



Chief Sponsor: Mike Winder

Senate Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper

7     Cheryl K. Acton
8     Karen Kwan
Andrew Stoddard


11     General Description:
12          This bill addresses the Jordan River Recreation Area.
13     Highlighted Provisions:
14          This bill:
15          ▸     clarifies that the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands manages the money
16     appropriated to programs related to the Jordan River Recreation Area;
17          ▸     provides that the money appropriated to programs related to the Jordan River
18     Recreation Area are nonlapsing; and
19          ▸     makes technical changes.
20     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
21          This bill appropriates in fiscal year 2020, as one-time appropriations:
22          ▸     to Economic Development - Pass-Through
23               •     from the General Fund

24          ▸     to Department of Natural Resources - Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands
25               •     from the General Fund

26     This bill appropriates in fiscal year 2021, as ongoing appropriations:
27          ▸     to Economic Development - Pass-Through
28               •     from the General Fund

29          ▸     to Department of Natural Resources - Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands
30               •     from the General Fund

31     Other Special Clauses:
32          None
33     Utah Code Sections Affected:
34     AMENDS:
35          63J-1-602.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapters 136, 326, 468, and 469
36          65A-2-8, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 113

38     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
39          Section 1. Section 63J-1-602.2 is amended to read:
40          63J-1-602.2. List of nonlapsing appropriations to programs.
41          Appropriations made to the following programs are nonlapsing:
42          (1) The Legislature and its committees.
43          (2) The Percent-for-Art Program created in Section 9-6-404.
44          (3) The LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Program created in Section
45     11-38-301.
46          (4) Dedicated credits accrued to the Utah Marriage Commission as provided under
47     Subsection 17-16-21(2)(d)(ii).
48          (5) The Trip Reduction Program created in Section 19-2a-104.
49          (6) The Division of Wildlife Resources for the appraisal and purchase of lands under
50     the Pelican Management Act, as provided in Section 23-21a-6.
51          (7) The primary care grant program created in Section 26-10b-102.
52          (8) Sanctions collected as dedicated credits from Medicaid provider under Subsection
53     26-18-3(7).
54          (9) The Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program created in Section
55     26-46-102.
56          (10) The Rural Physician Loan Repayment Program created in Section 26-46a-103.

57          (11) The Opiate Overdose Outreach Pilot Program created in Section 26-55-107.
58          (12) Funds that the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control retains in accordance
59     with Subsection 32B-2-301(7)(a) or (b).
60          (13) The General Assistance program administered by the Department of Workforce
61     Services, as provided in Section 35A-3-401.
62          (14) A new program or agency that is designated as nonlapsing under Section
63     36-24-101.
64          (15) The Utah National Guard, created in Title 39, Militia and Armories.
65          (16) The State Tax Commission under Section 41-1a-1201 for the:
66          (a) purchase and distribution of license plates and decals; and
67          (b) administration and enforcement of motor vehicle registration requirements.
68          (17) The Search and Rescue Financial Assistance Program, as provided in Section
69     53-2a-1102.
70          (18) The Motorcycle Rider Education Program, as provided in Section 53-3-905.
71          (19) The State Board of Regents for teacher preparation programs, as provided in
72     Section 53B-6-104.
73          (20) The Medical Education Program administered by the Medical Education Council,
74     as provided in Section 53B-24-202.
75          (21) The State Board of Education, as provided in Section 53F-2-205.
76          (22) The Division of Services for People with Disabilities, as provided in Section
77     62A-5-102.
78          (23) The Division of Fleet Operations for the purpose of upgrading underground
79     storage tanks under Section 63A-9-401.
80          (24) The Utah Seismic Safety Commission, as provided in Section 63C-6-104.
81          (25) Appropriations to the Department of Technology Services for technology
82     innovation as provided under Section 63F-4-202.
83          (26) The Office of Administrative Rules for publishing, as provided in Section
84     63G-3-402.

85          (27) The Utah Science Technology and Research Initiative created in Section
86     63M-2-301.
87          (28) The Governor's Office of Economic Development to fund the Enterprise Zone
88     Act, as provided in Title 63N, Chapter 2, Part 2, Enterprise Zone Act.
89          (29) Appropriations to fund the Governor's Office of Economic Development's Rural
90     Employment Expansion Program, as described in Title 63N, Chapter 4, Part 4, Rural
91     Employment Expansion Program.
92          (30) Appropriations to fund programs for the Jordan River Recreation Area as
93     described in Section 65A-2-8.
94          [(30)] (31) The Department of Human Resource Management user training program, as
95     provided in Section 67-19-6.
96          [(31)] (32) A public safety answering point's emergency telecommunications service
97     fund, as provided in Section 69-2-301.
98          [(32)] (33) The Traffic Noise Abatement Program created in Section 72-6-112.
99          [(33)] (34) The Judicial Council for compensation for special prosecutors, as provided
100     in Section 77-10a-19.
101          [(34)] (35) A state rehabilitative employment program, as provided in Section
102     78A-6-210.
103          [(35)] (36) The Utah Geological Survey, as provided in Section 79-3-401.
104          [(36)] (37) The Bonneville Shoreline Trail Program created under Section 79-5-503.
105          [(37)] (38) Adoption document access as provided in Sections 78B-6-141, 78B-6-144,
106     and 78B-6-144.5.
107          [(38)] (39) Indigent defense as provided in Title 78B, Chapter 22, Part 4, Utah Indigent
108     Defense Commission.
109          [(39)] (40) The program established by the Division of Facilities Construction and
110     Management under Subsection 63A-5-228(3) under which state agencies receive an
111     appropriation and pay lease payments for the use and occupancy of buildings owned by the
112     Division of Facilities Construction and Management.

113          Section 2. Section 65A-2-8 is amended to read:
114          65A-2-8. Jordan River improvement projects.
115          (1) As used in this section:
116          (a) "Commission" means the Jordan River Commission created by interlocal
117     agreement.
118          (b) "Zone" means the Jordan River Recreation Area, the area 250 yards on each side of
119     the Jordan River from the edge of the river between SR-201 and 4800 South.
120          (2) The division, subject to applicable federal, state, and local laws and ordinances and
121     Subsections (3) and (4), may:
122          (a) expend money for the following purposes:
123          (i) enhancing safety, recreation, and conservation in the zone;
124          (ii) capital improvements within the zone, including:
125          (A) lighting along the Jordan River and within the zone;
126          (B) completing construction of a paved pathway on both sides of the Jordan River
127     within the zone;
128          (C) building a boat launch, picnic pavilion, bench, restroom, or other amenity within
129     the zone; and
130          (D) supporting Tracy Aviary, a nature area, bike or boat rental concessionaire, or other
131     partnerships to enhance recreation in the zone;
132          (iii) funding programs to clean the zone, remove invasive species, and restore riparian
133     habitat;
134          (iv) hiring or contracting for personnel to perform tasks as directed by the commission;
135          (v) partnering or contracting with an urban ranger or conservation corp operated by a
136     state institution of higher education or similar service-oriented organizations or programs:
137          (A) to provide trail, river, and parkway maintenance, invasive species removal and
138     revegetation, emergency care, and environmental education for the area 250 yards on each side
139     of the Jordan River from the edge of the river for the entire length of the river; and
140          (B) to report to the appropriate public official all health, safety, or law enforcement

141     concerns that the organization encounters, as directed by the commission; and
142          (vi) partnering or contracting with local law enforcement or a certified peace officer to
143     provide patrol, security, and law enforcement for the area 250 yards on each side of the Jordan
144     River from the edge of the river for the entire length of the river; and
145          (b) purchase, lease, sell, or dispose of property or an easement within the zone to
146     achieve the goals in Subsection (2)(a).
147          (3) (a) Before engaging in any activity described in Subsections (2)(a)(i) through
148     (2)(a)(iii) or Subsection (2)(b), the division shall receive the approval of:
149          (i) the commission;
150          (ii) any relevant governmental entity that owns or is responsible for the maintenance of
151     real property within the zone, including Salt Lake County Flood Control; and
152          (iii) the relevant municipality within the zone.
153          (b) Before engaging in any activity described in Subsections (2)(a)(iv) through
154     (2)(a)(vi), the division shall:
155          (i) receive the approval of the commission; and
156          (ii) consult with:
157          (A) any relevant governmental entity that owns or is responsible for the maintenance of
158     real property within the zone; and
159          (B) the relevant municipality within the zone.
160          (4) (a) The programs described in this section may only be implemented as
161     appropriations from the Legislature allow.
162          (b) Money appropriated to programs in this section are managed by the division in
163     accordance with this section.
164          (c) Money that the Legislature appropriates to programs described in this section are
165     nonlapsing in accordance with Section 63J-1-602.2.
166          Section 3. Appropriation.
167          Subsection 3(a). Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations.
168          The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1,

169     2019, and ending June 30, 2020. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for
170     fiscal year 2020. Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures
171     Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts
172     indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
173     ITEM 1
174          To Economic Development -Pass-Through
175               From General Fund, One-Time

176               Schedule of Programs:
177                    Pass-Through                    ($500,000)
178     ITEM 2
179          To Department of Natural Resources - Division of Forestry,
180           Fire, and State Lands
181               From General Fund, One-Time

182               Schedule of Programs:
183                    Project Management               $500,000
184          Subsection 3(b). Fiscal Year 2021 Appropriations.
185          The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
186     2020, and ending June 30, 2021. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for
187     fiscal year 2021. Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures
188     Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts
189     indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
190     ITEM 1
191          To Economic Development - Pass-Through
192               From General Fund

193               Schedule of Programs:
194                    Pass-Through                ($100,000)
195     ITEM 2
196          To Department of Natural Resources - Division of Forestry,

197           Fire, and State Lands
198               From General Fund

199               Schedule of Programs:
200                    Project Management               $100,000