8 Committee Note:
9 The Veterans and Military Affairs Commission recommended this bill.
10 Membership: 5 legislators 18 non-legislators
11 Legislative Vote: 4 voting for 0 voting against 1 absent
12 General Description:
13 This bill provides that private employers who provide a veterans preference may extend
14 that preference to the spouses of veterans.
15 Highlighted Provisions:
16 This bill:
17 ▸ allows private employers to extend veterans preference to spouses of veterans.
18 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19 None
20 Other Special Clauses:
21 None
22 Utah Code Sections Affected:
24 34-50-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 489
25 34-50-105, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 263
27 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
28 Section 1. Section 34-50-103 is amended to read:
29 34-50-103. Voluntary veterans preference employment policy -- Private
30 employment -- Antidiscrimination requirements.
31 (1) A private sector employer may create a veterans employment preference policy that
32 may also apply to a veteran's spouse.
33 (2) The veterans employment preference policy shall be:
34 (a) in writing; and
35 (b) applied uniformly to employment decisions regarding hiring, promotion, or
36 retention including during a reduction in force.
37 (3) A private employer may require a veteran to submit a discharge document form or
38 proof of current service in the armed forces to be eligible for the preference. If the applicant is
39 the spouse of a veteran, the employer may require that the spouse submit the veteran's
40 discharge document or proof of current service in the armed forces.
41 (4) A private employer's veterans employment preference policy shall be publicly
42 posted by the employer at the place of employment or on the Internet if the employer has a
43 website or uses the Internet to advertise employment opportunities.
44 Section 2. Section 34-50-105 is amended to read:
45 34-50-105. Verification of eligibility.
46 The department and the Department of Workforce Services may assist, as permitted
47 under state and federal laws governing privacy, a private employer in verifying if an applicant
48 is [
49 (1) a veteran or currently serving member of the armed forces; or
50 (2) a spouse of a veteran or currently serving member of the armed forces.