



Chief Sponsor: Jani Iwamoto

House Sponsor: Mike Winder


9     Committee Note:
10          The Native American Legislative Liaison Committee recommended this bill.
11               Legislative Vote:     6 voting for     0 voting against     2 absent
12     General Description:
13          This bill addresses American Indian-Alaska Native issues.
14     Highlighted Provisions:
15          This bill:
16          ▸     requires the establishment of an office on American Indian-Alaska Native health
17     issues with the liaison as administrative head; and
18          ▸     makes technical and conforming amendments.
19     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20          None
21     Other Special Clauses:
22          None
23     Utah Code Sections Affected:
24     AMENDS:
25          9-9-104.6, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 246
26          26-7-2.5, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 192

28     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
29          Section 1. Section 9-9-104.6 is amended to read:
30          9-9-104.6. Participation of state agencies in meetings with tribal leaders --
31     Contact information.
32          (1) For at least three of the joint meetings described in Subsection 9-9-104.5(2)(a), the
33     division shall coordinate with representatives of tribal governments and the entities listed in
34     Subsection (2) to provide for the broadest participation possible in the joint meetings.
35          (2) The following may participate in all meetings described in Subsection (1):
36          (a) the chairs of the Native American Legislative Liaison Committee created in Section
37     36-22-1;
38          (b) the governor or the governor's designee;
39          (c) [(i)] the American [Indian-Alaskan] Indian-Alaska Native Health Liaison appointed
40     in accordance with Section 26-7-2.5; [or]
41          [(ii) if the American Indian-Alaskan Native Health Liaison is not appointed, a
42     representative of the Department of Health appointed by the executive director of the
43     Department of Health;]
44          (d) the American [Indian-Alaskan] Indian-Alaska Native Public Education Liaison
45     appointed in accordance with Section 53F-5-604; and
46          (e) a representative appointed by the chief administrative officer of the following:
47          (i) the Department of Human Services;
48          (ii) the Department of Natural Resources;
49          (iii) the Department of Workforce Services;
50          (iv) the Governor's Office of Economic Development;
51          (v) the State Board of Education; and
52          (vi) the State Board of Regents.
53          (3) (a) The chief administrative officer of the agencies listed in Subsection (3)(b) shall:
54          (i) designate the name of a contact person for that agency that can assist in coordinating
55     the efforts of state and tribal governments in meeting the needs of the Native Americans
56     residing in the state; and
57          (ii) notify the division:
58          (A) who is the designated contact person described in Subsection (3)(a)(i); and

59          (B) of any change in who is the designated contact person described in Subsection
60     (3)(a)(i).
61          (b) This Subsection (3) applies to:
62          (i) the Department of Agriculture and Food;
63          (ii) the Department of Heritage and Arts;
64          (iii) the Department of Corrections;
65          (iv) the Department of Environmental Quality;
66          (v) the Department of Public Safety;
67          (vi) the Department of Transportation;
68          (vii) the Office of the Attorney General;
69          (viii) the State Tax Commission; and
70          (ix) any agency described in Subsections (2)(c) through (e).
71          (c) At the request of the division, a contact person listed in Subsection (3)(b) may
72     participate in a meeting described in Subsection (1).
73          (4) (a) A participant under this section who is not a legislator may not receive
74     compensation or benefits for the participant's service, but may receive per diem and travel
75     expenses as allowed in:
76          (i) Section 63A-3-106;
77          (ii) Section 63A-3-107; and
78          (iii) rules made by the Division of Finance according to Sections 63A-3-106 and
79     63A-3-107.
80          (b) Compensation and expenses of a participant who is a legislator are governed by
81     Section 36-2-2 and Legislative Joint Rules, Title 5, Legislative Compensation and Expenses.
82          Section 2. Section 26-7-2.5 is amended to read:
83          26-7-2.5. American Indian-Alaska Native Health Office -- Duties.
84          (1) As used in this section:
85          (a) "Health care" means care, treatment, service, or a procedure to improve, maintain,
86     diagnose, or otherwise affect an individual's physical or mental condition.
87          (b) "Liaison" means the American [Indian-Alaskan] Indian-Alaska Native Health
88     Liaison appointed under this section.
89          (2) [Subject to budget constraints, the] The executive director shall:

90          (a) establish an office to address health care of Utah's American Indian-Alaska Native
91     population on and off reservations; and
92          (b) appoint an individual as the American [Indian-Alaskan] Indian-Alaska Native
93     Health Liaison who serves as the administrative head of the office under the supervision of the
94     executive director.
95          (3) The [liaison] office shall on behalf of the executive director and the department:
96          (a) promote and coordinate collaborative efforts between the department and Utah's
97     American Indian-Alaska Native population to improve the availability and accessibility of
98     quality health care impacting Utah's American Indian-Alaska Native populations on and off
99     reservations;
100          (b) interact with the following to improve health disparities for Utah's American
101     Indian-Alaska Native populations:
102          (i) tribal health programs;
103          (ii) local health departments;
104          (iii) state agencies and officials; and
105          (iv) providers of health care in the private sector;
106          (c) facilitate education, training, and technical assistance regarding public health and
107     medical assistance programs to Utah's American Indian-Alaska Native populations; and
108          (d) staff an advisory board by which Utah's tribes may consult with state and local
109     agencies for the development and improvement of public health programs designed to address
110     improved health care for Utah's American Indian-Alaska Native populations on and off the
111     reservation.
112          (4) The liaison shall annually report the [liaison's] office's activities and
113     accomplishments to the Native American Legislative Liaison Committee created in Section
114     36-22-1.