



Chief Sponsor: Kay J. Christofferson

Senate Sponsor: Lincoln Fillmore


9     General Description:
10          This bill modifies the carry forward provisions of the recycling market development
11     zone income tax credits.
12     Highlighted Provisions:
13          This bill:
14          ▸     modifies the carry forward provisions of the recycling market development zone
15     income tax credits by:
16               •     allowing a carry forward for the amount of the credit that the claimant did not
17     use during the taxable year; and
18               •     limiting the carry forward to the credit allowed for purchases of machinery and
19     equipment; and
20          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
21     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22          None
23     Other Special Clauses:
24          This bill provides retrospective operation.
25     Utah Code Sections Affected:
26     AMENDS:
27          59-7-610, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 247

28          59-10-1002, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Fourth Special Session, Chapter 2
29          59-10-1007, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 247
30          63I-1-263, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapters 89, 246, 311, 414, 468,
31     469, 482 and last amended by Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter
32     246

34     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
35          Section 1. Section 59-7-610 is amended to read:
36          59-7-610. Recycling market development zones tax credits.
37          (1) Subject to other provisions of this section, a taxpayer that is a business operating in
38     a recycling market development zone as defined in Section 63N-2-402 may claim the following
39     nonrefundable tax credits:
40          (a) a tax credit of 5% of the purchase price paid for machinery and equipment used
41     directly in:
42          (i) commercial composting; or
43          (ii) manufacturing facilities or plant units that:
44          (A) manufacture, process, compound, or produce recycled items of tangible personal
45     property for sale; or
46          (B) reduce or reuse postconsumer waste material; and
47          (b) a tax credit equal to the lesser of:
48          (i) 20% of net expenditures to third parties for rent, wages, supplies, tools, test
49     inventory, and utilities made by the taxpayer for establishing and operating recycling or
50     composting technology in Utah; and
51          (ii) $2,000.
52          (2) (a) To claim a tax credit described in Subsection (1), the taxpayer shall receive
53     from the Governor's Office of Economic Development a written certification, on a form
54     approved by the commission, that includes:
55          (i) a statement that the taxpayer is operating a business within the boundaries of a
56     recycling market development zone;
57          (ii) for claims of the tax credit described in Subsection (1)(a):
58          (A) the type of the machinery and equipment that the taxpayer purchased;

59          (B) the date that the taxpayer purchased the machinery and equipment;
60          (C) the purchase price for the machinery and equipment;
61          (D) the total purchase price for all machinery and equipment for which the taxpayer is
62     claiming a tax credit;
63          (E) a statement that the machinery and equipment are integral to the composting or
64     recycling process; and
65          (F) the amount of the taxpayer's tax credit; and
66          (iii) for claims of the tax credit described in Subsection (1)(b):
67          (A) the type of net expenditure that the taxpayer made to a third party;
68          (B) the date that the taxpayer made the payment to a third party;
69          (C) the amount that the taxpayer paid to each third party;
70          (D) the total amount that the taxpayer paid to all third parties;
71          (E) a statement that the net expenditures support the establishment and operation of
72     recycling or composting technology in Utah; and
73          (F) the amount of the taxpayer's tax credit.
74          (b) (i) The Governor's Office of Economic Development shall provide a taxpayer
75     seeking to claim a tax credit under Subsection (1) with a copy of the written certification.
76          (ii) The taxpayer shall retain a copy of the written certification for the same period of
77     time that a person is required to keep books and records under Section 59-1-1406.
78          (c) The Governor's Office of Economic Development shall submit to the commission
79     an electronic list that includes:
80          (i) the name and identifying information of each taxpayer to which the office issues a
81     written certification; and
82          (ii) for each taxpayer, the amount of each tax credit listed on the written certification.
83          (3) A taxpayer may not claim a tax credit under Subsection (1)(a), Subsection (1)(b), or
84     both that exceeds 40% of the taxpayer's state income tax liability as the tax liability is
85     calculated:
86          (a) for the taxable year in which the taxpayer made the purchases or payments;
87          (b) before any other tax credits the taxpayer may claim for the taxable year; and
88          (c) before the taxpayer claiming a tax credit authorized by this section.
89          (4) The commission shall make rules governing what information a taxpayer shall file

90     with the commission to verify the entitlement to and amount of a tax credit.
91          (5) Except as provided in Subsections (6) through (8), a taxpayer may carry forward, to
92     the next three taxable years, the amount of [the tax credit that exceeds the taxpayer's income
93     tax liability] a tax credit described in Subsection (1)(a) that the taxpayer does not use for the
94     taxable year.
95          (6) A taxpayer may not claim or carry forward a tax credit described in Subsection
96     (1)(a) in a taxable year during which the taxpayer claims or carries forward a tax credit under
97     Section 63N-2-213.
98          (7) A taxpayer may not claim [or carry forward] a tax credit described in Subsection
99     (1)(b) in a taxable year during which the taxpayer claims or carries forward a tax credit under
100     Section 63N-2-213.
101          (8) A taxpayer may not claim or carry forward a tax credit under this section for a
102     taxable year during which the taxpayer claims the targeted business income tax credit under
103     Section 59-7-624.
104          Section 2. Section 59-10-1002 is amended to read:
105          59-10-1002. Definitions.
106          As used in this part:
107          (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b) or Subsection 59-10-1003(2),
108     "claimant" means a resident or nonresident person that has state taxable income.
109          (b) "Claimant" does not include an estate or trust.
110          (2) Except as provided in Subsection 59-10-1003(2), "estate" means a nonresident
111     estate or a resident estate that has state taxable income.
112          (3) "Nonrefundable tax credit" or "tax credit" means a tax credit that a claimant, estate,
113     or trust may:
114          (a) claim:
115          (i) as provided by statute; and
116          (ii) in an amount that does not exceed the claimant's, estate's, or trust's tax liability
117     under this chapter for a taxable year; and
118          (b) carry forward or carry back:
119          (i) if allowed by statute; and
120          (ii) unless otherwise provided in statute, to the extent that the amount of the tax credit

121     exceeds the claimant's, estate's, or trust's tax liability under this chapter for a taxable year.
122          (4) Except as provided in Subsection 59-10-1003(2), "trust" means a nonresident trust
123     or a resident trust that has state taxable income.
124          Section 3. Section 59-10-1007 is amended to read:
125          59-10-1007. Recycling market development zones tax credits.
126          (1) Subject to other provisions of this section, a claimant, estate, or trust in a recycling
127     market development zone as defined in Section 63N-2-402 may claim the following
128     nonrefundable tax credits:
129          (a) a tax credit of 5% of the purchase price paid for machinery and equipment used
130     directly in:
131          (i) commercial composting; or
132          (ii) manufacturing facilities or plant units that:
133          (A) manufacture, process, compound, or produce recycled items of tangible personal
134     property for sale; or
135          (B) reduce or reuse postconsumer waste material; and
136          (b) a tax credit equal to the lesser of:
137          (i) 20% of net expenditures to third parties for rent, wages, supplies, tools, test
138     inventory, and utilities made by the claimant, estate, or trust for establishing and operating
139     recycling or composting technology in Utah; and
140          (ii) $2,000.
141          (2) (a) To claim a tax credit described in Subsection (1), the claimant, estate, or trust
142     shall receive from the Governor's Office of Economic Development a written certification, on a
143     form approved by the commission, that includes:
144          (i) a statement that the claimant, estate, or trust is operating within the boundaries of a
145     recycling market development zone;
146          (ii) for claims of the tax credit described in Subsection (1)(a):
147          (A) the type of the machinery and equipment that the claimant, estate, or trust
148     purchased;
149          (B) the date that the claimant, estate, or trust purchased the machinery and equipment;
150          (C) the purchase price for the machinery and equipment;
151          (D) the total purchase price for all machinery and equipment for which the claimant,

152     estate, or trust is claiming a tax credit;
153          (E) the amount of the claimant's, estate's, or trust's tax credit; and
154          (F) a statement that the machinery and equipment are integral to the composting or
155     recycling process; and
156          (iii) for claims of the tax credit described in Subsection (1)(b):
157          (A) the type of net expenditure that the claimant, estate, or trust made to a third party;
158          (B) the date that the claimant, estate, or trust made the payment to a third party;
159          (C) the amount that the claimant, estate, or trust paid to each third party;
160          (D) the total amount that the claimant, estate, or trust paid to all third parties;
161          (E) a statement that the net expenditures support the establishment and operation of
162     recycling or composting technology in Utah; and
163          (F) the amount of the claimant's, estate's, or trust's tax credit.
164          (b) (i) The Governor's Office of Economic Development shall provide a claimant,
165     estate, or trust seeking to claim a tax credit under Subsection (1) with a copy of the written
166     certification.
167          (ii) The claimant, estate, or trust shall retain a copy of the written certification for the
168     same period of time that a person is required to keep books and records under Section
169     59-1-1406.
170          (c) The Governor's Office of Economic Development shall submit to the commission
171     an electronic list that includes:
172          (i) the name and identifying information of each claimant, estate, or trust to which the
173     office issues a written certification; and
174          (ii) for each claimant, estate, or trust, the amount of each tax credit listed on the written
175     certification.
176          (3) A claimant, estate, or trust may not claim a tax credit under Subsection (1)(a),
177     Subsection (1)(b), or both that exceeds 40% of the claimant's, estate's, or trust's state income
178     tax liability as the tax liability is calculated:
179          (a) for the taxable year in which the claimant, estate, or trust made the purchases or
180     payments;
181          (b) before any other tax credits the claimant, estate, or trust may claim for the taxable
182     year; and

183          (c) before the claimant, estate, or trust claiming a tax credit authorized by this section.
184          (4) The commission shall make rules governing what information a claimant, estate, or
185     trust shall file with the commission to verify the entitlement to and amount of a tax credit.
186          (5) Except as provided in Subsections (6) through (8), a claimant, estate, or trust may
187     carry forward, to the next three taxable years, the amount of [the tax credit that exceeds the
188     taxpayer's income tax liability] a tax credit described in Subsection (1)(a) that the claimant,
189     estate, or trust does not use for the taxable year.
190          (6) A claimant, estate, or trust may not claim or carry forward a tax credit described in
191     Subsection (1)(a) in a taxable year during which the claimant, estate, or trust claims or carries
192     forward a tax credit under Section 63N-2-213.
193          (7) A claimant, estate, or trust may not claim a tax credit described in Subsection (1)(b)
194     in a taxable year during which the claimant, estate, or trust claims or carries forward a tax
195     credit under Section 63N-2-213.
196          (8) A claimant, estate, or trust may not claim or carry forward a tax credit available
197     under this section for a taxable year during which the claimant, estate, or trust claims the
198     targeted business income tax credit under Section 59-10-1112.
199          Section 4. Section 63I-1-263 is amended to read:
200          63I-1-263. Repeal dates, Titles 63A to 63N.
201          (1) In relation to the Utah Transparency Advisory Board, on January 1, 2025:
202          (a) Subsection 63A-1-201(1) is repealed;
203          (b) Subsection 63A-1-202(2)(c), the language that states "using criteria established by
204     the board" is repealed;
205          (c) Section 63A-1-203 is repealed;
206          (d) Subsections 63A-1-204(1) and (2), the language that states "After consultation with
207     the board, and" is repealed; and
208          (e) Subsection 63A-1-204(1)(b), the language that states "using the standards provided
209     in Subsection 63A-1-203(3)(c)" is repealed.
210          (2) Subsection 63A-5-228(2)(h), relating to prioritizing and allocating capital
211     improvement funding, is repealed [on] July 1, 2024.
212          (3) Section 63A-5-603, State Facility Energy Efficiency Fund, is repealed July 1, 2023.
213          (4) Title 63C, Chapter 4a, Constitutional and Federalism Defense Act, is repealed July

214     1, 2028.
215          (5) Title 63C, Chapter 6, Utah Seismic Safety Commission, is repealed January 1,
216     2025.
217          (6) Title 63C, Chapter 16, Prison Development Commission Act, is repealed July 1,
218     2020.
219          (7) Title 63C, Chapter 17, Point of the Mountain Development Commission Act, is
220     repealed July 1, 2021.
221          (8) Title 63C, Chapter 18, Mental Health Crisis Line Commission, is repealed July 1,
222     2023.
223          (9) Title 63G, Chapter 21, Agreements to Provide State Services, is repealed July 1,
224     2025.
225          (10) Title 63H, Chapter 4, Heber Valley Historic Railroad Authority, is repealed July 1,
226     2020.
227          (11) In relation to the State Fair Corporation Board of Directors, on January 1, 2025:
228          (a) Subsection 63H-6-104(2)(c), related to a Senate appointment, is repealed;
229          (b) Subsection 63H-6-104(2)(d), related to a House appointment, is repealed;
230          (c) in Subsection 63H-6-104(2)(e), the language that states ", of whom only one may
231     be a legislator, in accordance with Subsection (3)(e)," is repealed;
232          (d) Subsection 63H-6-104(3)(a)(i) is amended to read:
233          "(3)(a)(i) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(a)(ii), a board member appointed under
234     Subsection (2)(e) or (f) shall serve a term that expires on the December 1 four years after the
235     year that the board member was appointed.";
236          (e) in Subsections 63H-6-104(3)(a)(ii), (c)(ii), and (d), the language that states "the
237     president of the Senate, the speaker of the House, the governor," is repealed and replaced with
238     "the governor"; and
239          (f) Subsection 63H-6-104(3)(e), related to limits on the number of legislators, is
240     repealed.
241          (12) Title 63H, Chapter 8, Utah Housing Corporation Act, is repealed July 1, 2026.
242          (13) Section 63M-7-212 is repealed [on] December 31, 2019.
243          (14) On July 1, 2025:
244          (a) in Subsection 17-27a-404(3)(c)(ii), the language that states "the Resource

245     Development Coordinating Committee," is repealed;
246          (b) Subsection 23-14-21(2)(c) is amended to read "(c) provide notification of proposed
247     sites for the transplant of species to local government officials having jurisdiction over areas
248     that may be affected by a transplant.";
249          (c) in Subsection 23-14-21(3), the language that states "and the Resource Development
250     Coordinating Committee" is repealed;
251          (d) in Subsection 23-21-2.3(1), the language that states "the Resource Development
252     Coordinating Committee created in Section 63J-4-501 and" is repealed;
253          (e) in Subsection 23-21-2.3(2), the language that states "the Resource Development
254     Coordinating Committee and" is repealed;
255          (f) Subsection 63J-4-102(1) is repealed and the remaining subsections are renumbered
256     accordingly;
257          (g) Subsections 63J-4-401(5)(a) and (c) are repealed;
258          (h) Subsection 63J-4-401(5)(b) is renumbered to Subsection 63J-4-401(5)(a) and the
259     word "and" is inserted immediately after the semicolon;
260          (i) Subsection 63J-4-401(5)(d) is renumbered to Subsection 63J-4-401(5)(b);
261          (j) Sections 63J-4-501, 63J-4-502, 63J-4-503, 63J-4-504, and 63J-4-505 are repealed;
262     and
263          (k) Subsection 63J-4-603(1)(e)(iv) is repealed and the remaining subsections are
264     renumbered accordingly.
265          (15) Subsection 63J-1-602.1(13), Nurse Home Visiting Restricted Account is repealed
266     July 1, 2026.
267          (16) Subsection 63J-1-602.2(4), referring to dedicated credits to the Utah Marriage
268     Commission, is repealed July 1, 2023.
269          (17) Subsection 63J-1-602.2(5), referring to the Trip Reduction Program, is repealed
270     July 1, 2022.
271          (18) (a) Subsection 63J-1-602.1[(53)](55), relating to the Utah Statewide Radio System
272     Restricted Account, is repealed July 1, 2022.
273          (b) When repealing Subsection 63J-1-602.1[(53)](55), the Office of Legislative
274     Research and General Counsel shall, in addition to the office's authority under Subsection
275     36-12-12(3), make necessary changes to subsection numbering and cross references.

276          (19) Subsection 63J-1-602.2[(23)](24), related to the Utah Seismic Safety
277     Commission, is repealed January 1, 2025.
278          (20) Subsection 63J-4-708(1), in relation to the Talent Ready Utah Board, on January
279     1, 2023, is amended to read:
280          "(1) On or before October 1, the board shall provide an annual written report to the
281     Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee and the Economic Development and Workforce
282     Services Interim Committee.".
283          (21) In relation to the Utah Substance Use and Mental Health Advisory Council, on
284     January 1, 2023:
285          (a) Sections 63M-7-301, 63M-7-302, 63M-7-303, 63M-7-304, and 63M-7-306 are
286     repealed;
287          (b) Section 63M-7-305, the language that states "council" is replaced with
288     "commission";
289          (c) Subsection 63M-7-305(1) is repealed and replaced with:
290          "(1) "Commission" means the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice."; and
291          (d) Subsection 63M-7-305(2) is repealed and replaced with:
292          "(2) The commission shall:
293          (a) provide ongoing oversight of the implementation, functions, and evaluation of the
294     Drug-Related Offenses Reform Act; and
295          (b) coordinate the implementation of Section 77-18-1.1 and related provisions in
296     Subsections 77-18-1(5)(b)(iii) and (iv).".
297          (22) The Crime Victim Reparations and Assistance Board, created in Section
298     63M-7-504, is repealed July 1, 2027.
299          (23) Title 63M, Chapter 11, Utah Commission on Aging, is repealed July 1, 2021.
300          (24) Subsection 63N-1-301(4)(c), related to the Talent Ready Utah Board, is repealed
301     [on] January 1, 2023.
302          (25) Title 63N, Chapter 2, Part 2, Enterprise Zone Act, is repealed July 1, 2028.
303          (26) (a) Title 63N, Chapter 2, Part 4, Recycling Market Development Zone Act, is
304     repealed January 1, 2021.
305          (b) Subject to [Subsection] Subsections (26)(c) and (d), Sections 59-7-610 and
306     59-10-1007 regarding tax credits for certain persons in recycling market development zones,

307     are repealed for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2021.
308          (c) A person may not claim a tax credit under Section 59-7-610 or 59-10-1007:
309          (i) for the purchase price of machinery or equipment described in Section 59-7-610 or
310     59-10-1007, if the machinery or equipment is purchased on or after January 1, 2021; or
311          (ii) for an expenditure described in Subsection 59-7-610(1)(b) or 59-10-1007(1)(b), if
312     the expenditure is made on or after January 1, 2021.
313          (d)[ Notwithstanding Subsections (26)(b) and (c), a] A person may carry forward a tax
314     credit in accordance with Section 59-7-610 or 59-10-1007 if:
315          (i) the person is entitled to a tax credit under [Section] Subsection 59-7-610(1)(a) or
316     59-10-1007(1)(a); and
317          (ii) [(A) for the purchase price of machinery or equipment described in Section
318     59-7-610 or 59-10-1007,] the machinery or equipment is purchased on or before December 31,
319     2020[; or].
320          [(B) for an expenditure described in Subsection 59-7-610(1)(b) or 59-10-1007(1)(b),
321     the expenditure is made on or before December 31, 2020.]
322          (27) Section 63N-2-512 is repealed [on] July 1, 2021.
323          (28) (a) Title 63N, Chapter 2, Part 6, Utah Small Business Jobs Act, is repealed
324     January 1, 2021.
325          (b) Section 59-9-107 regarding tax credits against premium taxes is repealed for
326     calendar years beginning on or after January 1, 2021.
327          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (28)(b), an entity may carry forward a tax credit in
328     accordance with Section 59-9-107 if:
329          (i) the person is entitled to a tax credit under Section 59-9-107 on or before December
330     31, 2020; and
331          (ii) the qualified equity investment that is the basis of the tax credit is certified under
332     Section 63N-2-603 on or before December 31, 2023.
333          (29) Subsections 63N-3-109(2)(e) and 63N-3-109(2)(f)(i) are repealed July 1, 2023.
334          (30) Title 63N, Chapter 4, Part 4, Rural Employment Expansion Program, is repealed
335     July 1, 2023.
336          (31) Title 63N, Chapter 9, Part 2, Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Grant Program,
337     is repealed January 1, 2023.

338          (32) In relation to the Pete Suazo Utah Athletic Commission, on January 1, 2021:
339          (a) Subsection 63N-10-201(2)(a) is amended to read:
340          "(2) (a) The governor shall appoint five commission members with the advice and
341     consent of the Senate.";
342          (b) Subsection 63N-10-201(2)(b), related to legislative appointments, is repealed;
343          (c) in Subsection 63N-10-201(3)(a), the language that states ", president, or speaker,
344     respectively," is repealed; and
345          (d) Subsection 63N-10-201(3)(d) is amended to read:
346          "(d) The governor may remove a commission member for any reason and replace the
347     commission member in accordance with this section.".
348          (33) In relation to the Talent Ready Utah Board, on January 1, 2023:
349          (a) Subsection 9-22-102(16) is repealed;
350          (b) in Subsection 9-22-114(2), the language that states "Talent Ready Utah," is
351     repealed; and
352          (c) in Subsection 9-22-114(5), the language that states "representatives of Talent Ready
353     Utah," is repealed.
354          (34) Title 63N, Chapter 12, Part 5, Talent Ready Utah Center, is repealed January 1,
355     2023.
356          Section 5. Retrospective operation.
357          This bill has retrospective operation for a taxable year beginning on or after January 1,
358     2019.