Representative Paul Ray proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Paul Ray

Senate Sponsor: Evan J. Vickers


8     General Description:
9          This bill creates the Donate Life support special group license plate.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     renames the Organ Donation Contribution Fund as the Allyson Gamble Organ
13     Donation Contribution Fund;
14          ▸     amends provisions related to the Allyson Gamble Organ Donation Contribution
15     Fund to direct contributions from the Donate Life support special group license
16     plate to be deposited into the fund;
17          ▸     directs the Department of Health to distribute proceeds from the Donate Life
18     support special group license plate to a nonprofit organization that specializes in the
19     recovery and transplantation of organs and tissues;
20          ▸     creates the Donate Life support special group license plate; and
21          ▸     makes technical changes.
22     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
23          None
24     Other Special Clauses:
25          This bill provides a special effective date.

26     Utah Code Sections Affected:
27     AMENDS:
28          26-1-30, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 87
29          26-18b-101, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapters 167 and 400
30          41-1a-230.5, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 55
31          41-1a-418, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapters 120, 322, and 405
32          41-1a-422, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapters 120, 322, 354, and 405
33          53-3-214.7, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 30

35     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
36          Section 1. Section 26-1-30 is amended to read:
37          26-1-30. Powers and duties of department.
38          The department shall exercise the following powers and duties, in addition to other
39     powers and duties established in this chapter:
40          (1) enter into cooperative agreements with the Department of Environmental Quality to
41     delineate specific responsibilities to assure that assessment and management of risk to human
42     health from the environment are properly administered;
43          (2) consult with the Department of Environmental Quality and enter into cooperative
44     agreements, as needed, to ensure efficient use of resources and effective response to potential
45     health and safety threats from the environment, and to prevent gaps in protection from potential
46     risks from the environment to specific individuals or population groups;
47          (3) promote and protect the health and wellness of the people within the state;
48          (4) establish, maintain, and enforce rules necessary or desirable to carry out the
49     provisions and purposes of this title to promote and protect the public health or to prevent
50     disease and illness;
51          (5) investigate and control the causes of epidemic, infectious, communicable, and other
52     diseases affecting the public health;
53          (6) provide for the detection, reporting, prevention, and control of communicable,
54     infectious, acute, chronic, or any other disease or health hazard which the department considers
55     to be dangerous, important, or likely to affect the public health;
56          (7) collect and report information on causes of injury, sickness, death, and disability

57     and the risk factors that contribute to the causes of injury, sickness, death, and disability within
58     the state;
59          (8) collect, prepare, publish, and disseminate information to inform the public
60     concerning the health and wellness of the population, specific hazards, and risks that may affect
61     the health and wellness of the population and specific activities which may promote and protect
62     the health and wellness of the population;
63          (9) establish and operate programs necessary or desirable for the promotion or
64     protection of the public health and the control of disease or which may be necessary to
65     ameliorate the major causes of injury, sickness, death, and disability in the state, except that the
66     programs may not be established if adequate programs exist in the private sector;
67          (10) establish, maintain, and enforce isolation and quarantine, and for this purpose
68     only, exercise physical control over property and individuals as the department finds necessary
69     for the protection of the public health;
70          (11) close theaters, schools, and other public places and forbid gatherings of people
71     when necessary to protect the public health;
72          (12) abate nuisances when necessary to eliminate sources of filth and infectious and
73     communicable diseases affecting the public health;
74          (13) make necessary sanitary and health investigations and inspections in cooperation
75     with local health departments as to any matters affecting the public health;
76          (14) establish laboratory services necessary to support public health programs and
77     medical services in the state;
78          (15) establish and enforce standards for laboratory services which are provided by any
79     laboratory in the state when the purpose of the services is to protect the public health;
80          (16) cooperate with the Labor Commission to conduct studies of occupational health
81     hazards and occupational diseases arising in and out of employment in industry, and make
82     recommendations for elimination or reduction of the hazards;
83          (17) cooperate with the local health departments, the Department of Corrections, the
84     Administrative Office of the Courts, the Division of Juvenile Justice Services, and the Crime
85     Victim Reparations Board to conduct testing for HIV infection of alleged sexual offenders,
86     convicted sexual offenders, and any victims of a sexual offense;
87          (18) investigate the causes of maternal and infant mortality;

88          (19) establish, maintain, and enforce a procedure requiring the blood of adult
89     pedestrians and drivers of motor vehicles killed in highway accidents be examined for the
90     presence and concentration of alcohol;
91          (20) provide the Commissioner of Public Safety with monthly statistics reflecting the
92     results of the examinations provided for in Subsection (19) and provide safeguards so that
93     information derived from the examinations is not used for a purpose other than the compilation
94     of statistics authorized in this Subsection (20);
95          (21) establish qualifications for individuals permitted to draw blood pursuant to
96     Subsection 41-6a-523(1)(a)(vi), 53-10-405(2)(a)(vi), 72-10-502(5)(a)(vi), or
97     77-23-213(3)(a)(vi), and to issue permits to individuals it finds qualified, which permits may
98     be terminated or revoked by the department;
99          (22) establish a uniform public health program throughout the state which includes
100     continuous service, employment of qualified employees, and a basic program of disease
101     control, vital and health statistics, sanitation, public health nursing, and other preventive health
102     programs necessary or desirable for the protection of public health;
103          (23) adopt rules and enforce minimum sanitary standards for the operation and
104     maintenance of:
105          (a) orphanages;
106          (b) boarding homes;
107          (c) summer camps for children;
108          (d) lodging houses;
109          (e) hotels;
110          (f) restaurants and all other places where food is handled for commercial purposes,
111     sold, or served to the public;
112          (g) tourist and trailer camps;
113          (h) service stations;
114          (i) public conveyances and stations;
115          (j) public and private schools;
116          (k) factories;
117          (l) private sanatoria;
118          (m) barber shops;

119          (n) beauty shops;
120          (o) physician offices;
121          (p) dentist offices;
122          (q) workshops;
123          (r) industrial, labor, or construction camps;
124          (s) recreational resorts and camps;
125          (t) swimming pools, public baths, and bathing beaches;
126          (u) state, county, or municipal institutions, including hospitals and other buildings,
127     centers, and places used for public gatherings; and
128          (v) any other facilities in public buildings or on public grounds;
129          (24) conduct health planning for the state;
130          (25) monitor the costs of health care in the state and foster price competition in the
131     health care delivery system;
132          (26) adopt rules for the licensure of health facilities within the state pursuant to Title
133     26, Chapter 21, Health Care Facility Licensing and Inspection Act;
134          (27) license the provision of child care;
135          (28) accept contributions to and administer the funds contained in the Allyson Gamble
136     Organ Donation Contribution Fund created in Section 26-18b-101;
137          (29) serve as the collecting agent, on behalf of the state, for the nursing care facility
138     assessment fee imposed under Title 26, Chapter 35a, Nursing Care Facility Assessment Act,
139     and adopt rules for the enforcement and administration of the nursing facility assessment
140     consistent with the provisions of Title 26, Chapter 35a, Nursing Care Facility Assessment Act;
141          (30) establish methods or measures for health care providers, public health entities, and
142     health care insurers to coordinate among themselves to verify the identity of the individuals
143     they serve;
144          (31) (a) designate Alzheimer's disease and related dementia as a public health issue
145     and, within budgetary limitations, implement a state plan for Alzheimer's disease and related
146     dementia by incorporating the plan into the department's strategic planning and budgetary
147     process; and
148          (b) coordinate with other state agencies and other organizations to implement the state
149     plan for Alzheimer's disease and related dementia;

150          (32) ensure that any training or certification required of a public official or public
151     employee, as those terms are defined in Section 63G-22-102, complies with Title 63G, Chapter
152     22, State Training and Certification Requirements, if the training or certification is required:
153          (a) under this title;
154          (b) by the department; or
155          (c) by an agency or division within the department; and
156          (33) oversee public education vision screening as described in Section 53G-9-404.
157          Section 2. Section 26-18b-101 is amended to read:
158          26-18b-101. Allyson Gamble Organ Donation Contribution Fund created.
159          (1) (a) There is created an expendable special revenue fund known as the Allyson
160     Gamble Organ Donation Contribution Fund.
161          (b) The Allyson Gamble Organ Donation Contribution Fund shall consist of:
162          (i) private contributions;
163          (ii) donations or grants from public or private entities;
164          (iii) voluntary donations collected under Sections 41-1a-230.5 and 53-3-214.7; [and]
165          (iv) contributions deposited into the account in accordance with Section 41-1a-422;
166     and
167          [(iv)] (v) interest and earnings on fund money.
168          (c) The cost of administering the Allyson Gamble Organ Donation Contribution Fund
169     shall be paid from money in the fund.
170          (2) The Department of Health shall:
171          (a) administer the funds deposited in the Allyson Gamble Organ Donation Contribution
172     Fund; and
173          (b) select qualified organizations and distribute the funds in the Allyson Gamble Organ
174     Donation Contribution Fund in accordance with Subsection (3).
175          (3) (a) The funds in the Allyson Gamble Organ Donation Contribution Fund may be
176     distributed to a selected organization that:
177          (i) promotes and supports organ donation;
178          (ii) assists in maintaining and operating a statewide organ donation registry; and
179          (iii) provides donor awareness education.
180          (b) An organization that meets the criteria of Subsections (3)(a)(i) through (iii) may

181     apply to the Department of Health, in a manner prescribed by the department, to receive a
182     portion of the money contained in the Allyson Gamble Organ Donation Contribution Fund.
183          (4) The Department of Health may expend funds in the account to pay the costs of
184     administering the fund and issuing or reordering the Donate Life support special group license
185     plate and decals.
186          Section 3. Section 41-1a-230.5 is amended to read:
187          41-1a-230.5. Registration checkoff for promoting and supporting organ donation.
188          (1) A person who applies for a motor vehicle registration or registration renewal may
189     designate a voluntary contribution of $2 for the purpose of promoting and supporting organ
190     donation.
191          (2) This contribution shall be:
192          (a) collected by the division;
193          (b) treated as a voluntary contribution to the Allyson Gamble Organ Donation
194     Contribution Fund created in Section 26-18b-101 and not as a motor vehicle registration fee;
195     and
196          (c) transferred to the Allyson Gamble Organ Donation Contribution Fund created in
197     Section 26-18b-101 at least monthly, less actual administrative costs associated with collecting
198     and transferring the contributions.
199          Section 4. Section 41-1a-418 is amended to read:
200          41-1a-418. Authorized special group license plates.
201          (1) The division shall only issue special group license plates in accordance with this
202     section through Section 41-1a-422 to a person who is specified under this section within the
203     categories listed as follows:
204          (a) disability special group license plates issued in accordance with Section 41-1a-420;
205          (b) honor special group license plates, as in a war hero, which plates are issued for a:
206          (i) survivor of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor;
207          (ii) former prisoner of war;
208          (iii) recipient of a Purple Heart;
209          (iv) disabled veteran;
210          (v) recipient of a gold star award issued by the United States Secretary of Defense; or
211          (vi) recipient of a campaign or combat theater award determined by the Department of

212     Veterans and Military Affairs;
213          (c) unique vehicle type special group license plates, as for historical, collectors value,
214     or other unique vehicle type, which plates are issued for:
215          (i) a special interest vehicle;
216          (ii) a vintage vehicle;
217          (iii) a farm truck; or
218          (iv) (A) until Subsection (1)(c)(iv)(B) or (4) applies, a vehicle powered by clean fuel as
219     defined in Section 59-13-102; or
220          (B) beginning on the effective date of rules made by the Department of Transportation
221     authorized under Subsection 41-6a-702(5)(b) and until Subsection (4) applies, a vehicle
222     powered by clean fuel that meets the standards established by the Department of Transportation
223     in rules authorized under Subsection 41-6a-702(5)(b);
224          (d) recognition special group license plates, which plates are issued for:
225          (i) a current member of the Legislature;
226          (ii) a current member of the United States Congress;
227          (iii) a current member of the National Guard;
228          (iv) a licensed amateur radio operator;
229          (v) a currently employed, volunteer, or retired firefighter until June 30, 2009;
230          (vi) an emergency medical technician;
231          (vii) a current member of a search and rescue team;
232          (viii) a current honorary consulate designated by the United States Department of
233     State;
234          (ix) an individual supporting commemoration and recognition of women's suffrage;
235          (x) an individual supporting a fraternal, initiatic order for those sharing moral and
236     metaphysical ideals, and designed to teach ethical and philosophical matters of brotherly love,
237     relief, and truth;
238          (xi) an individual supporting the Utah Wing of the Civil Air Patrol; or
239          (xii) an individual supporting the recognition and continuation of the work and life of
240     Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; or
241          (e) support special group license plates, as for a contributor to an institution or cause,
242     which plates are issued for a contributor to:

243          (i) an institution's scholastic scholarship fund;
244          (ii) the Division of Wildlife Resources;
245          (iii) the Department of Veterans and Military Affairs;
246          (iv) the Division of Parks and Recreation;
247          (v) the Department of Agriculture and Food;
248          (vi) the Guardian Ad Litem Services Account and the Children's Museum of Utah;
249          (vii) the Boy Scouts of America;
250          (viii) spay and neuter programs through No More Homeless Pets in Utah;
251          (ix) the Boys and Girls Clubs of America;
252          (x) Utah public education;
253          (xi) programs that provide support to organizations that create affordable housing for
254     those in severe need through the Division of Real Estate;
255          (xii) the Department of Public Safety;
256          (xiii) programs that support Zion National Park;
257          (xiv) beginning on July 1, 2009, programs that provide support to firefighter
258     organizations;
259          (xv) programs that promote bicycle operation and safety awareness;
260          (xvi) programs that conduct or support cancer research;
261          (xvii) programs that create or support autism awareness;
262          (xviii) programs that create or support humanitarian service and educational and
263     cultural exchanges;
264          (xix) until September 30, 2017, programs that conduct or support prostate cancer
265     awareness, screening, detection, or prevention;
266          (xx) programs that support and promote adoptions;
267          (xxi) programs that support issues affecting women and children through an
268     organization affiliated with a national professional men's basketball organization;
269          (xxii) programs that strengthen youth soccer, build communities, and promote
270     environmental sustainability through an organization affiliated with a professional men's soccer
271     organization;
272          (xxiii) programs that support children with heart disease;
273          (xxiv) programs that support the operation and maintenance of the Utah Law

274     Enforcement Memorial;
275          (xxv) programs that provide assistance to children with cancer;
276          (xxvi) programs that promote leadership and career development through agricultural
277     education;
278          (xxvii) the Utah State Historical Society;
279          (xxviii) programs to transport veterans to visit memorials honoring the service and
280     sacrifices of veterans;
281          (xxix) programs that promote motorcycle safety awareness;
282          (xxx) organizations that promote clean air through partnership, education, and
283     awareness; [or]
284          (xxxi) programs dedicated to strengthening the state's Latino community through
285     education, mentoring, and leadership opportunities[.]; or
286          (xxxii) organizations dedicated to facilitating, connecting, registering, and advocating
287     for organ donors and donor families.
288          (2) (a) The division may not issue a new type of special group license plate or decal
289     unless the division receives:
290          (i) (A) a private donation for the start-up fee established under Section 63J-1-504 for
291     the production and administrative costs of providing the new special group license plates or
292     decals; or
293          (B) a legislative appropriation for the start-up fee provided under Subsection
294     (2)(a)(i)(A); and
295          (ii) beginning on January 1, 2012, and for the issuance of a support special group
296     license plate authorized in Section 41-1a-422, at least 500 completed applications for the new
297     type of support special group license plate or decal to be issued with all fees required under this
298     part for the support special group license plate or decal issuance paid by each applicant.
299          (b) (i) Beginning on January 1, 2012, each participating organization shall collect and
300     hold applications for support special group license plates or decals authorized in Section
301     41-1a-422 on or after January 1, 2012, until it has received at least 500 applications.
302          (ii) Once a participating organization has received at least 500 applications, it shall
303     submit the applications, along with the necessary fees, to the division for the division to begin
304     working on the design and issuance of the new type of support special group license plate or

305     decal to be issued.
306          (iii) Beginning on January 1, 2012, the division may not work on the issuance or design
307     of a new support special group license plate or decal authorized in Section 41-1a-422 until the
308     applications and fees required under this Subsection (2) have been received by the division.
309          (iv) The division shall begin issuance of a new support special group license plate or
310     decal authorized in Section 41-1a-422 on or after January 1, 2012, no later than six months
311     after receiving the applications and fees required under this Subsection (2).
312          (c) (i) Beginning on July 1, 2009, the division may not renew a motor vehicle
313     registration of a motor vehicle that has been issued a firefighter recognition special group
314     license plate unless the applicant is a contributor as defined in Subsection
315     41-1a-422(1)(a)(ii)(D) to the Firefighter Support Restricted Account.
316          (ii) A registered owner of a vehicle that has been issued a firefighter recognition
317     special group license plate prior to July 1, 2009, upon renewal of the owner's motor vehicle
318     registration shall:
319          (A) be a contributor to the Firefighter Support Restricted Account as required under
320     Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
321          (B) replace the firefighter recognition special group license plate with a new license
322     plate.
323          (3) Beginning on July 1, 2011, if a support special group license plate or decal type
324     authorized in Section 41-1a-422 and issued on or after January 1, 2012, has fewer than 500
325     license plates issued each year for a three consecutive year time period that begins on July 1,
326     the division may not issue that type of support special group license plate or decal to a new
327     applicant beginning on January 1 of the following calendar year after the three consecutive year
328     time period for which that type of support special group license plate or decal has fewer than
329     500 license plates issued each year.
330          (4) Beginning on July 1, 2011, the division may not issue to an applicant a unique
331     vehicle type license plate for a vehicle powered by clean fuel under Subsection (1)(c)(iv).
332          (5) (a) Beginning on October 1, 2017, the division may not issue a new prostate cancer
333     support special group license plate.
334          (b) A registered owner of a vehicle that has been issued a prostate cancer support
335     special group license plate before October 1, 2017, may renew the owner's motor vehicle

336     registration, with the contribution allocated as described in Section 41-1a-422.
337          Section 5. Section 41-1a-422 is amended to read:
338          41-1a-422. Support special group license plates -- Contributor -- Voluntary
339     contribution collection procedures.
340          (1) As used in this section:
341          (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(a)(ii), "contributor" means a person who
342     has donated or in whose name at least $25 has been donated to:
343          (A) a scholastic scholarship fund of a single named institution;
344          (B) the Department of Veterans and Military Affairs for veterans programs;
345          (C) the Division of Wildlife Resources for the Wildlife Resources Account created in
346     Section 23-14-13, for conservation of wildlife and the enhancement, preservation, protection,
347     access, and management of wildlife habitat;
348          (D) the Department of Agriculture and Food for the benefit of conservation districts;
349          (E) the Division of Parks and Recreation for the benefit of snowmobile programs;
350          (F) the Guardian Ad Litem Services Account and the Children's Museum of Utah, with
351     the donation evenly divided between the two;
352          (G) the Boy Scouts of America for the benefit of a Utah Boy Scouts of America
353     council as specified by the contributor;
354          (H) No More Homeless Pets in Utah for distribution to organizations or individuals
355     that provide spay and neuter programs that subsidize the sterilization of domestic animals;
356          (I) the Utah Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc. to provide and enhance youth
357     development programs;
358          (J) the Utah Association of Public School Foundations to support public education;
359          (K) the Utah Housing Opportunity Restricted Account created in Section 61-2-204 to
360     assist people who have severe housing needs;
361          (L) the Public Safety Honoring Heroes Restricted Account created in Section 53-1-118
362     to support the families of fallen Utah Highway Patrol troopers and other Department of Public
363     Safety employees;
364          (M) the Division of Parks and Recreation for distribution to organizations that provide
365     support for Zion National Park;
366          (N) the Firefighter Support Restricted Account created in Section 53-7-109 to support

367     firefighter organizations;
368          (O) the Share the Road Bicycle Support Restricted Account created in Section
369     72-2-127 to support bicycle operation and safety awareness programs;
370          (P) the Cancer Research Restricted Account created in Section 26-21a-302 to support
371     cancer research programs;
372          (Q) Autism Awareness Restricted Account created in Section 53F-9-401 to support
373     autism awareness programs;
374          (R) Humanitarian Service and Educational and Cultural Exchange Restricted Account
375     created in Section 9-17-102 to support humanitarian service and educational and cultural
376     programs;
377          (S) Upon renewal of a prostate cancer support special group license plate, to the Cancer
378     Research Restricted Account created in Section 26-21a-302 to support cancer research
379     programs;
380          (T) the Choose Life Adoption Support Restricted Account created in Section
381     62A-4a-608 to support programs that promote adoption;
382          (U) the National Professional Men's Basketball Team Support of Women and Children
383     Issues Restricted Account created in Section 62A-1-202;
384          (V) the Utah Law Enforcement Memorial Support Restricted Account created in
385     Section 53-1-120;
386          (W) the Children with Cancer Support Restricted Account created in Section
387     26-21a-304 for programs that provide assistance to children with cancer;
388          (X) the National Professional Men's Soccer Team Support of Building Communities
389     Restricted Account created in Section 9-19-102;
390          (Y) the Children with Heart Disease Support Restricted Account created in Section
391     26-58-102;
392          (Z) the Utah Intracurricular Student Organization Support for Agricultural Education
393     and Leadership Restricted Account created in Section 4-42-102;
394          (AA) the Division of Wildlife Resources for the Support for State-Owned Shooting
395     Ranges Restricted Account created in Section 23-14-13.5, for the creation of new, and
396     operation and maintenance of existing, state-owned firearm shooting ranges;
397          (BB) the Utah State Historical Society to further the mission and purpose of the Utah

398     State Historical Society;
399          (CC) the Motorcycle Safety Awareness Support Restricted Account created in Section
400     72-2-130; [or]
401          (DD) the Transportation of Veterans to Memorials Support Restricted Account created
402     in Section 71-14-102;
403          (EE) clean air support causes, with half of the donation deposited into the Clean Air
404     Support Restricted Account created in Section 19-1-109, and half of the donation deposited
405     into the Clean Air Fund created in Section 59-10-1319; [or]
406          (FF) the Latino Community Support Restricted Account created in Section 13-1-16[.];
407     or
408          (GG) the Allyson Gamble Organ Donation Contribution Fund created in Section
409     26-18b-101.
410          (ii) (A) For a veterans special group license plate described in Subsection
411     41-1a-421(1)(a)(v) or 41-1a-422(4), "contributor" means a person who has donated or in whose
412     name at least a $25 donation at the time of application and $10 annual donation thereafter has
413     been made.
414          (B) For a Utah Housing Opportunity special group license plate, "contributor" means a
415     person who:
416          (I) has donated or in whose name at least $30 has been donated at the time of
417     application and annually after the time of application; and
418          (II) is a member of a trade organization for real estate licensees that has more than
419     15,000 Utah members.
420          (C) For an Honoring Heroes special group license plate, "contributor" means a person
421     who has donated or in whose name at least $35 has been donated at the time of application and
422     annually thereafter.
423          (D) For a firefighter support special group license plate, "contributor" means a person
424     who:
425          (I) has donated or in whose name at least $15 has been donated at the time of
426     application and annually after the time of application; and
427          (II) is a currently employed, volunteer, or retired firefighter.
428          (E) For a cancer research special group license plate, "contributor" means a person who

429     has donated or in whose name at least $35 has been donated at the time of application and
430     annually after the time of application.
431          (F) For a Utah Law Enforcement Memorial Support special group license plate,
432     "contributor" means a person who has donated or in whose name at least $35 has been donated
433     at the time of application and annually thereafter.
434          (b) "Institution" means a state institution of higher education as defined under Section
435     53B-3-102 or a private institution of higher education in the state accredited by a regional or
436     national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education.
437          (2) (a) An applicant for original or renewal collegiate special group license plates under
438     Subsection (1)(a)(i) must be a contributor to the institution named in the application and
439     present the original contribution verification form under Subsection (2)(b) or make a
440     contribution to the division at the time of application under Subsection (3).
441          (b) An institution with a support special group license plate shall issue to a contributor
442     a verification form designed by the commission containing:
443          (i) the name of the contributor;
444          (ii) the institution to which a donation was made;
445          (iii) the date of the donation; and
446          (iv) an attestation that the donation was for a scholastic scholarship.
447          (c) The state auditor may audit each institution to verify that the money collected by the
448     institutions from contributors is used for scholastic scholarships.
449          (d) After an applicant has been issued collegiate license plates or renewal decals, the
450     commission shall charge the institution whose plate was issued, a fee determined in accordance
451     with Section 63J-1-504 for management and administrative expenses incurred in issuing and
452     renewing the collegiate license plates.
453          (e) If the contribution is made at the time of application, the contribution shall be
454     collected, treated, and deposited as provided under Subsection (3).
455          (3) (a) An applicant for original or renewal support special group license plates under
456     this section must be a contributor to the sponsoring organization associated with the license
457     plate.
458          (b) This contribution shall be:

459          (i) unless collected by the named institution under Subsection (2), collected by the
460     division;
461          (ii) considered a voluntary contribution for the funding of the activities specified under
462     this section and not a motor vehicle registration fee;
463          (iii) deposited into the appropriate account less actual administrative costs associated
464     with issuing the license plates; and
465          (iv) for a firefighter special group license plate, deposited into the appropriate account
466     less:
467          (A) the costs of reordering firefighter special group license plate decals; and
468          (B) the costs of replacing recognition special group license plates with new license
469     plates under Subsection 41-1a-1211(13).
470          (c) The donation described in Subsection (1)(a) must be made in the 12 months prior to
471     registration or renewal of registration.
472          (d) The donation described in Subsection (1)(a) shall be a one-time donation made to
473     the division when issuing original:
474          (i) snowmobile license plates; or
475          (ii) conservation license plates.
476          (4) Veterans license plates shall display one of the symbols representing the Army,
477     Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, or American Legion.
478          Section 6. Section 53-3-214.7 is amended to read:
479          53-3-214.7. License or identification card checkoff for promoting and supporting
480     organ donation.
481          (1) A person who applies for a license or identification card or a renewal of a license or
482     identification card may designate a voluntary contribution of $2 for the purpose of promoting
483     and supporting organ donation.
484          (2) This contribution shall be:
485          (a) collected by the division;
486          (b) treated as a voluntary contribution to the Allyson Gamble Organ Donation
487     Contribution Fund created in Section 26-18b-101 and not as a license fee; and
488          (c) transferred to the Allyson Gamble Organ Donation Contribution Fund created in
489     Section 26-18b-101 at least monthly, less actual administrative costs associated with collecting

490     and transferring the contributions.
491          Section 7. Effective date.
492          This bill takes effect on October 15, 2021.