Representative Steve R. Christiansen proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Elizabeth Weight

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill creates the Civics and History Education Study Group to study and make
10     recommendations for strengthening civics and history education in public schools.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     defines terms;
14          ▸     creates the Civics and History Education Study Group to study methods for
15     strengthening civics and history education in public schools; and
16          ▸     requires the Civics and History Education Study Group to present a report,
17     including legislative recommendations, to the Education Interim Committee.
18     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19          None
20     Other Special Clauses:
21          None
22     Utah Code Sections Affected:
23     AMENDS:
24          63I-1-236, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapters 193 and 246
25     ENACTS:

26          36-29-107, Utah Code Annotated 1953

28     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
29          Section 1. Section 36-29-107 is enacted to read:
30          36-29-107. Civics and History Education Study Group.
31          (1) As used in this section:
32          (a) "State superintendent" means the state superintendent of public instruction
33     appointed under Section 53E-3-301.
34          (b) "Study group" means the Civics and History Education Study Group created in
35     Subsection (2).
36          (2) (a) There is created the Civics and History Education Study Group consisting of the
37     following members:
38          (i) three members appointed by the state superintendent;
39          (ii) two members appointed by the president of the Senate;
40          (iii) two members appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives; and
41          (iv) two classroom teachers with knowledge and experience in civics and history
42     education, appointed by the chair of the study group.
43          (b) One or both of the appointees of the president of the Senate described in Subsection
44     (2)(a)(ii), and one or both of the appointees of the speaker of the House of Representatives
45     described in Subsection (2)(a)(iii), may be individuals who are not legislators.
46          (c) The president of the Senate and the speaker of the House of Representatives shall
47     jointly designate a member of the study group as chair of the study group.
48          (3) (a) The salary and expenses of each member of the study group who is a legislator
49     shall be paid in accordance with Section 36-2-2 and Legislative Joint Rules, Title 5, Chapter 3,
50     Legislator Compensation.
51          (b) A member of the study group who is not a legislator may not receive compensation
52     for the member's work associated with the study group, but may receive per diem and
53     reimbursement for travel expenses incurred as a member of the study group at the rates
54     established by the Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107.
55          (4) The Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel shall provide staff support
56     to the study group.

57          (5) A vacancy shall be filled by appointing a replacement in the same manner as the
58     member creating the vacancy under Subsection (2).
59          (6) The study group shall:
60          (a) review and study methods for strengthening civics and history education in public
61     schools in the state, including:
62          (i) civics and history curriculum development;
63          (ii) the effectiveness of civics and history curriculum delivery and testing methods; and
64          (iii) best practices for meeting the goals of civics and character education, established
65     by the Legislature as described in Section 53G-10-204; and
66          (b) present a report to the Education Interim Committee on or before the Education
67     Interim Committee's October 2020 meeting, on the items described in Subsection (6)(a),
68     including any legislative recommendations.
69          Section 2. Section 63I-1-236 is amended to read:
70          63I-1-236. Repeal dates, Title 36.
71          (1) Title 36, Chapter 17, Legislative Process Committee, is repealed January 1, 2023.
72          (2) Section 36-12-20 is repealed June 30, 2023.
73          (3) Title 36, Chapter 22, Native American Legislative Liaison Committee, is repealed
74     July 1, 2022.
75          (4) Title 36, Chapter 28, Veterans and Military Affairs Commission, is repealed
76     January 1, 2025.
77          (5) Section 36-29-105 is repealed on December 31, 2020.
78          (6) Section 36-29-106 is repealed June 1, 2021.
79          (7) Section 36-29-107 is repealed June 1, 2021.
80          [(7)] (8) Title 36, Chapter 31, Martha Hughes Cannon Capitol Statue Oversight
81     Committee, is repealed January 1, 2021.