



Chief Sponsor: Andrew Stoddard


8     General Description:
9          This rules resolution enacts a House rule.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This resolution:
12          ▸     enacts a House rule creating a special investigative committee to investigate
13     allegations of misconduct against the current attorney general; and
14          ▸     provides for a repeal of the rule creating the special investigative committee.
15     Special Clauses:
16          This resolution provides a repeal date.
17     Legislative Rules Affected:
18     ENACTS:
19          HR3-1-203

21     Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the state of Utah:
22          Section 1. HR3-1-203 is enacted to read:
23          HR3-1-203. Special investigative committee.
24          (1) As used in this rule, "investigative committee" means the Special Investigative
25     Committee created in Subsection (2).
26          (2) There is created a Special Investigative Committee to investigate allegations of
27     misconduct against the current attorney general and matters related to the attorney general that

28     arise as part of the investigation.
29          (3) The investigative committee consists of nine members of the House appointed by
30     the speaker.
31          (4) The speaker shall designate one of the members to serve as chair of the
32     investigative committee.
33          (5) (a) A majority of the members of the investigative committee constitutes a quorum.
34          (b) The action of a majority of a quorum constitutes the action of the investigative
35     committee.
36          (6) Salaries and expenses of the investigative committee members shall be paid in
37     accordance with Section 36-2-2 and Legislative Joint Rules, Title 5, Legislative Compensation
38     and Expenses.
39          (7) The Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel:
40          (a) shall provide staff support to the investigative committee; and
41          (b) may contract for outside services to assist in the staffing of the investigative
42     committee.
43          (8) The investigative committee shall:
44          (a) investigate allegations of misconduct against the current attorney general;
45          (b) investigate matters related to the current attorney general that arise as part of the
46     investigation; and
47          (c) report to the House findings of fact about the matters investigated and the need, if
48     any, for legislation.
49          (9) The investigative committee shall meet at the call of the investigative committee
50     chair.
51          (10) The investigative committee shall adopt guidelines and procedures to be followed
52     in the investigation.
53          (11) The investigative committee shall provide the House periodic accounting to detail
54     the ongoing costs incurred in the investigation.
55          (12) (a) The investigative committee shall prepare a written report of the investigation.
56          (b) The investigative committee chair shall provide investigative committee members a
57     draft of the final report at least 21 days before the day on which the investigative committee is
58     scheduled to vote on the final report.

59          (c) The investigative committee shall present a written final report to the House upon
60     approval of the report by a majority of investigative committee members.
61          (d) Investigative committee members who do not vote in favor of the final report may
62     present a minority report to the House at the same time that the final report is presented to the
63     House.
64          (e) The final report and any minority report:
65          (i) shall present the information and evidence gathered by the investigative committee;
66     and
67          (ii) may not include specific recommendations for action, except for recommendations
68     for legislation.
69          (13) The investigative committee terminates when the investigative committee issues a
70     final written report.
71          Section 2. Repeal date.
72          HR3-1-202 is repealed on December 31, 2021.