8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies the Utah Council for Victims of Crime (council).
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ modifies the membership of the council;
13 ▸ allows the council to advocate for a victim of crime in appellate courts;
14 ▸ clarifies the duties of the staff assigned to the council; and
15 ▸ makes technical changes.
16 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
17 None
18 Other Special Clauses:
19 None
20 Utah Code Sections Affected:
22 63M-7-601, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 246
23 63M-7-602, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
24 63M-7-603, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 82
25 63M-7-605, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
27 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
28 Section 1. Section 63M-7-601 is amended to read:
29 63M-7-601. Creation -- Members -- Chair.
30 (1) There is created within the governor's office the Utah Council on Victims of Crime.
31 (2) The [
32 voting members as follows:
33 (a) a representative of the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice appointed by
34 the executive director;
35 (b) a representative of the Department of Corrections appointed by the executive
36 director;
37 (c) a representative of the Board of Pardons and Parole appointed by the chair;
38 (d) a representative of the Department of Public Safety appointed by the commissioner;
39 (e) a representative of the Division of Juvenile Justice Services appointed by the
40 director;
41 (f) a representative of the Utah Office for Victims of Crime appointed by the director;
42 (g) a representative of the Office of the Attorney General appointed by the attorney
43 general;
44 (h) a representative of the United States Attorney for the district of Utah appointed by
45 the United States Attorney;
46 (i) a representative of Utah's Native American community appointed by the director of
47 the Division of Indian Affairs after input from federally recognized tribes in Utah;
48 (j) a professional or volunteer working in the area of violence against women and
49 families appointed by the governor;
50 (k) a representative of the Department of Health's Violence and Injury Prevention
51 Program appointed by the program's manager;
52 [
53 [
54 [
55 by that association;
56 [
57 president of that association;
58 [
59 of that association;
60 [
61 general; [
62 (q) the director of the Division of Child and Family Services or that individual's
63 designee; and
64 [
65 [
66 through (2)[
67 (i) an individual who [
68 community based advocacy;
69 [
70 [
71 (ii) a citizen representative; and
72 (iii) a citizen representative who has been a victim of crime.
73 (3) The council shall annually elect:
74 (a) one member to serve as chair;
75 (b) one member to serve as vice-chair; and
76 (c) one member to serve as treasurer.
77 Section 2. Section 63M-7-602 is amended to read:
78 63M-7-602. Reappointment -- Vacancies.
79 (1) [
80 eligible for reappointment [
81 (2) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
82 appointed for the remainder of the unexpired term.
83 Section 3. Section 63M-7-603 is amended to read:
84 63M-7-603. Duties of the council.
85 (1) The council shall:
86 (a) make recommendations to the Legislature, the governor, and the Judicial Council
87 on the following:
88 (i) enforcing existing rights of victims of crime;
89 (ii) enhancing rights of victims of crime;
90 (iii) the role of victims of crime in the criminal justice system;
91 (iv) victim restitution;
92 (v) educating and training criminal justice professionals on the rights of victims of
93 crime; and
94 (vi) enhancing services to victims of crimes;
95 (b) provide training on the rights of victims of crime; and
96 (c) establish a subcommittee to consider complaints not resolved by the Victims'
97 Rights Committee established in Section 77-37-5.
98 (2) The council:
99 (a) shall advocate the adoption, repeal, or modification of laws or proposed legislation
100 in the interest of victims of crime;
101 (b) subject to court rules and the governor's approval, may advocate in appellate courts
102 on behalf of a victim of crime as described in Subsection 77-38-11(2)(a)(ii);
103 [
104 and
105 [
106 accordance with Section 77-37-5 to act as chairpersons of the judicial district victims' rights
107 committees and provide assistance to the committees in their operations.
108 Section 4. Section 63M-7-605 is amended to read:
109 63M-7-605. Staffing.
110 (1) The Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice shall provide staff to the council
111 and any subcommittees established by the council.
112 (2) Staff assigned to the council shall:
113 (a) provide administrative assistance to the council and any subcommittees; and
114 (b) receive complaints regarding victim's rights violations from victims and other
115 interested persons and forward the complaints to the appropriate subcommittee within the
116 council.