8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies the licensing and registration requirements of certain professions.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ defines terms;
13 ▸ modifies the Bedding, Upholstered Furniture, and Quilted Clothing Inspection Act
14 to require a permit rather than a license for certain activities;
15 ▸ changes the Hunting Guides and Outfitters Licensing Act to the Hunting Guides and
16 Outfitters Registration Act;
17 ▸ repeals provisions creating the Hunting Guides and Outfitters Licensing Board;
18 ▸ describes the requirements for an individual to register as, and the requirements for
19 providing the services of, a hunting guide or outfitter; and
20 ▸ makes technical changes.
21 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22 None
23 Other Special Clauses:
24 None
25 Utah Code Sections Affected:
27 4-10-104, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 345
28 4-10-105, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 345
29 4-10-106, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 345
30 4-10-110, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 77 and renumbered and
31 amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 345 and last amended by Coordination
32 Clause, Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 345
33 58-79-101, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 52
34 58-79-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 326
35 58-79-301, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 52
36 58-79-302, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 52
37 58-79-303, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 52
38 58-79-304, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 52
39 58-79-401, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 52
40 58-79-501, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 326
41 58-79-502, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 52
43 58-79-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 318
45 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
46 Section 1. Section 4-10-104 is amended to read:
47 4-10-104. Manufacture, repair, or wholesale sale of bedding, upholstered
48 furniture, quilted clothing, or filling material -- License required.
49 It is unlawful for any person to engage in the manufacture, repair, or wholesale sale of
50 any bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing, or filling material without a [
51 permit issued by the department.
52 Section 2. Section 4-10-105 is amended to read:
53 4-10-105. Registration -- Permit -- Fees -- Expiration -- Renewal.
54 (1) (a) A person [
55 form prescribed and furnished by the department, for a [
56 sterilize, or engage in the wholesale sale of bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing, or
57 filling material.
58 (b) Upon receipt of a proper [
59 appropriate [
60 necessity of the industry and the public will be served, shall issue to the applicant a [
61 permit to engage in the particular activity through December 31 of the year in which the
62 [
63 (c) A person doing business under more than one name shall [
64 and obtain a permit from the department for each name under which business is conducted.
65 (2) The annual [
66 chapter shall be determined by the department pursuant to Subsection 4-2-103(2).
67 (3) Each [
68 upon the payment of the applicable amount for the particular [
69 renewed on or before December 31 of each year.
70 (4) A person who holds a valid manufacturer's [
72 an additional [
73 (5) A person who fails to renew a [
74 [
75 year in which the person engages in conduct requiring a [
76 the permit is not renewed.
77 (6) The department may retroactively collect a registration fee owed under Subsection
78 (5).
79 Section 3. Section 4-10-106 is amended to read:
80 4-10-106. Unlawful acts specified.
81 It is unlawful for any person to:
82 (1) sell bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing, or filling material as new
83 unless it is made from new material and properly tagged;
84 (2) sell bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing or filling material made from
85 secondhand material which is not properly tagged;
86 (3) label or sell a used or secondhand article as if it were a new article;
87 (4) use burlap or other material which has been used for packing or baling, or to use
88 any unsanitary, filthy, or vermin or insect infected filling material in the manufacture or repair
89 of any article;
90 (5) sell bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing or filling material which is not
91 properly tagged regardless of point of origin;
92 (6) use any false or misleading statement, term, or designation on any tag;
93 (7) use any false or misleading label;
94 (8) sell new bedding, upholstered furniture, or quilted clothing with filling material
95 made of down, feather, wool, or hair that has not been properly sterilized; or
96 (9) engage in the manufacture, repair, sterilization, or wholesale sale of bedding,
97 upholstered furniture, quilted clothing, or filling material without a [
98 the department as required by this chapter.
99 Section 4. Section 4-10-110 is amended to read:
100 4-10-110. Sale of bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing, or filling
101 material -- Tag, stamp, or stencil required -- Secondhand material to bear tag --
102 Presumption -- Owner's own material to be tagged.
103 (1) A wholesaler or retailer may sell bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing, or
104 prefabricated filling if it is properly tagged, stamped, or stenciled under Section 4-10-107 or
105 4-10-109.
106 (2) Notwithstanding the requirements of Section 4-10-107, a retailer who sells [
108 (a) attach a secondhand material tag to each used article before sale; or
109 (b) clearly display a disclosure statement as provided in Subsection (3).
110 (3) The disclosure statement required under Subsection (2)(b) shall:
111 (a) state "ALL [
114 (b) be printed:
115 (i) in black capital letters using Arial, Calibri, Cambria, or Times New Roman in no
116 smaller than 48-point font; and
117 (ii) on bright yellow paper, at least 8.5 inches by 6.5 inches in size; and
118 (c) be displayed at each public entrance and checkstand at each retail location.
119 (4) Possession of an article by a person who regularly engages in the manufacture,
120 repair, wholesale, or supply of such articles is presumptive evidence of intent to sell.
121 (5) (a) A person who repairs "owner's own material" shall immediately upon its receipt
122 attach an owner's material tag to the article.
123 (b) The tag shall remain attached to the article until it is actually in the process of
124 repair and shall be reattached upon completion of repair.
125 Section 5. Section 58-79-101 is amended to read:
127 58-79-101. Title.
128 This chapter is known as the "Hunting Guides and Outfitters [
129 Act."
130 Section 6. Section 58-79-102 is amended to read:
131 58-79-102. Definitions.
132 In addition to the definitions in Section 58-1-102, as used in this chapter:
133 [
135 [
136 paid, loaned, granted, given, donated, or transferred to a hunting guide or outfitter for or in
137 consideration of personal services, materials, or property.
138 [
139 [
140 (a) offers or provides hunting guide services on public lands for compensation; and
141 (b) is retained for compensation by an outfitter.
142 [
143 hunting wildlife.
144 [
145 guide services for compensation to another individual for hunting wildlife on public lands.
146 [
147 (i) transportation of people, equipment, supplies, or wildlife to or from a location;
148 (ii) packing, protecting, or supervising services; or
149 (iii) hunting guide services.
150 (b) "Outfitting services" does not include activities undertaken by the Division of
151 Wildlife Resources or its employees, associates, volunteers, contractors, or agents under
152 authority granted in Title 23, Wildlife Resources Code of Utah.
153 [
154 political subdivision or independent entity of the state that are open to the public for purposes
155 of engaging in a wildlife related activity.
156 (b) "Public lands" does not include lands owned by the United States, the state, or a
157 political subdivision or independent entity of the state that are included in a cooperative
158 wildlife management unit under Subsection 23-23-7(5) so long as the guiding and outfitting
159 services furnished by the cooperative wildlife management unit are limited to hunting species
160 of wildlife specifically authorized by the Division of Wildlife Resources in the unit's
161 management plan.
162 [
163 23-13-2(6).
164 Section 7. Section 58-79-301 is amended to read:
166 58-79-301. Registration required.
167 (1) Beginning [
168 58-1-307 and 58-79-304, [
170 required to register with the division under the provisions of this chapter.
171 (2) The division shall issue to an individual who qualifies under the provisions of this
172 chapter [
173 (a) hunting guide; or
174 (b) outfitter.
175 (3) The division shall maintain a record of each individual who is registered with the
176 division as a hunting guide or outfitter.
177 Section 8. Section 58-79-302 is amended to read:
178 58-79-302. Qualifications for registration.
179 (1) [
180 (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
181 (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504; and
182 [
183 [
184 [
186 [
187 (c) in a form prescribed by the division, submit proof that the individual is covered by
188 liability insurance when providing services as a hunting guide that is issued by an insurance
189 company or association authorized to transact business in the state in an amount determined by
190 division rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking
191 Act.
192 (2) [
193 (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
194 (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504; and
195 [
196 [
197 [
199 [
200 (c) in a form prescribed by the division, submit proof that the individual is covered by
201 liability insurance when providing services as an outfitter that is issued by an insurance
202 company or association authorized to transact business in the state in an amount determined by
203 division rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking
204 Act.
205 Section 9. Section 58-79-303 is amended to read:
206 58-79-303. Term of registration -- Expiration -- renewal.
207 (1) [
208 accordance with a two-year renewal cycle established by rule.
209 [
211 (2) Each [
212 the [
213 renews the registration in the same manner as a licensee renews a license under Section
214 58-1-308.
215 Section 10. Section 58-79-304 is amended to read:
216 58-79-304. Exemptions from registration.
217 The exemptions from [
218 (1) those set forth for a licensee in Section 58-1-307; and
219 (2) an employee or subordinate of a hunting guide or outfitter if[
220 subordinate does not use the title of hunting guide or outfitter or is not directly represented to
221 the public to be legally qualified to engage in the practice of being a hunting guide or outfitter
222 before the public in this state[
223 [
224 Section 11. Section 58-79-401 is amended to read:
225 58-79-401. Grounds for denial of registration -- Disciplinary proceedings.
226 Grounds for refusing to issue a [
227 renew the [
228 restricting, or placing on probation the [
229 issuing a public or private reprimand to a [
230 desist order under this chapter shall be in accordance with the provisions applicable to a
231 licensee under Section 58-1-401.
232 Section 12. Section 58-79-501 is amended to read:
233 58-79-501. Unlawful conduct.
234 "Unlawful conduct" includes, in addition to the definition in Section 58-1-501, using
235 the title "hunting guide" or "outfitter" or any other title or designation to indicate that the
236 individual is a hunting guide or outfitter or acting as a hunting guide or outfitter, unless the
237 individual [
238 this chapter.
239 Section 13. Section 58-79-502 is amended to read:
240 58-79-502. Unprofessional conduct.
241 "Unprofessional conduct" includes, in addition to the definition in Section 58-1-501,
242 and as may be further defined by division rule:
243 (1) engaging in an activity that would place a [
244 client, or third party's safety at risk, recognizing the inherent risks associated with hunting
245 wildlife and the activity engaged in being above and beyond those inherent risks;
246 (2) using false, deceptive, or misleading advertising related to providing services as a
247 hunting guide or outfitter; [
248 (3) misrepresenting services, outcomes, facilities, equipment, or fees to a client or
249 prospective client[
250 (4) failing to provide the division with active and current contact information within 30
251 days of any changes to the registrant's contact information that was provided to the division
252 during registration or the renewal of registration as a hunting guide or outfitter.
253 Section 14. Repealer.
254 This bill repeals:
255 Section 58-79-201, Board.