


Chief Sponsor: Robert M. Spendlove

Senate Sponsor: Daniel McCay

6     Cosponsors:
7     Stewart E. Barlow
8     Walt Brooks
9     Scott H. Chew
10     Stephen G. Handy
11     Karianne Lisonbee
Jefferson Moss
Candice B. Pierucci
Susan Pulsipher
Paul Ray
Rex P. Shipp
Mark A. Strong
Norman K. Thurston
Steve Waldrip
Christine F. Watkins
Mike Winder


14     General Description:
15          This bill prohibits a governmental entity from requiring that an individual receive a
16     vaccine for COVID-19.
17     Highlighted Provisions:
18          This bill:
19          ▸     defines terms;
20          ▸     prohibits a governmental entity from requiring that an individual receive a vaccine
21     for COVID-19;
22          ▸     provides exceptions to the prohibition in this bill; and
23          ▸     provides a sunset date.
24     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
25          None
26     Other Special Clauses:
27          None
28     Utah Code Sections Affected:

29     AMENDS:
30          63I-1-226, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapters 19, 154, 172, 181, 221,
31     232, 303, 347, and 429
32     ENACTS:
33          26-68-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
34          26-68-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953

36     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
37          Section 1. Section 26-68-101 is enacted to read:

39          26-68-101. Title.
40          This chapter is known as the "COVID-19 Vaccine Restrictions Act."
41          Section 2. Section 26-68-102 is enacted to read:
42          26-68-102. Governmental entities prohibited from requiring a COVID-19 vaccine.
43          (1) As used in this section:
44          (a) "Governmental entity" means the same as that term is defined in Section
45     63D-2-102.
46          (b) "Emergency COVID-19 vaccine" means a substance that is:
47          (i) authorized for use by the United States Food and Drug Administration under an
48     emergency use authorization under 21 U.S.C. Sec. 360bbb-3;
49          (ii) injected into or otherwise administered to an individual; and
50          (iii) intended to immunize an individual against COVID-19 as defined in Section
51     78B-4-517.
52          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (4), a governmental entity may not require,
53     directly or indirectly, that an individual receive an emergency COVID-19 vaccine.
54          (3) The prohibited activities under Subsection (2) include:
55          (a) making rules that require, directly or indirectly, that an individual receive an
56     emergency COVID-19 vaccine;

57          (b) requiring that an individual receive an emergency COVID-19 vaccine as a
58     condition of:
59          (i) employment;
60          (ii) participation in an activity of the governmental entity, including outside or
61     extracurricular activities; or
62          (iii) attendance at events that are hosted or sponsored by the governmental entity; and
63          (c) any action that a reasonable person would not be able to deny without significant
64     harm to the individual.
65          (4) Subsection (2) does not include:
66          (a) facilitating the distribution, dispensing, administration, coordination, or provision
67     of an emergency COVID-19 vaccine;
68          (b) an employee of a governmental entity who is:
69          (i) acting in a public health or medical setting; and
70          (ii) required to receive vaccinations in order to perform the employee's assigned duties
71     and responsibilities; or
72          (c) enforcement by a governmental entity of a non-discretionary requirement under
73     federal law.
74          (5) This section may not be suspended or modified by the governor or any other chief
75     executive officer under Title 53, Chapter 2a, Emergency Management Act.
76          Section 3. Section 63I-1-226 is amended to read:
77          63I-1-226. Repeal dates, Title 26.
78          (1) Subsection 26-1-7(1)(f), related to the Residential Child Care Licensing Advisory
79     Committee, is repealed July 1, 2024.
80          (2) Subsection 26-1-7(1)(h), related to the Primary Care Grant Committee, is repealed
81     July 1, 2025.
82          (3) Section 26-1-7.5, which creates the Utah Health Advisory Council, is repealed July
83     1, 2025.
84          (4) Section 26-1-40 is repealed July 1, 2022.

85          (5) Section 26-1-41 is repealed July 1, 2026.
86          (6) Section 26-7-10 is repealed July 1, 2025.
87          (7) Subsection 26-7-11(5), regarding reports to the Legislature, is repealed July 1,
88     2028.
89          (8) Section 26-7-14 is repealed December 31, 2027.
90          (9) Title 26, Chapter 9f, Utah Digital Health Service Commission Act, is repealed July
91     1, 2025.
92          (10) Subsection 26-10-6(5), which creates the Newborn Hearing Screening Committee,
93     is repealed July 1, 2026.
94          (11) Section 26-10-11 is repealed July 1, 2025.
95          (12) Section 26-10b-106, which creates the Primary Care Grant Committee, is repealed
96     July 1, 2025.
97          (13) Title 26, Chapter 18, Part 2, Drug Utilization Review Board, is repealed July 1,
98     2027.
99          (14) Subsection 26-18-417(3) relating to a report to the Health and Human services
100     Interim Committee is repealed July 1, 2020.
101          (15) Subsection 26-18-418(2), the language that states "and the Behavioral Health
102     Crisis Response Commission created in Section 63C-18-202" is repealed July 1, 2023.
103          (16) Title 26, Chapter 18a, Kurt Oscarson Children's Organ Transplant Coordinating
104     Committee, is repealed July 1, 2021.
105          (17) Section 26-33a-117 is repealed on December 31, 2023.
106          (18) Title 26, Chapter 33a, Utah Health Data Authority Act, is repealed July 1, 2024.
107          (19) Title 26, Chapter 36b, Inpatient Hospital Assessment Act, is repealed July 1,
108     2024.
109          (20) Title 26, Chapter 36c, Medicaid Expansion Hospital Assessment Act, is repealed
110     July 1, 2024.
111          (21) Title 26, Chapter 36d, Hospital Provider Assessment Act, is repealed July 1, 2024.
112          (22) Section 26-39-201, which creates the Residential Child Care Licensing Advisory

113     Committee, is repealed July 1, 2024.
114          (23) Section 26-40-104, which creates the Utah Children's Health Insurance Program
115     Advisory Council, is repealed July 1, 2025.
116          (24) Section 26-50-202, which creates the Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory
117     Committee, is repealed July 1, 2025.
118          (25) Title 26, Chapter 54, Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Rehabilitation Fund and
119     Pediatric Neuro-Rehabilitation Fund, is repealed January 1, 2025.
120          (26) Title 26, Chapter 63, Nurse Home Visiting Pay-for-Success Program, is repealed
121     July 1, 2026.
122          (27) Title 26, Chapter 66, Early Childhood Utah Advisory Council, is repealed July 1,
123     2026.
124          (28) Title 26, Chapter 68, COVID-19 Vaccine Restrictions, is repealed July 1, 2024.