6 Cosponsors:
7 Gay Lynn Bennion
8 Joel K. Briscoe
9 Sandra Hollins
10 Brian S. King
11 Karen Kwan
Rosemary T. Lesser
Ashlee Matthews
Carol Spackman Moss
Doug Owens
Stephanie Pitcher
Angela Romero
Andrew Stoddard
Elizabeth Weight
Mark A. Wheatley
14 General Description:
15 This bill modifies provisions related to the care of prisoners.
16 Highlighted Provisions:
17 This bill:
18 ▸ requires a jail to provide a prisoner with the option of continuing certain medically
19 prescribed methods of contraception;
20 ▸ provides a sunset date; and
21 ▸ makes technical changes.
22 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
23 None
24 Other Special Clauses:
25 None
26 Utah Code Sections Affected:
28 17-22-8, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 385
29 63I-2-217, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapters 47, 114, and 434
31 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
32 Section 1. Section 17-22-8 is amended to read:
33 17-22-8. Care of prisoners -- Funding of services -- Private contractor.
34 (1) Except as provided in Subsection [
35 (a) receive [
36 (b) provide [
37 manner prescribed by the county legislative body; [
38 (c) provide each prisoner medical care when:
39 (i) the [
40 (ii) the [
41 alleviated; and
42 (iii) the potential for harm to the person by reason of delay or the denial of medical
43 care would be substantial[
44 (d) provide each prisoner, as part of the intake process, with the option of continuing
45 any of the following medically prescribed methods of contraception:
46 (i) an oral contraceptive;
47 (ii) an injectable contraceptive; or
48 (iii) an intrauterine device, if the prisoner was prescribed the intrauterine device
49 because the prisoner experiences serious and persistent adverse effects when using the methods
50 of contraception described in Subsections (1)(d)(i) and (ii).
51 (2) A sheriff may provide the generic form of a contraceptive described in Subsection
52 (1)(d)(i) or (ii).
53 [
54 pregnant and gives birth, including the reporting requirements in Subsection 64-13-45(2)(c).
55 [
56 providing [
57 treasury, except as provided in Section 17-22-10.
58 (b) The expense incurred in providing the services described in Subsection (1)(d) to
59 prisoners shall be paid by the Department of Health.
60 [
61 services required by this section, the sheriff shall provide only those services required of [
62 the sheriff by the contract between the county and the private contractor.
63 Section 2. Section 63I-2-217 is amended to read:
64 63I-2-217. Repeal dates -- Title 17.
65 (1) (a) Subsections 17-22-8(1)(d) and (2) regarding contraceptives for inmates, is
66 repealed June 30, 2022.
67 (b) Subsection 17-22-8(4)(a), the language "Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b)" is
68 repealed June 30, 2022.
69 (c) Subsection 17-22-8(4)(b) regarding the Department of Health is repealed June 30,
70 2022.
71 (d) On July 1, 2022, when making the changes in this section, the Office of Legislative
72 Research and General Counsel shall in addition to its authority under Subsection 36-12-12(3):
73 (i) make corrections necessary to ensure that sections and subsections identified in this
74 section are complete sentences and accurately reflect the office's understanding of the
75 Legislature's intent; and
76 (ii) make necessary changes to subsection numbering and cross references.
77 [
78 2021.
79 [
80 Study Council, is repealed January 1, 2021.
81 [
82 mountainous planning district" is repealed June 1, 2021.
83 [
84 is repealed June 1, 2021.
85 (b) Subsection 17-27a-103(42), regarding a mountainous planning district, is repealed
86 June 1, 2021.
87 [
88 planning district area" is repealed June 1, 2021.
89 [
90 district, is repealed June 1, 2021.
91 (b) Subsection 17-27a-301(1)(c), regarding a mountainous planning district, is repealed
92 June 1, 2021.
93 (c) Subsection 17-27a-301(3)(a), the language that states " or (c)" is repealed June 1,
94 2021.
95 [
96 district" and "or the mountainous planning district," is repealed June 1, 2021.
97 [
98 planning district or" and ", as applicable" is repealed June 1, 2021.
99 [
100 district, is repealed June 1, 2021.
101 (b) Subsection 17-27a-401(7), regarding a mountainous planning district, is repealed
102 June 1, 2021.
103 [
104 district, is repealed June 1, 2021.
105 (b) Subsection 17-27a-403(1)(c)(iii), regarding a mountainous planning district, is
106 repealed June 1, 2021.
107 (c) Subsection 17-27a-403(2)(a)(iii), the language that states "or the mountainous
108 planning district" is repealed June 1, 2021.
109 (d) Subsection 17-27a-403(2)(c)(i), the language that states "or mountainous planning
110 district" is repealed June 1, 2021.
111 [
112 district, is repealed June 1, 2021.
113 [
114 district, is repealed June 1, 2021.
115 [
116 mountainous planning district, the mountainous planning district" is repealed June 1, 2021.
117 [
118 district, is repealed June 1, 2021.
119 [
120 planning district land" is repealed June 1, 2021.
121 [
122 June 1, 2021.
123 [
124 Legislative Research and General Counsel shall:
125 (a) in addition to its authority under Subsection 36-12-12(3):
126 (i) make corrections necessary to ensure that sections and subsections identified in this
127 section are complete sentences and accurately reflect the office's understanding of the
128 Legislature's intent; and
129 (ii) make necessary changes to subsection numbering and cross references; and
130 (b) identify the text of the affected sections and subsections based upon the section and
131 subsection numbers used in Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 448.
132 [
133 services in a designated recreation area, is repealed June 1, 2021.
134 [
135 repealed January 1, 2022.
136 [
137 (a) Section 17-52a-104 is repealed;
138 (b) in Subsection 17-52a-301(3)(a), the language that states "or under a provision
139 described in Subsection 17-52a-104(1)(b) or (2)(b)," is repealed; and
140 (c) Subsection 17-52a-301(3)(a)(iv), regarding the first initiated process, is repealed.
141 [
142 initiate a change of form of government process by July 1, 2018, is repealed.