10 General Description:
11 This concurrent resolution expresses support for the expansion of the Jordan River
12 Commission.
13 Highlighted Provisions:
14 This resolution:
15 ▸ supports the participation of the Department of Transportation on the Jordan River
16 Commission.
17 Special Clauses:
18 None
20 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
21 WHEREAS, an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement (Agreement) establishing the Jordan
22 River Commission was created in 2010 and has been subject to modification;
23 WHEREAS, the Agreement is amongst state agencies, political subdivisions, including
24 the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Environmental Quality, the Utah Transit
25 Authority, the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District, Davis County, Salt Lake County, and
26 municipalities located within the Jordan River watershed, and other interested governmental and
27 nongovernmental parties;
28 WHEREAS, the state is a party to ongoing dialogue and involvement in the Jordan
29 River's future and development, and is at the forefront of input and planning;
30 WHEREAS, the Agreement allows for the addition of state agencies into the Jordan
31 River Commission;
32 WHEREAS, the Agreement also provides that a state agency may withdraw from the
33 Jordan River Commission after proper notice of intent to withdraw;
34 WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has expertise that would prove valuable
35 to the Jordan River Commission with state highways running over or adjacent to the Jordan
36 River;
37 WHEREAS, examples of issues where the Jordan River Commission can benefit from
38 cooperation with the Department of Transportation include, as funding allows:
39 (1) having the Department of Transportation post by no later than July 1, 2023,
40 consistent and attractive signs where a highway that is designated as a state highway under Title
41 72, Chapter 4, Designation of State Highways Act, crosses the Jordan River;
42 (2) developing methods to provide and improve pedestrian and bicycle access from
43 state highways, not including freeways, to the trails along the Jordan River, vehicular access to
44 trailheads, and directional and way-finding signage;
45 (3) developing methods to improve water quality and pollution prevention from storm
46 water flowing off state highways directly into the Jordan River, which may contain litter and
47 debris, chemicals, sediment, and organic matter detrimental to the Jordan River; and
48 (4) developing and implementing other shared goals of the Department of Transportation
49 and the Jordan River Commission;
50 WHEREAS, the Jordan River Commission currently includes a governing board and
51 provides for technical advisory committees on which a representative of the Department of
52 Transportation may participate once made a member of the Jordan River Commission; and
53 WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation may provide support to the Jordan River
54 Commission through financial or in-kind contributions:
55 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
56 Governor concurring therein, gives approval to the Department of Transportation to enter into
57 the Agreement with the Jordan River Commission.
58 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to the Jordan River
59 Commission and the Department of Transportation.