Representative James A. Dunnigan proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: James A. Dunnigan

Senate Sponsor: David P. Hinkins


8     General Description:
9          This bill amends provisions related to unlawful detainer of property.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     reinstates references to the federal law governing certain aspects of a foreclosure of
13     residential property occupied by a tenant;
14          ▸     amends a requirement for unlawful detainer by a tenant if the tenant fails to make
15     payments, continues to possess the property, and receives notice;
16          ▸     provides that if a court denies a submitted order of restitution when a tenant
17     continues to possess the property, the court shall give notice to the parties upon
18     request and hold a hearing;
19          ▸     provides that if the tenant fails to appeal the court shall issue an order of restitution
20     and enter a default judgment, unless the court finds otherwise;
21          ▸     allows for a court to issue an order of restitution regardless of whether a judgment is
22     entered;
23          ▸     allows for the court to modify a judgment for additional amounts owed;
24          ▸     requires a defendant to provide an address to the court and plaintiff within a certain
25     time period;

26          ▸     provides that failure of a defendant to provide an address after an order of restitution
27     does not create a burden on the plaintiff or the court to seek out the defendant for
28     further notice; and
29          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
30     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
31          None
32     Other Special Clauses:
33          None
34     Utah Code Sections Affected:
35     AMENDS:
36          78B-6-802, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 325
37          78B-6-810, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 291
38          78B-6-811, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 291

40     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
41          Section 1. Section 78B-6-802 is amended to read:
42          78B-6-802. Unlawful detainer by tenant for a term less than life.
43          (1) A tenant holding real property for a term less than life[,] is guilty of an unlawful
44     detainer if the tenant:
45          (a) [except as provided in Subsection (1)(i),] continues in possession, in person or by
46     subtenant, of the property or any part of [it] the property, after the expiration of the specified
47     term or period for which it is let to [him] the tenant, which specified term or period, whether
48     established by express or implied contract, or whether written or parol, shall be terminated
49     without notice at the expiration of the specified term or period;
50          (b) having leased real property for an indefinite time with monthly or other periodic
51     rent reserved [and except as provided in Subsection (1)(i)]:
52          (i) continues in possession of [it] the property in person or by subtenant after the end of
53     any month or period, in cases where the owner, the owner's designated agent, or any successor
54     in estate of the owner, 15 calendar days or more [prior to] before the end of that month or
55     period, has served notice requiring the tenant to quit the premises at the expiration of that
56     month or period; or

57          (ii) in cases of tenancies at will, remains in possession of the premises after the
58     expiration of a notice of not less than five calendar days;
59          (c) continues in possession, in person or by subtenant, after default in the payment of
60     any rent or other amounts due and after a notice in writing requiring in the alternative the
61     payment of the rent and other amounts due or the surrender of the detained premises, has
62     remained uncomplied with for a period of three [calendar] business days after service, which
63     notice may be served at any time after the rent becomes due;
64          (d) assigns or sublets the leased premises contrary to the covenants of the lease, or
65     commits or permits waste on the premises after service of a three calendar days' notice to quit;
66          (e) sets up or carries on any unlawful business on or in the premises after service of a
67     three calendar days' notice to quit;
68          (f) suffers, permits, or maintains on or about the premises any nuisance, including
69     nuisance as defined in Section 78B-6-1107 after service of a three calendar days' notice to quit;
70          (g) commits a criminal act on the premises and remains in possession after service of a
71     three calendar days' notice to quit;
72          (h) continues in possession, in person or by subtenant, after a neglect or failure to
73     perform any condition or covenant of the lease or agreement under which the property is held,
74     other than those previously mentioned, and after notice in writing requiring in the alternative
75     the performance of the conditions or covenant or the surrender of the property, served upon the
76     tenant and upon any subtenant in actual occupation of the premises remains uncomplied with
77     for three calendar days after service; or
78          [(i) (i) is a bona fide tenant of a foreclosed rental property, as defined in Section
79     57-1-25.5 or Section 78B-6-802.7; and]
80          (i) (i) is a tenant under a bona fide tenancy as described in Section 702 of the
81     Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act; and
82          (ii) continues in possession after the effective date of a notice to vacate given in
83     accordance with [Subsection 57-1-25.5(3) or Subsection 78B-6-802.7(3)] Section 702 of the
84     Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act.
85          (2) [Within three calendar days after the] After service of the notice and the time
86     period required for the notice, the tenant, any subtenant in actual occupation of the premises,
87     any mortgagee of the term, or other person interested in [its] the lease's continuance may

88     perform the condition or covenant and [thereby] save the lease from forfeiture, except that if
89     the covenants and conditions of the lease violated by the lessee cannot afterwards be
90     performed, or the violation cannot be brought into compliance, [the] a notice provided for in
91     Subsections (1)(d) through (g) may be given.
92          (3) Unlawful detainer by an owner resident of a mobile home is determined under Title
93     57, Chapter 16, Mobile Home Park Residency Act.
94          (4) The notice provisions for nuisance in Subsections (1)(d) through (g) do not apply to
95     nuisance actions provided in Sections 78B-6-1107 through 78B-6-1114.
96          Section 2. Section 78B-6-810 is amended to read:
97          78B-6-810. Court procedures.
98          (1) In an action under this chapter in which the tenant remains in possession of the
99     property:
100          (a) the court shall expedite the proceedings, including the resolution of motions and
101     trial;
102          (b) the court shall begin the trial within 60 days after the day on which the complaint is
103     served, unless the parties agree otherwise;
104          (c) if this chapter requires a hearing to be held within a specified time and a judge is
105     not available, the time may be extended to the first date [thereafter] after expiration of the
106     specified time on which a judge is available to hear the case [in a jurisdiction in which a judge
107     is not always available; and];
108          (d) if this chapter requires a hearing to be held within a specified time, this section does
109     not require a hearing to be held before the assigned judge, and the court may, out of
110     convenience, schedule a hearing before another judge within the jurisdiction[.]; and
111          (e) if a court denies an order of restitution submitted by a party, and upon a party's
112     request, the court shall give notice to the parties of the reason for denial and set a hearing
113     within 10 business days of the day on which the order was submitted to the court.
114          (2) (a) In an action for unlawful detainer, the court shall hold an evidentiary hearing,
115     upon request of either party, within 10 business days after the day on which the defendant files
116     an answer or response.
117          (b) At the evidentiary hearing held in accordance with Subsection (2)(a):
118          (i) the court shall determine who has the right of occupancy during the litigation's

119     pendency; and
120          (ii) if the court determines that all issues between the parties can be adjudicated
121     without further proceedings, the court shall adjudicate [those] all issues and enter judgment on
122     the merits.
123          (3) (a) (i) As used in this Subsection (3)(a), "an act that would be considered criminal
124     under the laws of this state" means:
125          (A) an act that would constitute a felony under the laws of this state;
126          (B) an act that would be considered criminal affecting the health or safety of a tenant,
127     the landlord, the landlord's agent, or other individual on the landlord's property;
128          (C) an act that would be considered criminal that causes damage or loss to any tenant's
129     property or the landlord's property;
130          (D) a drug- or gang-related act that would be considered criminal;
131          (E) an act or threat of violence against any tenant or other individual on the premises,
132     or against the landlord or the landlord's agent; and
133          (F) any other act that would be considered criminal that the court determines directly
134     impacts the safety or peaceful enjoyment of the premises by any tenant.
135          (ii) In an action for unlawful detainer in which the claim is for nuisance and alleges an
136     act that would be considered criminal under the laws of this state, the court shall hold an
137     evidentiary hearing upon request within 10 days after the day on which the complaint is filed to
138     determine whether the alleged act occurred.
139          (b) The hearing required by Subsection (3)(a)(ii) shall be set at the time the complaint
140     is filed and notice of the hearing shall be served upon the defendant with the summons at least
141     three calendar days before the scheduled time of the hearing.
142          (c) If the court, at an evidentiary hearing held in accordance with Subsection (3)(a),
143     determines that it is more likely than not that the alleged act occurred, the court shall issue an
144     order of restitution.
145          (d) If an order of restitution is issued in accordance with Subsection (3)(c), a constable
146     or the sheriff of the county where the property is situated shall return possession of the property
147     to the plaintiff immediately.
148          (e) The court may allow a period of up to 72 hours before restitution may be made
149     under Subsection (3)(d) if the court determines the time is appropriate under the circumstances.

150          (f) At the evidentiary hearing held in accordance with Subsection (3)(a)(ii), if the court
151     determines that all issues between the parties can be adjudicated without further proceedings,
152     the court shall adjudicate those issues and enter judgment on the merits.
153          [(g) "An act that would be considered criminal under the laws of this state" under
154     Subsection (3)(a) includes only the following:]
155          [(i) an act that would be considered a felony under the laws of this state;]
156          [(ii) an act that would be considered criminal affecting the health or safety of a tenant,
157     the landlord, the landlord's agent, or other person on the landlord's property;]
158          [(iii) an act that would be considered criminal that causes damage or loss to any
159     tenant's property or the landlord's property;]
160          [(iv) a drug- or gang-related act that would be considered criminal;]
161          [(v) an act or threat of violence against any tenant or other person on the premises, or
162     against the landlord or the landlord's agent; and]
163          [(vi) any other act that would be considered criminal that the court determines directly
164     impacts the safety or peaceful enjoyment of the premises by any tenant.]
165          (4) (a) At any hearing held in accordance with this chapter in which the [tenant]
166     defendant after receiving notice fails to appear, the court shall issue an order of restitution and
167     enter a judgment of default against the defendant, unless the court makes a finding for why the
168     order of restitution or judgment of default should not be issued.
169          (b) If an order of restitution is issued in accordance with Subsection (4)(a), a constable
170     or the sheriff of the county where the property is situated shall return possession of the property
171     to the plaintiff immediately.
172          (5) A court adjudicating matters under this chapter may make other orders as are
173     appropriate and proper.
174          Section 3. Section 78B-6-811 is amended to read:
175          78B-6-811. Judgment for restitution, damages, and rent -- Immediate
176     enforcement -- Remedies.
177          (1) (a) A [judgment may be entered] court may:
178          (i) enter a judgment upon the merits or upon default[.]; and
179          (ii) issue an order of restitution regardless of whether a judgment is entered.
180          (b) A judgment entered in favor of the plaintiff shall include an order for the restitution

181     of the premises as provided in Section 78B-6-812.
182          (c) If the proceeding is for unlawful detainer after neglect or failure to perform any
183     condition or covenant of the lease or agreement under which the property is held, or after
184     default in the payment of rent, the judgment shall also declare the forfeiture of the lease or
185     agreement.
186          (d) (i) A forfeiture under Subsection (1)(c) does not release a defendant from any
187     obligation for payments on a lease for the remainder of the lease's term.
188          (ii) Subsection (1)(d)(i) does not change any obligation on either party to mitigate
189     damages.
190          (2) The jury or the court, if the proceeding is tried without a jury or upon the
191     defendant's default, shall also assess the damages resulting to the plaintiff from any of the
192     following:
193          (a) forcible entry;
194          (b) forcible or unlawful detainer;
195          (c) waste of the premises during the defendant's tenancy, if waste is alleged in the
196     complaint and proved at trial;
197          (d) the amounts due under the contract, if the alleged unlawful detainer is after default
198     in the payment of amounts due under the contract; and
199          (e) the abatement of the nuisance by eviction as provided in Sections 78B-6-1107
200     through 78B-6-1114.
201          (3) The judgment shall be entered against the defendant for the rent, for three times the
202     amount of the damages assessed under Subsections (2)(a) through (2)(e).
203          (4) (a) If the proceeding is for unlawful detainer, execution upon the judgment shall be
204     issued immediately after the entry of the judgment.
205          (b) In all cases, the judgment may be issued and enforced immediately.
206          (5) In an action under this chapter, the court:
207          (a) shall award costs and reasonable attorney fees to the prevailing party[.];
208          (b) may modify a judgment for additional amounts owed if a motion is submitted
209     within 180 days on the earlier of the day on which:
210          (i) the order of restitution is enforced; or
211          (ii) the defendant vacates the premises; and

212          (c) may grant a party additional time for a motion under Subsection (5)(b).
213          (6) (a) If the court issues an order of restitution, the defendant shall provide a current
214     address to the court and the plaintiff within 30 days of the day on which the court issues the
215     order of restitution.
216          (b) Failure of a defendant to provide an address under Subsection (6)(a) does not
217     require the plaintiff or the court to bear the burden of seeking out the defendant to provide
218     notice for any subsequent proceeding.