6 Cosponsor:
7 Cheryl K. Acton
10 General Description:
11 This bill enacts the Citizen Feedback Program.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This bill:
14 ▸ allows each executive branch agency to gather feedback from members of the public
15 to assess the quality of service the agency provides and identify areas for
16 improvement;
17 ▸ addresses the permissible methods for gathering the public feedback; and
18 ▸ provides for annual reporting of any public feedback.
19 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20 None
21 Other Special Clauses:
22 None
23 Utah Code Sections Affected:
25 63G-24-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
26 63G-24-201, Utah Code Annotated 1953
27 63G-24-202, Utah Code Annotated 1953
29 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
30 Section 1. Section 63G-24-101 is enacted to read:
33 63G-24-101. Definitions.
34 As used in this chapter, "state agency" means an executive branch:
35 (1) department;
36 (2) division; or
37 (3) office.
38 Section 2. Section 63G-24-201 is enacted to read:
40 63G-24-201. Option to gather feedback.
41 (1) A state agency may gather feedback from members of the public whom the state
42 agency serves to allow the state agency to assess the quality of service the state agency provides
43 and identify areas for improvement.
44 (2) A state agency that chooses to gather the feedback described in Subsection (1)
45 shall:
46 (a) request members of the public evaluate the quality of the following, as applicable:
47 (i) programs and services;
48 (ii) facilities, including access, location, signs, and cleanliness;
49 (iii) staff, including staff courtesy, friendliness, and knowledge;
50 (iv) communications, including toll-free telephone access, ability to speak to a live
51 person, and the efficacy of any communications by mail, electronic mail, text message, or
52 mobile application;
53 (v) website, including the ease of access to and use of the website, mobile access to the
54 website, and information accessible through the website;
55 (vi) complaint handling, including the ease of filing a complaint and the timeliness of a
56 response;
57 (vii) timeliness, including wait times for service in person, by phone, by mail, or
58 through a website; and
59 (viii) brochures or other printed information, including the accuracy of the information;
60 and
61 (b) use one or more of the following methods to gather the feedback:
62 (i) a survey;
63 (ii) a mobile application;
64 (iii) a web application; or
65 (iv) another method the state agency determines appropriate.
66 Section 3. Section 63G-24-202 is enacted to read:
67 63G-24-202. Citizen feedback annual report.
68 (1) The Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall prepare an annual report
69 that contains a summary of any feedback that state agencies gathered in accordance with
70 Section 63G-24-201 during the preceding calendar year.
71 (2) On or before July 1, the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall:
72 (a) provide an electronic copy of the report described in Subsection (1) to each
73 legislator; and
74 (b) make the report described in Subsection (1) accessible to the public.