


Chief Sponsor: Bradley G. Last

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill amends provisions related to governance of the school and institutional trust
10     system.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     enacts provisions related to oaths of office, including:
14               •     requiring the director of the Land Trusts Protection and Advocacy Office and
15     members of the Land Trusts Protection and Advocacy Committee to take an
16     oath of office; and
17               •     specifying the oath of office for the director of the School and Institutional Trust
18     Lands Administration and members of the School and Institutional Trust Lands
19     Board of Trustees;
20          ▸     amends the membership of:
21               •     the committee that nominates individuals to serve on the School and
22     Institutional Trust Fund Board of Trustees; and
23               •     the committee that nominates individuals to serve on the School and
24     Institutional Trust Lands Board of Trustees; and
25          ▸     amends provisions related to the timing of certain appointments related to the
26     governance of the school and institutional trust.
27     Money Appropriated in this Bill:

28          None
29     Other Special Clauses:
30          None
31     Utah Code Sections Affected:
32     AMENDS:
33          53C-1-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapters 352 and 373
34          53C-1-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapters 415 and 448
35          53C-1-303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 224
36          53D-1-402, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 448
37          53D-1-501, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 448
38          53D-2-202, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 448
39          53D-2-203, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 448

41     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
42          Section 1. Section 53C-1-202 is amended to read:
43          53C-1-202. Board of trustees membership -- Nomination list -- Qualifications --
44     Terms -- Replacement -- Chair -- Quorum.
45          (1) There is established the School and Institutional Trust Lands Board of Trustees.
46          (2) The board shall consist of seven members appointed on a nonpartisan basis by the
47     governor with the advice and consent of the Senate and in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter
48     24, Part 2, Vacancies.
49          (3) (a) Except for the appointment made pursuant to Subsection (5), all appointments
50     to the board shall be for a nonconsecutive term of six years, or until a replacement has been
51     appointed and confirmed pursuant to this section.
52          (b) If a vacancy occurs, the governor shall appoint a replacement, following the
53     procedures set forth in Subsections (2), (4), (5), and (6), to fill the unexpired term.
54          (c) Any member of the board who has served less than six years upon the expiration of
55     that member's term is eligible for a consecutive reappointment.
56          (4) (a) The governor shall select six of the seven appointees to the board from a
57     nomination list of at least two candidates for each position or vacancy submitted pursuant to
58     Section 53C-1-203.

59          (b) The governor may request an additional nomination list of at least two candidates
60     from the nominating committee if the initial list of candidates for a given position is
61     unacceptable.
62          (c) (i) If the governor fails to select an appointee within 60 days after receipt of the
63     initial list or within 60 days after the receipt of an additional list, the nominating committee
64     shall make an interim appointment by majority vote.
65          (ii) The interim appointee shall serve until the matter is resolved by the committee and
66     the governor or until replaced pursuant to this chapter.
67          (5) (a) The governor may appoint one member without requiring a nomination list.
68          (b) The member appointed under Subsection (5)(a) serves at the pleasure of the
69     governor.
70          (6) (a) Each board candidate shall possess outstanding professional qualifications
71     pertinent to the purposes and activities of the trust.
72          (b) The board shall represent the following areas of expertise:
73          (i) nonrenewable resource management or development;
74          (ii) renewable resource management or development; and
75          (iii) real estate.
76          (c) Other qualifications which are pertinent for membership to the board are expertise
77     in any of the following areas:
78          (i) business;
79          (ii) investment banking;
80          (iii) finance;
81          (iv) trust administration;
82          (v) asset management; and
83          (vi) the practice of law in any of the areas referred to in Subsections (6)(b) and (6)(c)(i)
84     through (v).
85          (7) The board of trustees shall select a chair and vice chair from its membership.
86          (8) Before assuming [a position on the board] duties as a board member, each board
87     member shall take an oath of office that includes the following: "I solemnly swear to carry out
88     my duties as a member of the School and Institutional Trust Lands Board of Trustees and to act
89     with undivided loyalty to the beneficiaries of the trust lands that the administration oversees, to

90     the best of my abilities and consistent with the law.".
91          (9) Four members of the board constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
92          (10) The governor or five board members may, for cause, remove a member of the
93     board.
94          (11) A member of the board shall comply with the conflict of interest provisions
95     described in Title 63G, Chapter 24, Part 3, Conflicts of Interest.
96          Section 2. Section 53C-1-203 is amended to read:
97          53C-1-203. Board of trustees nominating committee -- Composition --
98     Responsibilities -- Per diem and expenses.
99          (1) There is established an 11 member board of trustees nominating committee.
100          [(2) (a) (i) Through July 30, 2018, the State Board of Education shall appoint five
101     members to the nominating committee from different geographical areas of the state.]
102          [(ii) Beginning on August 1, 2018, the] (2) (a) The five members of the Land Trusts
103     Protection and Advocacy Committee, created in Section 53D-2-202, shall serve on the
104     nominating committee.
105          (b) The governor shall appoint [five] four members to the nominating committee on or
106     before the December 1 of the year preceding the vacancy on the nominating committee as
107     follows:
108          [(i) (A) through July 30, 2018, one individual from a nomination list of at least two
109     names of individuals knowledgeable about institutional trust lands submitted on or before the
110     October 1 of the year preceding the vacancy on the nominating committee by the University of
111     Utah and Utah State University on an alternating basis every four years; and]
112          [(B) beginning on August 1, 2018, one individual who is knowledgeable about real
113     estate development;]
114          [(ii)] (i) one individual from a nomination list of at least two names submitted by the
115     Utah Farm Bureau in consultation with the Utah Cattleman's Association and the Utah Wool
116     Growers' Association on or before the October 1 of the year preceding the vacancy on the
117     nominating committee;
118          [(iii)] (ii) one individual from a nomination list of at least two names submitted by the
119     Utah Petroleum Association on or before the October 1 of the year preceding the vacancy on
120     the nominating committee;

121          [(iv)] (iii) one individual from a nomination list of at least two names submitted by the
122     Utah Mining Association on or before the October 1 of the year preceding the vacancy on the
123     nominating committee; and
124          [(v)] (iv) one individual from a nomination list of at least two names submitted by the
125     executive director of the Department of Natural Resources after consultation with statewide
126     wildlife and conservation organizations on or before the October 1 of the year preceding the
127     vacancy on the nominating committee.
128          (c) The director of the Land Trusts Protection and Advocacy Office described in
129     Section 53B-2-203 shall serve on the nominating committee.
130          [(c)] (d) The president of the Utah Association of Counties shall designate the chair of
131     the Public Lands Steering Committee, who must be an elected county commissioner or
132     councilor, to serve as the eleventh member of the nominating committee.
133          (3) (a) Except as required by [Subsections (3)(b) and (d)] Subsection (3)(b), each
134     member shall serve a four-year term.
135          (b) The governor shall, at the time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length
136     of terms to ensure that the terms of committee members are staggered so that approximately
137     half of the committee is appointed every two years.
138          (c) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
139     appointed for the unexpired term.
140          [(d) The term of a member of the nominating committee who is appointed under
141     Subsection (2)(a)(i) or (2)(b)(i)(A) shall end on July 30, 2018.]
142          [(4) The nominating committee shall select a chair and vice chair from its membership
143     by majority vote.]
144          (4) The chair and vice chair of the Land Trusts Protection and Advocacy Committee
145     created in Section 53D-2-202 shall serve as the chair and vice chair of the nominating
146     committee.
147          (5) (a) The nominating committee shall nominate at least two candidates for each
148     position or vacancy which occurs on the board of trustees except for the governor's appointee
149     under Subsection 53C-1-202(5).
150          (b) The nominations shall be by majority vote of the committee.
151          (6) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but

152     may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
153          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
154          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
155          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
156     63A-3-107.
157          (7) The Land Trusts Protection and Advocacy Office, created in Section 53D-2-201,
158     shall provide staff support to the nominating committee.
159          Section 3. Section 53C-1-303 is amended to read:
160          53C-1-303. Responsibilities of director -- Budget review -- Legal counsel --
161     Contract for services.
162          (1) In carrying out the policies of the board of trustees and in establishing procedures
163     and rules the director shall:
164          (a) [take an oath of office] before assuming any duties as the director, take an oath of
165     office that includes the following: "I solemnly swear to carry out my duties as the director of
166     the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration with undivided loyalty to the
167     beneficiaries of the trust lands managed by the administration, to the best of my abilities and
168     consistent with the law.";
169          (b) adopt procedures and rules necessary for the proper administration of matters
170     entrusted to the director by state law and board policy;
171          (c) submit to the board for its review and concurrence on any rules necessary for the
172     proper management of matters entrusted to the administration;
173          (d) faithfully manage the administration under the policies established by the board;
174          (e) submit to the board for public inspection an annual management budget and
175     financial plan for operations of the administration and, after approval by the board, submit the
176     budget to the governor;
177          (f) direct and control the budget expenditures as finally authorized and appropriated;
178          (g) establish job descriptions and employ, within the limitation of the budget, staff
179     necessary to accomplish the purposes of the office subject to Section 53C-1-201;
180          (h) establish, in accordance with generally accepted principles of fund accounting, a
181     system to identify and account for the assets and vested interests of each beneficiary;
182          (i) notify the primary beneficiary representative's designee regarding the trusts listed in

183     Subsection 53C-1-103(7) on major items that the director knows may be useful to the primary
184     beneficiary representative's designee in protecting beneficiary rights;
185          (j) permit the primary beneficiary representative's designee regarding a trust listed in
186     Subsection 53C-1-103(7) reasonable access to inspect records, documents, and other trust
187     property pertaining to that trust, provided that the primary beneficiary representative's designee
188     shall maintain confidentiality if confidentiality is required of the director;
189          (k) maintain appropriate records of trust activities to enable auditors appointed by
190     appropriate state agencies or the board to conduct periodic audits of trust activities;
191          (l) provide that all leases, contracts, and agreements be submitted to legal counsel for
192     review of compliance with applicable law and fiduciary duties prior to execution and utilize the
193     services of the attorney general as provided in Section 53C-1-305;
194          (m) keep the board, beneficiaries, governor, Legislature, and the public informed about
195     the work of the director and administration by reporting to the board in a public meeting at
196     least once during each calendar quarter; and
197          (n) respond in writing within a reasonable time to a request by the board or the primary
198     beneficiary representative's designee regarding a trust listed in Subsection 53C-1-103(7) for
199     responses to questions on policies and practices affecting the management of the trust.
200          (2) The administration shall be the named party in substitution of the Division of State
201     Lands and Forestry or its predecessor agencies, with respect to all documents affecting trust
202     lands from the effective date of this act.
203          (3) The director may:
204          (a) with the consent of the state risk manager and the board, manage lands or interests
205     in lands held by any other public or private party pursuant to policies established by the board
206     and may make rules to implement these board policies;
207          (b) sue or be sued as the director of school and institutional trust lands;
208          (c) contract with other public agencies for personnel management services;
209          (d) contract with any public or private entity to make improvements to or upon trust
210     lands and to carry out any of the responsibilities of the office, so long as the contract requires
211     strict adherence to trust management principles, applicable law and regulation, and is subject to
212     immediate suspension or termination for cause; and
213          (e) with the approval of the board enter into joint ventures and other business

214     arrangements consistent with the purposes of the trust.
215          (4) Any application or bid required for the lease, permitting, or sale of lands in a
216     competitive process or any request for review pursuant to Section 53C-1-304 shall be
217     considered filed or made on the date received by the appropriate administrative office, whether
218     transmitted by United States mail or in any other manner.
219          Section 4. Section 53D-1-402 is amended to read:
220          53D-1-402. Director duties and responsibilities.
221          (1) The director has broad authority to manage the office to fulfill [its] the office's
222     purposes, consistent with the enabling act, the Utah Constitution, state law, and board policies.
223          (2) The director shall:
224          (a) before assuming the duties of director, take an oath of office that includes the
225     following:
226          "I solemnly swear to carry out my duties as director of the School and Institutional
227     Trust Fund Office with undivided loyalty to the beneficiaries of the trust fund managed by the
228     office, to the best of my abilities and consistent with the law.";
229          (b) carry out the policies of the board;
230          (c) act with undivided loyalty to those entitled to the benefit of income from the trust
231     fund, consistent with the director's fiduciary duties and responsibilities;
232          (d) follow the prudent investor rule, prudently seeking to obtain the optimum return
233     from the investment of trust fund money and assets, balancing short-term and long-term
234     interests under the principle of intergenerational equity;
235          (e) exercise full discretionary authority to manage, maintain, transfer, or sell assets of
236     the trust fund in the manner that the director determines to be most favorable to beneficiaries;
237          (f) maintain the integrity of the trust fund and prevent, through prudent management,
238     the misapplication of trust fund money;
239          (g) adopt rules, as provided in Subsection 53D-1-103(4), that are necessary for the
240     proper exercise of the director's duties under this chapter and policies established by the board;
241          (h) faithfully manage the office under policies established by the board;
242          (i) annually submit to the board:
243          (i) an office budget; and
244          (ii) a financial plan for operations of the office;

245          (j) after board approval of the office budget, submit the budget to the governor and the
246     Legislature;
247          (k) direct and control budget expenditures;
248          (l) establish job descriptions and, within budgetary constraints, employ staff necessary
249     to accomplish the purposes of the office;
250          (m) in accordance with generally accepted principles of fund accounting, establish a
251     system to identify and account for the trust fund assets;
252          (n) notify the advocacy office director of major items that the director knows may be
253     useful to the advocacy office director in protecting the rights of beneficiaries;
254          (o) maintain appropriate records of trust fund activities to enable auditors to conduct
255     periodic audits;
256          (p) respond in writing within a reasonable time to a request by the advocacy office
257     director for information on policies and practices affecting the management of the trust fund;
258     and
259          (q) respond to a question that the board submits under Subsection 53D-1-303(4)(b)
260     within a reasonable time after receiving the question.
261          (3) The office may:
262          (a) sue or be sued; and
263          (b) contract with other public agencies for personnel management services.
264          Section 5. Section 53D-1-501 is amended to read:
265          53D-1-501. Nominating committee -- Membership -- Terms -- Vacancies --
266     Compensation.
267          (1) There is established a School and Institutional Trust Fund Nominating Committee.
268          (2) The nominating committee consists of:
269          (a) two members of the Land Trusts Protection and Advocacy Committee established
270     in Section 53D-2-202;
271          [(a) four] (b) three members, appointed by the state treasurer upon recommendation by
272     the advocacy office director, each of whom is a member of a respected professional investment
273     organization;
274          [(b)] (c) the chief investment officer of the University of Utah endowment; and
275          [(c)] (d) the chief investment officer of the Utah State University endowment[; and].

276          [(d) the advocacy office director.]
277          (3) An individual appointed as a member of the nominating committee under
278     Subsection (2)[(a)](b) shall be appointed based on the individual's expertise in:
279          (a) investment finance;
280          (b) institutional asset management;
281          (c) trust administration; or
282          (d) the practice of law in the areas of capital markets, securities law, trusts,
283     foundations, endowments, investment finance, institutional asset management, or trust
284     administration.
285          (4) The term of a member appointed under Subsection (2)[(a)](b) is four years.
286          (5) A nominating committee member shall serve until a successor is appointed and
287     qualified.
288          (6) (a) If a member appointed under Subsection (2)[(a)](b) leaves office, the vacancy
289     shall be filled in the same manner as the initial appointment under Subsection (2)[(a)](b).
290          (b) An individual appointed to fill a vacancy under Subsection (6)(a) serves the
291     remainder of the unexpired term.
292          (7) A member of the nominating committee may not receive compensation or benefits
293     for the member's service, but may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
294          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
295          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
296          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
297     63A-3-107.
298          Section 6. Section 53D-2-202 is amended to read:
299          53D-2-202. Land Trusts Protection and Advocacy Committee -- Duties --
300     Governance.
301          (1) There is created the Land Trusts Protection and Advocacy Committee to:
302          (a) oversee the activities of the advocacy director and the advocacy office;
303          (b) submit advocacy director candidate names to the state treasurer, as described in
304     Section 53D-2-203;
305          (c) determine the advocacy director's compensation and annually review the
306     compensation and performance of the advocacy director;

307          (d) receive quarterly reports from the advocacy director;
308          (e) review, amend as necessary, and transmit to the state treasurer proposed rules
309     submitted by the advocacy director;
310          (f) receive the annual report described in Section 53D-2-203 from the advocacy
311     director; and
312          (g) give policy direction to the advocacy office.
313          (2) In accordance with Subsection (3), the advocacy committee consists of the
314     following five members:
315          (a) two individuals appointed by the School and Institutional Trust Lands Board of
316     Trustees;
317          (b) one individual appointed by the School and Institutional Trust Fund Board of
318     Trustees;
319          (c) one individual appointed by the state treasurer; and
320          (d) a State Board of Education staff member who administers the School LAND Trust
321     Program, designated as described in Section 53G-7-1206.
322          (3) A member of the advocacy committee:
323          (a) may not be:
324          (i) the state treasurer or a current employee of the state treasurer;
325          (ii) a member of the School and Institutional Trust Lands Board of Trustees;
326          (iii) an employee of the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration;
327          (iv) a member of the School and Institutional Trust Fund Board of Trustees; or
328          (v) an employee of the School and Institutional Trust Fund Office; and
329          (b) shall have significant qualifications related to the purposes and activities of the
330     school and institutional trust, such as:
331          (i) nonrenewable resource development;
332          (ii) renewable resource management;
333          (iii) real estate development; or
334          (iv) investment management[; and].
335          [(c) shall have demonstrated a commitment of time and loyalty to the purposes of the
336     trust.]
337          (4) Before assuming duties as an advocacy committee member, a member shall take an

338     oath of office that includes the following: "I solemnly swear to carry out my duties as a
339     member of the Land Trusts Protection and Advocacy Committee and to act with undivided
340     loyalty to beneficiaries of the trust land, to the best of my abilities and consistent with the
341     law.".
342          [(4)] (5) (a) Except as provided in [Subsections (4)(b) and (c)] Subsection (5)(b), an
343     appointed member of the advocacy committee shall:
344          (i) serve a four-year term; and
345          (ii) receive notification of an appointment on or before [December] August 1 of the
346     year [before] in which the vacancy occurs for which the member is appointed.
347          [(b) At the time of appointment or reappointment, the state treasurer shall adjust the
348     length of the initial terms of the advocacy committee's appointed members to ensure that the
349     terms are staggered so that approximately half of the advocacy committee is appointed every
350     two years.]
351          [(c)] (b) If a vacancy occurs during the course of an appointed member's term, the
352     appointing entity shall immediately appoint a replacement for the unexpired term.
353          [(5)] (6) Advocacy committee members shall annually elect a chair and a vice chair.
354          [(6)] (7) (a) The advocacy committee shall meet at least quarterly, at a time set by the
355     chair.
356          (b) The chair or any two members of the advocacy committee may call an additional
357     meeting.
358          [(7)] (8) (a) A quorum for the transaction of business is four members of the advocacy
359     committee.
360          (b) Action by a majority of a quorum present constitutes the action of the advocacy
361     committee.
362          [(8)] (9) An advocacy committee member may not receive compensation or benefits
363     for the member's service, but may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
364          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
365          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
366          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
367     63A-3-107.
368          [(9) The state treasurer's office shall provide staff support to the advocacy committee.]

369          Section 7. Section 53D-2-203 is amended to read:
370          53D-2-203. Land Trusts Protection and Advocacy Office director -- Appointment
371     -- Removal -- Power and duties.
372          (1) (a) The advocacy committee shall:
373          (i) discuss candidates who may qualify for appointment as the advocacy director, as
374     described in Subsection (1)(b);
375          (ii) determine the two most qualified candidates; and
376          (iii) submit the names of those two candidates to the state treasurer as potential
377     appointees for the advocacy director.
378          (b) A potential appointee for advocacy director shall have significant expertise and
379     qualifications relating to generating revenue to the school and institutional trust and the duties
380     of the advocacy office and the advocacy director, which may include expertise in:
381          (i) business;
382          (ii) finance;
383          (iii) economics;
384          (iv) natural resources; or
385          (v) advocacy.
386          (c) From the individuals described in Subsection (1)(a), the state treasurer shall appoint
387     one as the advocacy director.
388          (d) Before assuming duties as the advocacy director, the advocacy director shall take an
389     oath of office that includes the following: "I solemnly swear to carry out my duties as director
390     of the Land Trusts Protection and Advocacy Office with undivided loyalty to the beneficiaries
391     of the trust lands, to the best of my abilities and consistent with the law.".
392          (2) (a) An advocacy director shall serve a four-year term.
393          (b) If a vacancy occurs in the advocacy director's position, the advocacy committee and
394     state treasurer shall, in accordance with Subsection (1), appoint a replacement director for a
395     four-year term.
396          (3) The advocacy committee may remove the advocacy director during a meeting that
397     is not closed as described in Section 52-4-204, if:
398          (a) removal of the advocacy director is scheduled on the agenda for the meeting; and
399          (b) a majority of a committee quorum votes to remove the advocacy director.

400          (4) In accordance with state and federal law, the advocacy director may attend a
401     presentation, discussion, meeting, or other gathering related to the school and institutional trust.
402          (5) In order to fulfill the duties of the advocacy office described in Section 53D-2-201,
403     the advocacy director shall:
404          (a) maintain a direct relationship with each individual who is key to fulfilling the state's
405     trustee obligations and duties related to the trust;
406          (b) facilitate open communication among key individuals described in Subsection
407     (5)(a);
408          (c) actively seek necessary and accurate information;
409          (d) review and, if necessary, recommend the state auditor audit, activities involved in:
410          (i) generating trust revenue;
411          (ii) protecting trust assets; or
412          (iii) distributing funds for the exclusive use of trust beneficiaries;
413          (e) promote accurate record keeping of all records relevant to the trust and distribution
414     to trust beneficiaries;
415          (f) report at least quarterly to the advocacy committee and the state treasurer on the
416     current activities of the advocacy office;
417          (g) annually submit a proposed advocacy office budget to the state treasurer;
418          (h) regarding the trust's compliance with law, and among the School and Institutional
419     Trust Lands System as a whole, report annually to:
420          (i) the advocacy committee;
421          (ii) the state treasurer;
422          (iii) the State Board of Education; and
423          (iv) the Executive Appropriations Committee;
424          (i) annually send a financial report regarding the relevant individual trust, and, upon
425     request, report in person to:
426          (i) Utah State University, on behalf of the agricultural college trust;
427          (ii) the University of Utah;
428          (iii) the Utah State Hospital, on behalf of the mental hospital trust;
429          (iv) the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind, on behalf of the institution for the
430     blind trust and the deaf and dumb asylum trust;

431          (v) the youth in custody program at the State Board of Education, on behalf of the
432     reform school trust;
433          (vi) the Division of Water Resources, created in Section 73-10-18, on behalf of the
434     reservoir trust;
435          (vii) the College of Mines and Earth Sciences created in Section 53B-17-401;
436          (viii) each state teachers' college, based on the college's annual number of teacher
437     graduates, on behalf of the normal school trust;
438          (ix) the Miners' Hospital described in Section 53B-17-201; and
439          (x) the State Capitol Preservation Board, created in Section 63C-9-201, on behalf of
440     the public buildings trust;
441          (j) as requested by the state treasurer, draft proposed rules and submit the proposed
442     rules to the advocacy committee for review;
443          (k) in accordance with state and federal law, respond to external requests for
444     information about the School and Institutional Trust Lands System;
445          (l) in accordance with state and federal law, speak on behalf of trust beneficiaries:
446          (i) at School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration meetings;
447          (ii) at School and Institutional Trust Fund Office meetings; and
448          (iii) with the media;
449          (m) review proposed legislation that affects the school and institutional trust and trust
450     beneficiaries and advocate for legislative change that best serves the interests of the trust
451     beneficiaries; and
452          (n) educate the public regarding the School and Institutional Trust Lands System.
453          (6) With regard to reviewing the activities described in Subsection (5)(d), the advocacy
454     director may have access to the financial reports and other data required for a review.