


Chief Sponsor: Ann Millner

House Sponsor: Val L. Peterson


8     Committee Note:
9          The Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee recommended
10     this bill.
11               Legislative Vote:     11 voting for     0 voting against     6 absent
12     General Description:
13          This bill modifies provisions of the Utah Works Program (the program) within the
14     Talent Ready Utah Center.
15     Highlighted Provisions:
16          This bill:
17          ▸     modifies the requirements of the program;
18          ▸     modifies the reporting requirements of the program; and
19          ▸     makes technical changes.
20     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
21          None
22     Other Special Clauses:
23          None
24     Utah Code Sections Affected:
25     AMENDS:
26          63N-12-508, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 487

28     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
29          Section 1. Section 63N-12-508 is amended to read:
30          63N-12-508. Utah Works.
31          (1) There is created within the center the Utah Works Program.
32          (2) The program, under the direction of the center and the talent ready board, shall
33     coordinate and partner with the entities described below to develop [workforce solutions]
34     short-term pre-employment training and short-term early employment training for student and
35     workforce participants that meet the needs of businesses that are creating jobs and economic
36     growth in the state by:
37          (a) partnering with the office, the Department of Workforce Services, the Utah System
38     of Higher Education, and the Utah System of Technical Colleges;
39          (b) [identifying] partnering with businesses that have significant hiring demands for
40     primarily newly created jobs in the state;
41          (c) coordinating with the Department of Workforce Services, education agencies, and
42     employers to create effective recruitment initiatives to attract student and workforce
43     participants and business participants to the program;
44          (d) coordinating with the Utah System of Higher Education and the Utah System of
45     Technical Colleges to develop educational and training resources to provide student
46     participants in the program qualifications to be hired by business participants in the program;
47     and
48          (e) coordinating with the Board of Education and local education agencies when
49     appropriate to develop educational and training resources to provide student participants in the
50     program qualifications to be hired by business participants in the program.
51          (3) The office, in consultation with the talent ready board, may, in accordance with
52     Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, and in accordance with the
53     provisions of this section, make rules regarding the development and administration of the
54     Utah Works Program.
55          (4) The center shall report the following metrics to the office for inclusion in the
56     office's annual report described in Section 63N-1-301:
57          (a) the number of participants in the program;
58          (b) how program participants learned about or were referred to the program, including

59     the number of participants who learned about or were referred to the program by:
60          (i) the Department of Workforce Services;
61          (ii) marketing efforts of the center or talent ready board;
62          (iii) a school counselor; and
63          (iv) other methods;
64          [(b)] (c) the number of participants who have completed training offered by the
65     program; and
66          [(c)] (d) the number of participants who have been hired by a business participating in
67     the program.