7 Cosponsor:
8 Travis M. Seegmiller
11 General Description:
12 This bill amends provisions related to vehicle registration renewal and decals.
13 Highlighted Provisions:
14 This bill:
15 ▸ requires certain agencies to establish procedures for an individual to request
16 automatic renewal of registration on a vehicle or boat;
17 ▸ allows an individual to request automatic registration renewal;
18 ▸ allows special, permanent registration decals for certain rental or fleet vehicles; and
19 ▸ makes technical changes.
20 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
21 None
22 Other Special Clauses:
23 This bill provides a special effective date.
24 Utah Code Sections Affected:
26 41-1a-209, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2005, Chapter 47
27 41-1a-216, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 20
28 41-1a-217, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 406
29 41-1a-232, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 391
30 41-22-3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 412
31 73-18-7, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 303
33 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
34 Section 1. Section 41-1a-209 is amended to read:
35 41-1a-209. Application for registration -- Contents.
36 (1) An owner of a vehicle subject to registration under this part shall apply to the
37 division for registration on forms furnished by the division.
38 (2) The application for registration shall include:
39 (a) the signature of an owner of the vehicle to be registered;
40 (b) the name, bona fide residence and mailing address of the owner, or business
41 address of the owner if the owner is a firm, association, or corporation;
42 (c) a description of the vehicle including the make, model, type of body, the model year
43 as specified by the manufacturer, the number of cylinders, and the identification number of the
44 vehicle; [
45 (d) other information required by the division to enable it to determine whether the
46 owner is lawfully entitled to register the vehicle[
47 (e) an indication if the applicant is applying for automatic registration renewal as
48 described in Section 41-1a-216.
49 Section 2. Section 41-1a-216 is amended to read:
50 41-1a-216. Renewal of registration.
51 (1) The division may receive applications for registration renewal and issue new
52 registration cards at any time prior to the expiration of the registration, subject to the
53 availability of renewal materials.
54 (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsections (2)(c) and (3), the new registration shall
55 retain the same expiration month as recorded on the original registration even if the registration
56 has expired.
57 (b) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(c), the year of registration expiration shall be
58 changed to reflect the renewed registration period.
59 (c) If the application for renewal of registration is for a six-month registration period
60 under Section 41-1a-215.5, the new registration shall be for a six-month registration period that
61 begins with the first day of the calendar month following the last day of the expiration month
62 of the previous registration period as recorded on the original registration even if the
63 registration has expired.
64 (3) Subsection (2) does not apply if the owner can verify to the satisfaction of the
65 division that the vehicle registration was not renewed prior to its expiration due to the fact that
66 the vehicle was in storage, inoperable, or otherwise out of service.
67 (4) If the registration renewal application is an application generated by the division
68 through its automated system, the owner need not surrender the last registration card or
69 duplicate.
70 (5) A vehicle with an "EX" or "UHP" license plate, owned by an entity described in
71 Section 41-1a-407, is exempt from registration renewal requirements.
72 (6) The division shall establish a process by which an individual may request automatic
73 renewal of registration.
74 (7) An individual may request automatic renewal of registration as provided by the
75 division.
76 (8) If the vehicle is subject to an emissions inspection as described in Section
77 41-6a-1642 for the year for which a vehicle automatic registration is requested, the automatic
78 renewal is not effective until the vehicle has passed an emissions inspection as required in
79 Section 41-6a-1642.
80 (9) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
81 commission may make rules establishing procedures for an individual to apply for and the
82 division to administer automatic renewal of registration and automatic payment of fees as
83 required in this chapter and relevant taxes.
84 Section 3. Section 41-1a-217 is amended to read:
85 41-1a-217. Application for renewal of registration.
86 (1) (a) An applicant may renew a vehicle registration by:
87 [
88 [
89 (b) If an applicant is applying for automatic registration renewal as described in
90 Section 41-1a-216, the applicant shall provide payment information and other required
91 information as described in Section 41-1a-216 and relevant administrative rules made in
92 accordance with Subsection 41-1a-216(9).
93 (2) The applicant shall ensure that the application for registration renewal and the
94 payment for applicable fees or taxes is accompanied by a certificate of emissions inspection if
95 required under Section 41-6a-1642.
96 (3) The division shall issue a new registration card that contains:
97 (a) the identical information with respect to the owner and the vehicle description
98 required by Section 41-1a-213; and
99 (b) the new expiration date.
100 Section 4. Section 41-1a-232 is amended to read:
101 41-1a-232. Special fleet registration decals and license plates.
102 (1) As used in this section:
103 (a) "Rental agreement" has the same meaning as defined in Section 31A-22-311.
104 (b) "Rental company" has the same meaning as defined in Section 31A-22-311.
105 (c) "Rental fleet" means more than 25 motor vehicles that are:
106 (i) owned by a rental company;
107 (ii) offered for rental without a hired driver through a rental agreement; and
108 (iii) designated by the registered owner of the motor vehicle as a rental fleet vehicle at
109 the time of registration.
110 (2) (a) [
112 may obtain an alternative special registration card and registration decals for the license plates
113 if the motor vehicle is:
114 (i) (A) owned by a rental company; and
115 [
116 (ii) owned or leased as part of a commercial fleet and is not owned or leased by a rental
117 company.
118 (b) The registration card and registration decals for the license plates issued under
119 Subsection (2)(a) are valid for the life of the motor vehicle while the motor vehicle is
120 maintained in the rental fleet or is part of a commercial fleet.
121 (3) (a) An owner that receives the alternative special registration card and registration
122 decals for the license plates issued under this section shall:
123 (i) renew the registration in accordance with Section 41-1a-216; and
124 (ii) comply with all the prerequisites for registration or registration renewal under
125 Section 41-1a-203.
126 (b) Notwithstanding the registration renewals requirement under Subsection
127 41-1a-216(2)(b), the alternative special registration card and registration decals issued under
128 this section do not expire and are valid for the life of the motor vehicle while the motor vehicle
129 is maintained in the rental fleet or is part of a commercial fleet.
130 (4) If the registration renewal requirements under Subsection (3)(a) are not complied
131 with, the registration is suspended or revoked.
132 Section 5. Section 41-22-3 is amended to read:
133 41-22-3. Registration of vehicles -- Application -- Issuance of sticker and card --
134 Proof of property tax payment -- Records.
135 (1) (a) Unless exempted under Section 41-22-9, a person may not operate or transport
136 and an owner may not give another person permission to operate or transport any off-highway
137 vehicle on any public land, trail, street, or highway in this state unless the off-highway vehicle
138 is registered under this chapter for the current year.
139 (b) Unless exempted under Section 41-22-9, a dealer may not sell an off-highway
140 vehicle which can be used or transported on any public land, trail, street, or highway in this
141 state, unless the off-highway vehicle is registered or is in the process of being registered under
142 this chapter for the current year.
143 (2) (a) The owner of an off-highway vehicle subject to registration under this chapter
144 shall apply to the Motor Vehicle Division for registration on forms approved by the Motor
145 Vehicle Division.
146 (b) An owner of an off-highway vehicle may apply for automatic registration renewal
147 as described in Section 41-1a-216.
148 (3) Each application for registration of an off-highway vehicle shall be accompanied
149 by:
150 (a) evidence of ownership, a title, or a manufacturer's certificate of origin, and a bill of
151 sale showing ownership, make, model, horsepower or displacement, and serial number;
152 (b) the past registration card; or
153 (c) the fee for a duplicate.
154 (4) (a) Upon each annual registration, the Motor Vehicle Division shall issue a
155 registration sticker and a registration card for each off-highway vehicle registered.
156 (b) The registration sticker shall:
157 (i) contain a unique number using numbers, letters, or combination of numbers and
158 letters to identify the off-highway vehicle for which it is issued;
159 (ii) be affixed to the off-highway vehicle for which it is issued in a plainly visible
160 position as prescribed by rule of the board under Section 41-22-5.1; and
161 (iii) be maintained free of foreign materials and in a condition to be clearly legible.
162 (c) At all times, a registration card shall be kept with the off-highway vehicle and shall
163 be available for inspection by a law enforcement officer.
164 (5) (a) Except as provided by Subsection (5)(c), an applicant for a registration card and
165 registration sticker shall provide the Motor Vehicle Division a certificate, described under
166 Subsection (5)(b), from the county assessor of the county in which the off-highway vehicle has
167 situs for taxation.
168 (b) The certificate required under Subsection (5)(a) shall state one of the following:
169 (i) the property tax on the off-highway vehicle for the current year has been paid;
170 (ii) in the county assessor's opinion, the tax is a lien on real property sufficient to
171 secure the payment of the tax; or
172 (iii) the off-highway vehicle is exempt by law from payment of property tax for the
173 current year.
174 (c) An off-highway vehicle for which an off-highway implement of husbandry sticker
175 has been issued in accordance with Section 41-22-5.5 is exempt from the requirement under
176 this Subsection (5).
177 (6) (a) All records of the division made or kept under this section shall be classified by
178 the Motor Vehicle Division in the same manner as motor vehicle records are classified under
179 Section 41-1a-116.
180 (b) Division records are available for inspection in the same manner as motor vehicle
181 records under Section 41-1a-116.
182 (7) A violation of this section is an infraction.
183 Section 6. Section 73-18-7 is amended to read:
184 73-18-7. Registration requirements -- Exemptions -- Fee -- Agents -- Records --
185 Period of registration and renewal -- Expiration -- Notice of transfer of interest or change
186 of address -- Duplicate registration card -- Invalid registration -- Powers of board.
187 (1) (a) Except as provided by Section 73-18-9, the owner of each motorboat and
188 sailboat on the waters of this state shall register it with the division as provided in this chapter.
189 (b) A person may not place, give permission for the placement of, operate, or give
190 permission for the operation of a motorboat or sailboat on the waters of this state, unless the
191 motorboat or sailboat is registered as provided in this chapter.
192 (2) (a) The owner of a motorboat or sailboat required to be registered shall file an
193 application for registration with the division on forms approved by the division.
194 (b) The owner of the motorboat or sailboat shall sign the application and pay the fee set
195 by the board in accordance with Section 63J-1-504.
196 (c) Before receiving a registration card and registration decals, the applicant shall
197 provide the division with a certificate from the county assessor of the county in which the
198 motorboat or sailboat has situs for taxation, stating that:
199 (i) the property tax on the motorboat or sailboat for the current year has been paid;
200 (ii) in the county assessor's opinion, the property tax is a lien on real property sufficient
201 to secure the payment of the property tax; or
202 (iii) the motorboat or sailboat is exempt by law from payment of property tax for the
203 current year.
204 (d) If the board modifies the fee under Subsection (2)(b), the modification shall take
205 effect on the first day of the calendar quarter after 90 days from the day on which the board
206 provides the State Tax Commission:
207 (i) notice from the board stating that the board will modify the fee; and
208 (ii) a copy of the fee modification.
209 (e) (i) The division may enter into an agreement with the Motor Vehicle Division
210 created in Section 41-1a-106 to administer the registration requirements described in this
211 chapter.
212 (ii) An individual may request automatic registration renewal as described in Section
213 41-1a-216.
214 (3) (a) Upon receipt of the application in the approved form, the division shall record
215 the receipt and issue to the applicant registration decals and a registration card that state the
216 number assigned to the motorboat or sailboat and the name and address of the owner.
217 (b) The registration card shall be available for inspection on the motorboat or sailboat
218 for which it was issued, whenever that motorboat or sailboat is in operation.
219 (4) The assigned number shall:
220 (a) be painted or permanently attached to each side of the forward half of the motorboat
221 or sailboat;
222 (b) consist of plain vertical block characters not less than three inches in height;
223 (c) contrast with the color of the background and be distinctly visible and legible;
224 (d) have spaces or hyphens equal to the width of a letter between the letter and numeral
225 groupings; and
226 (e) read from left to right.
227 (5) A motorboat or sailboat with a valid marine document issued by the United States
228 Coast Guard is exempt from the number display requirements of Subsection (4).
229 (6) The nonresident owner of any motorboat or sailboat already covered by a valid
230 number that has been assigned to it according to federal law or a federally approved numbering
231 system of the owner's resident state is exempt from registration while operating the motorboat
232 or sailboat on the waters of this state unless the owner is operating in excess of the reciprocity
233 period provided for in Subsection 73-18-9(1).
234 (7) (a) If the ownership of a motorboat or sailboat changes, the new owner shall file a
235 new application form and fee with the division, and the division shall issue a new registration
236 card and registration decals in the same manner as provided for in Subsections (2) and (3).
237 (b) The division shall reassign the current number assigned to the motorboat or sailboat
238 to the new owner to display on the motorboat or sailboat.
239 (8) If the United States Coast Guard has in force an overall system of identification
240 numbering for motorboats or sailboats within the United States, the numbering system
241 employed under this chapter by the board shall conform with that system.
242 (9) (a) The division may authorize any person to act as its agent for the registration of
243 motorboats and sailboats.
244 (b) A number assigned, a registration card, and registration decals issued by an agent of
245 the division in conformity with this chapter and rules of the board are valid.
246 (10) (a) The Motor Vehicle Division shall classify all records of the division made or
247 kept according to this section in the same manner that motor vehicle records are classified
248 under Section 41-1a-116.
249 (b) Division records are available for inspection in the same manner as motor vehicle
250 records pursuant to Section 41-1a-116.
251 (11) (a) (i) Each registration, registration card, and decal issued under this chapter shall
252 continue in effect for 12 months, beginning with the first day of the calendar month of
253 registration.
254 (ii) A registration may be renewed by the owner in the same manner provided for in the
255 initial application.
256 (iii) The division shall reassign the current number assigned to the motorboat or
257 sailboat when the registration is renewed.
258 (b) Each registration, registration card, and registration decal expires the last day of the
259 month in the year following the calendar month of registration.
260 (c) If the last day of the registration period falls on a day in which the appropriate state
261 or county offices are not open for business, the registration of the motorboat or sailboat is
262 extended to 12 midnight of the next business day.
263 (d) The division may receive applications for registration renewal and issue new
264 registration cards at any time before the expiration of the registration, subject to the availability
265 of renewal materials.
266 (e) The new registration shall retain the same expiration month as recorded on the
267 original registration even if the registration has expired.
268 (f) The year of registration shall be changed to reflect the renewed registration period.
269 (g) If the registration renewal application is an application generated by the division
270 through its automated system, the owner is not required to surrender the last registration card or
271 duplicate.
272 (12) (a) An owner shall notify the division of:
273 (i) the transfer of all or any part of the owner's interest, other than creation of a security
274 interest, in a motorboat or sailboat registered in this state under Subsections (2) and (3); and
275 (ii) the destruction or abandonment of the owner's motorboat or sailboat.
276 (b) Notification must take place within 15 days of the transfer, destruction, or
277 abandonment.
278 (c) (i) The transfer, destruction, or abandonment of a motorboat or sailboat terminates
279 its registration.
280 (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (12)(c)(i), a transfer of a part interest that does not
281 affect the owner's right to operate a motorboat or sailboat does not terminate the registration.
282 (13) (a) A registered owner shall notify the division within 15 days if the owner's
283 address changes from the address appearing on the registration card and shall, as a part of this
284 notification, furnish the division with the owner's new address.
285 (b) The board may provide in its rules for:
286 (i) the surrender of the registration card bearing the former address; and
287 (ii) (A) the replacement of the card with a new registration card bearing the new
288 address; or
289 (B) the alteration of an existing registration card to show the owner's new address.
290 (14) (a) If a registration card is lost or stolen, the division may collect a fee of $4 for
291 the issuance of a duplicate card.
292 (b) If a registration decal is lost or stolen, the division may collect a fee of $3 for the
293 issuance of a duplicate decal.
294 (15) A number other than the number assigned to a motorboat or sailboat or a number
295 for a motorboat or sailboat granted reciprocity under this chapter may not be painted, attached,
296 or otherwise displayed on either side of the bow of a motorboat or sailboat.
297 (16) A motorboat or sailboat registration and number are invalid if obtained by
298 knowingly falsifying an application for registration.
299 (17) The board may designate the suffix to assigned numbers, and by following the
300 procedures and requirements of Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
301 make rules for:
302 (a) the display of registration decals;
303 (b) the issuance and display of dealer numbers and registrations; and
304 (c) the issuance and display of temporary registrations.
305 (18) A violation of this section is an infraction.
306 Section 7. Effective date.
307 This bill takes effect on January 1, 2022.