9 General Description:
10 This bill requires the State Board of Education to annually evaluate a partnership that
11 receives a grant under the Partnerships for Student Success Program.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This bill:
14 ▸ requires the State Board of Education to anually:
15 • evaluate a partnership that receives a grant under the Partnerships for Student
16 Success Program; and
17 • prepare a written report of an evaluation and submit the report to the Education
18 Interim Committee.
19 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20 None
21 Other Special Clauses:
22 This bill provides a coordination clause.
23 Utah Code Sections Affected:
25 53E-1-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 324 and last amended by
26 Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2019, Chapters 41, 205, 223, 342, 446, and 476
27 53F-5-403, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 186
28 53F-5-405, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapters 186 and 324
29 Utah Code Sections Affected by Coordination Clause:
30 53E-1-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 324 and last amended by
31 Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2019, Chapters 41, 205, 223, 342, 446, and 476
33 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
34 Section 1. Section 53E-1-201 is amended to read:
35 53E-1-201. Reports to and action required of the Education Interim Committee.
36 (1) In accordance with applicable provisions and Section 68-3-14, the following
37 recurring reports are due to the Education Interim Committee:
38 (a) the report described in Section 9-22-109 by the STEM Action Center Board,
39 including the information described in Section 9-22-113 on the status of the computer science
40 initiative and Section 9-22-114 on the Computing Partnerships Grants Program;
41 [
42 report on research described in Section 35A-14-304 by the Utah Data Research Center;
43 [
44 preschool programs;
45 [
46 career and technical education issues and addressing workforce needs;
47 [
48 the activities of the State Board of Regents;
49 [
50 Colleges Board of Trustees on career and technical education issues;
51 [
52 the Utah System of Technical Colleges Board of Trustees regarding activities related to campus
53 safety;
54 [
55 Section 53E-1-203;
56 [
57 strategic plan to improve student outcomes;
58 [
59 Schools for the Deaf and the Blind;
60 [
61 Effective, Actionable, and Dynamic Education director on research and other activities;
62 [
63 independent evaluator on an evaluation of early interactive reading software;
64 [
65 and
66 [
67 State Board of Education regarding an evaluation of a partnership that receives a grant to
68 improve educational outcomes for students who are low income[
69 [
72 (2) In accordance with applicable provisions and Section 68-3-14, the following
73 occasional reports are due to the Education Interim Committee:
74 (a) the report described in Section 35A-15-303 by the School Readiness Board by
75 November 30, 2020, on benchmarks for certain preschool programs;
76 (b) the report described in Section 53E-3-519 by the state board regarding counseling
77 services in schools;
78 (c) the reports described in Section 53E-3-520 by the state board regarding cost centers
79 and implementing activity based costing;
80 (d) if required, the report described in Section 53E-4-309 by the state board explaining
81 the reasons for changing the grade level specification for the administration of specific
82 assessments;
83 (e) if required, the report described in Section 53E-5-210 by the state board of an
84 adjustment to the minimum level that demonstrates proficiency for each statewide assessment;
85 (f) the report described in Section 53E-10-702 by Utah Leading through Effective,
86 Actionable, and Dynamic Education;
87 (g) the report described in Section 53F-2-502 by the state board on the program
88 evaluation of the dual language immersion program;
89 (h) if required, the report described in Section 53F-2-513 by the state board evaluating
90 the effects of salary bonuses on the recruitment and retention of effective teachers in high
91 poverty schools;
92 (i) upon request, the report described in Section 53F-5-207 by the state board on the
93 Intergenerational Poverty Intervention Grants Program;
94 (j) the report described in Section 53F-5-210 by the state board on the Educational
95 Improvement Opportunities Outside of the Regular School Day Grant Program;
96 (k) the reports described in Section 53G-11-304 by the state board regarding proposed
97 rules and results related to educator exit surveys;
98 (l) upon request, the report described in Section 53G-11-505 by the state board on
99 progress in implementing employee evaluations;
100 (m) the report described in Section 62A-15-117 by the Division of Substance Abuse
101 and Mental Health, the State Board of Education, and the Department of Health regarding
102 recommendations related to Medicaid reimbursement for school-based health services; and
103 (n) the reports described in Section 63C-19-202 by the Higher Education Strategic
104 Planning Commission.
105 (3) In accordance with Section 53B-7-705, the Education Interim Committee shall
106 complete the review of the implementation of performance funding.
107 Section 2. Section 53F-5-403 is amended to read:
108 53F-5-403. Matching funds -- Grantee requirements.
109 (1) (a) The state board may not award a grant to an eligible partnership unless the
110 eligible partnership provides matching funds equal to two times the amount of the grant.
111 (b) The state board shall ensure that at least half of the matching funds provided under
112 Subsection (1)(a) are provided by a local education agency.
113 (c) Matching funds may include cash or an in-kind contribution.
114 (2) A partnership that receives a grant under this part shall:
115 (a) select and contract with a technical assistance provider identified by the state board
116 as described in Section 53F-5-404;
117 (b) continually assess progress toward reaching shared goals and outcomes;
118 (c) publish results of the continual assessment described in Subsection (2)(b) on an
119 annual basis; and
120 (d) regularly report to the state board in accordance with rules established by the state
121 board under Section 53F-5-406[
122 [
124 (3) A partnership that receives a grant under this part may use grant funds only for the
125 following purposes:
126 (a) to contract with a technical assistance provider identified by the state board as
127 described in Section 53F-5-404; and
128 (b) to plan or implement a partnership, including:
129 (i) for project management;
130 (ii) for planning and adaptation of services and strategies;
131 (iii) to coordinate services;
132 (iv) to establish and implement shared measurement practices;
133 (v) to produce communication materials and conduct outreach activities to build public
134 support;
135 (vi) to establish data privacy and sharing agreements, in accordance with state and
136 federal law;
137 (vii) to purchase infrastructure, hardware, and software to collect and store data; or
138 (viii) to analyze data.
139 (4) (a) The state board shall establish interventions for a partnership that:
140 (i) fails to comply with the requirements described in this section; or
141 (ii) is not making progress toward reaching the shared goals and outcomes established
142 by the partnership as described in Section 53F-5-402.
143 (b) An intervention under Subsection (4)(a) may include discontinuing or reducing
144 funding.
145 Section 3. Section 53F-5-405 is amended to read:
146 53F-5-405. Evaluation -- Reporting.
147 (1) [
148 board shall [
149 receives a grant under this part.
150 (2) The evaluation described in Subsection (1) shall:
151 (a) assess implementation of a partnership, including the extent to which members of a
152 partnership:
153 (i) share data to align and improve efforts focused on student success; and
154 (ii) meet regularly and communicate authentically; and
155 (b) assess the impact of a partnership on student outcomes using appropriate statistical
156 evaluation methods.
157 [
159 [
161 [
163 [
165 (3) Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, the state board shall:
166 (a) [
167 section; and
168 (b) [
169 (4) The state board may use up to 6% of money appropriated for the purposes
170 described in this part to pay for administrative costs incurred in implementing the Partnerships
171 for Student Success Grant Program, including costs to conduct the evaluation described in
172 Subsection (1).
173 Section 4. Coordinating S.B. 137 with S.B. 72 -- Superseding technical and
174 substantive amendments.
175 If this S.B. 137 and S.B. 72, Revisor's Technical Corrections to Utah Code, both pass
176 and become law, it is the intent of the Legislature that the amendments to Section 53E-1-201 in
177 S.B. 137 supersede the amendments to Section 53E-1-201 in S.B. 72, when the Office of
178 Legislative Research and General Counsel prepares the Utah Code database for publication.