10 General Description:
11 This concurrent resolution expresses support and recognition of the Green River
12 Stakeholders and the need to reduce the adverse effects of current Flaming Gorge Dam
13 operations to the local communities, recreational businesses, ranchers, farmers,
14 landowners, and individuals who work and live within the river corridor.
15 Highlighted Provisions:
16 This resolution:
17 ▸ describes the Green River Stakeholders and their concerns associated with the
18 management of the Flaming Gorge Dam;
19 ▸ describes an alternative method of managing the Flaming Gorge Dam; and
20 ▸ supports the creation of a new management plan.
21 Special Clauses:
22 None
24 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
25 WHEREAS, the "Green River Stakeholders" is a group of local communities,
26 recreational businesses, ranchers, farmers, landowners, and individuals who work and live
27 within the river corridor associated with the Flaming Gorge Dam and who are adversely
28 affected by the current methods employed by the Western Area Power Administration, the
29 Endangered Fish Recovery Program, and ultimately the federal Bureau of Reclamation for the
30 release of water from the Flaming Gorge Dam;
31 WHEREAS, the Green River Stakeholders, wishing to reduce the physical and
32 economic impacts of current river flow management, propose an alternative method of
33 protecting the endangered fish species, while complying with Section 7 of the Endangered
34 Species Act, thus preserving the balance that has been desired in the Upper Colorado River
35 Basin water rights discussions;
36 WHEREAS, the Green River Stakeholders from the dam to the confluence of the
37 Colorado River propose using partnerships with agricultural landowners where ponds, canals,
38 and ditches may promote an "aqua culture" system in which fish from endangered fish species
39 could grow;
40 WHEREAS, the proposed type of aqua culture system could ensure the success of these
41 endangered fish and put enough fish back into the system to eliminate the listing of them as
42 endangered, while also providing a reasonable and prudent alternative to Section 7 of the
43 Endangered Species Act;
44 WHEREAS, the benefits of aqua culture can be achieved without extended flushes of
45 the Green River each year, allowing the local stakeholders to support and enhance the Fish
46 Recovery Program;
47 WHEREAS, the economic impact to the communities along the entire length of the
48 Green River is affected by the daily operations of the Flaming Gorge Dam dictated by the
49 Bureau of Reclamation as guided by the 2006 "Record of Decision";
50 WHEREAS, current flow requirements are imposed to protect and re-establish native
51 fish in the lower sections of the Green River, and to create a manmade flood of the river every
52 year; and
53 WHEREAS, the amount of water that is flushed down the river without going through
54 turbines constitutes missed opportunities for producing green power:
55 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
56 Governor concurring therein, support the creation of a new management plan that allows
57 stakeholders to participate in a plan that allows stakeholders and endangered fish to benefit.