


Chief Sponsor: Paul Ray

Senate Sponsor: Todd Weiler


8     Committee Note:
9          The Veterans and Military Affairs Commission recommended this bill.
10               Membership:     5 legislators     18 non-legislators
11               Legislative Vote:     4 voting for     0 voting against     1 absent
12     General Description:
13          This bill names the Fort Douglas Military Museum as the state military museum.
14     Highlighted Provisions:
15          This bill:
16          ▸     designates the state's military museum as the Fort Douglas Military Museum.
17     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
18          None
19     Other Special Clauses:
20          None
21     Utah Code Sections Affected:
22     AMENDS:
23          63G-1-601, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 368

25     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
26          Section 1. Section 63G-1-601 is amended to read:
27          63G-1-601. State symbols.

28          (1) Utah's state animal is the elk.
29          (2) Utah's state bird is the sea gull.
30          (3) Utah's state centennial astronomical symbol is the Beehive Cluster located in the
31     constellation of Cancer the Crab.
32          (4) Utah's state centennial star is Dubhe, one of the seven bright stars composing the
33     Big Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major.
34          (5) Utah's state centennial tartan, which honors the first Scots known to have been in
35     Utah and those Utahns of Scottish heritage, shall have a pattern or repeating-half-sett of
36     white-2, blue-6, red-6, blue-4, red-6, green-18, red-6, and white-4 to represent the tartan worn
37     anciently by the Logan and Skene clans, with the addition of a white stripe.
38          (6) Utah's state cooking pot is the dutch oven.
39          (7) Utah's state emblem is the beehive.
40          (8) Utah's state emblem of service and sacrifice of lives lost by members of the military
41     in defense of our freedom is the "Honor and Remember" flag, which consists of:
42          (a) a red field covering the top two-thirds of the flag;
43          (b) a white field covering the bottom one-third of the flag, which contains the words
44     "honor" and "remember";
45          (c) a blue star overlaid by a gold star with a thin white border in the center of the flag
46     spanning the red field and the white field; and
47          (d) a representation of a folded United States flag beneath the blue and gold stars with
48     three tongues of flame emanating from its top point into the center of the gold star.
49          (9) Utah's state firearm is the John M. Browning designed M1911 automatic pistol.
50          (10) Utah's state fish is the Bonneville cutthroat trout.
51          (11) Utah's state flower is the sego lily.
52          (12) Utah's state folk dance is the square dance, the folk dance that is called, cued, or
53     prompted to the dancers and includes squares, rounds, clogging, contra, line, and heritage
54     dances.
55          (13) Utah's state reptile is the Gila Monster (Heloderma suspectum), whose habitat
56     includes Southwest Utah.
57          (14) Utah's state dinosaur is the Utahraptor.
58          (15) Utah's state fossil is the Allosaurus.

59          (16) Utah's state fruit is the cherry.
60          (17) Utah's state vegetable is the Spanish sweet onion.
61          (18) Utah's historic state vegetable is the sugar beet.
62          (19) Utah's state gem is topaz, as is prominently found in the Thomas Mountain Range
63     in Juab County, Utah.
64          (20) Utah's state grass is Indian rice grass.
65          (21) Utah's state hymn is "Utah We Love Thee" by Evan Stephens.
66          (22) Utah's state insect is the honeybee.
67          (23) Utah's state mineral is copper.
68          (24) Utah's state motto is "Industry."
69          (25) Utah's state railroad museum is Ogden Union Station.
70          (26) Utah's state rock is coal.
71          (27) Utah's state song is "Utah This is the Place" by Sam and Gary Francis.
72          (28) Utah's state tree is the quaking aspen.
73          (29) Utah's state winter sports are skiing and snowboarding.
74          (30) Utah's state works of art are Native American rock art.
75          (31) Utah's state work of land art is the Spiral Jetty.
76          (32) Utah's state military museum is the Fort Douglas Military Museum.