


Chief Sponsor: Walt Brooks

Senate Sponsor: Don L. Ipson


8     General Description:
9          This bill changes the name of the Automated Geographic Reference Center.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     changes the name of the Automated Geographic Reference Center to the "Utah
13     Geospatial Resource Center"; and
14          ▸     makes technical changes.
15     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
16          None
17     Other Special Clauses:
18          This bill provides revisor instructions.
19     Utah Code Sections Affected:
20     AMENDS:
21          10-9a-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 202
22          10-9a-603, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 434
23          11-58-503, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 399
24          17-27a-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 188
25          17-27a-603, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 434
26          17-50-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 350
27          17B-1-106, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 445
28          17C-2-109, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 350
29          17C-3-108, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 350

30          17C-4-107, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 350
31          17C-5-111, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 350
32          20A-5-303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 335
33          20A-13-102.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 383
34          20A-13-104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 383
35          20A-14-102.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 455
36          20A-14-102.3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 455
37          20A-14-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 297
38          36-1-103.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 454
39          36-1-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 454
40          36-1-202.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 382
41          36-1-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 382
42          53G-3-204, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 3
43          54-3-28, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 445
44          63F-1-502, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 238
45          63F-1-506, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 350
46          63F-1-508, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 310
47          63H-1-403, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 282
48          63H-7a-304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapters 294 and 368
49          63N-3-501, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 182
50          67-1a-2.2, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Third Special Session, Chapter 9
51          67-1a-6.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 350
52          72-5-304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2005, Chapter 169
53          72-5-309, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapters 97 and 382

55     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
56          Section 1. Section 10-9a-203 is amended to read:
57          10-9a-203. Notice of intent to prepare a general plan or comprehensive general

58     plan amendments in certain municipalities.
59          (1) Before preparing a proposed general plan or a comprehensive general plan
60     amendment, each municipality within a county of the first or second class shall provide 10
61     calendar days notice of [its] the municipality's intent to prepare a proposed general plan or a
62     comprehensive general plan amendment:
63          (a) to each affected entity;
64          (b) to the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center
65     created in Section 63F-1-506;
66          (c) to the association of governments, established pursuant to an interlocal agreement
67     under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, of which the municipality is a member;
68     and
69          (d) on the Utah Public Notice Website created under Section 63F-1-701.
70          (2) Each notice under Subsection (1) shall:
71          (a) indicate that the municipality intends to prepare a general plan or a comprehensive
72     general plan amendment, as the case may be;
73          (b) describe or provide a map of the geographic area that will be affected by the general
74     plan or amendment;
75          (c) be sent by mail, e-mail, or other effective means;
76          (d) invite the affected entities to provide information for the municipality to consider in
77     the process of preparing, adopting, and implementing a general plan or amendment concerning:
78          (i) impacts that the use of land proposed in the proposed general plan or amendment
79     may have; and
80          (ii) uses of land within the municipality that the affected entity is considering that may
81     conflict with the proposed general plan or amendment; and
82          (e) include the address of an Internet website, if the municipality has one, and the name
83     and telephone number of [a person] an individual where more information can be obtained
84     concerning the municipality's proposed general plan or amendment.
85          Section 2. Section 10-9a-603 is amended to read:

86          10-9a-603. Plat required when land is subdivided -- Approval of plat -- Owner
87     acknowledgment, surveyor certification, and underground utility facility owner
88     verification of plat -- Recording plat.
89          (1) Unless exempt under Section 10-9a-605 or excluded from the definition of
90     subdivision under Section 10-9a-103, whenever any land is laid out and platted, the owner of
91     the land shall provide an accurate plat that describes or specifies:
92          (a) a subdivision name that is distinct from any subdivision name on a plat recorded in
93     the county recorder's office;
94          (b) the boundaries, course, and dimensions of all of the parcels of ground divided, by
95     their boundaries, course, and extent, whether the owner proposes that any parcel of ground is
96     intended to be used as a street or for any other public use, and whether any such area is
97     reserved or proposed for dedication for a public purpose;
98          (c) the lot or unit reference, block or building reference, street or site address, street
99     name or coordinate address, acreage or square footage for all parcels, units, or lots, and length
100     and width of the blocks and lots intended for sale; and
101          (d) every existing right-of-way and easement grant of record for an underground
102     facility, as defined in Section 54-8a-2, and for any other utility facility.
103          (2) (a) Subject to Subsections (3), (5), and (6), if the plat conforms to the municipality's
104     ordinances and this part and has been approved by the culinary water authority, the sanitary
105     sewer authority, and the local health department, as defined in Section 26A-1-102, if the local
106     health department and the municipality consider the local health department's approval
107     necessary, the municipality shall approve the plat.
108          (b) Municipalities are encouraged to receive a recommendation from the fire authority
109     and the public safety answering point before approving a plat.
110          (c) A municipality may not require that a plat be approved or signed by a person or
111     entity who:
112          (i) is not an employee or agent of the municipality; or
113          (ii) does not:

114          (A) have a legal or equitable interest in the property within the proposed subdivision;
115          (B) provide a utility or other service directly to a lot within the subdivision;
116          (C) own an easement or right-of-way adjacent to the proposed subdivision who signs
117     for the purpose of confirming the accuracy of the location of the easement or right-of-way in
118     relation to the plat; or
119          (D) provide culinary public water service whose source protection zone designated as
120     provided in Section 19-4-113 is included, in whole or in part, within the proposed subdivision.
121          (d) For a subdivision application that includes land located within a notification zone,
122     as determined under Subsection (2)(f), the land use authority shall:
123          (i) within 20 days after the day on which a complete subdivision application is filed,
124     provide written notice of the application to the canal owner or associated canal operator contact
125     described in:
126          (A) Section 10-9a-211;
127          (B) Subsection 73-5-7(2); or
128          (C) Subsection (5)(c); and
129          (ii) wait to approve or reject the subdivision application for at least 20 days after the
130     day on which the land use authority mails the notice described in Subsection (2)(d)(i) in order
131     to receive input from the canal owner or associated canal operator, including input regarding:
132          (A) access to the canal;
133          (B) maintenance of the canal;
134          (C) canal protection; and
135          (D) canal safety.
136          (e) When applicable, the subdivision applicant shall comply with Section 73-1-15.5.
137          (f) The land use authority shall provide the notice described in Subsection (2)(d) to a
138     canal owner or associated canal operator if:
139          (i) the canal's centerline is located within 100 feet of a proposed subdivision; and
140          (ii) the centerline alignment is available to the land use authority:
141          (A) from information provided by the canal company under Section 10-9a-211, using

142     mapping-grade global positioning satellite units or digitized data from the most recent aerial
143     photo available to the canal owner or associated canal operator;
144          (B) using the state engineer's inventory of canals under Section 73-5-7; or
145          (C) from information provided by a surveyor under Subsection (5)(c).
146          (3) The municipality may withhold an otherwise valid plat approval until the owner of
147     the land provides the legislative body with a tax clearance indicating that all taxes, interest, and
148     penalties owing on the land have been paid.
149          (4) (a) Within 30 days after approving a final plat under this section, a municipality
150     shall submit to the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource
151     Center, created in Section 63F-1-506, for inclusion in the unified statewide 911 emergency
152     service database described in Subsection 63H-7a-304(4)(b):
153          (i) an electronic copy of the approved final plat; or
154          (ii) preliminary geospatial data that depict any new streets and situs addresses proposed
155     for construction within the bounds of the approved plat.
156          (b) If requested by the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial
157     Resource Center, a municipality that approves a final plat under this section shall:
158          (i) coordinate with the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial
159     Resource Center to validate the information described in Subsection (4)(a); and
160          (ii) assist the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource
161     Center in creating electronic files that contain the information described in Subsection (4)(a)
162     for inclusion in the unified statewide 911 emergency service database.
163          (5) (a) A county recorder may not record a plat unless:
164          (i) prior to recordation, the municipality has approved and signed the plat;
165          (ii) each owner of record of land described on the plat has signed the owner's
166     dedication as shown on the plat; and
167          (iii) the signature of each owner described in Subsection (5)(a)(ii) is acknowledged as
168     provided by law.
169          (b) The surveyor making the plat shall certify that the surveyor:

170          (i) holds a license in accordance with Title 58, Chapter 22, Professional Engineers and
171     Professional Land Surveyors Licensing Act;
172          (ii) has completed a survey of the property described on the plat in accordance with
173     Section 17-23-17 and has verified all measurements; and
174          (iii) has placed monuments as represented on the plat.
175          (c) (i) To the extent possible, the surveyor shall consult with the owner or operator of
176     an existing or proposed underground facility or utility facility within the proposed subdivision,
177     or a representative designated by the owner or operator, to verify the accuracy of the surveyor's
178     depiction of the:
179          (A) boundary, course, dimensions, and intended use of the public rights-of-way, a
180     public or private easement, or grants of record;
181          (B) location of an existing underground facility and utility facility; and
182          (C) physical restrictions governing the location of the underground facility and utility
183     facility within the subdivision.
184          (ii) The cooperation of an owner or operator under Subsection (5)(c)(i):
185          (A) indicates only that the plat approximates the location of the existing underground
186     and utility facilities but does not warrant or verify their precise location; and
187          (B) does not affect a right that the owner or operator has under Title 54, Chapter 8a,
188     Damage to Underground Utility Facilities, a recorded easement or right-of-way, the law
189     applicable to prescriptive rights, or any other provision of law.
190          (6) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(c), after the plat has been acknowledged,
191     certified, and approved, the individual seeking to record the plat shall, within the time period
192     and manner designated by ordinance, record the plat in the county recorder's office in the
193     county in which the lands platted and laid out are situated.
194          (b) A failure to record a plat within the time period designated by ordinance renders the
195     plat voidable by the land use authority.
196          Section 3. Section 11-58-503 is amended to read:
197          11-58-503. Notice of project area plan adoption -- Effective date of plan -- Time

198     for challenging a project area plan or project area.
199          (1) Upon the board's adoption of a project area plan, the board shall provide notice as
200     provided in Subsection (2) by publishing or causing to be published legal notice:
201          (a) in a newspaper of general circulation within or near the project area; and
202          (b) as required by Section 45-1-101.
203          (2) (a) Each notice under Subsection (1) shall include:
204          (i) the board resolution adopting the project area plan or a summary of the resolution;
205     and
206          (ii) a statement that the project area plan is available for general public inspection and
207     the hours for inspection.
208          (b) The statement required under Subsection (2)(a)(ii) may be included within the
209     board resolution adopting the project area plan or within the summary of the resolution.
210          (3) The project area plan shall become effective on the date designated in the board
211     resolution.
212          (4) The authority shall make the adopted project area plan available to the general
213     public at [its] the authority's offices during normal business hours.
214          (5) Within 10 days after the day on which a project area plan is adopted that establishes
215     a project area, or after an amendment to a project area plan is adopted under which the
216     boundary of a project area is modified, the authority shall send notice of the establishment or
217     modification of the project area and an accurate map or plat of the project area to:
218          (a) the State Tax Commission;
219          (b) the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center
220     created in Section 63F-1-506; and
221          (c) the assessor and recorder of each county where the project area is located.
222          (6) (a) A legal action or other challenge to a project area plan or a project area
223     described in a project area plan is barred unless brought within 30 days after the effective date
224     of the project area plan.
225          (b) A legal action or other challenge to a project area that consists of authority

226     jurisdictional land is barred unless brought within 30 days after the board adopts a business
227     plan under Subsection 11-58-202(1)(a) for the authority jurisdictional land.
228          Section 4. Section 17-27a-203 is amended to read:
229          17-27a-203. Notice of intent to prepare a general plan or comprehensive general
230     plan amendments in certain counties.
231          (1) Before preparing a proposed general plan or a comprehensive general plan
232     amendment, each county of the first or second class shall provide 10 calendar days notice of
233     [its] the county's intent to prepare a proposed general plan or a comprehensive general plan
234     amendment:
235          (a) to each affected entity;
236          (b) to the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center
237     created in Section 63F-1-506;
238          (c) to the association of governments, established pursuant to an interlocal agreement
239     under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, of which the county is a member; and
240          (d) on the Utah Public Notice Website created under Section 63F-1-701.
241          (2) Each notice under Subsection (1) shall:
242          (a) indicate that the county intends to prepare a general plan or a comprehensive
243     general plan amendment, as the case may be;
244          (b) describe or provide a map of the geographic area that will be affected by the general
245     plan or amendment;
246          (c) be sent by mail, e-mail, or other effective means;
247          (d) invite the affected entities to provide information for the county to consider in the
248     process of preparing, adopting, and implementing a general plan or amendment concerning:
249          (i) impacts that the use of land proposed in the proposed general plan or amendment
250     may have; and
251          (ii) uses of land within the county that the affected entity is considering that may
252     conflict with the proposed general plan or amendment; and
253          (e) include the address of an Internet website, if the county has one, and the name and

254     telephone number of [a person] an individual where more information can be obtained
255     concerning the county's proposed general plan or amendment.
256          Section 5. Section 17-27a-603 is amended to read:
257          17-27a-603. Plat required when land is subdivided -- Approval of plat -- Owner
258     acknowledgment, surveyor certification, and underground utility facility owner
259     verification of plat -- Recording plat.
260          (1) Unless exempt under Section 17-27a-605 or excluded from the definition of
261     subdivision under Section 17-27a-103, whenever any land is laid out and platted, the owner of
262     the land shall provide an accurate plat that describes or specifies:
263          (a) a subdivision name that is distinct from any subdivision name on a plat recorded in
264     the county recorder's office;
265          (b) the boundaries, course, and dimensions of all of the parcels of ground divided, by
266     their boundaries, course, and extent, whether the owner proposes that any parcel of ground is
267     intended to be used as a street or for any other public use, and whether any such area is
268     reserved or proposed for dedication for a public purpose;
269          (c) the lot or unit reference, block or building reference, street or site address, street
270     name or coordinate address, acreage or square footage for all parcels, units, or lots, and length
271     and width of the blocks and lots intended for sale; and
272          (d) every existing right-of-way and easement grant of record for an underground
273     facility, as defined in Section 54-8a-2, and for any other utility facility.
274          (2) (a) Subject to Subsections (3), (5), and (6), if the plat conforms to the county's
275     ordinances and this part and has been approved by the culinary water authority, the sanitary
276     sewer authority, and the local health department, as defined in Section 26A-1-102, if the local
277     health department and the county consider the local health department's approval necessary, the
278     county shall approve the plat.
279          (b) Counties are encouraged to receive a recommendation from the fire authority and
280     the public safety answering point before approving a plat.
281          (c) A county may not require that a plat be approved or signed by a person or entity

282     who:
283          (i) is not an employee or agent of the county; or
284          (ii) does not:
285          (A) have a legal or equitable interest in the property within the proposed subdivision;
286          (B) provide a utility or other service directly to a lot within the subdivision;
287          (C) own an easement or right-of-way adjacent to the proposed subdivision who signs
288     for the purpose of confirming the accuracy of the location of the easement or right-of-way in
289     relation to the plat; or
290          (D) provide culinary public water service whose source protection zone designated as
291     provided in Section 19-4-113 is included, in whole or in part, within the proposed subdivision.
292          (d) For a subdivision application that includes land located within a notification zone,
293     as determined under Subsection (2)(f), the land use authority shall:
294          (i) within 20 days after the day on which a complete subdivision application is filed,
295     provide written notice of the application to the canal owner or associated canal operator contact
296     described in:
297          (A) Section 17-27a-211;
298          (B) Subsection 73-5-7(2); or
299          (C) Subsection (5)(c); and
300          (ii) wait to approve or reject the subdivision application for at least 20 days after the
301     day on which the land use authority mails the notice under Subsection (2)(d)(i) in order to
302     receive input from the canal owner or associated canal operator, including input regarding:
303          (A) access to the canal;
304          (B) maintenance of the canal;
305          (C) canal protection; and
306          (D) canal safety.
307          (e) When applicable, the subdivision applicant shall comply with Section 73-1-15.5.
308          (f) The land use authority shall provide the notice described in Subsection (2)(d) to a
309     canal owner or associated canal operator if:

310          (i) the canal's centerline is located within 100 feet of a proposed subdivision; and
311          (ii) the centerline alignment is available to the land use authority:
312          (A) from information provided by the canal company under Section 17-27a-211 using
313     mapping-grade global positioning satellite units or digitized data from the most recent aerial
314     photo available to the canal owner or canal operator;
315          (B) using the state engineer's inventory of canals under Section 73-5-7; or
316          (C) from information provided by a surveyor under Subsection (5)(c).
317          (3) The county may withhold an otherwise valid plat approval until the owner of the
318     land provides the legislative body with a tax clearance indicating that all taxes, interest, and
319     penalties owing on the land have been paid.
320          (4) (a) Within 30 days after approving a final plat under this section, a county shall
321     submit to the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center,
322     created in Section 63F-1-506, for inclusion in the unified statewide 911 emergency service
323     database described in Subsection 63H-7a-304(4)(b):
324          (i) an electronic copy of the approved final plat; or
325          (ii) preliminary geospatial data that depict any new streets and situs addresses proposed
326     for construction within the bounds of the approved plat.
327          (b) If requested by the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial
328     Resource Center, a county that approves a final plat under this section shall:
329          (i) coordinate with the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial
330     Resource Center to validate the information described in Subsection (4)(a); and
331          (ii) assist the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource
332     Center in creating electronic files that contain the information described in Subsection (4)(a)
333     for inclusion in the unified statewide 911 emergency service database.
334          (5) (a) A county recorder may not record a plat unless, subject to Subsection
335     17-27a-604(1):
336          (i) prior to recordation, the county has approved and signed the plat;
337          (ii) each owner of record of land described on the plat has signed the owner's

338     dedication as shown on the plat; and
339          (iii) the signature of each owner described in Subsection (5)(a)(ii) is acknowledged as
340     provided by law.
341          (b) The surveyor making the plat shall certify that the surveyor:
342          (i) holds a license in accordance with Title 58, Chapter 22, Professional Engineers and
343     Professional Land Surveyors Licensing Act;
344          (ii) has completed a survey of the property described on the plat in accordance with
345     Section 17-23-17 and has verified all measurements; and
346          (iii) has placed monuments as represented on the plat.
347          (c) (i) To the extent possible, the surveyor shall consult with the owner or operator of
348     an existing or proposed underground facility or utility facility within the proposed subdivision,
349     or a representative designated by the owner or operator, to verify the accuracy of the surveyor's
350     depiction of the:
351          (A) boundary, course, dimensions, and intended use of the public rights-of-way, a
352     public or private easement, or grants of record;
353          (B) location of an existing underground facility and utility facility; and
354          (C) physical restrictions governing the location of the underground facility and utility
355     facility within the subdivision.
356          (ii) The cooperation of an owner or operator under Subsection (5)(c)(i):
357          (A) indicates only that the plat approximates the location of the existing underground
358     and utility facilities but does not warrant or verify their precise location; and
359          (B) does not affect a right that the owner or operator has under Title 54, Chapter 8a,
360     Damage to Underground Utility Facilities, a recorded easement or right-of-way, the law
361     applicable to prescriptive rights, or any other provision of law.
362          (6) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(c), after the plat has been acknowledged,
363     certified, and approved, the individual seeking to record the plat shall, within the time period
364     and manner designated by ordinance, record the plat in the county recorder's office in the
365     county in which the lands platted and laid out are situated.

366          (b) A failure to record a plat within the time period designated by ordinance renders the
367     plat voidable by the land use authority.
368          Section 6. Section 17-50-105 is amended to read:
369          17-50-105. Disputed boundaries.
370          (1) As used in this section, "independent surveyor" means the surveyor whose position
371     is established within the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource
372     Center under Subsection 63F-1-506(3).
373          (2) (a) If a dispute or uncertainty arises as to the true location of a county boundary as
374     described in the official records maintained by the office of the lieutenant governor, the
375     surveyors of each county whose boundary is the subject of the dispute or uncertainty may
376     determine the true location.
377          (b) If agreement is reached under Subsection (2)(a), the county surveyors shall provide
378     notice, accompanied by a map, to the lieutenant governor showing the true location of the
379     county boundary.
380          (3) (a) If the county surveyors fail to agree on or otherwise fail to establish the true
381     location of the county boundary, the county executive of either or both of the affected counties
382     shall engage the services of the independent surveyor.
383          (b) After being engaged under Subsection (3)(a), the independent surveyor shall notify
384     the surveyor of each county whose boundary is the subject of the dispute or uncertainty of the
385     procedure the independent surveyor will use to determine the true location of the boundary.
386          (c) With the assistance of each surveyor who chooses to participate, the independent
387     surveyor shall determine permanently the true location of the boundary by marking surveys and
388     erecting suitable monuments to designate the boundary.
389          (d) Each boundary established under this Subsection (3) shall be considered permanent
390     until superseded by legislative enactment.
391          (e) The independent surveyor shall provide notice, accompanied by a map, to the
392     lieutenant governor showing the true location of the county boundary.
393          (4) Nothing in this section may be construed to give the county surveyors or

394     independent surveyor any authority other than to erect suitable monuments to designate county
395     boundaries as they are described in the official records maintained by the office of the
396     lieutenant governor.
397          Section 7. Section 17B-1-106 is amended to read:
398          17B-1-106. Notice before preparing or amending a long-range plan or acquiring
399     certain property.
400          (1) As used in this section:
401          (a) (i) "Affected entity" means each county, municipality, local district under this title,
402     special service district, school district, interlocal cooperation entity established under Title 11,
403     Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, and specified public utility:
404          (A) whose services or facilities are likely to require expansion or significant
405     modification because of an intended use of land; or
406          (B) that has filed with the local district a copy of the general or long-range plan of the
407     county, municipality, local district, school district, interlocal cooperation entity, or specified
408     public utility.
409          (ii) "Affected entity" does not include the local district that is required under this
410     section to provide notice.
411          (b) "Specified public utility" means an electrical corporation, gas corporation, or
412     telephone corporation, as those terms are defined in Section 54-2-1.
413          (2) (a) If a local district under this title located in a county of the first or second class
414     prepares a long-range plan regarding [its] the local district's facilities proposed for the future or
415     amends an already existing long-range plan, the local district shall, before preparing a
416     long-range plan or amendments to an existing long-range plan, provide written notice, as
417     provided in this section, of [its] the local district's intent to prepare a long-range plan or to
418     amend an existing long-range plan.
419          (b) Each notice under Subsection (2)(a) shall:
420          (i) indicate that the local district intends to prepare a long-range plan or to amend a
421     long-range plan, as the case may be;

422          (ii) describe or provide a map of the geographic area that will be affected by the
423     long-range plan or amendments to a long-range plan;
424          (iii) be:
425          (A) sent to each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
426     boundaries is located the land on which the proposed long-range plan or amendments to a
427     long-range plan are expected to indicate that the proposed facilities will be located;
428          (B) sent to each affected entity;
429          (C) sent to the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource
430     Center created in Section 63F-1-506;
431          (D) sent to each association of governments, established pursuant to an interlocal
432     agreement under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, of which a county or
433     municipality described in Subsection (2)(b)(iii)(A) is a member; and
434          (E) (I) placed on the Utah Public Notice Website created under Section 63F-1-701, if
435     the local district:
436          (Aa) is required under Subsection 52-4-203(3) to use that website to provide public
437     notice of a meeting; or
438          (Bb) voluntarily chooses to place notice on that website despite not being required to
439     do so under Subsection (2)(b)(iii)(E)(I)(Aa); or
440          (II) the state planning coordinator appointed under Section 63J-4-202, if the local
441     district does not provide notice on the Utah Public Notice Website under Subsection
442     (2)(b)(iii)(E)(I);
443          (iv) with respect to the notice to counties and municipalities described in Subsection
444     (2)(b)(iii)(A) and affected entities, invite them to provide information for the local district to
445     consider in the process of preparing, adopting, and implementing the long-range plan or
446     amendments to a long-range plan concerning:
447          (A) impacts that the use of land proposed in the proposed long-range plan or
448     amendments to a long-range plan may have on the county, municipality, or affected entity; and
449          (B) uses of land that the county, municipality, or affected entity is planning or

450     considering that may conflict with the proposed long-range plan or amendments to a long-range
451     plan; and
452          (v) include the address of an Internet website, if the local district has one, and the name
453     and telephone number of [a person] an individual where more information can be obtained
454     concerning the local district's proposed long-range plan or amendments to a long-range plan.
455          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(d), each local district intending to acquire
456     real property in a county of the first or second class for the purpose of expanding the local
457     district's infrastructure or other facilities used for providing the services that the local district is
458     authorized to provide shall provide written notice, as provided in this Subsection (3), of [its]
459     the local district's intent to acquire the property if the intended use of the property is contrary
460     to:
461          (i) the anticipated use of the property under the county or municipality's general plan;
462     or
463          (ii) the property's current zoning designation.
464          (b) Each notice under Subsection (3)(a) shall:
465          (i) indicate that the local district intends to acquire real property;
466          (ii) identify the real property; and
467          (iii) be sent to:
468          (A) each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
469     boundaries the property is located; and
470          (B) each affected entity.
471          (c) A notice under this Subsection (3) is a protected record as provided in Subsection
472     63G-2-305(8).
473          (d) (i) The notice requirement of Subsection (3)(a) does not apply if the local district
474     previously provided notice under Subsection (2) identifying the general location within the
475     municipality or unincorporated part of the county where the property to be acquired is located.
476          (ii) If a local district is not required to comply with the notice requirement of
477     Subsection (3)(a) because of application of Subsection (3)(d)(i), the local district shall provide

478     the notice specified in Subsection (3)(a) as soon as practicable after [its] the local district's
479     acquisition of the real property.
480          Section 8. Section 17C-2-109 is amended to read:
481          17C-2-109. Agency required to transmit and record documents after adoption of
482     an urban renewal project area plan.
483          Within 30 days after the community legislative body adopts, under Section 17C-2-107,
484     an urban renewal project area plan, the agency shall:
485          (1) record with the recorder of the county in which the project area is located a
486     document containing:
487          (a) a description of the land within the project area;
488          (b) a statement that the project area plan for the project area has been adopted; and
489          (c) the date of adoption;
490          (2) transmit a copy of the description of the land within the project area and an accurate
491     map or plat indicating the boundaries of the project area to the [Automated Geographic
492     Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center created under Section 63F-1-506; and
493          (3) for a project area plan that provides for the agency to receive tax increment,
494     transmit a copy of the description of the land within the project area, a copy of the community
495     legislative body ordinance adopting the project area plan, and a map or plat indicating the
496     boundaries of the project area to:
497          (a) the auditor, recorder, attorney, surveyor, and assessor of each county in which any
498     part of the project area is located;
499          (b) the officer or officers performing the function of auditor or assessor for each taxing
500     entity that does not use the county assessment roll or collect the taxing entity's taxes through
501     the county;
502          (c) the legislative body or governing board of each taxing entity;
503          (d) the State Tax Commission; and
504          (e) the State Board of Education.
505          Section 9. Section 17C-3-108 is amended to read:

506          17C-3-108. Agency required to transmit and record documents after adoption of
507     economic development project area plan.
508          Within 30 days after the community legislative body adopts, under Section 17C-3-106,
509     an economic development project area plan, the agency shall:
510          (1) record with the recorder of the county in which the economic development project
511     area is located a document containing:
512          (a) a description of the land within the project area;
513          (b) a statement that the project area plan for the project area has been adopted; and
514          (c) the date of adoption;
515          (2) transmit a copy of the description of the land within the project area and an accurate
516     map or plat indicating the boundaries of the project area to the [Automated Geographic
517     Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center created under Section 63F-1-506; and
518          (3) for a project area plan that provides for the agency to receive tax increment,
519     transmit a copy of the description of the land within the project area, a copy of the community
520     legislative body ordinance adopting the project area plan, and a map or plat indicating the
521     boundaries of the project area to:
522          (a) the auditor, recorder, attorney, surveyor, and assessor of each county in which any
523     part of the project area is located;
524          (b) the officer or officers performing the function of auditor or assessor for each taxing
525     entity that does not use the county assessment roll or collect the taxing entity's taxes through
526     the county;
527          (c) the legislative body or governing board of each taxing entity;
528          (d) the State Tax Commission; and
529          (e) the State Board of Education.
530          Section 10. Section 17C-4-107 is amended to read:
531          17C-4-107. Agency required to transmit and record documents after adoption of
532     community development project area plan.
533          Within 30 days after the community legislative body adopts, under Section 17C-4-105,

534     a community development project area plan, the agency shall:
535          (1) record with the recorder of the county in which the project area is located a
536     document containing:
537          (a) a description of the land within the project area;
538          (b) a statement that the project area plan for the project area has been adopted; and
539          (c) the date of adoption;
540          (2) transmit a copy of the description of the land within the project area and an accurate
541     map or plat indicating the boundaries of the project area to the [Automated Geographic
542     Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center created under Section 63F-1-506; and
543          (3) for a project area plan that provides for the agency to receive tax increment,
544     transmit a copy of the description of the land within the project area, a copy of the community
545     legislative body ordinance adopting the project area plan, and a map or plat indicating the
546     boundaries of the project area to:
547          (a) the auditor, recorder, attorney, surveyor, and assessor of each county in which any
548     part of the project area is located;
549          (b) the officer or officers performing the function of auditor or assessor for each taxing
550     entity that does not use the county assessment roll or collect the taxing entity's taxes through
551     the county;
552          (c) the legislative body or governing board of each taxing entity;
553          (d) the State Tax Commission; and
554          (e) the State Board of Education.
555          Section 11. Section 17C-5-111 is amended to read:
556          17C-5-111. Agency required to transmit and record documentation after
557     adoption of community reinvestment project area plan.
558          Within 30 days after the day on which a community legislative body adopts a
559     community reinvestment project area plan under Section 17C-5-109, the agency shall:
560          (1) record with the recorder of the county in which the community reinvestment project
561     area is located a document containing:

562          (a) the name of the community reinvestment project area;
563          (b) a boundary description of the community reinvestment project area; and
564          (c) (i) a statement that the community legislative body adopted the community
565     reinvestment project area plan; and
566          (ii) the day on which the community legislative body adopted the community
567     reinvestment project area plan;
568          (2) transmit a copy of a description of the land within the community reinvestment
569     project area and an accurate map or plat indicating the boundaries of the community
570     reinvestment project area to the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial
571     Resource Center created in Section 63F-1-506; and
572          (3) for a community reinvestment project area plan that provides for the agency to
573     receive tax increment, transmit a copy of a description of the land within the community
574     reinvestment project area, a copy of the community legislative body ordinance adopting the
575     community reinvestment project area plan, and an accurate map or plat indicating the
576     boundaries of the community reinvestment project area to:
577          (a) the auditor, recorder, county or district attorney, surveyor, and assessor of each
578     county in which any part of the community reinvestment project area is located;
579          (b) the officer or officers performing the function of auditor or assessor for each taxing
580     entity that does not use the county assessment roll or collect the taxing entity's taxes through
581     the county;
582          (c) the legislative body or governing board of each taxing entity;
583          (d) the State Tax Commission; and
584          (e) the State Board of Education.
585          Section 12. Section 20A-5-303 is amended to read:
586          20A-5-303. Establishing, dividing, abolishing, and changing voting precincts --
587     Common polling places -- Combined voting precincts.
588          (1) (a) After receiving recommendations from the county clerk, the county legislative
589     body may establish, divide, abolish, and change voting precincts.

590          (b) Within 30 days after the establishment, division, abolition, or change of a voting
591     precinct under this section, the county legislative body shall file with the [Automated
592     Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center, created under Section
593     63F-1-506, a notice describing the action taken and specifying the resulting boundaries of each
594     voting precinct affected by the action.
595          (2) (a) The county legislative body shall alter or divide voting precincts so that each
596     voting precinct contains not more than 1,250 active voters.
597          (b) The county legislative body shall:
598          (i) identify those precincts that may reach the limit of active voters in a precinct under
599     Subsection (2)(a) or that becomes too large to facilitate the election process; and
600          (ii) except as provided by Subsection (3), divide those precincts on or before January 1
601     of a general election year.
602          (3) A county legislative body shall divide a precinct identified under Subsection
603     (2)(b)(i) on or before January 31 of a regular general election year that immediately follows the
604     calendar year in which the Legislature divides the state into districts in accordance with Utah
605     Constitution, Article IX, Section 1.
606          (4) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(a) and except as provided by Subsection (5), the
607     county legislative body may not:
608          (a) establish or abolish any voting precinct after January 1 of a regular general election
609     year;
610          (b) alter or change the boundaries of any voting precinct after January 1 of a regular
611     general election year; or
612          (c) establish, divide, abolish, alter, or change a voting precinct between January 1 of a
613     year immediately preceding the year in which an enumeration is required by the United States
614     Constitution and the day on which the Legislature divides the state into districts in accordance
615     with Utah Constitution, Article IX, Section 1.
616          (5) A county legislative body may establish, divide, abolish, alter, or change a voting
617     precinct on or before January 31 of a regular general election year that immediately follows the

618     calendar year in which the Legislature divides the state into districts in accordance with Utah
619     Constitution, Article IX, Section 1.
620          (6) (a) For the purpose of voting in an election, the county legislative body may
621     establish a common polling place for two or more whole voting precincts.
622          (b) At least 90 days before the election, the county legislative body shall designate:
623          (i) the voting precincts that will vote at the common polling place; and
624          (ii) the location of the common polling place.
625          (c) A county may use one set of election judges for the common polling place under
626     this Subsection (6).
627          (7) Each county shall have at least two polling places open for voting on the date of the
628     election.
629          (8) Each common polling place shall have at least one voting device that is accessible
630     for individuals with disabilities in accordance with Public Law 107-252, the Help America
631     Vote Act of 2002.
632          Section 13. Section 20A-13-102.2 is amended to read:
633          20A-13-102.2. County clerk, Utah Geospatial Resource Center, and lieutenant
634     governor responsibilities -- Maps and voting precinct boundaries.
635          (1) Each county clerk shall obtain a copy of the Congressional shapefile for the clerk's
636     county from the lieutenant governor's office.
637          (2) (a) A county clerk may create one or more county maps that identify the boundaries
638     of Utah's Congressional districts as generated from the Congressional shapefile.
639          (b) Before publishing or distributing any map or data created by the county clerk that
640     identifies the boundaries of Utah's Congressional districts within the county, the county clerk
641     shall submit the county map and data to the lieutenant governor and to the [Automated
642     Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center for review.
643          (c) Within 30 days after receipt of a county map and data from a county clerk, the
644     [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center shall:
645          (i) review the county map and data to evaluate if the county map and data accurately

646     reflect the boundaries of Utah's Congressional districts established by the Legislature in the
647     Congressional shapefile;
648          (ii) determine whether the county map and data are correct or incorrect; and
649          (iii) communicate those findings to the lieutenant governor.
650          (d) The lieutenant governor shall either notify the county clerk that the county map and
651     data are correct or notify the county clerk that the county map and data are incorrect.
652          (e) If the county clerk receives notice from the lieutenant governor that the county map
653     and data submitted are incorrect, the county clerk shall:
654          (i) make the corrections necessary to conform the county map and data to the
655     Congressional shapefile; and
656          (ii) resubmit the corrected county map and data to the lieutenant governor and to the
657     [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center for a new review
658     under this Subsection (2).
659          (3) (a) Subject to the requirements of this Subsection (3), each county clerk shall
660     establish voting precincts and polling places within each Utah Congressional district according
661     to the procedures and requirements of Section 20A-5-303.
662          (b) Within five working days after approval of voting precincts and polling places by
663     the county legislative body as required by Section 20A-5-303, each county clerk shall submit a
664     voting precinct map identifying the boundaries of each voting precinct within the county to the
665     lieutenant governor and to the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial
666     Resource Center for review.
667          (c) Within 30 days after receipt of a map from a county clerk, the [Automated
668     Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center shall:
669          (i) review the voting precinct map to evaluate if the voting precinct map accurately
670     reflects the boundaries of Utah's Congressional districts established by the Legislature in the
671     Congressional shapefile;
672          (ii) determine whether the voting precinct map is correct or incorrect; and
673          (iii) communicate those findings to the lieutenant governor.

674          (d) The lieutenant governor shall either notify the county clerk that the voting precinct
675     map is correct or notify the county clerk that the map is incorrect.
676          (e) If the county clerk receives notice from the lieutenant governor that the voting
677     precinct map is incorrect, the county clerk shall:
678          (i) make the corrections necessary to conform the voting precinct map to the
679     Congressional shapefile; and
680          (ii) resubmit the corrected voting precinct map to the lieutenant governor and to the
681     [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center for a new review
682     under this Subsection (3).
683          Section 14. Section 20A-13-104 is amended to read:
684          20A-13-104. Uncertain boundaries -- How resolved.
685          (1) As used in this section, "affected party" means:
686          (a) a representative whose Congressional district boundary is uncertain because the
687     boundary in the Congressional shapefile used to establish the district boundary has been
688     removed, modified, or is unable to be identified or who is uncertain about whether [or not] the
689     representative or another [person] individual resides in a particular Congressional district;
690          (b) a candidate for Congressional representative whose Congressional district boundary
691     is uncertain because the boundary in the Congressional shapefile used to establish the district
692     boundary has been removed, modified, or is unable to be identified or who is uncertain about
693     whether [or not] the candidate or another [person] individual resides in a particular
694     Congressional district; or
695          (c) [a person] an individual who is uncertain about which Congressional district
696     contains the [person's] individual's residence because the boundary in the Congressional
697     shapefile used to establish the district boundary has been removed, modified, or is unable to be
698     identified.
699          (2) (a) An affected party may file a written request petitioning the lieutenant governor
700     to determine:
701          (i) the precise location of the Congressional district boundary;

702          (ii) the number of the Congressional district in which [a person] an individual resides;
703     or
704          (iii) both Subsections (2)(a)(i) and (ii).
705          (b) In order to make the determination required by Subsection (2)(a), the lieutenant
706     governor shall review the Congressional shapefile and obtain and review other relevant data
707     such as aerial photographs, aerial maps, or other data about the area.
708          (c) Within five days of receipt of the request, the lieutenant governor shall review the
709     Congressional shapefile, obtain and review any relevant data, and make a determination.
710          (d) When the lieutenant governor determines the location of the Congressional district
711     boundary, the lieutenant governor shall:
712          (i) prepare a certification identifying the appropriate boundary and attaching a map, if
713     necessary; and
714          (ii) send a copy of the certification to:
715          (A) the affected party;
716          (B) the county clerk of the affected county; and
717          (C) the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center
718     created under Section 63F-1-506.
719          (e) If the lieutenant governor determines the number of the Congressional district in
720     which a particular [person] individual resides, the lieutenant governor shall send a letter
721     identifying that district by number to:
722          (i) the [person] individual;
723          (ii) the affected party who filed the petition, if different than the [person] individual
724     whose Congressional district number was identified; and
725          (iii) the county clerk of the affected county.
726          Section 15. Section 20A-14-102.2 is amended to read:
727          20A-14-102.2. Uncertain boundaries -- How resolved.
728          (1) As used in this section:
729          (a) "Affected party" means:

730          (i) a state school board member whose State Board of Education district boundary is
731     uncertain because the feature used to establish the district boundary in the Board shapefile has
732     been removed, modified, or is unable to be identified or who is uncertain about whether [or
733     not] the member or another [person] individual resides in a particular State Board of Education
734     district;
735          (ii) a candidate for state school board whose State Board of Education district
736     boundary is uncertain because the feature used to establish the district boundary in the Board
737     shapefile has been removed, modified, or is unable to be identified or who is uncertain about
738     whether [or not] the candidate or another [person] individual resides in a particular State Board
739     of Education district; or
740          (iii) [a person] an individual who is uncertain about which State Board of Education
741     district contains the [person's] individual's residence because the feature used to establish the
742     district boundary in the Board shapefile has been removed, modified, or is unable to be
743     identified.
744          (b) "Feature" means a geographic or other tangible or intangible mark such as a road or
745     political subdivision boundary that is used to establish a State Board of Education district
746     boundary.
747          (2) (a) An affected party may file a written request petitioning the lieutenant governor
748     to determine:
749          (i) the precise location of the State Board of Education district boundary;
750          (ii) the number of the State Board of Education district in which [a person] an
751     individual resides; or
752          (iii) both Subsections (2)(a)(i) and (ii).
753          (b) In order to make the determination required by Subsection (2)(a), the lieutenant
754     governor shall review:
755          (i) the Board shapefile; and
756          (ii) other relevant data such as aerial photographs, aerial maps, or other data about the
757     area.

758          (c) Within five days of receipt of the request, the lieutenant governor shall:
759          (i) review the Board block shapefile;
760          (ii) review any relevant data; and
761          (iii) make a determination.
762          (d) If the lieutenant governor determines the precise location of the State Board of
763     Education district boundary, the lieutenant governor shall:
764          (i) prepare a certification identifying the appropriate State Board of Education district
765     boundary and attaching a map, if necessary; and
766          (ii) send a copy of the certification to:
767          (A) the affected party;
768          (B) the county clerk of the affected county; and
769          (C) the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center
770     created under Section 63F-1-506.
771          (e) If the lieutenant governor determines the number of the State Board of Education
772     district in which a particular [person] individual resides, the lieutenant governor shall send a
773     letter identifying that district by number to:
774          (i) the [person] individual;
775          (ii) the affected party who filed the petition, if different than the [person] individual
776     whose State Board of Education district number was identified; and
777          (iii) the county clerk of the affected county.
778          Section 16. Section 20A-14-102.3 is amended to read:
779          20A-14-102.3. County clerk, Utah Geospatial Resource Center, and lieutenant
780     governor responsibilities -- Maps and voting precinct boundaries.
781          (1) As used in this section, "redistricting boundary data" means the Board shapefile.
782          (2) Each county clerk shall obtain a copy of the redistricting boundary data for the
783     clerk's county from the lieutenant governor's office.
784          (3) (a) A county clerk may create one or more county maps that identify the boundaries
785     of State Board of Education districts as generated from the redistricting boundary data.

786          (b) Before publishing or distributing any map or data created by the county clerk that
787     identifies the boundaries of State Board of Education districts within the county, the clerk shall
788     submit the county map and data to the lieutenant governor and to the [Automated Geographic
789     Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center for review.
790          (c) Within 30 days after receipt of a county map and data from a county clerk, the
791     [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center shall:
792          (i) review the county map and data to evaluate if the county map and data accurately
793     reflect the boundaries of State Board of Education districts established by the Legislature in the
794     redistricting boundary data;
795          (ii) determine whether the county map and data are correct or incorrect; and
796          (iii) communicate those findings to the lieutenant governor.
797          (d) The lieutenant governor shall either notify the county clerk that the county map and
798     data are correct or inform the county clerk that the county map and data are incorrect.
799          (e) If the county clerk receives notice from the lieutenant governor that the county map
800     and data submitted are incorrect, the county clerk shall:
801          (i) make the corrections necessary to conform the county map and data to the
802     redistricting boundary data; and
803          (ii) resubmit the corrected county map and data to the lieutenant governor for a new
804     review under this Subsection (3).
805          (4) (a) Subject to the requirements of this Subsection (4), each county clerk shall
806     establish voting precincts and polling places within each State Board of Education district
807     according to the procedures and requirements of Section 20A-5-303.
808          (b) Within five working days after approval of voting precincts and polling places by
809     the county legislative body as required by Section 20A-5-303, each county clerk shall submit a
810     voting precinct map identifying the boundaries of each voting precinct within the county to the
811     lieutenant governor and to the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial
812     Resource Center for review.
813          (c) Within 30 days after receipt of a voting precinct map from a county clerk, the

814     [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center shall:
815          (i) review the voting precinct map to evaluate if the voting precinct map accurately
816     reflects the boundaries of State Board of Education districts established by the Legislature in
817     the redistricting boundary data;
818          (ii) determine whether the voting precinct map is correct or incorrect; and
819          (iii) communicate those findings to the lieutenant governor.
820          (d) The lieutenant governor shall either notify the county clerk that the voting precinct
821     map is correct or notify the county clerk that the voting precinct map is incorrect.
822          (e) If the county clerk receives notice from the lieutenant governor that the voting
823     precinct map is incorrect, the county clerk shall:
824          (i) make the corrections necessary to conform the voting precinct map to the
825     redistricting boundary data; and
826          (ii) resubmit the corrected voting precinct map to the lieutenant governor and to the
827     [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center for a new review
828     under this Subsection (4).
829          Section 17. Section 20A-14-201 is amended to read:
830          20A-14-201. Boards of education -- School board districts -- Creation --
831     Reapportionment.
832          (1) (a) The county legislative body, for local school districts whose boundaries
833     encompass more than a single municipality, and the municipal legislative body, for school
834     districts contained completely within a municipality, shall divide the local school district into
835     local school board districts as required under Subsection 20A-14-202(1)(a).
836          (b) The county and municipal legislative bodies shall divide the school district so that
837     the local school board districts are substantially equal in population and are as contiguous and
838     compact as practicable.
839          (2) (a) County and municipal legislative bodies shall reapportion district boundaries to
840     meet the population, compactness, and contiguity requirements of this section:
841          (i) at least once every 10 years;

842          (ii) if a new district is created:
843          (A) within 45 days after the canvass of an election at which voters approve the creation
844     of a new district; and
845          (B) at least 60 days before the candidate filing deadline for a school board election;
846          (iii) whenever districts are consolidated;
847          (iv) whenever a district loses more than 20% of the population of the entire school
848     district to another district;
849          (v) whenever a district loses more than 50% of the population of a local school board
850     district to another district;
851          (vi) whenever a district receives new residents equal to at least 20% of the population
852     of the district at the time of the last reapportionment because of a transfer of territory from
853     another district; and
854          (vii) whenever it is necessary to increase the membership of a board from five to seven
855     members as a result of changes in student membership under Section 20A-14-202.
856          (b) If a school district receives territory containing less than 20% of the population of
857     the transferee district at the time of the last reapportionment, the local school board may assign
858     the new territory to one or more existing school board districts.
859          (3) (a) Reapportionment does not affect the right of any school board member to
860     complete the term for which the member was elected.
861          (b) (i) After reapportionment, representation in a local school board district shall be
862     determined as provided in this Subsection (3).
863          (ii) If only one board member whose term extends beyond reapportionment lives
864     within a reapportioned local school board district, that board member shall represent that local
865     school board district.
866          (iii) (A) If two or more members whose terms extend beyond reapportionment live
867     within a reapportioned local school board district, the members involved shall select one
868     member by lot to represent the local school board district.
869          (B) The other members shall serve at-large for the remainder of their terms.

870          (C) The at-large board members shall serve in addition to the designated number of
871     board members for the board in question for the remainder of their terms.
872          (iv) If there is no board member living within a local school board district whose term
873     extends beyond reapportionment, the seat shall be treated as vacant and filled as provided in
874     this part.
875          (4) (a) If, before an election affected by reapportionment, the county or municipal
876     legislative body that conducted the reapportionment determines that one or more members
877     shall be elected to terms of two years to meet this part's requirements for staggered terms, the
878     legislative body shall determine by lot which of the reapportioned local school board districts
879     will elect members to two-year terms and which will elect members to four-year terms.
880          (b) All subsequent elections are for four-year terms.
881          (5) Within 10 days after any local school board district boundary change, the county or
882     municipal legislative body making the change shall send an accurate map or plat of the
883     boundary change to the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource
884     Center created under Section 63F-1-506.
885          Section 18. Section 36-1-103.2 is amended to read:
886          36-1-103.2. County clerk, Utah Geospatial Resource Center, and lieutenant
887     governor responsibilities -- Maps and voting precinct boundaries.
888          (1) As used in this section, "redistricting boundary data" means the Senate shapefile.
889          (2) Each county clerk shall obtain a copy of the redistricting boundary data for the
890     clerk's county from the lieutenant governor's office.
891          (3) (a) A county clerk may create one or more county maps that identify the boundaries
892     of Senate districts as generated from the redistricting boundary data.
893          (b) Before publishing or distributing any map or data created by the county clerk that
894     identifies the boundaries of Senate districts within the county, the clerk shall submit the county
895     map and data to the lieutenant governor and to the [Automated Geographic Reference Center]
896     Utah Geospatial Resource Center for review.
897          (c) Within 30 days after receipt of a county map and data from a county clerk, the

898     [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center shall:
899          (i) review the county map and data to evaluate if the county map and data accurately
900     reflect the boundaries of Senate districts established by the Legislature in the redistricting
901     boundary data;
902          (ii) determine whether the county map and data are correct or incorrect; and
903          (iii) communicate those findings to the lieutenant governor.
904          (d) The lieutenant governor shall either notify the county clerk that the county map and
905     data are correct or notify the county clerk that the county map and data are incorrect.
906          (e) If the county clerk receives notice from the lieutenant governor that the county map
907     and data submitted are incorrect, the county clerk shall:
908          (i) make the corrections necessary to conform the county map and data to the
909     redistricting boundary data; and
910          (ii) resubmit the corrected county map and data to the lieutenant governor and to the
911     [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center for a new review
912     under this Subsection (3).
913          (4) (a) Subject to the requirements of this Subsection (4), each county clerk shall
914     establish voting precincts and polling places within each Senate district according to the
915     procedures and requirements of Section 20A-5-303.
916          (b) Within five working days after approval of voting precincts and polling places by
917     the county legislative body as required by Section 20A-5-303, each county clerk shall submit a
918     voting precinct map identifying the boundaries of each voting precinct within the county to the
919     lieutenant governor and to the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial
920     Resource Center for review.
921          (c) Within 30 days after receipt of a voting precinct map from a county clerk, the
922     [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center shall:
923          (i) review the voting precinct map to evaluate if the voting precinct map accurately
924     reflects the boundaries of Senate districts established by the Legislature in the redistricting
925     boundary data;

926          (ii) determine whether the voting precinct map is correct or incorrect; and
927          (iii) communicate those findings to the lieutenant governor.
928          (d) The lieutenant governor shall either notify the county clerk that the voting precinct
929     map is correct or notify the county clerk that the map is incorrect.
930          (e) If the county clerk receives notice from the lieutenant governor that the voting
931     precinct map is incorrect, the county clerk shall:
932          (i) make the corrections necessary to conform the voting precinct map to the
933     redistricting boundary data; and
934          (ii) resubmit the corrected voting precinct map to the lieutenant governor and to the
935     [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center for a new review
936     under this Subsection (4).
937          Section 19. Section 36-1-105 is amended to read:
938          36-1-105. Uncertain boundaries -- How resolved.
939          (1) As used in this section:
940          (a) "Affected party" means:
941          (i) a senator whose Utah State Senate district boundary is uncertain because the feature
942     used to establish the district boundary in the Senate shapefile has been removed, modified, or is
943     unable to be identified or who is uncertain about whether [or not] the senator or another
944     [person] individual resides in a particular Senate district;
945          (ii) a candidate for senator whose Senate district boundary is uncertain because the
946     feature used to establish the district boundary in the Senate shapefile has been removed,
947     modified, or is unable to be identified or who is uncertain about whether [or not] the candidate
948     or another [person] individual resides in a particular Senate district; or
949          (iii) [a person] an individual who is uncertain about which Senate district contains the
950     [person's] individual's residence because the feature used to establish the district boundary in
951     the Senate shapefile has been removed, modified, or is unable to be identified.
952          (b) "Feature" means a geographic or other tangible or intangible mark such as a road or
953     political subdivision boundary that is used to establish a Senate district boundary.

954          (2) (a) An affected party may file a written request petitioning the lieutenant governor
955     to determine:
956          (i) the precise location of the Senate district boundary;
957          (ii) the number of the Senate district in which [a person] an individual resides; or
958          (iii) both Subsections (2)(a)(i) and (ii).
959          (b) In order to make the determination required by Subsection (2)(a), the lieutenant
960     governor shall review:
961          (i) the Senate shapefile; and
962          (ii) other relevant data such as aerial photographs, aerial maps, or other data about the
963     area.
964          (c) Within five days of receipt of the request, the lieutenant governor shall:
965          (i) review the Senate shapefile;
966          (ii) review any relevant data; and
967          (iii) make a determination.
968          (d) When the lieutenant governor determines the location of the Senate district
969     boundary, the lieutenant governor shall:
970          (i) prepare a certification identifying the appropriate Senate district boundary and
971     attaching a map, if necessary; and
972          (ii) send a copy of the certification to:
973          (A) the affected party;
974          (B) the county clerk of the affected county; and
975          (C) the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center
976     created under Section 63F-1-506.
977          (e) If the lieutenant governor determines the number of the Senate district in which a
978     particular [person] individual resides, the lieutenant governor shall send a letter identifying that
979     district by number to:
980          (i) the [person] individual;
981          (ii) the affected party who filed the petition, if different than the [person] individual

982     whose Senate district number was identified; and
983          (iii) the county clerk of the affected county.
984          Section 20. Section 36-1-202.2 is amended to read:
985          36-1-202.2. County clerk, Utah Geospatial Resource Center, and lieutenant
986     governor responsibilities -- Maps and voting precinct boundaries.
987          (1) As used in this section, "redistricting boundary data" means the House shapefile.
988          (2) Each county clerk shall obtain a copy of the redistricting boundary data for the
989     clerk's county from the lieutenant governor's office.
990          (3) (a) A county clerk may create one or more county maps that identify the boundaries
991     of House districts as generated from the redistricting boundary data.
992          (b) Before publishing or distributing any map or data created by the county clerk that
993     identifies the boundaries of House districts within the county, the clerk shall submit the county
994     map and data to the lieutenant governor and to the [Automated Geographic Reference Center]
995     Utah Geospatial Resource Center for review.
996          (c) Within 30 days after receipt of a county map and data from a county clerk, the
997     [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center shall:
998          (i) review the county map and data to evaluate if the county map and data accurately
999     reflect the boundaries of House districts established by the Legislature in the redistricting
1000     boundary data;
1001          (ii) determine whether the county map and data are correct or incorrect; and
1002          (iii) communicate those findings to the lieutenant governor.
1003          (d) The lieutenant governor shall either notify the county clerk that the county map and
1004     data are correct or notify the county clerk that the county map and data are incorrect.
1005          (e) If the county clerk receives notice from the lieutenant governor that the county map
1006     and data submitted are incorrect, the county clerk shall:
1007          (i) make the corrections necessary to conform the county map and data to the
1008     redistricting boundary data; and
1009          (ii) resubmit the corrected county map and data to the lieutenant governor and to the

1010     [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center for a new review
1011     under this Subsection (3).
1012          (4) (a) Subject to the requirements of this Subsection (4), each county clerk shall
1013     establish voting precincts and polling places within each House district according to the
1014     procedures and requirements of Section 20A-5-303.
1015          (b) Within five working days after approval of voting precincts and polling places by
1016     the county legislative body as required by Section 20A-5-303, each county clerk shall submit a
1017     voting precinct map identifying the boundaries of each voting precinct within the county to the
1018     lieutenant governor and to the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial
1019     Resource Center for review.
1020          (c) Within 30 days after receipt of a voting precinct map from a county clerk, the
1021     [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center shall:
1022          (i) review the voting precinct map to evaluate if the county map accurately reflects the
1023     boundaries of House districts established by the Legislature in the redistricting boundary data;
1024          (ii) determine whether the voting precinct map is correct or incorrect; and
1025          (iii) communicate those findings to the lieutenant governor.
1026          (d) The lieutenant governor shall either notify the county clerk that the voting precinct
1027     map is correct or notify the county clerk that the voting precinct map is incorrect.
1028          (e) If the county clerk receives notice from the lieutenant governor that the voting
1029     precinct map is incorrect, the county clerk shall:
1030          (i) make the corrections necessary to conform the voting precinct map to the
1031     redistricting boundary data; and
1032          (ii) resubmit the corrected voting precinct map to the lieutenant governor and to the
1033     [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center for a new review
1034     under this Subsection (4).
1035          Section 21. Section 36-1-204 is amended to read:
1036          36-1-204. Uncertain boundaries -- How resolved.
1037          (1) As used in this section:

1038          (a) "Affected party" means:
1039          (i) a representative whose Utah House of Representatives district boundary is uncertain
1040     because the feature used to establish the district boundary in the House shapefile has been
1041     removed, modified, or is unable to be identified or who is uncertain about whether [or not] the
1042     representative or another [person] individual resides in a particular House district;
1043          (ii) a candidate for representative whose House district boundary is uncertain because
1044     the feature used to establish the district boundary in the House shapefile has been removed,
1045     modified, or is unable to be identified or who is uncertain about whether [or not] the candidate
1046     or another [person] individual resides in a particular House district; or
1047          (iii) [a person] an individual who is uncertain about which House district contains the
1048     [person's] individual's residence because the feature used to establish the district boundary in
1049     the House shapefile has been removed, modified, or is unable to be identified.
1050          (b) "Feature" means a geographic or other identifiable tangible or intangible object
1051     such as a road or political subdivision boundary that is used to establish a House district
1052     boundary.
1053          (2) (a) An affected party may file a written request petitioning the lieutenant governor
1054     to determine:
1055          (i) the precise location of the House district boundary;
1056          (ii) the number of the House district in which [a person] an individual resides; or
1057          (iii) both Subsections (2)(a)(i) and (ii).
1058          (b) In order to make the determination required by Subsection (2)(a), the lieutenant
1059     governor shall review:
1060          (i) the House shapefile; and
1061          (ii) other relevant data such as aerial photographs, aerial maps, or other data about the
1062     area.
1063          (c) Within five days of receipt of the request, the lieutenant governor shall:
1064          (i) review the House shapefile;
1065          (ii) review any relevant data; and

1066          (iii) make a determination.
1067          (d) When the lieutenant governor determines the location of the House district
1068     boundary, the lieutenant governor shall:
1069          (i) prepare a certification identifying the appropriate House district boundary and
1070     attaching a map, if necessary; and
1071          (ii) send a copy of the certification to:
1072          (A) the affected party;
1073          (B) the county clerk of the affected county; and
1074          (C) the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center
1075     created under Section 63F-1-506.
1076          (e) If the lieutenant governor determines the number of the House district in which a
1077     particular [person] individual resides, the lieutenant governor shall send a letter identifying that
1078     district by number to:
1079          (i) the [person] individual;
1080          (ii) the affected party who filed the petition, if different than the [person] individual
1081     whose House district number was identified; and
1082          (iii) the county clerk of the affected county.
1083          Section 22. Section 53G-3-204 is amended to read:
1084          53G-3-204. Notice before preparing or amending a long-range plan or acquiring
1085     certain property.
1086          (1) As used in this section:
1087          (a) "Affected entity" means each county, municipality, local district under Title 17B,
1088     Limited Purpose Local Government Entities - Local Districts, special service district under
1089     Title 17D, Chapter 1, Special Service District Act, interlocal cooperation entity established
1090     under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, and specified public utility:
1091          (i) whose services or facilities are likely to require expansion or significant
1092     modification because of an intended use of land; or
1093          (ii) that has filed with the school district a copy of the general or long-range plan of the

1094     county, municipality, local district, special service district, school district, interlocal
1095     cooperation entity, or specified public utility.
1096          (b) "Specified public utility" means an electrical corporation, gas corporation, or
1097     telephone corporation, as those terms are defined in Section 54-2-1.
1098          (2) (a) If a school district located in a county of the first or second class prepares a
1099     long-range plan regarding [its] the school district's facilities proposed for the future or amends
1100     an already existing long-range plan, the school district shall, before preparing a long-range plan
1101     or amendments to an existing long-range plan, provide written notice, as provided in this
1102     section, of [its] the school district's intent to prepare a long-range plan or to amend an existing
1103     long-range plan.
1104          (b) Each notice under Subsection (2)(a) shall:
1105          (i) indicate that the school district intends to prepare a long-range plan or to amend a
1106     long-range plan, as the case may be;
1107          (ii) describe or provide a map of the geographic area that will be affected by the
1108     long-range plan or amendments to a long-range plan;
1109          (iii) be:
1110          (A) sent to each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
1111     boundaries is located the land on which the proposed long-range plan or amendments to a
1112     long-range plan are expected to indicate that the proposed facilities will be located;
1113          (B) sent to each affected entity;
1114          (C) sent to the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource
1115     Center created in Section 63F-1-506;
1116          (D) sent to each association of governments, established pursuant to an interlocal
1117     agreement under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, of which a county or
1118     municipality described in Subsection (2)(b)(iii)(A) is a member; and
1119          (E) placed on the Utah Public Notice Website created under Section 63F-1-701;
1120          (iv) with respect to the notice to counties and municipalities described in Subsection
1121     (2)(b)(iii)(A) and affected entities, invite them to provide information for the school district to

1122     consider in the process of preparing, adopting, and implementing the long-range plan or
1123     amendments to a long-range plan concerning:
1124          (A) impacts that the use of land proposed in the proposed long-range plan or
1125     amendments to a long-range plan may have on the county, municipality, or affected entity; and
1126          (B) uses of land that the county, municipality, or affected entity is planning or
1127     considering that may conflict with the proposed long-range plan or amendments to a long-range
1128     plan; and
1129          (v) include the address of an Internet website, if the school district has one, and the
1130     name and telephone number of [a person] an individual where more information can be
1131     obtained concerning the school district's proposed long-range plan or amendments to a
1132     long-range plan.
1133          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(d), each school district intending to
1134     acquire real property in a county of the first or second class for the purpose of expanding the
1135     district's infrastructure or other facilities shall provide written notice, as provided in this
1136     Subsection (3), of [its] the school district's intent to acquire the property if the intended use of
1137     the property is contrary to:
1138          (i) the anticipated use of the property under the county or municipality's general plan;
1139     or
1140          (ii) the property's current zoning designation.
1141          (b) Each notice under Subsection (3)(a) shall:
1142          (i) indicate that the school district intends to acquire real property;
1143          (ii) identify the real property; and
1144          (iii) be sent to:
1145          (A) each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
1146     boundaries the property is located; and
1147          (B) each affected entity.
1148          (c) A notice under this Subsection (3) is a protected record as provided in Subsection
1149     63G-2-305(8).

1150          (d) (i) The notice requirement of Subsection (3)(a) does not apply if the school district
1151     previously provided notice under Subsection (2) identifying the general location within the
1152     municipality or unincorporated part of the county where the property to be acquired is located.
1153          (ii) If a school district is not required to comply with the notice requirement of
1154     Subsection (3)(a) because of application of Subsection (3)(d)(i), the school district shall
1155     provide the notice specified in Subsection (3)(a) as soon as practicable after [its] the school
1156     district's acquisition of the real property.
1157          Section 23. Section 54-3-28 is amended to read:
1158          54-3-28. Notice required of certain public utilities before preparing or amending
1159     a long-range plan or acquiring certain property.
1160          (1) As used in this section:
1161          (a) (i) "Affected entity" means each county, municipality, local district under Title 17B,
1162     Limited Purpose Local Government Entities - Local Districts, special service district, school
1163     district, interlocal cooperation entity established under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal
1164     Cooperation Act, and specified public utility:
1165          (A) whose services or facilities are likely to require expansion or significant
1166     modification because of expected uses of land under a proposed long-range plan or under
1167     proposed amendments to a long-range plan; or
1168          (B) that has filed with the specified public utility a copy of the general or long-range
1169     plan of the county, municipality, local district, special service district, school district, interlocal
1170     cooperation entity, or specified public utility.
1171          (ii) "Affected entity" does not include the specified public utility that is required under
1172     Subsection (2) to provide notice.
1173          (b) "Specified public utility" means an electrical corporation, gas corporation, or
1174     telephone corporation, as those terms are defined in Section 54-2-1.
1175          (2) (a) If a specified public utility prepares a long-range plan regarding [its] the
1176     specified public utility's facilities proposed for the future in a county of the first or second class
1177     or amends an already existing long-range plan, the specified public utility shall, before

1178     preparing a long-range plan or amendments to an existing long-range plan, provide written
1179     notice, as provided in this section, of [its] the specified public utility's intent to prepare a
1180     long-range plan or to amend an existing long-range plan.
1181          (b) Each notice under Subsection (2) shall:
1182          (i) indicate that the specified public utility intends to prepare a long-range plan or to
1183     amend a long-range plan, as the case may be;
1184          (ii) describe or provide a map of the geographic area that will be affected by the
1185     long-range plan or amendments to a long-range plan;
1186          (iii) be sent to:
1187          (A) each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
1188     boundaries is located the land on which the proposed long-range plan or amendments to a
1189     long-range plan are expected to indicate that the proposed facilities will be located;
1190          (B) each affected entity;
1191          (C) the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center
1192     created in Section 63F-1-506;
1193          (D) each association of governments, established pursuant to an interlocal agreement
1194     under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, of which a county or municipality
1195     described in Subsection (2)(b)(iii)(A) is a member; and
1196          (E) the state planning coordinator appointed under Section 63J-4-202;
1197          (iv) with respect to the notice to counties and municipalities described in Subsection
1198     (2)(b)(iii)(A) and affected entities, invite them to provide information for the specified public
1199     utility to consider in the process of preparing, adopting, and implementing the long-range plan
1200     or amendments to a long-range plan concerning:
1201          (A) impacts that the use of land proposed in the proposed long-range plan or
1202     amendments to a long-range plan may have on the county, municipality, or affected entity; and
1203          (B) uses of land that the county, municipality, or affected entity is planning or
1204     considering that may conflict with the proposed long-range plan or amendments to a long-range
1205     plan; and

1206          (v) include the address of an Internet website, if the specified public utility has one, and
1207     the name and telephone number of [a person] an individual where more information can be
1208     obtained concerning the specified public utility's proposed long-range plan or amendments to a
1209     long-range plan.
1210          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(d), each specified public utility intending
1211     to acquire real property in a county of the first or second class for the purpose of expanding
1212     [its] the specified public utility's infrastructure or other facilities used for providing the services
1213     that the specified public utility is authorized to provide shall provide written notice, as
1214     provided in this Subsection (3), of [its] the specified public utility's intent to acquire the
1215     property if the intended use of the property is contrary to:
1216          (i) the anticipated use of the property under the county or municipality's general plan;
1217     or
1218          (ii) the property's current zoning designation.
1219          (b) Each notice under Subsection (3)(a) shall:
1220          (i) indicate that the specified public utility intends to acquire real property;
1221          (ii) identify the real property; and
1222          (iii) be sent to:
1223          (A) each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
1224     boundaries the property is located; and
1225          (B) each affected entity.
1226          (c) A notice under this Subsection (3) is a protected record as provided in Subsection
1227     63G-2-305(8).
1228          (d) (i) The notice requirement of Subsection (3)(a) does not apply if the specified
1229     public utility previously provided notice under Subsection (2) identifying the general location
1230     within the municipality or unincorporated part of the county where the property to be acquired
1231     is located.
1232          (ii) If a specified public utility is not required to comply with the notice requirement of
1233     Subsection (3)(a) because of application of Subsection (3)(d)(i), the specified public utility

1234     shall provide the notice specified in Subsection (3)(a) as soon as practicable after [its] the
1235     specified public utility's acquisition of the real property.
1236          Section 24. Section 63F-1-502 is amended to read:
1237          63F-1-502. Definitions.
1238          As used in this part:
1239          (1) "Center" means the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial
1240     Resource Center created in Section 63F-1-506.
1241          (2) "Database" means the State Geographic Information Database created in Section
1242     63F-1-507.
1243          (3) "Geographic Information System" or "GIS" means a computer driven data
1244     integration and map production system that interrelates disparate layers of data to specific
1245     geographic locations.
1246          (4) "State Geographic Information Database" means the database created in Section
1247     63F-1-507.
1248          (5) "Statewide Global Positioning Reference Network" or "network" means the
1249     network created in Section 63F-1-509.
1250          Section 25. Section 63F-1-506 is amended to read:
1251          63F-1-506. Utah Geospatial Resource Center.
1252          (1) There is created the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial
1253     Resource Center as part of the division.
1254          (2) The center shall:
1255          (a) provide geographic information system services to state agencies under rules
1256     adopted in accordance with Section 63F-1-504 and policies established by the division;
1257          (b) provide geographic information system services to federal government, local
1258     political subdivisions, and private persons under rules and policies established by the division;
1259          (c) manage the State Geographic Information Database; and
1260          (d) establish standard format, lineage, and other requirements for the database.
1261          (3) (a) There is created a position of surveyor within the center.

1262          (b) The surveyor under this Subsection (3) shall:
1263          (i) be licensed as a professional land surveyor under Title 58, Chapter 22, Professional
1264     Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Licensing Act;
1265          (ii) provide technical support to the office of lieutenant governor in the lieutenant
1266     governor's evaluation under Section 67-1a-6.5 of a proposed boundary action, as defined in
1267     Section 17-23-20;
1268          (iii) as requested by a county surveyor, provide technical assistance to the county
1269     surveyor with respect to the county surveyor's responsibilities under Section 17-23-20;
1270          (iv) fulfill the duties described in Section 17-50-105, if engaged to do so as provided in
1271     that section;
1272          (v) assist the State Tax Commission in processing and quality assurance of boundary
1273     descriptions or maps into digital format for inclusion in the State Geographic Information
1274     Database;
1275          (vi) coordinate with county recorders and surveyors to create a statewide parcel layer in
1276     the State Geographic Information Database containing parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel
1277     address, owner type, and county recorder contact information; and
1278          (vii) facilitate and integrate the collection efforts of local government and federal
1279     agencies for data collection to densify and enhance the statewide Public Land Survey System
1280     reference network in the State Geographic Information Database.
1281          (4) The division may:
1282          (a) make rules and establish policies to govern the center and [its] the center's
1283     operations; and
1284          (b) set fees for the services provided by the center.
1285          (5) The state may not sell information obtained from counties under Subsection
1286     (3)(b)(v).
1287          Section 26. Section 63F-1-508 is amended to read:
1288          63F-1-508. Committee to award grants to counties for inventory and mapping of
1289     R.S. 2477 rights-of-way -- Use of grants -- Request for proposals.

1290          (1) There is created within the center a committee to award grants to counties to
1291     inventory and map R.S. 2477 rights-of-way, associated structures, and other features as
1292     provided by Subsection (5).
1293          (2) (a) The committee shall consist of:
1294          (i) the center manager;
1295          (ii) a representative of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget;
1296          (iii) a representative of Utah State University Extension;
1297          (iv) a representative of the Utah Association of Counties; and
1298          (v) three county commissioners.
1299          (b) The committee members specified in Subsections (2)(a)(ii) through (2)(a)(iv) shall
1300     be selected by the organizations they represent.
1301          (c) The committee members specified in Subsection (2)(a)(v) shall be:
1302          (i) selected by the Utah Association of Counties;
1303          (ii) from rural counties; and
1304          (iii) from different regions of the state.
1305          (3) (a) The committee shall select a chair from [its] the committee's membership.
1306          (b) The committee shall meet upon the call of the chair or a majority of the committee
1307     members.
1308          (c) Four members shall constitute a quorum.
1309          (4) (a) Committee members who are state government employees shall receive no
1310     additional compensation for their work on the committee.
1311          (b) Committee members who are not state government employees shall receive no
1312     compensation or expenses from the state for their work on the committee.
1313          (5) (a) The committee shall award grants to counties to:
1314          (i) inventory and map R.S. 2477 rights-of-way using Global Positioning System (GPS)
1315     technology; and
1316          (ii) photograph:
1317          (A) roads and other evidence of construction of R.S. 2477 rights-of-way;

1318          (B) structures or natural features that may be indicative of the purpose for which an
1319     R.S. 2477 right-of-way was created, such as mines, agricultural facilities, recreational facilities,
1320     or scenic overlooks; and
1321          (C) evidence of valid and existing rights on federal lands, such as mines and
1322     agricultural facilities.
1323          (b) (i) The committee may allow counties, while they are conducting the activities
1324     described in Subsection (5)(a), to use grant money to inventory, map, or photograph other
1325     natural or cultural resources.
1326          (ii) Activities funded under Subsection (5)(b)(i) must be integrated with existing
1327     programs underway by state agencies, counties, or institutions of higher education.
1328          (c) Maps and other data acquired through the grants shall become a part of the State
1329     Geographic Information Database.
1330          (d) Counties shall provide an opportunity to interested parties to submit information
1331     relative to the mapping and photographing of R.S. 2477 rights-of-way and other structures as
1332     provided in Subsections (5)(a) and (5)(b).
1333          (6) (a) The committee shall develop a request for proposals process and issue a request
1334     for proposals.
1335          (b) The request for proposals shall require each grant applicant to submit an
1336     implementation plan and identify any monetary or in-kind contributions from the county.
1337          (c) In awarding grants, the committee shall give priority to proposals to inventory, map,
1338     and photograph R.S. 2477 rights-of-way and other structures as specified in Subsection (5)(a)
1339     which are located on federal lands that:
1340          (i) a federal land management agency proposes for special management, such as lands
1341     to be managed as an area of critical environmental concern or primitive area; or
1342          (ii) are proposed to receive a special designation by Congress, such as lands to be
1343     designated as wilderness or a national conservation area.
1344          (7) Each county that receives a grant under the provision of this section shall provide a
1345     copy of all data regarding inventory and mapping to the [AGRC] Utah Geospatial Resource

1346     Center for inclusion in the state database.
1347          Section 27. Section 63H-1-403 is amended to read:
1348          63H-1-403. Notice of project area plan adoption -- Effective date of plan --
1349     Contesting the formation of the plan.
1350          (1) Upon the board's adoption of a project area plan, the board shall provide notice as
1351     provided in Subsection (1)(b) by publishing or causing to be published legal notice:
1352          (a) in a newspaper of general circulation within or near the project area; and
1353          (b) as required by Section 45-1-101.
1354          (2) (a) Each notice under Subsection (1) shall include:
1355          (i) the board resolution adopting the project area plan or a summary of the resolution;
1356     and
1357          (ii) a statement that the project area plan is available for general public inspection and
1358     the hours for inspection.
1359          (b) The statement required under Subsection (2)(a)(ii) may be included in the board
1360     resolution or summary described in Subsection (2)(a)(i).
1361          (3) The project area plan becomes effective on the date designated in the board
1362     resolution adopting the project area plan.
1363          (4) The authority shall make the adopted project area plan available to the general
1364     public at [its] the authority's offices during normal business hours.
1365          (5) Within 10 days after the day on which a project area plan is adopted that establishes
1366     a project area, or after an amendment to a project area plan is adopted under which the
1367     boundary of a project area is modified, the authority shall send notice of the establishment or
1368     modification of the project area and an accurate map or plat of the project area to:
1369          (a) the State Tax Commission;
1370          (b) the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center
1371     created in Section 63F-1-506; and
1372          (c) the assessor and recorder of each county where the project area is located.
1373          (6) (a) A legal action or other challenge to a project area plan or a project area

1374     described in a project area plan is barred unless brought within 30 days after the effective date
1375     of the project area plan.
1376          (b) For a project area created before December 1, 2018, a legal action or other
1377     challenge is barred.
1378          (c) For a project area created after December 1, 2018, and before May 14, 2019, a legal
1379     action or other challenge is barred after July 1, 2019.
1380          Section 28. Section 63H-7a-304 is amended to read:
1381          63H-7a-304. Unified Statewide 911 Emergency Service Account -- Creation --
1382     Administration -- Permitted uses.
1383          (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the "Unified
1384     Statewide 911 Emergency Service Account," consisting of:
1385          (a) proceeds from the fee imposed in Section 69-2-403;
1386          (b) money appropriated or otherwise made available by the Legislature; and
1387          (c) contributions of money, property, or equipment from federal agencies, political
1388     subdivisions of the state, persons, or corporations.
1389          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4) and subject to Subsection (3) and
1390     appropriations by the Legislature, the authority shall disburse funds in the 911 account for the
1391     purpose of enhancing and maintaining the statewide public safety communications network and
1392     911 call processing equipment in order to rapidly, efficiently, effectively, and with greater
1393     interoperability deliver 911 services in the state.
1394          (b) In expending funds in the 911 account, the authority shall give a higher priority to
1395     an expenditure that:
1396          (i) best promotes statewide public safety;
1397          (ii) best promotes interoperability;
1398          (iii) impacts the largest service territory;
1399          (iv) impacts a densely populated area; or
1400          (v) impacts an underserved area.
1401          (c) The authority shall expend funds in the 911 account in accordance with the

1402     authority strategic plan described in Section 63H-7a-206.
1403          (d) The authority may not expend funds from the 911 account collected through the
1404     911 emergency service charge imposed in Section 69-2-403 on behalf of a PSAP that chooses
1405     not to participate in the:
1406          (i) public safety communications network; and
1407          (ii) the 911 emergency service defined in Section 69-2-102.
1408          (e) The authority may not expend funds from the 911 account collected through the
1409     prepaid wireless 911 service charge revenue distributed in Subsection 69-2-405(9)(c) on behalf
1410     of a PSAP that chooses not to participate in the:
1411          (i) public safety communications network; and
1412          (ii) 911 emergency service defined in Section 69-2-102.
1413          (f) The executive director shall recommend to the board expenditures for the authority
1414     to make from the 911 account in accordance with this Subsection (2).
1415          (3) Subject to an appropriation by the Legislature and approval by the board , the
1416     Administrative Services Division may use funds in the 911 account to cover the Administrative
1417     Services Division's administrative costs related to the 911 account.
1418          (4) (a) The authority shall reimburse from the 911 account to the [Automated
1419     Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center created in Section 63F-1-506
1420     an amount equal to up to 1 cent of each unified statewide 911 emergency service charge
1421     deposited into the 911 account under Section 69-2-403.
1422          (b) The [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center
1423     shall use the funds reimbursed to the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah
1424     Geospatial Resource Center under Subsection (4)(a) to:
1425          (i) enhance and upgrade digital mapping standards; and
1426          (ii) maintain a statewide geospatial database for unified statewide 911 emergency
1427     service.
1428          Section 29. Section 63N-3-501 is amended to read:
1429          63N-3-501. Infrastructure and broadband coordination.

1430          (1) The office shall partner with the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah
1431     Geospatial Resource Center created in Section 63F-1-506 to collect and maintain a database
1432     and interactive map that displays economic development data statewide, including:
1433          (a) voluntarily submitted broadband availability, speeds, and other broadband data;
1434          (b) voluntarily submitted public utility data;
1435          (c) workforce data, including information regarding:
1436          (i) enterprise zones designated under Section 63N-2-206;
1437          (ii) business resource centers;
1438          (iii) public institutions of higher education; and
1439          (iv) procurement technical assistance centers;
1440          (d) transportation data, which may include information regarding railway routes,
1441     commuter rail routes, airport locations, and major highways;
1442          (e) lifestyle data, which may include information regarding state parks, national parks
1443     and monuments, United States Forest Service boundaries, ski areas, golf courses, and hospitals;
1444     and
1445          (f) other relevant economic development data as determined by the office, including
1446     data provided by partner organizations.
1447          (2) The office may:
1448          (a) make recommendations to state and federal agencies, local governments, the
1449     governor, and the Legislature regarding policies and initiatives that promote the development
1450     of broadband-related infrastructure in the state and help implement those policies and
1451     initiatives;
1452          (b) facilitate coordination between broadband providers and public and private entities;
1453          (c) collect and analyze data on broadband availability and usage in the state, including
1454     Internet speed, capacity, the number of unique visitors, and the availability of broadband
1455     infrastructure throughout the state;
1456          (d) create a voluntary broadband advisory committee, which shall include broadband
1457     providers and other public and private stakeholders, to solicit input on broadband-related policy

1458     guidance, best practices, and adoption strategies;
1459          (e) work with broadband providers, state and local governments, and other public and
1460     private stakeholders to facilitate and encourage the expansion and maintenance of broadband
1461     infrastructure throughout the state; and
1462          (f) in accordance with the requirements of Title 63J, Chapter 5, Federal Funds
1463     Procedures Act, and in accordance with federal requirements:
1464          (i) apply for federal grants;
1465          (ii) participate in federal programs; and
1466          (iii) administer federally funded broadband-related programs.
1467          Section 30. Section 67-1a-2.2 is amended to read:
1468          67-1a-2.2. Residences in more than one district -- Lieutenant governor to resolve.
1469          (1) If, in reviewing a map generated from a redistricting block assignment file, the
1470     lieutenant governor determines that a single-family or multi-family residence is within more
1471     than one Congressional, Senate, House, or State Board of Education district, the lieutenant
1472     governor may, by January 31, 2012, and in consultation with the [Automated Geographic
1473     Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center, determine the district to which the
1474     residence is assigned.
1475          (2) In order to make the determination required by Subsection (1), the lieutenant
1476     governor shall review the block assignment file and other Bureau of the Census data and obtain
1477     and review other relevant data such as aerial photography or other data about the area.
1478          (3) Upon making the determination authorized by this section, the lieutenant governor
1479     shall notify county clerks affected by the determination and the [Automated Geographic
1480     Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center created under Section 63F-1-506.
1481          Section 31. Section 67-1a-6.5 is amended to read:
1482          67-1a-6.5. Certification of local entity boundary actions -- Definitions -- Notice
1483     requirements -- Electronic copies -- Filing.
1484          (1) As used in this section:
1485          (a) "Applicable certificate" means:

1486          (i) for the impending incorporation of a city, town, local district, conservation district,
1487     or incorporation of a local district from a reorganized special service district, a certificate of
1488     incorporation;
1489          (ii) for the impending creation of a county, school district, special service district,
1490     community reinvestment agency, or interlocal entity, a certificate of creation;
1491          (iii) for the impending annexation of territory to an existing local entity, a certificate of
1492     annexation;
1493          (iv) for the impending withdrawal or disconnection of territory from an existing local
1494     entity, a certificate of withdrawal or disconnection, respectively;
1495          (v) for the impending consolidation of multiple local entities, a certificate of
1496     consolidation;
1497          (vi) for the impending division of a local entity into multiple local entities, a certificate
1498     of division;
1499          (vii) for the impending adjustment of a common boundary between local entities, a
1500     certificate of boundary adjustment; and
1501          (viii) for the impending dissolution of a local entity, a certificate of dissolution.
1502          (b) "Approved final local entity plat" means a final local entity plat, as defined in
1503     Section 17-23-20, that has been approved under Section 17-23-20 as a final local entity plat by
1504     the county surveyor.
1505          (c) "Approving authority" has the same meaning as defined in Section 17-23-20.
1506          (d) "Boundary action" has the same meaning as defined in Section 17-23-20.
1507          (e) "Center" means the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial
1508     Resource Center created under Section 63F-1-506.
1509          (f) "Community reinvestment agency" has the same meaning as defined in Section
1510     17C-1-102.
1511          (g) "Conservation district" has the same meaning as defined in Section 17D-3-102.
1512          (h) "Interlocal entity" has the same meaning as defined in Section 11-13-103.
1513          (i) "Local district" has the same meaning as defined in Section 17B-1-102.

1514          (j) "Local entity" means a county, city, town, school district, local district, community
1515     reinvestment agency, special service district, conservation district, or interlocal entity.
1516          (k) "Notice of an impending boundary action" means a written notice, as described in
1517     Subsection (3), that provides notice of an impending boundary action.
1518          (l) "Special service district" has the same meaning as defined in Section 17D-1-102.
1519          (2) Within 10 days after receiving a notice of an impending boundary action, the
1520     lieutenant governor shall:
1521          (a) (i) issue the applicable certificate, if:
1522          (A) the lieutenant governor determines that the notice of an impending boundary action
1523     meets the requirements of Subsection (3); and
1524          (B) except in the case of an impending local entity dissolution, the notice of an
1525     impending boundary action is accompanied by an approved final local entity plat;
1526          (ii) send the applicable certificate to the local entity's approving authority;
1527          (iii) return the original of the approved final local entity plat to the local entity's
1528     approving authority;
1529          (iv) send a copy of the applicable certificate and approved final local entity plat to:
1530          (A) the State Tax Commission;
1531          (B) the center; and
1532          (C) the county assessor, county surveyor, county auditor, and county attorney of each
1533     county in which the property depicted on the approved final local entity plat is located; and
1534          (v) send a copy of the applicable certificate to the state auditor, if the boundary action
1535     that is the subject of the applicable certificate is:
1536          (A) the incorporation or creation of a new local entity;
1537          (B) the consolidation of multiple local entities;
1538          (C) the division of a local entity into multiple local entities; or
1539          (D) the dissolution of a local entity; or
1540          (b) (i) send written notification to the approving authority that the lieutenant governor
1541     is unable to issue the applicable certificate, if:

1542          (A) the lieutenant governor determines that the notice of an impending boundary action
1543     does not meet the requirements of Subsection (3); or
1544          (B) the notice of an impending boundary action is:
1545          (I) not accompanied by an approved final local entity plat; or
1546          (II) accompanied by a plat or final local entity plat that has not been approved as a final
1547     local entity plat by the county surveyor under Section 17-23-20; and
1548          (ii) explain in the notification under Subsection (2)(b)(i) why the lieutenant governor is
1549     unable to issue the applicable certificate.
1550          (3) Each notice of an impending boundary action shall:
1551          (a) be directed to the lieutenant governor;
1552          (b) contain the name of the local entity or, in the case of an incorporation or creation,
1553     future local entity, whose boundary is affected or established by the boundary action;
1554          (c) describe the type of boundary action for which an applicable certificate is sought;
1555          (d) be accompanied by a letter from the Utah State Retirement Office, created under
1556     Section 49-11-201, to the approving authority that identifies the potential provisions under
1557     Title 49, Utah State Retirement and Insurance Benefit Act, that the local entity shall comply
1558     with, related to the boundary action, if the boundary action is an impending incorporation or
1559     creation of a local entity that may result in the employment of personnel; and
1560          (e) (i) contain a statement, signed and verified by the approving authority, certifying
1561     that all requirements applicable to the boundary action have been met; or
1562          (ii) in the case of the dissolution of a municipality, be accompanied by a certified copy
1563     of the court order approving the dissolution of the municipality.
1564          (4) The lieutenant governor may require the approving authority to submit a paper or
1565     electronic copy of a notice of an impending boundary action and approved final local entity plat
1566     in conjunction with the filing of the original of those documents.
1567          (5) (a) The lieutenant governor shall:
1568          (i) keep, index, maintain, and make available to the public each notice of an impending
1569     boundary action, approved final local entity plat, applicable certificate, and other document that

1570     the lieutenant governor receives or generates under this section;
1571          (ii) make a copy of each document listed in Subsection (5)(a)(i) available on the
1572     Internet for 12 months after the lieutenant governor receives or generates the document;
1573          (iii) furnish a paper copy of any of the documents listed in Subsection (5)(a)(i) to any
1574     person who requests a paper copy; and
1575          (iv) furnish a certified copy of any of the documents listed in Subsection (5)(a)(i) to
1576     any person who requests a certified copy.
1577          (b) The lieutenant governor may charge a reasonable fee for a paper copy or certified
1578     copy of a document that the lieutenant governor provides under this Subsection (5).
1579          Section 32. Section 72-5-304 is amended to read:
1580          72-5-304. Mapping and survey requirements.
1581          (1) The Department of Transportation, counties, and cities are not required to possess
1582     centerline surveys for R.S. 2477 rights-of-ways.
1583          (2) To be accepted, highways within R.S. 2477 rights-of-way do not need to be
1584     included in the plats, descriptions, and maps of county roads required by Sections 72-3-105 and
1585     72-3-107 or on the State Geographic Information Database, created in Section 63F-1-507,
1586     required to be maintained by Subsection (3).
1587          (3) (a) The [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource
1588     Center, created in Section 63F-1-506, shall create and maintain a record of R.S. 2477
1589     rights-of-way on the Geographic Information Database.
1590          (b) The record of R.S. 2477 rights-of-way shall be based on information maintained by
1591     the Department of Transportation and cartographic, topographic, photographic, historical, and
1592     other data available to or maintained by the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah
1593     Geospatial Resource Center.
1594          (c) Agencies and political subdivisions of the state may provide additional information
1595     regarding R.S. 2477 rights-of-way when information is available.
1596          Section 33. Section 72-5-309 is amended to read:
1597          72-5-309. Acceptance of rights-of-way -- Notice of acknowledgment required.

1598          (1) The governor or the governor's designee may assess whether the grant of the R.S.
1599     2477 has been accepted with regard to any right-of-way so as to vest title of the right-of-way in
1600     the state and the applicable political subdivision as provided for in Section 72-5-103.
1601          (2) If the governor or governor's designee concludes that the grant has been accepted as
1602     to any right-of-way, the governor or a designee shall issue a notice of acknowledgment of the
1603     acceptance of the R.S. 2477 grant as to that right-of-way.
1604          (3) A notice of acknowledgment of the R.S. 2477 grant shall include:
1605          (a) a statement of reasons for the acknowledgment;
1606          (b) a general description of the right-of-way or rights-of-way subject to the notice of
1607     acknowledgment, including the county in which it is located, and notice of where a center-line
1608     description derived from Global Positioning System data may be viewed or obtained;
1609          (c) a statement that the owner of the servient estate in the land over which the
1610     right-of-way or rights-of-way subject to the notice runs or any person with a competing
1611     dominant estate ownership claim may file a petition with the district court for a decision
1612     regarding the correctness or incorrectness of the acknowledgment; and
1613          (d) a statement of the time limit provided in Section 72-5-310 for filing a petition.
1614          (4) (a) (i) The governor or the governor's designee may record a notice of
1615     acknowledgment, and any supporting affidavit, map, or other document purporting to establish
1616     or affect the state's property interest in the right-of-way or rights-of-way, in the office of the
1617     county recorder in the county where the right-of-way or rights-of-way exist.
1618          (ii) (A) A notice of acknowledgment recorded in the county recorder's office is not
1619     required to be accompanied by a paper copy of the center-line description.
1620          (B) A paper copy of each center-line description together with the notice of
1621     acknowledgment shall be placed in the state archives created in Section 63A-12-101 and made
1622     available to the public upon request in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government
1623     Records Access and Management Act.
1624          (C) An electronic copy of the center-line description identified in a notice of
1625     acknowledgment shall be available upon request at:

1626          (I) the county recorder's office; or
1627          (II) the [Automated Geographic Reference Center] Utah Geospatial Resource Center
1628     created in Section 63F-1-506.
1629          (b) A notice of acknowledgment recorded in the county recorder's office is conclusive
1630     evidence of acceptance of the R.S. 2477 grant upon:
1631          (i) expiration of the 60-day period for filing a petition under Section 72-5-310 without
1632     the filing of a petition; or
1633          (ii) a final court decision that the notice of acknowledgment was not incorrect.
1634          Section 34. Revisor instructions.
1635          The Legislature intends that the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, in
1636     preparing the Utah Code database for publication, on May 5, 2021, replace "Automated
1637     Geographic Reference Center" with "Utah Geospatial Resource Center" in any new language
1638     added to the Utah Code by legislation passed during the 2021 General Session.