



Chief Sponsor: Kyle R. Andersen

Senate Sponsor: David G. Buxton


9     General Description:
10          This bill modifies provisions applicable to the purchase of property for transportation
11     corridor preservation.
12     Highlighted Provisions:
13          This bill:
14          ▸     defines terms; and
15          ▸     establishes certain notice requirements before the Department of Transportation, a
16     county, or a municipality purchases property for corridor preservation on a
17     voluntary basis.
18     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19          None
20     Other Special Clauses:
21          None
22     Utah Code Sections Affected:
23     ENACTS:
24          72-5-407, Utah Code Annotated 1953

26     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
27          Section 1. Section 72-5-407 is enacted to read:

28          72-5-407. Voluntary purchase of property for corridor preservation -- Notice
29     requirements.
30          (1) As used in this section:
31          (a) "Greenbelt property" means land assessed under Title 59, Chapter 2, Part 5,
32     Farmland Assessment Act.
33          (b) "Rollback tax" means the tax imposed under Section 59-2-506.
34          (2) Before purchasing greenbelt property for corridor preservation on a voluntary basis,
35     the department, county, or municipality shall:
36          (a) provide written notice to the property owner that notifies the property owner that:
37          (i) because the property owner has agreed to sell the greenbelt property to a
38     governmental entity on a voluntary basis, the property owner:
39          (A) is required to pay the rollback tax in accordance with Subsection 59-2-511(2)(b);
40     and
41          (B) is not eligible to receive relocation assistance under Title 57, Chapter 12, Utah
42     Relocation Assistance Act; and
43          (ii) if the property owner does not sell the greenbelt property to the governmental entity
44     on a voluntary basis and a governmental entity later acquires the greenbelt property under
45     eminent domain or under the threat or imminence of eminent domain proceedings, the property
46     owner:
47          (A) would not be required to pay the rollback tax in accordance with Subsection
48     59-2-511(3); and
49          (B) may be eligible to receive relocation assistance under Title 57, Chapter 12, Utah
50     Relocation Assistance Act; and
51          (b) obtain a signed statement from the property owner acknowledging that the property
52     owner received the written notice described in Subsection (2)(a).
53          (3) Before purchasing any other real property not described in Subsection (2) for
54     corridor preservation on a voluntary basis, the department, county, or municipality shall:
55          (a) provide written notice to the property owner that notifies the property owner that:
56          (i) because the property owner has agreed to sell the real property to a governmental
57     entity on a voluntary basis, the property owner is not eligible to receive relocation assistance
58     under Title 57, Chapter 12, Utah Relocation Assistance Act; and

59          (ii) if the property owner does not sell the real property to the governmental entity on a
60     voluntary basis and a governmental entity later acquires the real property under eminent
61     domain or under the threat or imminence of eminent domain proceedings, the property owner
62     may be eligible to receive relocation assistance under Title 57, Chapter 12, Utah Relocation
63     Assistance Act; and
64          (b) obtain a signed statement from the property owner acknowledging that the property
65     owner received the written notice described in Subsection (3)(a).
66          (4) The department shall create and publish the form of:
67          (a) the notices described in Subsections (2)(a) and (3)(a); and
68          (b) the statements described in Subsections (2)(b) and (3)(b).