


Chief Sponsor: James A. Dunnigan


7     General Description:
8          This rules resolution amends house standing committee procedures.
9     Highlighted Provisions:
10          This resolution:
11          ▸     defines terms;
12          ▸     establishes the order in which a standing committee chair allows response to a
13     substitute motion; and
14          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
15     Special Clauses:
16          None
17     Legislative Rules Affected:
18     AMENDS:
19          HR3-2-101
20          HR3-2-313
21          HR3-2-505

23     Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the state of Utah:
24          Section 1. HR3-2-101 is amended to read:
25          HR3-2-101. Definitions.
26          As used in this chapter:
27          (1) "Chair" means:
28          (a) the chair of a standing committee; or
29          (b) a standing committee member who is authorized to act as chair under HR3-2-202.

30          (2) "Committee" means a standing committee created under HR3-2-201.
31          (3) "Dispose of legislation" refers to a committee action that transfers ownership of
32     legislation to the House Rules Committee, to another standing committee, or to the House
33     floor.
34          (4) "Favorable recommendation" refers to a committee action that transfers ownership
35     of legislation to the House second reading calendar.
36          (5) "Legislation" means a Senate bill, House bill, Senate resolution, House resolution,
37     joint resolution, or concurrent resolution.
38          (6) "Majority vote" means a majority of a quorum as provided in HR3-2-203.
39          (7) "Original motion" means a non-privileged motion that is accepted by the chair
40     when no other motion is pending.
41          (8) "Pending motion" refers to a motion starting when a chair accepts a motion and
42     ending when the motion is withdrawn or when the chair calls for a vote on the motion.
43          (9) (a) "Privileged motion" means a procedural motion to adjourn, set a time to
44     adjourn, recess, end debate, extend debate, or limit debate.
45          (b) Privileged motions are not substitute motions.
46          (10) "Substitute motion" means a non-privileged motion that is made when [a
47     non-privileged] an original motion is pending.
48          (11) "Under consideration" means the time starting when a chair opens a discussion on
49     a subject or piece of legislation that is listed on a committee agenda and ending when the
50     committee disposes of the legislation, moves on to another item on the agenda, or adjourns.
51          Section 2. HR3-2-313 is amended to read:
52          HR3-2-313. Chair to allow response to motions before placing motions for a
53     vote.
54          (1) After [a motion has been accepted] the chair accepts an original motion, and before
55     the chair places [a] the original motion for a vote, the chair shall permit:
56          [(1) members of the committee to ask the committee member who placed the motion
57     questions about the motion;]

58          [(2) members of the committee] (a) committee members to debate the original motion;
59          [(3)] (b) the chief sponsor of the legislation that is affected by the original motion to
60     respond to the original motion; and
61          [(4)] (c) the committee member who placed the original motion to have the final word
62     on the motion.
63          (2) After a chair accepts a substitute motion, and before the chair places the substitute
64     motion for a vote, the chair shall permit:
65          (a) the committee member who placed the original motion to respond to the substitute
66     motion;
67          (b) committee members to debate the substitute motion;
68          (c) the chief sponsor of the legislation that is affected by the substitute motion to
69     respond to the substitute motion; and
70          (d) the committee member who placed the substitute motion to have the final word on
71     the motion.
72          Section 3. HR3-2-505 is amended to read:
73          HR3-2-505. Substitute motions in committee -- General requirements, procedure,
74     and priority.
75          (1) Substitute motions:
76          (a) are debatable; and
77          (b) take precedence over original motions.
78          (2) (a) A committee member may make a substitute motion if an original motion is
79     pending.
80          (b) A committee member may not make a substitute motion if:
81          (i) a privileged motion is pending; or
82          (ii) another substitute motion is pending.
83          (c) If a substitute motion is adopted, a substitute motion disposes of the original
84     motion.
85          (d) If a substitute motion is not adopted, the original motion is pending.

86          (3) After a chair accepts a substitute motion, and before the chair places the substitute
87     motion for a vote, the chair shall allow response to the substitute motion in accordance with
88     HR3-2-313.