


Chief Sponsor: Stephen G. Handy

Senate Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper


8     General Description:
9          This bill makes temporary changes to the Election Code and related provisions, as they
10     relate to the 2020 regular general election only, to conduct the election in a manner that
11     protects the public health and safety in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, and modifies
12     ballot harvesting provisions in relation to all elections.
13     Highlighted Provisions:
14          This bill:
15          ▸     preempts conflicts between this bill and other provisions of the Utah Code, emergency
16     declarations, and other restrictions;
17          ▸     requires the lieutenant governor's office to:
18               •     issue protocols to protect the health and safety of voters and government
19                    employees, including poll workers, in the conduct of the 2020 regular general
20     election; and
21               •     conduct a campaign to educate the public on the provisions of this bill and to
22     encourage voting by mail;
23          ▸     authorizes the lieutenant governor's office to make other modifications relating to
24     deadlines, locations, and methods of conducting the 2020 regular general election to
25     the extent the modifications are necessary to carry out the provisions of this bill;
26          ▸     modifies election notice provisions to inform voters of changes applicable to the 2020
27     regular general election;

28          ▸     modifies multiple provisions relating to the 2020 regular general election, including that:
29               •     the election will be conducted primarily by mail; and
30               •     a county is required to provide in-person voting, for both early voting and on
31     election day, by traditional voting or outdoor voting;
32          ▸     lists several code provisions that are not in effect, or that are otherwise modified, for
33     the 2020 regular general election;
34          ▸     provides for accessible voting options for a voter with a disability for the 2020 regular
35     general election;
36          ▸     for the 2020 regular general election, provides that the lieutenant governor's office
37     may issue an order cancelling traditional in-person voting and cancelling the
38     requirement to provide some method of in-person voting, in specific counties or
39     statewide (health order), if the lieutenant governor's office determines that cancellation
40     is necessary to protect the public health and welfare;
41          ▸     for the 2020 regular general election, provides that, if a county is subject to a health
42     order:
43               •     the county may, but is not required to, provide in-person outdoor voting; and
44               •     if the county chooses not to provide in-person outdoor voting, there will be no
45     in-person voter registration and no voter registration by provisional ballot;
46          ▸     for the 2020 regular general election, provides that, if the lieutenant governor issues a
47     health order in relation to one or more counties or statewide, the postmark deadline for
48     mailing a ballot is extended to the day of the election;
49          ▸     modifies ballot harvesting provisions for all elections;
50          ▸     repeals all provisions of this bill, except the ballot harvesting provisions, on January 1,
51     2021; and
52          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
53     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
54          None
55     Other Special Clauses:
56          This bill provides a special effective date.
57     Utah Code Sections Affected:
58     AMENDS:

59          20A-3a-501, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 31
60          63I-2-220, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapters 31 and 49
61     ENACTS:
62          20A-1-310, Utah Code Annotated 1953

64     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
65          Section 1. Section 20A-1-310 is enacted to read:
66          20A-1-310. Regular general election, 2020 -- COVID-19 measures.
67          (1) As used in this section, and for the 2020 regular general election:
68          (a) (i) "Building" means, except as provided in Subsection (1)(a)(ii), a structure that is
69     completely enclosed from the exterior by walls and a roof.
70          (ii) "Building" does not include a structure approved by the election officer for voters to
71     drive through the structure.
72          (b) (i) "Outdoor voting" means a voting procedure where the voter does not enter a
73     building at any time during the voting process.
74          (ii) "Outdoor voting" includes voting by:
75          (A) walking up to, or driving up to, an exterior window of a building;
76          (B) walking up to, or driving up to, an outdoor location; or
77          (C) driving through a structure approved by the election officer for voters to drive through
78     the structure.
79          (c) "Outdoor voting station" means a location described in Subsection (1)(b)(ii) where
80     outdoor voting occurs.
81          (d) "Polling place" means:
82          (i) a building where polling is conducted; or
83          (ii) an outdoor voting station.
84          (2) In relation to conducting the 2020 regular general election, the Legislature takes the
85     action described in this section to protect the public health and safety in relation to the COVID-19
86     pandemic.
87          (3) If any provision of the Utah Code conflicts with a provision of this section, this section
88     prevails.

89          (4) Notwithstanding any emergency declaration issued under the authority of this state, or
90     any other restriction imposed by the governor, the Department of Health, a local government, a
91     local health department, or any other government entity of the state, and consistent with the
92     requirements of this section, the conduct of the 2020 regular general election:
93          (a) subject to the provisions of this section, is an essential service, including voting, voter
94     registration, the mailing of ballots, the return of completed ballots, the processing of ballots, the
95     counting and tallying of votes, and the release of election results; and
96          (b) except as expressly provided in this section, is not prohibited or affected by the
97     emergency declaration or restriction.
98          (5) The lieutenant governor's office shall, in consultation with the county clerks and
99     consistent with the provisions of this section and other applicable requirements of law, issue
100     protocols to protect the health and safety of voters and government employees in the conduct of
101     the 2020 regular general election, including:
102          (a) requiring poll workers to use protective gear and to wash hands regularly;
103          (b) prohibiting ill poll workers from working; and
104          (c) promoting, to the extent practicable, social distancing between poll workers.
105          (6) The lieutenant governor's office shall conduct a campaign to:
106          (a) educate the public on the provisions of this section, especially provisions relating to
107     changes in the voter registration, voting methods, and voting process; and
108          (b) encourage voters to vote by mail rather than at an outdoor voting station.
109          (7) The lieutenant governor's office may make other modifications relating to deadlines,
110     locations, and methods of conducting the 2020 regular general election to the extent the
111     modifications are necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.
112          (8) Except as provided in Subsections (12) and (13), for the 2020 regular general election
113     only:
114          (a) a county shall:
115          (i) conduct the election primarily by mail;
116          (ii) provide in-person voting on election day and during early voting, via one or more of
117     the following in-person voting methods:
118          (A) traditional in-person voting at a polling location in a building; or
119          (B) outdoor voting;

120          (b) a covered voter, as defined in Section 20A-16-102, may vote in any manner approved
121     by the election officer;
122          (c) an election officer shall:
123          (i) provide a method of accessible voting to a voter with a disability who is not able to
124     vote by mail; and
125          (ii) include, on the election officer's website and with each ballot mailed, instructions
126     regarding how a voter described in Subsection (8)(c)(i) may vote;
127          (d) an individual assisting a voter described in Subsection (8)(c)(i) may vote at the same
128     time and place as the voter;
129          (e) the notice of election shall include the following statement: "To help prevent the
130     spread of the coronavirus, for the 2020 regular general election only:
131          • the election will be conducted primarily by mail;
132          • unless cancelled due to health concerns, it is anticipated that in-person voting will be
133     available by [indicate the methods of in-person voting that will be available in the county and a
134     web address where an individual may obtain more information about voting in-person];
135          • drop boxes will be available for depositing mail-in ballots until 8 p.m. on election day;
136     and
137          • unless cancelled due to health concerns, it is anticipated that registration by provisional
138     ballot will be available at a polling place.
139          In-person voting is subject to cancellation or change, due to health concerns, as late as
140     seven days before the day of the election. If in-person voting is cancelled, voting will be by mail or
141     ballot drop box only.
142          An individual with a disability who is not able to vote a manual ballot by mail may obtain
143     information on voting in an accessible manner from the county's website, by contacting the county
144     clerk, or by reviewing the information included with a ballot mailed to the voter.";
145          (f) subject to Subsection (9), the following are in effect in a county only if in-person
146     voting is available in the county and only to the extent the in-person voting occurs via the method
147     of in-person voting in effect in the county:
148          (i) in relation to voter registration:
149          (A) Subsections 20A-2-102.5(2)(b) and (2)(c); and
150          (B) the portion of Subsections 20A-2-202(3)(b), 20A-2-204(6)(c)(iii), 20A-2-205(7)(b),

151     and 20A-2-206(9)(b) following the words "pending election";
152          (ii) in relation to polling places:
153          (A) Sections 20A-3a-203, 20A-3a-402, 20A-4-101, 20A-4-102, 20A-4-103, 20A-5-403,
154     20A-5-404, 20A-5-406, 20A-5-407, and 20A-6-203;
155          (B) Subsections 20A-3a-201(1)(b) and (c), 20A-3a-202(2)(a)(iv), 20A-3a-209(1) and (2),
156     20A-4-202(2)(a), 20A-5-102(2), 20A-5-205(2), and 20A-5-405(1)(i) and (3)(b)(ii);
157          (C) Subsections 20A-5-101(4)(b), (4)(c), (4)(e), and (6)(c)(iii);
158          (D) Subsections 20A-3a-204(2)(b)(i), (3), (4), (7), (8), and (9); and
159          (E) the portion of Subsection 20A-5-102(1)(c)(xiii) following the words "date of the
160     election";
161          (iii) in relation to an election day voting center, Chapter 3a, Part 7, Election Day Voting
162     Center, Subsection 20A-3a-202(2)(a)(iv) and (v) and (8)(a) and (b), and Subsection
163     20A-7-801(3)(e);
164          (iv) relating to early voting, Chapter 3a, Part 6, Early Voting, and Subsection
165     20A-3a-202(8)(c);
166          (v) registration by provisional ballot, described in Section 20A-2-207;
167          (vi) in relation to bond elections:
168          (A) Subsections 11-14-202(3), (4)(a)(ii), (4)(a)(iv), (4)(b), and (6); and
169          (B) the portion of Subsection 11-14-202(4)(a)(iii) following the words "election officer's
170     website";
171          (vii) in relation to in-person voter registration that occurs on or after the effective date of
172     this bill, Section 20A-2-201, Subsection 20A-2-304(1)(a), and Subsection 20A-2-307(2)(a);
173          (viii) in relation to a provisional ballot, the portion of Subsection 20A-3a-804(3)(b)(ii)
174     following the words "provisional ballot";
175          (ix) in relation to voting a provisional ballot in-person, Section 20A-3a-205; and
176          (x) in relation to a challenge at a polling place, Section 20A-3a-805;
177          (g) provisional ballots, described in Section 20A-3a-205, may only be cast:
178          (i) by mail;
179          (ii) at a polling location for in-person voting, if in-person voting is available in the county
180     and only to the extent the in-person voting occurs via the method of in-person voting in effect in
181     the county; or

182          (iii) for an individual with a disability, as otherwise authorized by the election officer;
183          (h) the statement described in Subsections 20A-5-101(4)(d) and 20A-7-702(1)(m) and
184     (1)(n) shall refer to the following:
185          (i) polling places, if in-person voting is available in the county and only to the extent the
186     in-person voting occurs via the method of in-person voting in effect in the county; and
187          (ii) ballot drop boxes;
188          (i) the statement described in Subsection 20A-5-101(6)(b) shall state "A [indicate election
189     type] will be held in [indicate the jurisdiction] on [indicate date of election]. Information relating to
190     the election, including ballot drop box locations, polling locations, accessible options for voters with
191     a disability, and qualifications of voters may be obtained from the following sources:";
192          (j) notwithstanding Subsection 20A-3a-202(10), the election officer shall mail a manual
193     ballot to each active voter who is eligible to vote in the election, regardless of whether the voter
194     has requested that the election officer not send a ballot by mail to the voter;
195          (k) the election officer may modify the number of poll workers to an amount that the
196     election officer determines is appropriate and may alter or otherwise designate the duties of poll
197     workers in general, and of each individual poll worker;
198          (l) the election officer may reduce the number of watchers and alter or otherwise
199     regulate the placement and conduct of watchers as the election officer determines is appropriate;
200          (m) Subsection 20A-2-102.5(2)(a)(i), relating to voter registration at the office of the
201     county clerk, is in effect only if permitted, and only to the extent permitted, by the election officer;
202          (n) Section 20A-3a-105, relating to an employee's right to time off for an election, is not in
203     effect, except:
204          (i) as it applies to an individual with a disability; or
205          (ii) subject to Subsection (9), in a county where in-person voting is available on election
206     day;
207          (o) in relation to a ballot drop box, the words "in line at" in Subsection 20A-3a-204(2)(d)
208     are replaced with the words "waiting in the vicinity of";
209          (p) in relation to assisting a voter, the words "or otherwise vote" are inserted immediately
210     after the words "enter a polling place" in Subsection 20A-3a-208(1);
211          (q) Section 20A-3a-301, relating to emergency ballots, is in effect only to the extent that
212     the process can be completed:

213          (i) by mail;
214          (ii) if approved by the lieutenant governor's office, by electronic means; or
215          (iii) in-person, if approved by the election officer;
216          (r) Subsection 20A-3a-804(1)(b), relating to a pre-election challenge to a voter, shall be
217     completed by mail;
218          (s) Subsection 20A-3a-804(4)(a) is not in effect, and the election officer is, instead,
219     required to determine whether each challenged individual is eligible to vote before the day on
220     which the canvass is held;
221          (t) the requirement in Subsection 20A-4-303(1)(b) regarding a public canvass may be
222     fulfilled by recording the canvass and making the recording available to the public;
223          (u) the posting requirements described in Subsections 20A-5-403.5(3)(b) and
224     20A-5-405(1)(h)(i) and (2)(c)(ii) are not in effect;
225          (v) the "in-person" requirement in Subsection 20A-7-609.5(3)(a)(i) is not in effect;
226          (w) any duty of care owed by a government entity in relation to voting at a polling place is
227     the sole responsibility of the county, not the state, but this section does not impose a duty of care
228     or other legal liability not already owed under the provisions of law;
229          (x) in Subsection 20A-3a-202(2)(a), the words "send or" are inserted immediately before
230     the word "mail"; and
231          (y) for a county where there is a significant risk that timely-mailed ballots may be
232     postmarked too late to be counted as valid, the county shall:
233          (i) work with the local post office to arrange for the post office to separate and
234     date-stamp the ballots in a manner that accurately reflects that the ballots were timely mailed; or
235          (ii) place additional secure drop boxes in the county, starting at least two days before the
236     election, that will be emptied by poll workers at 8:00 pm on the day of the election.
237          (9) A county clerk may, consistent with the provisions of this section and the other
238     requirements of law that remain in effect for the 2020 regular general election, alter requirements
239     relating to a polling place to the extent necessary to address the practical differences between
240     outdoor voting and voting in a building.
241          (10) A county that provides outdoor voting:
242          (a) shall operate one or more outdoor voting stations:
243          (i) during early voting hours; and

244          (ii) during normal polling hours on election day;
245          (b) may not operate an outdoor voting station at any time other than a time described in
246     Subsection (10)(a);
247          (c) may permit a voter to access an outdoor voting station by walking up to the voting
248     station or driving up to the voting station;
249          (d) shall establish procedures and requirements to protect the health and welfare of
250     voters and poll workers at an outdoor voting station, including the use of protective gear;
251          (e) shall operate the outdoor voting station in a manner that permits a voter to vote in one
252     or more of the following manners:
253          (i) while remaining outside; or
254          (ii) while remaining in the voter's vehicle; and
255          (f) shall take measures to ensure that a voter's vote is secret and secure.
256          (11) An individual in line at an outdoor voting station at 8 p.m. on election day may vote at
257     the outdoor voting station.
258          (12) (a) The lieutenant governor's office may, no later than seven days before election
259     day, issue an order cancelling traditional in-person voting and cancelling the requirement to
260     provide a method of in-person voting, in specific counties or statewide, if the lieutenant governor's
261     office determines that cancellation is necessary to protect the public health and welfare.
262          (b) A voter who waits to vote assumes the risk that in-person voting and in-person voter
263     registration may be cancelled to protect the public health and welfare.
264          (c) If the lieutenant governor's office issues an order under Subsection (12)(a) relating to
265     one, more, or all counties, the following applies statewide:
266          (i) the deadline for a postmark or other mark described in Subsection 20A-3a-204(2)(a)(i)
267     is extended to on or before election day; and
268          (ii) an election officer may not release any ballot counts or any other election results or
269     updates to the public before 10 p.m. on election day.
270          (13) If the lieutenant governor's office issues the order described in Subsection (12), with
271     respect to a county to which the order applies:
272          (a) the county may not provide traditional in-person voting, except as may be necessary
273     to ensure the ability of an individual with a disability to vote;
274          (b) the county may, but is not required to, provide outdoor voting;

275          (c) the county shall, as soon as reasonably possible and in the manner that the county
276     clerk determines is best under the circumstances, give notice of:
277          (i) the cancellation of traditional in-person voting; and
278          (ii) whether the county will provide outdoor voting;
279          (d) if all in-person voting is cancelled in the county, a voter in the county must vote by
280     returning the ballot that the voter received by mail to the election officer via mail or via placement
281     in a ballot box;
282          (e) if the county decides to provide outdoor voting, the county will provide outdoor voting
283     during the early voting period for the county and during polling hours on election day;
284          (f) in relation to the county, Subsection 20A-2-102.5(2)(a)(i), relating to voter registration
285     at the office of the county clerk, is not in effect; and
286          (g) in relation to the county, Subsection (8)(q)(iii), related to in-person voting, is not in
287     effect.
288          (14) This section does not supersede a federal court order entered in relation to elections
289     in San Juan County.
290          Section 2. Section 20A-3a-501 is amended to read:
291          20A-3a-501. Prohibited conduct at polling place -- Other prohibited activities.
292          (1) As used in this section:
293          (a) "electioneering" includes any oral, printed, or written attempt to persuade persons to
294     refrain from voting or to vote for or vote against any candidate or issue; and
295          (b) "polling place" means the physical place where ballots are cast and includes the
296     physical place where a ballot drop box is located.
297          (2) (a) An individual may not, within a polling place or in any public area within 150 feet of
298     the building where a polling place is located:
299          (i) do any electioneering;
300          (ii) circulate cards or handbills of any kind;
301          (iii) solicit signatures to any kind of petition; or
302          (iv) engage in any practice that interferes with the freedom of voters to vote or disrupts
303     the administration of the polling place.
304          (b) A county, municipality, school district, or local district may not prohibit electioneering
305     that occurs more than 150 feet from the building where a polling place is located, but may regulate

306     the place and manner of that electioneering to protect the public safety.
307          (3) (a) An individual may not obstruct the doors or entries to a building in which a polling
308     place is located or prevent free access to and from any polling place.
309          (b) A sheriff, deputy sheriff, or municipal law enforcement officer shall prevent the
310     obstruction of the entrance to a polling place and may arrest an individual creating an obstruction.
311          (4) An individual may not solicit any voter to show the voter's ballot.
312          [(5) An individual may not receive a voted ballot from any voter or deliver an unused
313     ballot to a voter unless that individual is a poll worker.]
314          (5) (a) An individual may not knowingly possess or control another individual's voted
315     manual ballot, unless:
316          (i) the individual is an election official or postal worker acting in the capacity of an
317     election official or postal worker;
318          (ii) the individual possesses or controls the voted ballot in accordance with Section
319     20A-3a-301, relating to emergency ballots;
320          (iii) the possession or control is authorized in order to deliver a military-overseas ballot in
321     accordance with Chapter 16, Uniform Military and Overseas Voting Act;
322          (iv) subject to Section 20A-3a-208, the individual is authorized by a voter to possess or
323     control the voter's voted ballot if the voter needs assistance delivering the ballot due to the voter's
324     age, illness, or disability; or
325          (v) the individual resides in the same household as the voter.
326          (b) A violation of Subsection (5)(a) does not invalidate the ballot.
327          (6) An individual who violates any provision of this section is, in addition to the penalties
328     described in Subsections 20A-1-609(2) and (3), guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
329          (7) A political subdivision may not prohibit political signs that are located more than 150
330     feet away from a polling place, but may regulate their placement to protect public safety.
331          Section 3. Section 63I-2-220 is amended to read:
332          63I-2-220. Repeal dates -- Title 20A.
333          (1) On January 1, 2021:
334          (a) Subsection 20A-1-201.5(1), the language that states "Except as provided in
335     Subsection (4)," is repealed.
336          (b) Subsection 20A-1-201.5(4) is repealed.

337          (c) Subsections 20A-1-204(1)(a)(i) through (iii) are repealed and replaced with the
338     following:
339          "(i) the fourth Tuesday in June; or
340          (ii) the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.".
341          (d) In Subsections 20A-1-503(4)(c), 20A-9-202(3)(a), 20A-9-403(3)(d)(ii), 20A-9-407(5)
342     and (6)(a), and 20A-9-408(5), immediately following the reference to Subsection 20A-9-202(1)(b),
343     the language that states "(i) or (ii)" is repealed.
344          (e) Subsection 20A-9-202(1)(b) is repealed and replaced with the following:
345          "(b) Unless expressly provided otherwise in this title, for a registered political party that is
346     not a qualified political party, the deadline for filing a declaration of candidacy for an elective
347     office that is to be filled at the next regular general election is 5 p.m. on the first Monday after the
348     third Saturday in April.";
349          (f) Subsection 20A-9-409(4)(c) is repealed and replaced with the following:
350          "(c) The deadline described in Subsection (4)(b) is 5 p.m. on the first Wednesday after
351     the third Saturday in April.".
352          (2) Subsection 20A-5-803(8) is repealed July 1, 2023.
353          (3) Section 20A-5-804 is repealed July 1, 2023.
354          (4) On January 1, 2026:
355          (a) In Subsection 20A-1-102(18)(a), the language that states "or [Title 20A,] Chapter 4,
356     Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project" is repealed.
357          (b) In Subsections 20A-1-303(1)(a) and (b), the language that states "Except as provided
358     in Title 20A, Chapter 4, Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project," is repealed.
359          (c) In Section 20A-1-304, the language that states "Except for a race conducted by
360     instant runoff voting under Title 20A, Chapter 4, Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot
361     Project," is repealed.
362          (d) In Subsection 20A-3a-204(1)(a), (c), or (d), the language that states "except as
363     provided in Subsection (6)," is repealed.
364          (e) Subsection 20A-3a-204 (5)(b), the language that states "subject to Subsection (6)," is
365     repealed.
366          (f) Subsection 20A-3a-204(6) is repealed and the remaining subsections in Section
367     20A-3a-204 are renumbered accordingly.

368          (g) In Subsection 20A-4-101(2)(c), the language that states "Except as provided in
369     Subsection (2)(f)," is repealed.
370          (h) Subsection 20A-4-101(2)(f) is repealed.
371          (i) Subsection 20A-4-101(3) is repealed and replaced with the following:
372          "(3) To resolve questions that arise during the counting of ballots, a counting judge shall
373     apply the standards and requirements of Section 20A-4-105.".
374          (j) In Subsection 20A-4-102(1)(b), the language that states "or a rule made under
375     Subsection 20A-4-101(2)(f)(i)" is repealed.
376          (k) Subsection 20A-4-102(1)(c) is repealed and replaced with the following:
377          "(b) To resolve questions that arise during the counting of ballots, a counting judge shall
378     apply the standards and requirements of Section 20A-4-105.".
379          (l) In Subsection 20A-4-102(6)(a), the language that states ", except as provided in [Title
380     20A, Chapter 4,] Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project, or a rule made under
381     Subsection 20A-4-101(2)(f)(i)" is repealed.
382          (m) In Subsection 20A-4-105(1)(a), the language that states ", except as otherwise
383     provided in [Title 20A, Chapter 4,] Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project," is
384     repealed.
385          (n) In Subsection 20A-4-105(2), the language that states "Subsection 20A-3a-204(6), or
386     [Title 20A, Chapter 4,] Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project," is repealed.
387          (o) In Subsections 20A-4-105(3), (4), and (11), the language that states "Except as
388     otherwise provided in [Title 20A, Chapter 4,] Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot
389     Project," is repealed.
390          (p) In Subsection 20A-4-106(2), the language that states "or Title 20A, Chapter 4, Part 6,
391     Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project" is repealed.
392          (q) In Subsection 20A-4-304(1)(a), the language that states "except as provided in [Title
393     20A, Chapter 4,] Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project," is repealed.
394          (r) Subsection 20A-4-304(2)(e) is repealed and replaced with the following:
395          "(v) from each voting precinct:
396          (A) the number of votes for each candidate; and
397          (B) the number of votes for and against each ballot proposition;".
398          (s) Subsection 20A-4-401(1)(a) is repealed, the remaining subsections in Subsection (1)

399     are renumbered accordingly, and the cross-references to those subsections are renumbered
400     accordingly.
401          (t) Title 20A, Chapter 4, Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project, is
402     repealed.
403          (u) Subsections 20A-5-400.1(1)(c) and (d), relating to contracting with a local political
404     subdivision to conduct an election, is repealed.
405          (v) In Section 20A-5-802, relating to the certification of voting equipment:
406          (i) delete "Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b)(ii):" from the beginning of Subsection
407     (2); and
408          (ii) Subsection (2)(b)(ii) is repealed, and the remaining subsections are renumbered
409     accordingly.
410          (w) Section 20A-6-203.5 is repealed.
411          (x) In Subsections 20A-6-402(1) and (2), the language that states "Except as otherwise
412     required for a race conducted by instant runoff voting under Title 20A, Chapter 4, Part 6,
413     Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project," is repealed.
414          (y) In Subsection 20A-9-203(3)(a)(i), the language that states "or Title 20A, Chapter 4,
415     Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project" is repealed.
416          (z) In Subsection 20A-9-203(3)(c)(i), the language that states "except as provided in Title
417     20A, Chapter 4, Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project," is repealed.
418          (aa) In Subsection 20A-9-404(1)(a), the language that states "or Title 20A, Chapter 4,
419     Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project" is repealed.
420          (bb) In Subsection 20A-9-404(2), the language that states "Except as otherwise provided
421     in Title 20A, Chapter 4, Part 6, Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project," is repealed.
422          (5) Section 20A-7-407 is repealed January 1, 2021.
423          (6) Section 20A-1-310 is repealed January 1, 2021.
424          Section 4. Effective date.
425          If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, this bill takes effect
426     upon approval by the governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah
427     Constitution, Article VII, Section 8, without the governor's signature, or in the case of a veto, the
428     date of veto override.