Chief Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper
House Sponsor: Craig Hall
6 =====================================================================
8 General Description:
9 This bill supplements or reduces appropriations otherwise provided for the support and
10 operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020
11 and appropriates funds for the support and operation of state government for the fiscal year
12 beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021.
13 Highlighted Provisions:
14 This bill:
15 ▸ provides appropriations for the use and support of certain state agencies;
16 ▸ provides appropriations for other purposes as described;
17 ▸ approves employment levels for internal service funds; and
18 ▸ approves capital acquisition amounts for internal service funds.
19 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20 This bill appropriates $9,362,000 in operating and capital budgets for fiscal year 2020.
21 This bill appropriates $54,717,600 in operating and capital budgets for fiscal year 2021,
22 including:
23 ▸ $1,168,900 from the General Fund;
24 ▸ $31,143,000 from the Education Fund; and
25 ▸ $22,405,700 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
26 This bill appropriates $14,803,200 in business-like activities for fiscal year 2021.
27 This bill appropriates $12,000,000 in fiduciary funds for fiscal year 2021, all of which is
28 from the General Fund.
29 Other Special Clauses:
30 Section 1 of this bill takes effect immediately. Section 2 and Section 3 of this bill take effect
31 on July 1, 2020.
32 Utah Code Sections Affected:
34 =====================================================================
35 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
36 Section 1. FY 2020 Appropriations. The following sums of money are appropriated for the
37 fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020. These are additions to amounts
38 otherwise appropriated for fiscal year 2020.
39 Subsection 1(a). Operating and Capital Budgets. Under the terms and conditions of
40 Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of
41 money from the funds or accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of
42 Utah.
43 Career Service Review Office
44 Item 1
To Career Service Review Office44 Item 1
45 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
46 Schedule of Programs:
47 Career Service Review Office
48 1) Measure: Average number of days between the filing of
49 a grievance and dismissal (for lack of jurisdiction) after an
50 administrative review of the file. Goal: Issue a Jurisdictional
51 Decision within 15 days of the date a new grievance is filed.
52 2) Measure: Average number of days between the date
53 jurisdiction is established and an evidentiary hearing is
54 scheduled. Goal: Conduct an evidentiary hearing within 150
55 days of the date jurisdiction is established.
56 3) Measure: Average number of days between the end of an
57 evidentiary hearing and the date a written decision is issued.
58 Goal: Issue a written decision within 20 working days after an
59 evidentiary hearing is adjourned.
60 4) Measure: Hiring and retaining hearing officers who meet
61 established performance standards. Goal: Hire and maintain
62 hearing officers who meet the performance standards set by the
63 Department of Human Resource Management.
64 Department of Human Resource Management
65 Item 2
To Department of Human Resource Management - Human65 Item 2
66 Resource Management
67 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
68 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
69 Schedule of Programs:
70 ALJ Compliance
71 Statewide Management Liability Training
72 Utah Education and Telehealth Network
73 Item 3
To Utah Education and Telehealth Network - Digital Teaching and73 Item 3
74 Learning Program
75 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
76 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
77 Schedule of Programs:
78 Digital Teaching and Learning Program
79 Item 4
To Utah Education and Telehealth Network80 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
81 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
82 Schedule of Programs:
83 Administration
84 Course Management Systems
85 Instructional Support
86 KUEN Broadcast
87 Operations and Maintenance
88 Public Information
89 Technical Services
90 Utah Futures
91 Utah Telehealth Network
92 1) Measure: Average number of concurrent students using
93 the Canvas Learning Management System divided by the total
94 Utah System of Higher Education universe. Target: 61%
95 2) Measure: Whether the school has broadband
96 connectivity through the Utah Education and Telehealth
97 Network. Goal: 100%
98 3) Measure: Number of interactive video conferencing
99 classes (IVC) conducted on the Utah Education and Telehealth
100 Network's IVC systems. Goal: 42,000
101 Subsection 1(b). Business-like Activities. The Legislature has reviewed the following
102 proprietary funds. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code 63J-1-410, for any included Internal
103 Service Fund, the Legislature approves budgets, full-time permanent positions, and capital
104 acquisition amounts as indicated, and appropriates to the funds, as indicated, estimated revenue from
105 rates, fees, and other charges. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer
106 amounts between funds and accounts as indicated.
107 Department of Human Resource Management
108 Item 5
To Department of Human Resource Management - Human108 Item 5
109 Resources Internal Service Fund
110 Budgeted FTE
111 (1) Ratio of HR staff to customer agency staff Measure:
112 Ratio of HR staff to customer agency staff. Target: 30% better
113 than industry average.
114 (2) Achieve Balanced Retained Earnings Measure: HR and
115 Payroll retained earnings balance. Target: Retained earnings
116 not to exceed 60 days operating expenses.
117 (3) Customer agency satisfaction rate Measure: Average
118 score from customer survey Target: 85% (target from 2017
119 General Session)
120 Section 2. FY 2021 Appropriations. The following sums of money are appropriated for the
121 fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021.
122 Subsection 2(a). Operating and Capital Budgets. Under the terms and conditions of
123 Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of
124 money from the funds or accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of
125 Utah.
126 Career Service Review Office
127 Item 6
To Career Service Review Office127 Item 6
128 From General Fund
129 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
130 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
131 Schedule of Programs:
132 Career Service Review Office
133 Department of Human Resource Management
134 Item 7
To Department of Human Resource Management - Human134 Item 7
135 Resource Management
136 From General Fund
137 From Dedicated Credits Revenue
138 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
139 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
140 Schedule of Programs:
141 ALJ Compliance
142 Statewide Management Liability Training
143 Utah Education and Telehealth Network
144 Item 8
To Utah Education and Telehealth Network - Digital Teaching and144 Item 8
145 Learning Program
146 From Education Fund
147 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
148 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
149 Schedule of Programs:
150 Digital Teaching and Learning Program
151 Item 9
To Utah Education and Telehealth Network152 From General Fund
153 From Education Fund
154 From Federal Funds
155 From Dedicated Credits Revenue
156 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
157 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
158 Schedule of Programs:
159 Administration
160 Course Management Systems
161 Instructional Support
162 KUEN Broadcast
163 Operations and Maintenance
164 Public Information
165 Technical Services
166 Utah Telehealth Network
167 Subsection 2(b). Business-like Activities. The Legislature has reviewed the following
168 proprietary funds. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code 63J-1-410, for any included Internal
169 Service Fund, the Legislature approves budgets, full-time permanent positions, and capital
170 acquisition amounts as indicated, and appropriates to the funds, as indicated, estimated revenue from
171 rates, fees, and other charges. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer
172 amounts between funds and accounts as indicated.
173 Department of Human Resource Management
174 Item 10
To Department of Human Resource Management - Human174 Item 10
175 Resources Internal Service Fund
176 From Dedicated Credits Revenue
177 From Beginning Fund Balance
178 From Closing Fund Balance
179 Schedule of Programs:
180 Administration
181 Information Technology
182 ISF - Core HR Services
183 ISF - Field Services
184 ISF - Payroll Field Services
185 Policy
186 Budgeted FTE
187 Authorized Capital Outlay
188 Subsection 2(c). Fiduciary Funds. The Legislature has reviewed proposed revenues,
189 expenditures, fund balances, and changes in fund balances for the following fiduciary funds.
190 Fund and Account Transfers
191 Item 11
To Fund and Account Transfers - Firefighters Retirement Trust &191 Item 11
192 AgencyFund
193 From General Fund
194 Schedule of Programs:
195 Firefighters Retirement Trust & AgencyFund
196 Section 3. Effective Date.
197 If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, Section 1 of this bill
198 takes effect upon approval by the Governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of
199 Utah Constitution Article VII, Section 8 without the Governor's signature, or in the case of a veto,
200 the date of override. Section 2 and Section 3 of this bill take effect on July 1, 2020.