Representative Jon Hawkins proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Jon Hawkins

Senate Sponsor: Luz Escamilla


8     General Description:
9          This bill amends provisions relating to municipal office and elections administered by
10     an election officer other than a county clerk.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     subject to the same exceptions to requirements to reside in a municipality, requires
14     that an elected officer of a municipality reside in the district that the elected officer
15     represents;
16          ▸     provides that a municipal elected officer who fails to comply with district residency
17     requirements described in this bill has vacated the elected office;
18          ▸     requires that an individual who fills a vacancy must comply with the district
19     residency requirements described in this bill; and
20          ▸     provides that early voting registration or same day voting registration is not
21     permitted for an election administered by an election officer other than a county
22     clerk if there is not a polling location for early voting or voting on election day.
23     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
24          None
25     Other Special Clauses:

26          This bill provides a coordination clause.
27     Utah Code Sections Affected:
28     AMENDS:
29          10-3-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapters 258 and 305
30          20A-2-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapters 206 and 281
31          20A-2-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapters 136 and 255
32          20A-2-206, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 206
33          20A-2-207, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 206
34          20A-3-601, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapters 195, 206, and 281
35     Utah Code Sections Affected by Coordination Clause:
36          20A-2-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapters 206 and 281
37          20A-2-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapters 136 and 255
38          20A-2-205, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 255
39          20A-2-206, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 206

41     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
42          Section 1. Section 10-3-301 is amended to read:
43          10-3-301. Notice -- Eligibility and residency requirements for elected municipal
44     office -- Mayor and recorder limitations.
45          (1) As used in this section:
46          (a) "Absent" means that an elected municipal officer fails to perform official duties,
47     including the officer's failure to attend each regularly scheduled meeting that the officer is
48     required to attend.
49          (b) "Principal place of residence" means the same as that term is defined in Section
50     20A-2-105.
51          (c) "Secondary residence" means a place where an individual resides other than the
52     individual's principal place of residence.
53          (2) (a) On or before May 1 in a year in which there is a municipal general election, the
54     municipal clerk shall publish a notice that identifies:
55          (i) the municipal offices to be voted on in the municipal general election; and
56          (ii) the dates for filing a declaration of candidacy for the offices identified under

57     Subsection (2)(a)(i).
58          (b) The municipal clerk shall publish the notice described in Subsection (2)(a):
59          (i) on the Utah Public Notice Website established by Section 63F-1-701; and
60          (ii) in at least one of the following ways:
61          (A) at the principal office of the municipality;
62          (B) in a newspaper of general circulation within the municipality at least once a week
63     for two successive weeks in accordance with Section 45-1-101;
64          (C) in a newsletter produced by the municipality;
65          (D) on a website operated by the municipality; or
66          (E) with a utility enterprise fund customer's bill.
67          (3) (a) An individual who files a declaration of candidacy for a municipal office shall
68     comply with the requirements described in Section 20A-9-203.
69          (b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b)(ii), the city recorder or town clerk of
70     each municipality shall maintain office hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the dates described in
71     Subsections 20A-9-203(3)(a)(i) and (c)(i) unless the date occurs on a:
72          (A) Saturday or Sunday; or
73          (B) state holiday as listed in Section 63G-1-301.
74          (ii) If on a regular basis a city recorder or town clerk maintains an office schedule that
75     is less than 40 hours per week, the city recorder or town clerk may comply with Subsection
76     (3)(b)(i) without maintaining office hours by:
77          (A) posting the recorder's or clerk's contact information, including a phone number and
78     email address, on the recorder's or clerk's office door, the main door to the municipal offices,
79     and, if available, on the municipal website; and
80          (B) being available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the dates described in Subsection (3)(b)(i),
81     via the contact information described in Subsection [(2)](3)(b)(ii)(A).
82          (4) An individual elected to municipal office shall be a registered voter in the
83     municipality in which the individual is elected.
84          (5) (a) Each elected officer of a municipality shall maintain a principal place of
85     residence within the municipality, and within the district that the elected officer represents,
86     during the officer's term of office.
87          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (6), an elected municipal office is automatically

88     vacant if the officer elected to the municipal office, during the officer's term of office:
89          (i) establishes a principal place of residence outside the [municipality] district that the
90     elected officer represents;
91          (ii) resides at a secondary residence outside the [municipality] district that the elected
92     officer represents for a continuous period of more than 60 days while still maintaining a
93     principal place of residence within the [municipality] district;
94          (iii) is absent from the [municipality] district that the elected officer represents for a
95     continuous period of more than 60 days; or
96          (iv) fails to respond to a request, within 30 days after the day on which the elected
97     officer receives the request, from the county clerk or the lieutenant governor seeking
98     information to determine the officer's residency.
99          (6) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (5), if an elected municipal officer obtains the
100     consent of the municipal legislative body in accordance with Subsection (6)(b) before the
101     expiration of the 60-day period described in Subsection (5)(b)(ii) or (iii), the officer may:
102          (i) reside at a secondary residence outside the [municipality] district that the elected
103     officer represents while still maintaining a principal place of residence within the
104     [municipality] district for a continuous period of up to one year during the officer's term of
105     office; or
106          (ii) be absent from the [municipality] district that the elected officer represents for a
107     continuous period of up to one year during the officer's term of office.
108          (b) At a public meeting, the municipal legislative body may give the consent described
109     in Subsection (6)(a) by majority vote after taking public comment regarding:
110          (i) whether the legislative body should give the consent; and
111          (ii) the length of time to which the legislative body should consent.
112          (7) (a) The mayor of a municipality may not also serve as the municipal recorder or
113     treasurer.
114          (b) The recorder of a municipality may not also serve as the municipal treasurer.
115          (c) An individual who holds a county elected office may not, at the same time, hold a
116     municipal elected office.
117          (d) The restriction described in Subsection (7)(c) applies regardless of whether the
118     individual is elected to the office or appointed to fill a vacancy in the office.

119          Section 2. Section 20A-2-201 is amended to read:
120          20A-2-201. Registering to vote at office of county clerk.
121          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the county clerk shall register to vote each
122     individual who registers in person at the county clerk's office during designated office hours if
123     the individual will, on the date of the election, be legally eligible to vote in a voting precinct in
124     the county in accordance with Section 20A-2-101.
125          (2) If an individual who is registering to vote submits a registration form in person at
126     the office of the county clerk during designated office hours, during the period beginning on
127     the date after the voter registration deadline and ending on the date that is 15 calendar days
128     before the date of the election, the county clerk shall:
129          (a) accept the form if the individual, on the date of the election, will be legally
130     qualified and entitled to vote in a voting precinct in the county; and
131          (b) inform the individual that the individual will be registered to vote in the pending
132     election.
133          (3) If an individual who is registering to vote and who will be legally qualified and
134     entitled to vote in a voting precinct in the county on the date of an election appears in person,
135     during designated office hours, and submits a registration form on the date of the election or
136     during the 14 calendar days before an election, the county clerk shall:
137          (a) accept the registration form; and
138          (b) except as provided in Subsection 20A-2-207(6):
139          (i) if the individual submits the registration form seven or more calendar days before
140     the date of an election, inform the individual that:
141          (A) the individual is registered to vote in the pending election; and
142          (B) for the pending election, the individual must vote on the day of the election or by
143     provisional ballot, under Section 20A-2-207, during the early voting period described in
144     Section 20A-3-601, because the individual registered late; or
145          (ii) if the individual submits the registration form on the date of an election or during
146     the six calendar days before an election, inform the individual:
147          (A) of each manner still available to the individual to timely register to vote in the
148     current election; and
149          (B) that, if the individual does not timely register in a manner described in Subsection

150     (3)(b)(ii)(A), the individual will be registered to vote but may not vote in the pending election
151     because the individual registered late.
152          Section 3. Section 20A-2-204 is amended to read:
153          20A-2-204. Registering to vote when applying for or renewing a driver license.
154          (1) As used in this section, "voter registration form" means, when an individual named
155     on a qualifying form, as defined in Section 20A-2-108, answers "yes" to the question described
156     in Subsection 20A-2-108(2)(a), the information on the qualifying form that can be used for
157     voter registration purposes.
158          (2) A citizen who is qualified to vote may register to vote, and a citizen who is
159     qualified to preregister to vote may preregister to vote, by answering "yes" to the question
160     described in Subsection 20A-2-108(2)(a) and completing the voter registration form.
161          (3) The Driver License Division shall:
162          (a) assist an individual in completing the voter registration form unless the individual
163     refuses assistance;
164          (b) electronically transmit each address change to the lieutenant governor within five
165     days after the day on which the division receives the address change; and
166          (c) within five days after the day on which the division receives a voter registration
167     form, electronically transmit the form to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, including the
168     following for the individual named on the form:
169          (i) the name, date of birth, driver license or state identification card number, last four
170     digits of the social security number, Utah residential address, place of birth, and signature;
171           (ii) a mailing address, if different from the individual's Utah residential address;
172           (iii) an email address and phone number, if available;
173          (iv) the desired political affiliation, if indicated; and
174          (v) an indication of whether the individual requested that the individual's voter
175     registration record be classified as a private record under Subsection 20A-2-108(2)(c).
176          (4) Upon receipt of an individual's voter registration form from the Driver License
177     Division under Subsection (3), the lieutenant governor shall:
178          (a) enter the information into the statewide voter registration database; and
179          (b) if the individual requests on the individual's voter registration form that the
180     individual's voter registration record be classified as a private record, classify the individual's

181     voter registration record as a private record.
182          (5) The county clerk of an individual whose information is entered into the statewide
183     voter registration database under Subsection (4) shall:
184          (a) ensure that the individual meets the qualifications to be registered or preregistered
185     to vote; and
186          (b) (i) if the individual meets the qualifications to be registered to vote:
187          (A) ensure that the individual is assigned to the proper voting precinct; and
188          (B) send the individual the notice described in Section 20A-2-304; or
189          (ii) if the individual meets the qualifications to be preregistered to vote, process the
190     form in accordance with the requirements of Section 20A-2-101.1.
191          (6) (a) When the county clerk receives a correctly completed voter registration form
192     under this section, the clerk shall:
193          (i) comply with the applicable provisions of this Subsection (6); or
194          (ii) if the individual is preregistering to vote, comply with Section 20A-2-101.1.
195          (b) If the county clerk receives a correctly completed voter registration form under this
196     section during the period beginning on the date after the voter registration deadline and ending
197     at 5 p.m. on the date that is 15 calendar days before the date of an election, the county clerk
198     shall:
199          (i) accept the voter registration form; and
200          (ii) unless the individual is preregistering to vote, inform the individual that the
201     individual is registered to vote in the pending election.
202          (c) If the county clerk receives a correctly completed voter registration form under this
203     section during the period beginning on the date that is 14 calendar days before the election and
204     ending at 5 p.m. on the date that is seven calendar days before the election, the county clerk
205     shall:
206          (i) accept the voter registration form; and
207          (ii) except as provided in Subsection 20A-2-207(6), and unless the individual is
208     preregistering to vote, inform the individual that:
209          (A) the individual is registered to vote in the pending election; and
210          (B) for the pending election, the individual must vote on the day of the election or by
211     provisional ballot, under Section 20A-2-207, during the early voting period described in

212     Section 20A-3-601 because the individual registered late.
213          (d) If the county clerk receives a correctly completed voter registration form under this
214     section during the six calendar days before an election, the county clerk shall:
215          (i) accept the application for registration of the individual; and
216          (ii) unless the individual is preregistering to vote, inform the individual:
217          (A) of each manner still available to the individual to timely register to vote in the
218     current election; and
219          (B) that, if the individual does not timely register in a manner described in Subsection
220     (6)(d)(ii)(A), the individual is registered to vote but may not vote in the pending election
221     because the individual registered late.
222          (7) (a) If the county clerk determines that an individual's voter registration form
223     received from the Driver License Division is incorrect because of an error, because the form is
224     incomplete, or because the individual does not meet the qualifications to be registered to vote,
225     the county clerk shall mail notice to the individual stating that the individual has not been
226     registered or preregistered because of an error, because the form is incomplete, or because the
227     individual does not meet the qualifications to be registered to vote.
228          (b) If a county clerk believes, based upon a review of a voter registration form, that an
229     individual, who knows that the individual is not legally entitled to register or preregister to
230     vote, may be intentionally seeking to register or preregister to vote, the county clerk shall refer
231     the form to the county attorney for investigation and possible prosecution.
232          Section 4. Section 20A-2-206 is amended to read:
233          20A-2-206. Electronic registration -- Requests for absentee ballot application.
234          (1) The lieutenant governor may create and maintain an electronic system that is
235     publicly available on the Internet for an individual to apply for voter registration or
236     preregistration and for an individual to request an absentee ballot.
237          (2) An electronic system for voter registration or preregistration shall require:
238          (a) that an applicant have a valid driver license or identification card, issued under Title
239     53, Chapter 3, Uniform Driver License Act, that reflects the applicant's current principal place
240     of residence;
241          (b) that the applicant provide the information required by Section 20A-2-104, except
242     that the applicant's signature may be obtained in the manner described in Subsections (2)(d)

243     and (4);
244          (c) that the applicant attest to the truth of the information provided; and
245          (d) that the applicant authorize the lieutenant governor's and county clerk's use of the
246     applicant's:
247          (i) driver license or identification card signature, obtained under Title 53, Chapter 3,
248     Uniform Driver License Act, for voter registration purposes; or
249          (ii) signature on file in the lieutenant governor's statewide voter registration database
250     developed under Section 20A-2-109.
251          (3) Notwithstanding Section 20A-2-104, an applicant using the electronic system for
252     voter registration or preregistration created under this section is not required to complete a
253     printed registration form.
254          (4) A system created and maintained under this section shall provide the notices
255     concerning a voter's presentation of identification contained in Subsection 20A-2-104(1).
256          (5) The lieutenant governor shall:
257          (a) obtain a digital copy of the applicant's driver license or identification card signature
258     from the Driver License Division; or
259          (b) ensure that the applicant's signature is already on file in the lieutenant governor's
260     statewide voter registration database developed under Section 20A-2-109.
261          (6) The lieutenant governor shall send the information to the county clerk for the
262     county in which the applicant's principal place of residence is found for further action as
263     required by Section 20A-2-304 after:
264          (a) receiving all information from an applicant; and
265          (b) (i) receiving all information from the Driver License Division; or
266          (ii) ensuring that the applicant's signature is already on file in the lieutenant governor's
267     statewide voter registration database developed under Section 20A-2-109.
268          (7) The lieutenant governor may use additional security measures to ensure the
269     accuracy and integrity of an electronically submitted voter registration.
270          (8) If an individual applies to register under this section during the period beginning on
271     the date after the voter registration deadline and ending on the date that is 15 calendar days
272     before the date of an election, the county clerk shall, unless the individual is preregistering to
273     vote:

274          (a) accept the application for registration if the individual, on the date of the election,
275     will be legally qualified and entitled to vote in a voting precinct in the state; and
276          (b) inform the individual that the individual is registered to vote in the pending
277     election.
278          (9) If an individual applies to register under this section during the period beginning on
279     the date that is 14 calendar days before the election and ending on the date that is seven
280     calendar days before the election, the county clerk shall, unless the individual is preregistering
281     to vote:
282          (a) accept the application for registration if the individual, on the date of the election,
283     will be legally qualified and entitled to vote in a voting precinct in the state; and
284          (b) except as provided in Subsection 20A-2-207(6), inform the individual that:
285          (i) the individual is registered to vote in the pending election; and
286          (ii) for the pending election, the individual must vote on the day of the election or by
287     provisional ballot, under Section 20A-2-207, during the early voting period described in
288     Section 20A-3-601 because the individual registered late.
289          (10) If an individual applies to register under this section during the six calendar days
290     before an election, the county clerk shall:
291          (a) if the individual is preregistering to vote, comply with Section 20A-2-101.1; or
292          (b) (i) accept the application for registration if the individual, on the date of the
293     election, will be legally qualified and entitled to vote in a voting precinct in the state; and
294          (ii) unless the individual timely registers to vote in the current election in a manner that
295     permits registration after the voter registration deadline, inform the individual:
296          (A) of each manner still available to the individual to timely register to vote in the
297     current election; and
298          (B) that, if the individual does not timely register in a manner described in Subsection
299     (10)(b)(ii)(A), the individual is registered to vote but may not vote in the pending election
300     because the individual registered late.
301          (11) (a) A registered voter may file an application for an absentee ballot in accordance
302     with Section 20A-3-304 on the electronic system for voter registration established under this
303     section.
304          (b) The lieutenant governor shall provide a means by which a registered voter shall

305     sign the application form as provided in Section 20A-3-304.
306          Section 5. Section 20A-2-207 is amended to read:
307          20A-2-207. Registration by provisional ballot.
308          (1) [An] Except as provided in Subsection (6), an individual who is not registered to
309     vote may register to vote, and vote, on election day or during the early voting period described
310     in Section 20A-3-601, by voting a provisional ballot, if:
311          (a) the individual is otherwise legally entitled to vote the ballot;
312          (b) the ballot is identical to the ballot for the precinct in which the individual resides;
313          (c) the information on the provisional ballot form is complete; and
314          (d) the individual provides valid voter identification and proof of residence to the poll
315     worker.
316          (2) If a provisional ballot and the individual who voted the ballot comply with the
317     requirements described in Subsection (1), the election officer shall:
318          (a) consider the provisional ballot a voter registration form;
319          (b) place the ballot with the absentee ballots, to be counted with those ballots at the
320     canvass; and
321          (c) as soon as reasonably possible, register the individual to vote.
322          (3) Except as provided in Subsection (4), the election officer shall retain a provisional
323     ballot form, uncounted, for the period specified in Section 20A-4-202, if the election officer
324     determines that the individual who voted the ballot:
325          (a) is not registered to vote and is not eligible for registration under this section; or
326          (b) is not legally entitled to vote the ballot that the individual voted.
327          (4) Subsection (3) does not apply if a court orders the election officer to produce or
328     count the provisional ballot.
329          (5) The lieutenant governor shall report to the Government Operations Interim
330     Committee on or before October 31, 2018, and on or before October 31, 2020, regarding:
331          (a) implementation of registration by provisional ballot, as described in this section, on
332     a statewide basis;
333          (b) any difficulties resulting from the implementation described in Subsection (5)(a);
334          (c) the effect of registration by provisional ballot on voter participation in Utah;
335          (d) the number of ballots cast by voters who registered by provisional ballot:

336          (i) during the early voting period described in Section 20A-3-601; and
337          (ii) on election day; and
338          (e) suggested changes in the law relating to registration by provisional ballot.
339          (6) For an election administered by an election officer other than a county clerk:
340          (a) if the election officer does not operate a polling location to allow early voting, the
341     individual may not register to vote, under this section, during an early voting period; and
342          (b) if the election officer does not operate a polling location on election day, the
343     individual may not register to vote, under this section, on election day.
344          Section 6. Section 20A-3-601 is amended to read:
345          20A-3-601. Early voting.
346          (1) (a) An individual who is registered to vote may vote before the election date in
347     accordance with this section.
348          (b) [An] Except as provided in Subsection 20A-2-207(6), an individual who is not
349     registered to vote may register to vote and vote before the election date in accordance with this
350     section if the individual:
351          (i) is otherwise legally entitled to vote the ballot; and
352          (ii) casts a provisional ballot in accordance with Section 20A-2-207.
353          (2) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308 or Subsection (3), the early voting period
354     shall:
355          (a) begin on the date that is 14 days before the date of the election; and
356          (b) continue through the Friday before the election if the election date is a Tuesday.
357          (3) (a) An election officer may extend the end of the early voting period to the day
358     before the election date if the election officer provides notice of the extension in accordance
359     with Section 20A-3-604.
360          (b) For a municipal election, the municipal clerk may reduce the early voting period
361     described in this section if:
362          (i) the municipal clerk conducts early voting on at least four days;
363          (ii) the early voting days are within the period beginning on the date that is 14 days
364     before the date of the election and ending on the day before the election; and
365          (iii) the municipal clerk provides notice of the reduced early voting period in
366     accordance with Section 20A-3-604.

367          (c) For a county election that is conducted entirely by mail, the county clerk may
368     reduce the early voting period described in this section if:
369          (i) the county clerk conducts early voting on at least four days;
370          (ii) the early voting days are within the period beginning on the date that is 14 days
371     before the date of the election and ending on the day before the election; and
372          (iii) the county clerk provides notice of the reduced early voting period in accordance
373     with Section 20A-3-604.
374          (4) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, during the early voting period, the
375     election officer:
376          (a) for a local special election, a municipal primary election, and a municipal general
377     election:
378          (i) shall conduct early voting on a minimum of four days during each week of the early
379     voting period; and
380          (ii) shall conduct early voting on the last day of the early voting period; and
381          (b) for all other elections:
382          (i) shall conduct early voting on each weekday; and
383          (ii) may elect to conduct early voting on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday.
384          (5) Except as specifically provided in this Part 6, Early Voting, or Section 20A-1-308,
385     early voting shall be administered according to the requirements of this title.
386          Section 7. Coordinating H.B. 221 with H.B. 36 -- substantive and technical
387     changes.
388          If this H.B. 221 and H.B. 36, Election Amendments, both pass and become law, it is the
389     intent of the Legislature that the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel shall
390     prepare the Utah Code database for publication as follows:
391          (1) by not making the changes to Section 20A-2-201 in this H.B. 221;
392          (2) amend Subsection 20A-2-201(3) in H.B. 36 by inserting ", except as provided in
393     Subsection 20A-2-207(6)," before the word "inform";
394          (3) by not making the changes to Section 20A-2-204 in this H.B. 221;
395          (4) amend Subsection 20A-2-204(6)(c)(iii) in H.B. 36 by inserting "and except as
396     provided in Subsection 20A-2-207(6)," before the word "inform";
397          (5) amend Subsection 20A-2-205(7)(b) in H.B. 36 by inserting "except as provided in

398     Subsection 20A-2-207(6)," before the words "if possible";
399          (6) by not making the changes to Section 20A-2-206 in this H.B. 221; and
400          (7) amend Subsection 20A-2-206(9)(b) in H.B. 36 by inserting "except as provided in
401     Subsection 20A-2-207(6)," before the words "if possible".