8 General Description:
9 This rules resolution modifies Senate rules.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This resolution:
12 ▸ modifies the language of rules provisions for improved clarity;
13 ▸ moves language placement for consistency of structure between similar House and
14 Senate rules;
15 ▸ provides clarifying cross references with related rules provisions;
16 ▸ modifies provisions governing the adoption of rules at the beginning of a session;
17 ▸ modifies provisions governing conflicts of interest;
18 ▸ modifies requirements for the rules committee to place certain bills directly on the
19 second reading or consent calendars;
20 ▸ modifies language in the readings requirements made by the secretary of the Senate
21 at the commencement of Legislative sessions; and
22 ▸ removes duplicative provisions.
23 Special Clauses:
24 None
25 Legislative Rules Affected:
27 SR1-1-101
28 SR2-3-101
29 SR3-1-102
30 SR3-1-104
32 Be it resolved by the Senate of the state of Utah:
33 Section 1. SR1-1-101 is amended to read:
34 SR1-1-101. Adoption, amendment, or suspension of Senate Rules.
35 (1) (a) The Senate shall adopt Senate Rules, by a constitutional two-thirds vote, at the
36 beginning of each [
37 convening in an odd-numbered year.
38 (b) If a motion to adopt the rules under Subsection (1)(a) meets or exceeds a majority
39 vote but fails to reach a constitutional two-thirds vote:
40 (i) rules adopted by the Senate during the immediately preceding annual general
41 session, as amended during that general session and any intervening session, apply to the
42 conduct of the Senate; and
43 (ii) the secretary of the Senate shall announce to the Senate that the previously adopted
44 rules apply to the newly convened Legislature.
45 (2) (a) Except as provided in this section:
46 (i) during an annual general session held in an even-numbered year, rules adopted by
47 the Senate during the immediately preceding general session, as amended during that general
48 session and any intervening session, apply to the conduct of the Senate; and
49 (ii) during any special session, Senate rules apply as provided in JR2-1-101.
50 (b) For a session described in Subsection (2)(a), the chief clerk shall announce to the
51 Senate that the previously adopted rules apply to the newly convened session.
52 [
54 existing rules may be suspended, amended, or repealed by a majority vote, except for those
55 rules that require a two-thirds vote to adopt, suspend, amend, or repeal, including:
56 (a) rules governing motions for lifting tabled legislation from committee[
58 (b) rules governing consideration of legislation during the last three days of a session.
59 (4) (a) A rule that includes a voting requirement of more than a constitutional majority
60 must be adopted and may only be amended, suspended, or repealed by a constitutional
61 two-thirds vote.
62 [
63 Utah statutes, the Senate may suspend that rule only as provided by that constitutional or
64 statutory provision.
65 Section 2. SR2-3-101 is amended to read:
66 SR2-3-101. Conflicts of interest.
67 (1) A Senator shall comply with the conflict of interest requirements provided in:
68 (a) Utah Code Title 20A, Chapter 11, Part 16, Conflict of Interest Disclosures; and
69 (b) JR6-1-201.
70 [
71 (2) When on the Senate floor, a senator may make a brief statement explaining any
72 conflict of interest during debate on legislation or immediately preceding or during the roll call.
73 Section 3. SR3-1-102 is amended to read:
74 SR3-1-102. Senate Rules Committee -- Assignment duties.
75 (1) (a) Subject to Subsection (1)(b), the presiding officer shall submit all legislation
76 introduced in the Senate to the Senate Rules Committee.
77 (b) The president may direct legislation to be sent directly to a standing committee or
78 to one of the Senate floor calendars.
79 (2) [
80 Rules Committee[
81 (a) examine the legislation referred to it for proper form, including fiscal note and
82 committee note, if any; and
83 [
84 [
85 [
86 legislation be:
87 (A) [
88 (B) [
89 reading calendar;
90 (C) [
91 the consent calendar; or
92 (D) if during the last week of the legislative session, [
93 second time and placed on the third reading calendar[
94 (ii) hold the legislation.
95 (3) During an annual general session, the Senate Rules Committee many not refer
96 legislation to the Senate with a recommendation under Subsection (2)(b)(i)(B) or (2)(b)(i)(C)
97 unless:
98 (a) (i) a Senate standing committee has given the legislation a favorable
99 recommendation; or
100 (ii) the legislation is described in SR3-2-401(2); and
101 (b) as applicable, the legislation satisfies the posting requirements of JR7-1-602.5.
102 [
105 (4) If the chair of the Senate Rules Committee receives a summary report from the
106 Occupational and Professional Licensure Review Committee related to newly regulating an
107 occupation or profession within the two calendar years immediately preceding the session in
108 which a piece of legislation is introduced related to the regulation by the Division of
109 Occupational and Professional Licensing of that occupation or profession:
110 (a) the chair of the Senate Rules Committee shall ensure that the Senate Rules
111 Committee is informed of the summary report before the Senate Rules Committee takes action
112 on the legislation; and
113 (b) if the Senate Rules Committee refers the legislation to the Senate as provided in
114 Subsection [
115 (i) the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel shall make the summary
116 report reasonably available to the public and to legislators; and
117 (ii) if the legislation is referred to a standing committee, the Senate Rules Committee
118 shall forward the summary report to the standing committee.
119 (5) In carrying out its functions and responsibilities under this rule, the Senate Rules
120 Committee may not amend, substitute, or table legislation without the written consent of the
121 sponsor.
122 Section 4. SR3-1-104 is amended to read:
123 SR3-1-104. Request to require committee review.
124 [
127 [
130 [
131 the second or third reading calendar without standing committee review, any three senators
132 may[
133 committee before the legislation's consideration on the floor.
134 [
135 bill to a standing committee.