 283
To Legislature - House of RepresentativesFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Fatality Review Amendments (House Bill 295, 2020 General Session).
Item 284
To Legislature - House of RepresentativesFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Digital Wellness, Citizenship, and Safe Technology Commission (House Bill 372, 2020 General Session).
Item 285
To Legislature - House of RepresentativesFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Native American Legislative Liaison Committee Amendments (Senate Bill 13, 2020 General Session).
Item 286
To Legislature - House of RepresentativesFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Emerging Technology Talent Initiative (Senate Bill 96, 2020 General Session).
Item 287
To Legislature - House of RepresentativesFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Higher Education Amendments (Senate Bill 111, 2020 General Session).
Item 288
To Legislature - House of RepresentativesFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Joint Resolution Authorizing Pay of In-session Employees (Senate Joint Resolution 7, 2020 General Session).
Item 289
To Legislature - Office of Legislative Research and General CounselFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Outdoor Adventure Commission Amendments (House Bill 283, 2020 General Session).
Item 290
To Legislature - Office of Legislative Research and General CounselFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Digital Wellness, Citizenship, and Safe Technology Commission (House Bill 372, 2020 General Session).
Item 291
To Legislature - Office of Legislative Research and General CounselFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Concurrent Resolution for an Economic Study of the Deployment of State Resources in Underperforming Communities (House Concurrent Resolution 27, 2020 General Session).
Item 292
To Legislature - Office of Legislative Research and General CounselFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Higher Education Amendments (Senate Bill 111, 2020 General Session).
Item 293
To Legislature - Office of Legislative Research and General CounselFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
To implement the provisions of Redistricting Amendments (Senate Bill 200, 2020 General Session).
Item 294
To Legislature - Legislative Services Digital Wellness CommissionFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Digital Wellness Commission
Department of Veterans and Military Affairs
Item 295
To Department of Veterans and Military Affairs - Veterans and Military AffairsItem 295
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Subsection 2(b). Expendable Funds and Accounts. The Legislature has reviewed the following expendable funds. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts between funds and accounts as indicated. Outlays and expenditures from the funds or accounts to which the money is transferred may be made without further legislative action, in accordance with statutory provisions relating to the funds or accounts.
Executive Offices and Criminal Justice
Attorney General
Item 296
To Attorney General - Crime and Violence Prevention FundAttorney General
Item 296
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Crime and Violence Prevention Fund
To implement the provisions of Attorney General Fund Amendments (House Bill 373, 2020 General Session).
Governors Office
Item 297
To Governors Office - Pretrial Release Programs Special Revenue FundItem 297
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Pretrial Release Programs Special Revenue Fund
To implement the provisions of Bail and Pretrial Release Amendments (House Bill 206, 2020 General Session).
Item 298
To Governors Office - Rampage Violence Prevention Study FundFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Rampage Violence Prevention Study Fund
To implement the provisions of Rampage Violence Prevention Study (House Bill 340, 2020 General Session).
Business, Economic Development, and Labor
Governor's Office of Economic Development
Item 299
To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure AccountGovernor's Office of Economic Development
Item 299
From Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Account
Schedule of Programs:
Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Account
Department of Heritage and Arts
Item 300
To Department of Heritage and Arts - Heritage and Arts Foundation FundItem 300
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Heritage and Arts Foundation Fund
To implement the provisions of Heritage and Arts Foundation Amendments (House Bill 302, 2020 General Session).
Public Service Commission
Item 301
To Public Service Commission - Universal Public Telecom ServiceItem 301
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Universal Public Telecommunications Service Support
Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
Department of Environmental Quality
Item 302
To Department of Environmental Quality - Waste Tire Recycling FundDepartment of Environmental Quality
Item 302
From Waste Tire Recycling Fund
Schedule of Programs:
Waste Tire Recycling Fund
To implement the provisions of Waste Tire Recycling Act Amendments (House Bill 27, 2020 General Session).
Subsection 2(c). Business-like Activities. The Legislature has reviewed the following proprietary funds. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code 63J-1-410, for any included Internal Service Fund, the Legislature approves budgets, full-time permanent positions, and capital acquisition amounts as indicated, and appropriates to the funds, as indicated, estimated revenue from rates, fees, and other charges. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts between funds and accounts as indicated.
Executive Offices and Criminal Justice
Attorney General
Item 303
To Attorney General - ISF - Attorney GeneralAttorney General
Item 303
From General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
ISF - Attorney General
Item 304
To Attorney General - ISF - Attorney GeneralFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
ISF - Attorney General
To implement the provisions of Crisis Services Amendments (House Bill 32, 2020 General Session).
Item 305
To Attorney General - ISF - Attorney GeneralFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
ISF - Attorney General
To implement the provisions of Mental Health Treatment Access Amendments (House Bill 35, 2020 General Session).
Item 306
To Attorney General - ISF - Attorney GeneralFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
ISF - Attorney General
To implement the provisions of Rampage Violence Prevention Study (House Bill 340, 2020 General Session).
Item 307
To Attorney General - ISF - Attorney GeneralFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
ISF - Attorney General
To implement the provisions of Disability Act Compliance Amendments (House Bill 378, 2020 General Session).
Item 308
To Attorney General - ISF - Attorney GeneralFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
ISF - Attorney General
To implement the provisions of Oil and Gas Modifications (Senate Bill 148, 2020 General Session).
Utah Department of Corrections
Item 309
To Utah Department of Corrections - Utah Correctional IndustriesItem 309
Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code Title 63J Chapter 1 and other fee statutes as applicable, the following fees and rates are approved for the use and support of the government of the State of Utah for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021: Sale of Goods and Materials - Cost plus profit; Sale of Services - Cost plus profit.
Infrastructure and General Government
Item 310
To Transportation - State Infrastructure Bank FundTransportation
Item 310
The Legislature intends that the Department of Transportation not use $10 million of the authorized $24 million in bond proceeds to issue a State Infrastructure Bank loan for the purpose authorized in Section 63B-27-101(3)(a).
Social Services
Department of Health
Item 311
To Department of Health - Qualified Patient Enterprise FundDepartment of Health
Item 311
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Qualified Patient Enterprise Fund
To implement the provisions of Medical Cannabis Modifications (House Bill 425, 2020 General Session).
Item 312
To Department of Health - Qualified Patient Enterprise FundFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Qualified Patient Enterprise Fund
To implement the provisions of Medical Cannabis Amendments (Senate Bill 121, 2020 General Session).
Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
Department of Agriculture and Food
Item 313
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Qualified Production Enterprise FundDepartment of Agriculture and Food
Item 313
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Dedicated Credits Revenue, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Qualified Production Enterprise Fund
To implement the provisions of Medical Cannabis Modifications (House Bill 425, 2020 General Session).
Item 314
To Department of Agriculture and Food - Qualified Production Enterprise FundFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Qualified Production Enterprise Fund
To implement the provisions of Medical Cannabis Amendments (Senate Bill 121, 2020 General Session).
Subsection 2(d). Restricted Fund and Account Transfers. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer the following amounts between the following funds or accounts as indicated. Expenditures and outlays from the funds to which the money is transferred must be authorized by an appropriation.
Executive Offices and Criminal Justice
Item 315
To General Fund Restricted - Indigent Defense Resources AccountItem 315
From General Fund
From Revenue Transfers
From Revenue Transfers, One-Time
From Beginning Fund Balance
To implement the provisions of Amendments to Indigent Defense (Senate Bill 139, 2020 General Session).
Infrastructure and General Government
Item 316
To Rail Transportation Restricted AccountItem 316
The Legislature intends that the Department of Transportation use $1,525,000 from the Transit Transportation Investment Fund - Rail Transportation Restricted Account to partner with Brigham City on engineering, design, and environmental analysis of a grade separated rail crossing project on Forest Street to make safety improvements and address traffic delays associated with railroad operations.
Item 317
To Education Budget Reserve AccountFrom Education Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Education Budget Reserve Account
Item 318
To General Fund Budget Reserve AccountFrom General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
General Fund Budget Reserve Account
Item 319
To Electronic Cigarette Substance and Nicotine Product Tax Restricted AccountFrom Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Electronic Cigarette Substance and Nicotine Product Tax Restricted Account
To implement the provisions of Electronic Cigarette and Other Nicotine Product Amendments (Senate Bill 37, 2020 General Session).
Business, Economic Development, and Labor
Item 320
To Latino Community Support Restricted AccountItem 320
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Latino Community Support Restricted Account
To implement the provisions of Special Group License Plate Amendments (Senate Bill 212, 2020 General Session).
Item 321
To General Fund Restricted - Industrial Assistance AccountThe Legislature intends that up to $2 million of the economic opportunities allocation under UCA 63N-3-103 be used to help fund a capital project or operations for a private nonprofit organization dedicated to the year-round discovery and development of independent artists and audiences.
Social Services
Item 322
To Medicaid Expansion FundItem 322
From Revenue Transfers
Schedule of Programs:
Medicaid Expansion Fund
Item 323
To General Fund Restricted - Medicaid Restricted AccountFrom General Fund
From General Fund, One-Time
Item 324
To Adult Autism Treatment AccountFrom General Fund
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
Schedule of Programs:
Adult Autism Treatment Account
To implement the provisions of Adult Autism Treatment Program (House Bill 86, 2020 General Session).
Item 325
To General Fund Restricted - Homeless to Housing Reform AccountFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
General Fund Restricted - Homeless to Housing Reform Restricted Account
Item 326
To General Fund Restricted - School Readiness AccountFrom General Fund
Schedule of Programs:
General Fund Restricted - School Readiness Account
Public Education
Item 327
To Uniform School Fund Restricted - Growth in Student Population AccountItem 327
From Education Fund
From Education Fund, One-Time
The Legislature intends that if the Uniform School Fund Restricted - Growth in Student Population Account is renamed to the Uniform School Fund Restricted - Public Education Economic Stabilization Restricted Account, the Division of Finance retain all balances within the account through the renaming process.
Retirement and Independent Entities
Item 328
To New Public Safety and Firefighter tier II Retirements Benefits Restricted AccountItem 328
From General Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
New Public Safety and Firefighter tier II Retirements Benefits Restricted Account
To implement the provisions of Concurrent Resolution Authorizing State Pick up of Public Safety and Firefighter Employee Retirement Contributions (House Concurrent Resolution 9, 2020 General Session).
Subsection 2(e). Fiduciary Funds. The Legislature has reviewed proposed revenues, expenditures, fund balances, and changes in fund balances for the following fiduciary funds.
Executive Offices and Criminal Justice
Governors Office
Item 329
To Governors Office - Indigent Inmate Trust FundGovernors Office
Item 329
From Dedicated Credits Revenue
From Beginning Fund Balance
From Closing Fund Balance
Schedule of Programs:
Indigent Inmate Trust Fund
To implement the provisions of Indigent Defense Amendments (Senate Bill 170, 2020 General Session).
Subsection 2(f). Capital Project Funds. The Legislature has reviewed the following capital project funds. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts between funds and accounts as indicated.
Infrastructure and General Government
Capital Budget
Item 330
To Capital Budget - Capital Development FundCapital Budget
Item 330
From General Fund, One-Time
From Education Fund, One-Time
Schedule of Programs:
Capital Development Fund
Section 3. FY 2021 Appropriations Limit Formula.
The state appropriations limit for a given fiscal year, FY, shall be calculated by





(e) as used in the state appropriations limit formula:
(i) i is a variable representing a given fiscal year;








(A) the population as of July 1 in the fiscal year two fiscal years before a given fiscal year, as estimated by the United States Census Bureau by January 31 of each year; or
(B) if the estimate described in Subsection (3)(e)(ix)(A) is not available, an amount determined by the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, estimated by adjusting an available April 1 decennial census count or by adjusting a fiscal year population estimate available from the United States Census Bureau.
Section 4. Effective Date.
If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, Section 1 of this bill takes effect upon approval by the Governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah Constitution Article VII, Section 8 without the Governor's signature, or in the case of a veto, the date of override. Section 2 and Section 3 of this bill take effect on July 1, 2020.