8 General Description:
9 This bill supplements or reduces appropriations otherwise provided for the support and
10 operation of public education for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020, and ending
11 June 30, 2021, and appropriates funds for the support and operation of public education
12 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022.
13 Highlighted Provisions:
14 This bill:
15 ▸ provides appropriations for the use and support of school districts, charter schools,
16 and state education agencies;
17 ▸ sets the value of the weighted pupil unit (WPU) at $3,809 for fiscal year 2022;
18 ▸ adjusts the number of weighted pupil units to reflect anticipated student enrollment
19 in fall 2021;
20 ▸ creates the Enrollment Growth Contingency Program;
21 ▸ creates the Supplemental Educator COVID-19 Stipend;
22 ▸ repeals a budgetary obligation related to increases in the value of the WPU, which
23 this bill satisfies through increased funding;
24 ▸ enacts repeal dates for the Enrollment Growth Contingency Program and the
25 Supplemental Educator COVID-19 Stipend;
26 ▸ makes technical changes;
27 ▸ provides appropriations for other purposes as described;
28 ▸ approves intent language;
29 ▸ appropriates federal coronavirus relief funds for education to the State Board of
30 Education State Administrative Office; and
31 ▸ approves intent language for the allocation of state funds based on local and state
32 use of federal coronavirus relief funds for education.
33 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
34 This bill appropriates $580,393,800 in operating and capital budgets for fiscal year
35 2021, including:
36 ▸ $142,500,000 from the Uniform School Fund;
37 ▸ $5,299,500 from the Education Fund; and
38 ▸ $432,594,300 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
39 This bill appropriates $75,000 in expendable funds and accounts for fiscal year 2021.
40 This bill appropriates ($23,400,000) in restricted fund and account transfers for fiscal
41 year 2021.
42 This bill appropriates $6,027,166,400 in operating and capital budgets for fiscal year
43 2022, including:
44 ▸ $7,892,800 from the General Fund;
45 ▸ $3,636,394,700 from the Uniform School Fund;
46 ▸ $167,481,800 from the Education Fund; and
47 ▸ $2,215,397,100 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
48 This bill appropriates $3,327,000 in expendable funds and accounts for fiscal year
49 2022.
50 This bill appropriates $292,568,200 in restricted fund and account transfers for fiscal
51 year 2022, including:
52 ▸ $314,218,200 from the Education Fund; and
53 ▸ ($21,650,000) from various sources as detailed in this bill.
54 This bill appropriates $122,600 in fiduciary funds for fiscal year 2022.
55 Other Special Clauses:
56 This bill provides a special effective date.
57 Utah Code Sections Affected:
59 53F-2-301.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Fifth Special Session, Chapter 14
60 53F-9-201.1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Fifth Special Session, Chapter 13
61 63I-2-253, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Sixth Special Session, Chapter 13
63 53F-2-302.1, Utah Code Annotated 1953
64 53F-2-418, Utah Code Annotated 1953
65 Uncodified Material Affected:
68 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
69 Section 1. Section 53F-2-301.5 is amended to read:
70 53F-2-301.5. Minimum basic tax rate for a fiscal year that begins on July 1, 2018,
71 2019, 2020, 2021, or 2022.
72 (1) The provisions of this section are in effect for a fiscal year that begins before July 1,
73 2023.
74 (2) As used in this section:
75 (a) "Basic levy increment rate" means a tax rate that will generate an amount of
76 revenue equal to $75,000,000.
77 (b) "Combined basic rate" means a rate that is the sum of:
78 (i) the rate floor; and
79 (ii) the WPU value rate.
80 (c) "Commission" means the State Tax Commission.
81 (d) "Equity pupil tax rate" means the tax rate that is:
82 (i) calculated by subtracting the minimum basic tax rate from the rate floor; or
83 (ii) zero, if the rate calculated in accordance with Subsection (2)(d)(i) is zero or less.
84 (e) "Minimum basic local amount" means an amount that is:
85 (i) equal to the sum of:
86 (A) the school districts' contribution to the basic school program the previous fiscal
87 year;
88 (B) the amount generated by the basic levy increment rate; and
89 (C) the eligible new growth, as defined in Section 59-2-924 and rules of the State Tax
90 Commission multiplied by the minimum basic tax rate; and
91 (ii) set annually by the Legislature in Subsection (3)(a).
92 (f) "Minimum basic tax rate" means a tax rate certified by the commission that will
93 generate an amount of revenue equal to the minimum basic local amount described in
94 Subsection (3)(a).
95 (g) "Rate floor" means a rate that is the greater of:
96 (i) a .0016 tax rate; or
97 (ii) the minimum basic tax rate.
98 (h) "Weighted pupil unit value" or "WPU value" means the amount established each
99 year in the enacted public education budget that is multiplied by the number of weighted pupil
100 units to yield the funding level for the basic school program.
101 (i) "WPU value amount" means an amount that is:
102 (i) equal to the product of:
103 (A) the WPU value increase limit; and
104 (B) the percentage share of local revenue to the cost of the basic school program in the
105 prior fiscal year; and
106 (ii) set annually by the Legislature in Subsection (4)(a).
107 (j) "WPU value increase limit" means the lesser of:
108 (i) the total cost to the basic school program to increase the WPU value over the WPU
109 value in the prior fiscal year; or
110 (ii) the total cost to the basic school program to increase the WPU value by 4% over
111 the WPU value in the prior fiscal year.
112 (k) "WPU value rate" means a tax rate certified by the commission that will generate
113 an amount of revenue equal to the WPU value amount described in Subsection (4)(a).
114 (3) (a) The minimum basic local amount for the fiscal year that begins on July 1,
115 [
116 (b) The preliminary estimate for the minimum basic tax rate for the fiscal year that
117 begins on July 1, [
118 (4) (a) The WPU value amount for the fiscal year that begins on July 1, [
120 (b) The preliminary estimate for the WPU value rate for the fiscal year that begins on
121 July 1, [
122 (5) (a) On or before June 22, the commission shall certify for the year:
123 (i) the minimum basic tax rate; and
124 (ii) the WPU value rate.
125 (b) The estimate of the minimum basic tax rate provided in Subsection (3)(b) and the
126 estimate of the WPU value rate provided in Subsection (4)(b) is based on a forecast for
127 property values for the next calendar year.
128 (c) The certified minimum basic tax rate described in Subsection (5)(a)(i) and the
129 certified WPU value rate described in Subsection (5)(a)(ii) are based on property values as of
130 January 1 of the current calendar year, except personal property, which is based on values from
131 the previous calendar year.
132 (6) (a) To qualify for receipt of the state contribution toward the basic school program
133 and as a school district's contribution toward the cost of the basic school program for the school
134 district, a local school board shall impose the combined basic rate.
135 (b) (i) The state is not subject to the notice requirements of Section 59-2-926 before
136 imposing the tax rates described in this Subsection (6).
137 (ii) The state is subject to the notice requirements of Section 59-2-926 if the state
138 authorizes a tax rate that exceeds the tax rates described in this Subsection (6).
139 (7) (a) The state shall contribute to each school district toward the cost of the basic
140 school program in the school district an amount of money that is the difference between the
141 cost of the school district's basic school program and the sum of the revenue generated by the
142 school district by the following:
143 (i) the minimum basic tax rate;
144 (ii) the basic levy increment rate;
145 (iii) the equity pupil tax rate; and
146 (iv) the WPU value rate.
147 (b) (i) If the difference described in Subsection (7)(a) equals or exceeds the cost of the
148 basic school program in a school district, no state contribution shall be made to the basic
149 school program for the school district.
150 (ii) The proceeds of the difference described in Subsection (7)(a) that exceed the cost
151 of the basic school program shall be paid into the Uniform School Fund as provided by law and
152 by the close of the fiscal year in which the proceeds were calculated.
153 (8) Upon appropriation by the Legislature, the Division of Finance shall deposit an
154 amount equal to the proceeds generated statewide:
155 (a) by the basic levy increment rate into the Minimum Basic Growth Account created
156 in Section 53F-9-302;
157 (b) by the equity pupil tax rate into the Local Levy Growth Account created in Section
158 53F-9-305; and
159 (c) by the WPU value rate into the Teacher and Student Success Account created in
160 Section 53F-9-306.
161 Section 2. Section 53F-2-302.1 is enacted to read:
162 53F-2-302.1. Enrollment Growth Contingency Program.
163 (1) As used in this section:
164 (a) "Program funds" means money appropriated under the Enrollment Growth
165 Contingency Program.
166 (b) "Student enrollment count" means the enrollment count on the first school day of
167 October, as described in Subsection 53F-2-302(3).
168 (2) There is created the Enrollment Growth Contingency Program to mitigate funding
169 impacts on an LEA resulting from student enrollment irregularities during fiscal years 2021
170 and 2022.
171 (3) Subject to legislative appropriations, the state board, in consultation with the Office
172 of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, shall
173 use program funds to:
174 (a) for fiscal years 2021 and 2022 and for an LEA that has declining enrollment, pay
175 costs associated with Subsection 53F-2-302(3) to hold LEA funding distributions at the prior
176 year's average daily membership; and
177 (b) for fiscal year 2022, fund ongoing impacts of student enrollment changes in the
178 2021-2022 academic year, including:
179 (i) assigning additional weighted pupil units to an LEA experiencing a net growth in
180 weighted pupil units over the fiscal year 2022 base allocations associated with student
181 enrollment increases following the student enrollment count;
182 (ii) at the request of an LEA that experienced a significant decline in student
183 enrollment during the 2020-2021 academic year, pre-fund significantly higher anticipated
184 student enrollment growth before the student enrollment count; and
185 (iii) with any remaining weighted pupil units, pay other weighted pupil unit related
186 costs in accordance with Section 53F-2-205.
187 (4) If the state board pre-funds anticipated student enrollment growth under Subsection
188 (3)(b)(ii), the state board shall:
189 (a) verify the LEA's enrollment after the student enrollment count; and
190 (b) balance funds as necessary based on the actual increase in student enrollment.
191 Section 3. Section 53F-2-418 is enacted to read:
192 53F-2-418. Supplemental Educator COVID-19 Stipend.
193 (1) As used in this section:
194 (a) (i) "Classified school-level employee" means an individual:
195 (A) whom an LEA or RESA employs and directly pays; and
196 (B) who is assigned to work in a school setting.
197 (ii) "Classified school-level employee" includes the following categories that an LEA
198 reports to the state board:
199 (A) instructional paraprofessionals;
200 (B) library paraprofessionals;
201 (C) student support; and
202 (D) school and other support, including employees like janitors, bus drivers, and food
203 service; and
204 (iii) "Classified school-level employee" also includes an individual in LEA or RESA
205 administration or administration support if the individual works exclusively in a school setting
206 supporting students.
207 (b) "COVID-19 pandemic" means the spread of COVID-19 that the World Health
208 Organization declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020.
209 (c) "Employer-paid benefits" means a proportionate contribution toward retirement,
210 workers' compensation, Social Security, and Medicare.
211 (d) (i) "Licensed school-level educator" means an individual:
212 (A) whom the state board licenses or who holds a license that the state board
213 recognizes;
214 (B) whom an LEA or RESA employs and directly pays; and
215 (C) who is assigned to work in a school setting.
216 (ii) "Licensed school-level educator" includes the following categories that an LEA
217 reports to the state board:
218 (A) teachers, including preschool, kindergarten, elementary, secondary, and special
219 education teachers;
220 (B) support staff, including librarians, instructional leaders or specialists, counselors,
221 and other support staff including employees like psychologists and social workers; and
222 (C) administrators, including principals, assistant principals, and directors.
223 (e) (i) "Qualifying employee" means a licensed school-level educator or a classified
224 school-level employee who:
225 (A) was employed by an LEA or RESA as of December 1, 2020; and
226 (B) except for an employee whom an online-only charter school employs, is employed
227 by an LEA that provides a broad-based in-person learning option for all students in
228 kindergarten through grade 12 by February 8, 2021, or RESA that works with LEAs provides a
229 broad-based in-person learning option for all students in kindergarten through grade 12 by
230 February 8, 2021.
231 (ii) "Qualifying employee" does not include:
232 (A) school district employees who are assigned to work in the central administration of
233 the school district, including superintendents, deputy and assistant superintendents, area and
234 regional directors, curriculum specialists, and support staff;
235 (B) individuals with whom an LEA contracts but does not directly pay the individual or
236 report the individual to the state board in annual employment reports; or
237 (C) individuals with whom an LEA contracts using federal funding from the
238 Coronavirus Relief Fund described in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act,
239 Pub. L. 116-136.
240 (f) "Regional education service agency" or "RESA" means the same as that term is
241 defined in Section 53G-4-410.
242 (g) "Stipend" means the one-time Supplemental Educator COVID-19 Stipend.
243 (2) There is created a one-time Supplemental Educator COVID-19 Stipend in
244 appreciation of work during the COVID-19 pandemic.
245 (3) (a) Subject to legislative appropriations, the state board shall allocate funds to a
246 qualifying education entity by March 30, 2021, to provide the stipend to qualifying employees
247 as follows:
248 (i) (A) for a licensed school-level educator, $1,500; or
249 (B) for a classified school-level employee, $1,000; and
250 (ii) employer paid benefits.
251 (b) The stipend shall be prorated for each employee based on full-time equivalent
252 status.
253 (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), in the event that an allocation to an LEA or
254 RESA is insufficient to provide the full stipend to each qualifying employee whom the LEA or
255 RESA employs, the LEA or RESA shall reduce the amount of the stipend on a prorated basis.
256 (4) An LEA or RESA that receives an allocation from the state board under Subsection
257 (3) shall return any unexpended amounts to the state no later than June 30, 2021.
258 Section 4. Section 53F-9-201.1 is amended to read:
259 53F-9-201.1. Appropriations to the Minimum School Program from the Uniform
260 School Fund.
261 (1) As used in this section:
262 (a) "Base budget" means the same as that term is defined in legislative rule.
263 (b) "Enrollment growth and inflation estimates" means the cost estimates regarding
264 enrollment growth and inflation described in Section 53F-2-208.
265 (2) Except as provided in Subsection 53F-9-204(3), for a fiscal year beginning on or
266 after July 1, 2021, when preparing the Public Education Base Budget, the Office of the
267 Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall[
268 from the Uniform School Fund, and, subject to Subsection 53F-9-204(3), the Public Education
269 Economic Stabilization Restricted Account, in an amount that is greater than or equal to the
270 sum of:
271 [
272 Minimum School Program in the current fiscal year; and
273 [
274 estimates[
275 [
278 [
280 [
282 (3) The total annual amount deposited into the Uniform School Fund, including the
283 deposits through the distributions described in Sections 59-7-532 and 59-10-544, for a given
284 fiscal year may not exceed the amount appropriated from the Uniform School Fund for that
285 fiscal year.
286 [
290 [
293 [
294 [
296 Section 5. Section 63I-2-253 is amended to read:
297 63I-2-253. Repeal dates -- Titles 53 through 53G.
298 (1) (a) Section 53-2a-217, regarding procurement during an epidemic or pandemic
299 emergency, is repealed on December 31, 2021.
300 (b) When repealing Section 53-2a-217, the Office of Legislative Research and General
301 Counsel shall, in addition to the office's authority under Subsection 36-12-12(3), make
302 necessary changes to subsection numbering and cross references.
303 (2) Section 53B-2a-103 is repealed July 1, 2021.
304 (3) Section 53B-2a-104 is repealed July 1, 2021.
305 (4) (a) Subsection 53B-2a-108(5), regarding exceptions to the composition of a
306 technical college board of trustees, is repealed July 1, 2022.
307 (b) When repealing Subsection 53B-2a-108(5), the Office of Legislative Research and
308 General Counsel shall, in addition to its authority under Subsection 36-12-12(3), make
309 necessary changes to subsection numbering and cross references.
310 (5) Section 53B-6-105.7 is repealed July 1, 2024.
311 (6) (a) Subsection 53B-7-705(6)(b)(ii)(A), the language that states "Except as provided
312 in Subsection (6)(b)(ii)(B)," is repealed July 1, 2021.
313 (b) Subsection 53B-7-705(6)(b)(ii)(B), regarding comparing a technical college's
314 change in performance with the technical college's average performance, is repealed July 1,
315 2021.
316 (7) (a) Subsection 53B-7-707(3)(a)(ii), the language that states "Except as provided in
317 Subsection (3)(b)," is repealed July 1, 2021.
318 (b) Subsection 53B-7-707(3)(b), regarding performance data of a technical college
319 during a fiscal year before fiscal year 2020, is repealed July 1, 2021.
320 (8) Section 53B-8-114 is repealed July 1, 2024.
321 (9) (a) The following sections, regarding the Regents' scholarship program, are
322 repealed on July 1, 2023:
323 (i) Section 53B-8-202;
324 (ii) Section 53B-8-203;
325 (iii) Section 53B-8-204; and
326 (iv) Section 53B-8-205.
327 (b) (i) Subsection 53B-8-201(2), regarding the Regents' scholarship program for
328 students who graduate from high school before fiscal year 2019, is repealed on July 1, 2023.
329 (ii) When repealing Subsection 53B-8-201(2), the Office of Legislative Research and
330 General Counsel shall, in addition to its authority under Subsection 36-12-12(3), make
331 necessary changes to subsection numbering and cross references.
332 (10) Section 53B-10-101 is repealed on July 1, 2027.
333 (11) Title 53B, Chapter 18, Part 14, Uintah Basin Air Quality Research Project, is
334 repealed July 1, 2023.
335 (12) Section 53E-3-519 regarding school counselor services is repealed July 1, 2020.
336 (13) Section 53E-3-520 is repealed July 1, 2021.
337 (14) Subsection 53E-5-306(3)(b)(ii)(B), related to improving school performance and
338 continued funding relating to the School Recognition and Reward Program, is repealed July 1,
339 2020.
340 (15) Section 53E-5-307 is repealed July 1, 2020.
341 (16) Subsection 53E-10-309(7), related to the PRIME pilot program, is repealed July 1,
342 2024.
343 (17) In Subsections 53F-2-205(4) and (5), regarding the State Board of Education's
344 duties if contributions from the minimum basic tax rate are overestimated or underestimated,
345 the language that states "or 53F-2-301.5, as applicable" is repealed July 1, 2023.
346 (18) Subsection 53F-2-301(1), relating to the years the section is not in effect, is
347 repealed July 1, 2023.
348 (19) Section 53F-2-302.1, regarding the Enrollment Growth Contingency Program, is
349 repealed July 1, 2023.
350 (20) Section 53F-2-418, regarding the Supplemental Educator COVID-19 Stipend, is
351 repealed January 1, 2022.
352 [
353 applicable" is repealed July 1, 2023.
354 [
355 [
356 applicable" is repealed July 1, 2023.
357 [
358 applicable" is repealed July 1, 2023.
359 [
360 applicable" is repealed July 1, 2023.
361 [
362 as applicable" is repealed July 1, 2023.
363 [
364 related to the civics engagement pilot program, are repealed on July 1, 2023.
365 [
366 Legislative Research and General Counsel shall, in addition to the office's authority under
367 Subsection 36-12-12(3), make corrections necessary to ensure that sections and subsections
368 identified in this section are complete sentences and accurately reflect the office's perception of
369 the Legislature's intent.
370 Section 6. Fiscal Year 2021 Appropriations.
371 The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
372 2020, and ending June 30, 2021. These are additions to amounts otherwise appropriated for
373 fiscal year 2021.
374 Subsection 6(a). Operating and Capital Budgets.
375 Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the
376 Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts indicated for
377 the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
Public Education
State Board of Education - Minimum School Program
1 To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program -381 Basic School Program
382 From Education Fund, One-Time
383 From Uniform School Fund, One-Time
384 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
385 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
386 Schedule of Programs:
387 Grades 1-12 (14,785,700)
388 Necessarily Existent Small Schools 473,700
389 Professional Staff 594,900
390 Administrative Costs (88,300)
391 Enrollment Growth Contingency 21,500,000
392 The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education use up to $21,500,000 in
393 one-time funds to hold LEA funding distributions at the prior year's average daily membership
394 in accordance with Subsection 53F-2-302.1(3)(a).
2 To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program -396 Related to Basic School Programs
397 From Education Fund, One-Time
398 From Uniform School Fund, One-Time
399 From Transfer for COVID-19 Response, One-Time
400 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
401 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
402 Schedule of Programs:
403 Educator Salary Adjustments 5,327,800
404 Early Intervention 5,000,000
405 Supplemental Educator COVID-19 Stipend 121,000,000
406 (1) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education use up to $121,000,000
407 in one-time funds to provide the Supplemental Educator COVID-19 Stipend described in
408 Section 53F-2-418.
409 (2) (a) Appropriations under the Minimum School Program are contingent upon the
410 expenditure of Federal Coronavirus Relief for Public Education funds in Item 9, State Board of
411 Education - State Administrative Office, to address learning loss related to COVID-19,
412 including by providing:
413 (i) summer school programs;
414 (ii) after school programs;
415 (iii) temporary classroom aids;
416 (iv) temporary counseling;
417 (v) an extended school year;
418 (vi) an extended school day;
419 (vii) Saturday programs and tutoring;
420 (viii) individualized learning plans for students who are at risk of academic failure;
421 (ix) mentors and tutors;
422 (x) at-home visits to provide books and learning materials to students; or
423 (xi) COVID-19 mitigation supplies for individual use, not including facilities upgrades
424 or renovations, that protect students and teachers, including hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes,
425 personal protective equipment, and masks.
426 (b) If a local education agency expends an expenditure of Federal Coronavirus Relief
427 for Public Education funds for a purpose other than the purposes described in Subsection
428 (2)(a), it is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Education reduce the local
429 education agency's allocation under the Minimum School Program by one dollar for every one
430 dollar of Federal Coronavirus Relief for Public Education funds expended for the other
431 purpose.
State Board of Education
3 To State Board of Education - Child Nutrition434 From Federal Funds, One-Time
435 From Dedicated Credit - Liquor Tax, One-Time
436 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
437 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
438 Schedule of Programs:
439 Child Nutrition 24,762,300
4 To State Board of Education - Educator Licensing441 From Revenue Transfers, One-Time
442 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
443 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
444 Schedule of Programs:
445 Educator Licensing 103,000
446 STEM Endorsement Incentives 1,363,200
5 To State Board of Education - Fine Arts Outreach448 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
449 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
6 To State Board of Education - Initiative Programs451 From Revenue Transfers, One-Time
452 From Transfer for COVID-19 Response, One-Time
453 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
454 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
455 Schedule of Programs:
456 Autism Awareness (9,000)
457 Carson Smith Scholarships (2,200)
458 Computer Science Initiatives 1,085,800
459 Contracts and Grants 2,763,500
460 Early Intervention Reading Software 328,300
461 Early Warning Pilot Program 75,000
462 Electronic Elementary Reading Tool (345,800)
463 ELL Software Licenses 1,500,000
464 General Financial Literacy 400
465 Intergenerational Poverty Interventions 949,100
466 Interventions for Reading Difficulties 113,300
467 Kindergarten Supplement Enrichment Program (1,580,700)
468 Paraeducator to Teacher Scholarships 9,900
469 Partnerships for Student Success 369,200
470 ProStart Culinary Arts Program 108,600
471 School Turnaround and Leadership Development Act 2,242,000
472 UPSTART 4,086,000
473 ULEAD 15,800
474 Competency-Based Education Grants 1,200,000
475 Special Needs Opportunity Scholarship Administration (7,400)
7 To State Board of Education - MSP Categorical Program477 Administration
478 From Revenue Transfers, One-Time
479 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
480 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
481 Schedule of Programs:
482 Adult Education (19,300)
483 Beverley Taylor Sorenson Elementary Arts Learning
484 Program (9,000)
485 CTE Comprehensive Guidance 153,800
486 Digital Teaching and Learning 546,500
487 Dual Immersion 82,400
488 Enhancement for At-Risk Students 42,600
489 Special Education State Programs (5,200)
490 Youth-in-Custody 436,700
491 Early Literacy Program 153,300
492 CTE Online Assessments 39,500
493 CTE Student Organizations 385,000
494 State Safety and Support Program 195,700
495 Student Health and Counseling Support Program (62,400)
8 To State Board of Education - Science Outreach497 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
498 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
499 Schedule of Programs:
500 Informal Science Education Enhancement 103,500
9 To State Board of Education - State Administrative Office502 From Education Fund, One-Time
503 From Federal Funds, One-Time
504 From Revenue Transfers, One-Time
505 From Transfer for COVID-19 Response, One-Time
506 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
507 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
508 Schedule of Programs:
509 Board and Administration 24,250,000
510 Data and Statistics 98,300
511 Financial Operations 498,700
512 Indirect Cost Pool 3,287,300
513 Information Technology 1,255,000
514 Math Teacher Training (170,800)
515 Policy and Communication 12,400
516 School Trust (2,100)
517 Special Education 53,844,800
518 Statewide Online Education Program 75,000
519 Student Support Services 25,000,000
520 Federal Coronavirus Relief for Public Education 274,071,700
521 (1) Appropriations to the State Board of Education are contingent upon the expenditure
522 of Federal Coronavirus Relief for Public Education funds in this State Board of Education -
523 State Administrative Office line item to address learning loss related to COVID-19, including
524 by providing:
525 (a) summer school programs;
526 (b) after school programs;
527 (c) temporary classroom aids;
528 (d) temporary counseling;
529 (e) an extended school year;
530 (f) an extended school day;
531 (g) Saturday programs and tutoring;
532 (h) individualized learning plans for students who are at risk of academic failure;
533 (i) mentors and tutors;
534 (j) at-home visits to provide books and learning materials to students; or
535 (k) COVID-19 mitigation supplies for individual use, not including facilities upgrades
536 or renovations, that protect students and teachers, including hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes,
537 personal protective equipment, and masks.
538 (2) If the State Board of Education expends or authorizes an expenditure of Federal
539 Coronavirus Relief for Public Education funds for a purpose other than the purposes described
540 in Subsection (1), it is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Finance reduce the
541 board's funding allocation by one dollar for every one dollar of Federal Coronavirus Relief for
542 Public Education funds expended for the other purpose, up to an amount equal to the amount of
543 Federal Coronavirus Relief for Public Education funds the State Board of Education retained
544 for administrative costs and statewide activities.
10 To State Board of Education - General System Support546 From Federal Funds, One-Time
547 From Revenue Transfers, One-Time
548 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
549 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
550 Schedule of Programs:
551 Teaching and Learning 6,230,200
552 Assessment and Accountability 10,000,000
553 Career and Technical Education 1,073,000
554 Pilot Teacher Retention Grant Program (13,100)
11 To State Board of Education - State Charter School Board556 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
557 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
12 To State Board of Education - Teaching and Learning559 From Revenue Transfers, One-Time
560 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
561 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
562 Schedule of Programs:
563 Student Access to High Quality School Readiness
564 Programs (11,200)
13 To State Board of Education - Utah Schools for the Deaf and566 the Blind
567 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
568 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
569 Schedule of Programs:
570 Administration 752,500
571 Utah State Instructional Materials Access Center (53,700)
572 Subsection 6(b). Expendable Funds and Accounts.
573 The Legislature has reviewed the following expendable funds. The Legislature
574 authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts between funds and accounts as
575 indicated. Outlays and expenditures from the funds or accounts to which the money is
576 transferred may be made without further legislative action, in accordance with statutory
577 provisions relating to the funds or accounts.
Public Education
State Board of Education
14 To State Board of Education - Charter School Revolving Account581 From Beginning Fund Balance
582 From Closing Fund Balance
15 To State Board of Education - Hospitality and Tourism584 Management Education Account
585 From Beginning Fund Balance
586 From Closing Fund Balance
587 Schedule of Programs:
588 Hospitality and Tourism Management Education Account 75,000
16 To State Board of Education - School Building Revolving590 Account
591 From Beginning Fund Balance (33,200)
592 From Closing Fund Balance 33,200
593 Subsection 6(c). Restricted Fund and Account Transfers.
594 The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer the following
595 amounts between the following funds or accounts as indicated. Expenditures and outlays from
596 the funds to which the money is transferred must be authorized by an appropriation.
Public Education
17 To Uniform School Fund Restricted - Public Education Economic599 Stabilization Restricted Account
600 From Beginning Fund Balance
601 From Closing Fund Balance
602 Schedule of Programs:
603 Public Education Economic Stabilization Restricted
604 Account (23,400,000)
18 To Local Levy Growth Account606 From Beginning Fund Balance
607 From Closing Fund Balance
608 Subsection 6(d). Fiduciary Funds.
609 The Legislature has reviewed proposed revenues, expenditures, fund balances, and
610 changes in fund balances for the following fiduciary funds.
Public Education
State Board of Education
19 To State Board of Education - Education Tax Check-off Lease614 Refunding
615 From Beginning Fund Balance
616 From Closing Fund Balance
20 To State Board of Education - Schools for the Deaf and the Blind618 Donation Fund
619 From Beginning Fund Balance
620 From Closing Fund Balance
621 Section 7. Fiscal Year 2022 Appropriations.
622 (1) The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
623 2021, and ending June 30, 2022. These are additions to amounts otherwise appropriated for
624 fiscal year 2022.
625 (2) The value of the weighted pupil unit for fiscal year 2022 is $3,809.
626 Section 7(a). Operating and Capital Budgets.
627 Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the
628 Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts indicated for
629 the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
Public Education
State Board of Education - Minimum School Program
21 To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program -633 Basic School Program
634 From Uniform School Fund
635 From Uniform School Fund, One-Time
636 From Local Revenue
637 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
638 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
639 Schedule of Programs:
640 Kindergarten (26,446 WPUs) 100,732,800
641 Grades 1 - 12 (604,069 WPUs) 2,300,898,800
642 Foreign Exchange (328 WPUs) 1,249,400
643 Necessarily Existent Small Schools (10,577 WPUs) 40,287,800
644 Professional Staff (57,070 WPUs) 217,379,600
645 Special Education - Add-on (88,328 WPUs) 336,441,400
646 Special Education - Self-Contained (12,510 WPUs) 47,650,600
647 Special Education - Preschool (11,311 WPUs) 43,083,600
648 Special Education - Extended School Year (457 WPUs) 1,740,700
649 Special Education - Impact Aid (2,060 WPUs) 7,846,400
650 Special Education - Extended Year for Special
651 Educators (909 WPUs) 3,462,400
652 Career and Technical Education - Add-on (29,100 WPUs) 110,841,900
653 Class Size Reduction (42,375 WPUs) 161,406,500
654 Enrollment Growth Contingency (7,727 WPUs) 50,932,100
655 (1) In accordance with Section 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the State Board
656 of Education report performance measures for the Basic School Program line item. The State
657 Board of Education shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
658 Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2021, the final status of
659 performance measures established in fiscal year 2021 appropriations bills and the current status
660 of the following performance measures for fiscal year 2022:
661 (a) school readiness, as measured by:
662 (i) the percentage of students who are ready for kindergarten (target = 64% in literacy
663 and 76% in numeracy); and
664 (ii) the percentage of students who demonstrate proficiency on a kindergarten exit
665 assessment (fiscal year 2021 will establish a baseline, no target determined);
666 (b) early indicator of academic success, as measured by the percentage of students who
667 are proficient in English language arts and mathematics at the end of grade 3 (target = 67%);
668 (c) proficiency in core academic subjects, as measured by:
669 (i) proficiency on a statewide assessment, including:
670 (A) the percentage of students who are proficient in English language arts, on average,
671 across grades 3 through 8 (target = 64%);
672 (B) the percentage of students who are proficient in mathematics, on average, across
673 grades 3 through 8 (target = 66%); and
674 (C) the percentage of students who are proficient in science, on average, across grades
675 4 through 8 (target = 67%); and
676 (ii) proficiency on a nationally administered assessment, including:
677 (A) the percentage of grade 4 students who are proficient in English language arts
678 (target = 41%);
679 (B) the percentage of grade 4 students who are proficient in mathematics (target =
680 46%);
681 (C) the percentage of grade 4 students who are proficient in science (target = 45%);
682 (D) the percentage of grade 8 students who are proficient in English language arts
683 (target = 38%);
684 (E) the percentage of grade 8 students who are proficient in mathematics (target =
685 39%); and
686 (F) the percentage of grade 8 students who are proficient in science (target = 50%);
687 (d) post-secondary access, as measured by the percentage of students who score at least
688 18 on the ACT (target = 77%);
689 (e) high school completion, as measured by the percentage of students who graduate
690 from high school in four years (target = 90%); and
691 (f) preparation for college, as measured by the percentage of students who have earned
692 a concentration in or completed a certificate in career and technical education or have earned
693 credit in an Advanced Placement, a concurrent enrollment, or an International Baccalaureate
694 course (target = 87%).
695 (2) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education include in the
696 report described in Subsection (1) any recommended changes to the performance measures.
697 (3) (a) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education use up to
698 $21,500,000 in one-time funds to hold LEA funding distributions at the prior year's average
699 daily membership in accordance with Subsection 53F-2-302.1(3)(a).
700 (b) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education use up to 7,727
701 weighted pupil units, or $29,432,100, to fund ongoing impacts of student enrollment changes
702 in the 2021-2022 academic year in accordance with Subsection 53F-2-302.1(3)(b).
703 (c) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education report actions
704 taken on the disbursement of Enrollment Growth Contingency funds to the Public Education
705 Appropriations Subcommittee by January 31, 2022.
22 To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Related to707 Basic School Programs
708 From Uniform School Fund
709 From Education Fund Restricted - Charter School Levy
710 Account
711 From Teacher and Student Success Account
712 From Uniform School Fund Restricted - Trust
713 Distribution Account
714 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
715 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
716 Schedule of Programs:
717 Pupil Transportation To and From School 108,606,500
718 Enhancement for At-Risk Students 52,646,800
719 Youth-in-Custody 27,821,200
720 Adult Education 15,635,900
721 Enhancement for Accelerated Students 6,048,300
722 Concurrent Enrollment 12,961,700
723 Title I Schools Paraeducators Program 300,000
724 School LAND Trust Program 92,842,800
725 Charter School Local Replacement 218,178,700
726 Early Literacy Program 14,550,000
727 Educator Salary Adjustments 187,954,200
728 Teacher Salary Supplement 22,228,600
729 School Library Books and Electronic Resources 765,000
730 Matching Fund for School Nurses 1,002,000
731 Dual Immersion 5,030,000
732 Teacher Supplies and Materials 5,500,000
733 Beverley Taylor Sorenson Elementary Arts Learning
734 Program 10,880,000
735 Early Intervention 17,455,000
736 Digital Teaching and Learning Program 19,852,400
737 Effective Teachers in High Poverty Schools Incentive
738 Program 250,000
739 Elementary School Counselor Program 2,100,000
740 Pupil Transportation Rural School Reimbursement 500,000
741 Pupil Transportation - Rural School Grants 1,000,000
742 Teacher and Student Success Program 130,734,800
743 Student Health and Counseling Support Program 25,480,000
744 Grants for Educators in High-need Schools 500,000
745 National Board Certified Teacher Program 246,300
746 Charter School Funding Base Program 3,100,000
747 (1) Appropriations under the Minimum School Program are contingent upon the
748 expenditure of Federal Coronavirus Relief for Public Education funds in Item 9, State Board of
749 Education - State Administrative Office, to address learning loss related to COVID-19,
750 including by providing:
751 (a) summer school programs;
752 (b) after school programs;
753 (c) temporary classroom aids;
754 (d) temporary counseling;
755 (e) an extended school year;
756 (f) an extended school day;
757 (g) Saturday programs and tutoring;
758 (h) individualized learning plans for students who are at risk of academic failure;
759 (i) mentors and tutors;
760 (j) at-home visits to provide books and learning materials to students; or
761 (k) COVID-19 mitigation supplies for individual use, not including facilities upgrades
762 or renovations, that protect students and teachers, including hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes,
763 personal protective equipment, and masks.
764 (2) If a local education agency expends an expenditure of Federal Coronavirus Relief
765 for Public Education funds for a purpose other than the purposes described in Subsection (1), it
766 is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Education reduce the local education
767 agency's allocation under the Minimum School Program by one dollar for every one dollar of
768 Federal Coronavirus Relief for Public Education funds expended for the other purpose.
23 To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program -770 Voted and Board Local Levy Programs
771 From Uniform School Fund
772 From Local Levy Growth Account
773 From Local Revenue
774 From Education Fund Restricted - Minimum Basic Growth
775 Account
776 Schedule of Programs:
777 Voted Local Levy Program 575,502,500
778 Board Local Levy Program 328,724,400
779 Board Local Levy Program - Early Literacy Program 15,000,000
State Board of Education - School Building Programs
24 To State Board of Education - School Building Programs -782 Capital Outlay Programs
783 From Education Fund
784 From Education Fund Restricted - Minimum Basic Growth
785 Account
786 Schedule of Programs:
787 Foundation Program 27,610,900
788 Enrollment Growth Program 5,638,800
State Board of Education
25 To State Board of Education - Child Nutrition791 From Education Fund
792 From Federal Funds
793 From Dedicated Credits Revenue
794 From Dedicated Credit - Liquor Tax
795 From Revenue Transfers
796 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
797 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
798 Schedule of Programs:
799 Child Nutrition 222,178,500
800 In accordance with Section 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the State Board of
801 Education report performance measures for the Child Nutrition line item. The State Board of
802 Education shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
803 Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2021, the final status of performance
804 measures established in fiscal year 2021 appropriations bills and the current status of the
805 following performance measures for fiscal year 2022:
806 (1) school districts and charter schools served (target = 100% districts and 50%
807 charters);
808 (2) administrative reviews completed (target = 20% annually/100% over five-year
809 cycle); and
810 (3) reimbursement claims paid within 30 days of claim submission for payment with an
811 error rate of 1% or less (target = 100%).
26 To State Board of Education - Child Nutrition - Federal Commodities813 From Federal Funds
814 Schedule of Programs:
815 Child Nutrition - Federal Commodities 19,159,300
27 To State Board of Education - Educator Licensing817 From Education Fund
818 From Revenue Transfers
819 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
820 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
821 Schedule of Programs:
822 Educator Licensing 2,464,600
823 STEM Endorsement Incentives 1,200,000
824 In accordance with Section 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the State Board of
825 Education report performance measures for the Educator Licensing line item. The State Board
826 of Education shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
827 Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2021, the final status of performance
828 measures established in fiscal year 2021 appropriations bills and the current status of the
829 following performance measures for fiscal year 2022:
830 (1) background check response and notification of local education agency within 72
831 hours (target = 100%);
832 (2) teachers in a Utah local education agency who hold a standard level 1, 2, or 3
833 license (target = 95%); and
834 (3) teachers in a Utah local education agency who have demonstrated preparation in
835 assigned subject area (target = 95%).
28 To State Board of Education - Fine Arts Outreach837 From Education Fund
838 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
839 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
840 Schedule of Programs:
841 Professional Outreach Programs in the Schools 4,906,000
842 Subsidy Program 54,000
843 In accordance with Section 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the State Board of
844 Education report performance measures for the Fine Arts Outreach line item. The State Board
845 of Education shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
846 Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2021, the final status of performance
847 measures established in fiscal year 2021 appropriations bills and the current status of the
848 following performance measures for fiscal year 2022:
849 (1) local education agencies served in a three-year period (target = 100% of districts
850 and 90% of charters);
851 (2) number of students and educators receiving services (target = 500,000 students and
852 26,000 educators); and
853 (3) efficacy of education programming as determined by peer review (target = 90%).
29 To State Board of Education - Initiative Programs855 From General Fund
856 From Education Fund
857 From General Fund Restricted - Autism Awareness Account
858 From Revenue Transfers
859 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
860 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
861 Schedule of Programs:
862 Autism Awareness 41,700
863 Carson Smith Scholarships 7,752,300
864 Contracts and Grants 3,683,500
865 Early Intervention Reading Software 10,600,000
866 Early Warning Pilot Program 325,000
867 Electronic Elementary Reading Tool 2,100,000
868 General Financial Literacy 464,300
869 Intergenerational Poverty Interventions 1,050,900
870 Interventions for Reading Difficulties 350,000
871 IT Academy 500,000
872 Kindergarten Supplement Enrichment Program 25,100
873 Paraeducator to Teacher Scholarships 24,500
874 Partnerships for Student Success 3,030,400
875 ProStart Culinary Arts Program 201,500
876 School Turnaround and Leadership Development Act 4,028,500
877 UPSTART 15,286,800
878 ULEAD 571,900
879 Educational Improvement Opportunities Outside of the
880 Regular School Day Grant Program 153,700
881 Competency-Based Education Grants 2,931,700
882 Special Needs Opportunity Scholarship Administration 52,600
883 Education Technology Management System 1,800,000
884 School Data Collection and Analysis 900,000
885 In accordance with Section 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the State Board of
886 Education report performance measures for the Initiatives Program line item. The State Board
887 of Education shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
888 Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2021, the final status of performance
889 measures established in fiscal year 2021 appropriations bills and the current status of the
890 following performance measures for fiscal year 2022:
891 (1) Carson Smith Scholarship annual compliance reporting (target = 100%);
892 (2) number of students served by UPSTART (target = 20,200);
893 (3) School Turnaround and Leadership Development Act schools meeting the exit
894 criteria or qualifying for an extension (target = 100%);
895 (4) Partnerships for Student Success Program average number of partners forming a
896 partnership with a lead grant applicant within a school feeder pattern (target = 15 partners);
897 (5) percentage of grade 3 students at Partnerships for Student Success schools who
898 meet reading benchmark at year end (target = 55%);
899 (6) percentage of grade 8 students at Partnerships for Student Success schools
900 proficient in mathematics (target = 24%);
901 (7) high school graduation rate for students at Partnerships for Student Success schools
902 (target = 86%);
903 (8) Intergenerational Poverty Interventions Grant Program improvement in reading
904 proficiency rates for regularly participating after-school students (target = 8 points);
905 (9) Intergenerational Poverty Interventions Grant Program improvement in
906 mathematics proficiency rates for regularly participating after-school students (target = 7
907 points); and
908 (10) Intergenerational Poverty Interventions Grant Program improvement in science
909 proficiency rates for regularly participating after-school students (target = 4 points).
30 To State Board of Education - MSP Categorical Program Administration911 From Education Fund
912 From Revenue Transfers
913 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
914 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
915 Schedule of Programs:
916 Adult Education 289,700
917 Beverley Taylor Sorenson Elementary Arts Learning
918 Program 112,500
919 CTE Comprehensive Guidance 273,900
920 Digital Teaching and Learning 549,300
921 Dual Immersion 597,800
922 Enhancement for At-Risk Students 441,900
923 Special Education State Programs 259,500
924 Youth-in-Custody 1,274,700
925 Early Literacy Program 424,800
926 CTE Online Assessments 659,300
927 CTE Student Organizations 1,039,900
928 State Safety and Support Program 556,600
929 Student Health and Counseling Support Program 323,600
930 In accordance with Section 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the State Board of
931 Education report performance measures for the MSP Categorical Program Administration line
932 item. The State Board of Education shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
933 and to the Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2021, the final
934 status of performance measures established in fiscal year 2021 appropriations bills and the
935 current status of the following performance measures for fiscal year 2022:
936 (1) number of schools engaged in Digital Teaching and Learning (target = 740
937 schools);
938 (2) professional learning for Dual Immersion educators (target = 1,800 educators);
939 (3) support for guest Dual Immersion educators (target = 150 educators);
940 (4) Beverley Taylor Sorenson Elementary Arts Learning Program fidelity of
941 implementation (target = 50 site visits); and
942 (5) Beverley Taylor Sorenson Elementary Arts Learning Program survey completion
943 for schools with intervention when responses show concern for implementation (target =
944 100%).
31 To State Board of Education - Regional Education Service Agencies946 From Education Fund
947 Schedule of Programs:
948 Regional Education Service Agencies 2,000,000
949 In accordance with Section 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the State Board of
950 Education report performance measures for the Regional Education Service Agencies line item.
951 The State Board of Education shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to
952 the Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2021, the final status of
953 performance measures established in fiscal year 2021 appropriations bills and the current status
954 of the following performance measures for fiscal year 2022:
955 (1) professional learning services (target = 3,000 educator training hours and 20,000
956 participation hours);
957 (2) technical support services (target = 7,000 support hours); and
958 (3) higher education services (target = 1,500 graduate level credit hours).
32 To State Board of Education - Science Outreach960 From Education Fund
961 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
962 Schedule of Programs:
963 Informal Science Education Enhancement 5,065,000
964 Provisional Program 245,700
965 In accordance with Section 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the State Board of
966 Education report performance measures for the Science Outreach line item. The State Board of
967 Education shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
968 Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2021, the final status of performance
969 measures established in fiscal year 2021 appropriations bills and the current status of the
970 following performance measures for fiscal year 2022:
971 (1) student science experiences (target = 380,000);
972 (2) student field trips (target = 375,000); and
973 (3) educator professional learning (target = 2,000 educators).
33 To State Board of Education - State Administrative Office975 From General Fund
976 From Education Fund
977 From Federal Funds
978 From Dedicated Credits Revenue
979 From General Fund Restricted - Electronic Cigarette Substance
980 and Nicotine Product Tax Restricted Account
981 From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease
982 From Gen. Fund Restricted - Land Exchange Distribution Account
983 From General Fund Restricted - School Readiness Account
984 From Revenue Transfers
985 From Uniform School Fund Restricted - Trust Distribution Account
986 From Education Fund Restricted - Underage Drinking Prevention
987 Program Restricted Account
988 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
989 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
990 Schedule of Programs:
991 Board and Administration 5,293,900
992 Data and Statistics 2,411,500
993 Financial Operations 3,685,700
994 Indirect Cost Pool 8,008,400
995 Information Technology 14,270,500
996 Math Teacher Training 110,700
997 Policy and Communication 2,228,000
998 School Trust 526,400
999 Special Education 81,807,900
1000 Statewide Online Education Program 4,609,000
1001 Student Support Services 107,359,800
1002 (1) In accordance with Section 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the State Board
1003 of Education report performance measures for the State Administrative Office line item. The
1004 State Board of Education shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
1005 Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2021, the final status of
1006 performance measures established in fiscal year 2021 appropriations bills and the current status
1007 of the following performance measures for fiscal year 2022:
1008 (a) educators participating in trauma-informed practices training (target = 6,000); and
1009 (b) local education agency Individuals with Disabilities Education Act noncompliance
1010 correction (target = 100%).
1011 (2) (a) Appropriations to the State Board of Education are contingent upon the
1012 expenditure of Federal Coronavirus Relief for Public Education funds in Item 9, State Board of
1013 Education - State Administrative Office, to address learning loss related to COVID-19,
1014 including by providing:
1015 (i) summer school programs;
1016 (ii) after school programs;
1017 (iii) temporary classroom aids;
1018 (iv) temporary counseling;
1019 (v) an extended school year;
1020 (vi) an extended school day;
1021 (vii) Saturday programs and tutoring;
1022 (viii) individualized learning plans for students who are at risk of academic failure;
1023 (ix) mentors and tutors;
1024 (x) at-home visits to provide books and learning materials to students; or
1025 (xi) COVID-19 mitigation supplies for individual use, not including facilities upgrades
1026 or renovations, that protect students and teachers, including hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes,
1027 personal protective equipment, and masks.
1028 (b) If the State Board of Education expends or authorizes an expenditure of Federal
1029 Coronavirus Relief for Public Education funds for a purpose other than the purposes described
1030 in Subsection (2)(a), it is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Finance reduce the
1031 board's funding allocation by one dollar for every one dollar of Federal Coronavirus Relief for
1032 Public Education funds expended for the other purpose, up to an amount equal to the amount of
1033 Federal Coronavirus Relief for Public Education funds the State Board of Education retained
1034 for administrative costs and statewide activities.
34 To State Board of Education - General System Support1036 From General Fund
1037 From Education Fund
1038 From Federal Funds
1039 From Dedicated Credits Revenue
1040 From Expendable Receipts
1041 From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease
1042 From Revenue Transfers
1043 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
1044 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
1045 Schedule of Programs:
1046 Teaching and Learning 30,887,900
1047 Assessment and Accountability 20,434,000
1048 Career and Technical Education 17,159,200
1049 Pilot Teacher Retention Grant Program 493,600
1050 In accordance with Section 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the State Board of
1051 Education report performance measures for the General System Support line item. The State
1052 Board of Education shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
1053 Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2021, the final status of
1054 performance measures established in fiscal year 2021 appropriations bills and the current status
1055 of the following performance measures for fiscal year 2022:
1056 (1) local education agencies served by Teaching and Learning (target = 100%);
1057 (2) career and technical education professional development (target = 5,500 educators);
1058 (3) Readiness Improvement Success Empowerment (RISE) summative assessments
1059 delivered to the field on schedule (target = March 16, 2021); and
1060 (4) Utah Aspire Plus summative assessments delivered to the field on schedule (target
1061 = March 22, 2021).
35 To State Board of Education - State Charter School Board1063 From Education Fund
1064 From Revenue Transfers
1065 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
1066 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
1067 Schedule of Programs:
1068 State Charter School Board 4,144,500
1069 In accordance with Section 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the State Board of
1070 Education report performance measures for the State Charter School Board line item. The State
1071 Board of Education shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
1072 Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2021, the final status of
1073 performance measures established in fiscal year 2021 appropriations bills and the current status
1074 of the following performance measures for fiscal year 2022:
1075 (1) one or more State Charter School Board members or staff members will have met
1076 with State Charter School Board schools (target = 100% by January 2022);
1077 (2) State Charter School Board charter governing board members will receive training
1078 on expectations of governing board members and effective school governance (target = 50% by
1079 January 2022); and
1080 (3) charter schools that the State Charter School Board authorized will have all the
1081 required policies publicly available and will have posted their meetings, minutes, and
1082 recordings as required by Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act, to avoid warning
1083 or probation (target = 100% by end of the 2023 school year).
36 To State Board of Education - Teaching and Learning1085 From Education Fund
1086 From Revenue Transfers
1087 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
1088 Schedule of Programs:
1089 Student Access to High Quality School Readiness
1090 Programs 167,900
1091 In accordance with Section 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the State Board of
1092 Education report performance measures for the Teaching and Learning line item. The State
1093 Board of Education shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the
1094 Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2021, the final status of
1095 performance measures established in fiscal year 2021 appropriations bills and the current status
1096 of the following performance measures for fiscal year 2022:
1097 (1) in literacy, the percentage of students who participate in High Quality School
1098 Readiness who are proficient (earn Proficiency Level 3) on the Kindergarten Entry and Exit
1099 Profile (KEEP) Entry compared to students who participate in non-High Quality School
1100 Readiness programs tracked by the state (target = 65%);
1101 (2) in numeracy, the percentage of students who participate in High Quality School
1102 Readiness who are proficient (earn Proficiency Level 3) on the KEEP Entry compared to
1103 students who participate in non-High Quality School Readiness programs tracked by the state
1104 (target = 74%);
1105 (3) significant differences in literacy and numeracy achievement as measured by the
1106 KEEP and grade 3 Readiness Improvement Success Empowerment (RISE) proficiency (target
1107 to be determined by the state board by September 30, 2021).
37 To State Board of Education - Utah Charter School Finance Authority1109 From Education Fund Restricted - Charter School Reserve
1110 Account
1111 Schedule of Programs:
1112 Utah Charter School Finance Authority 50,000
38 To State Board of Education - Utah Schools for the Deaf and1114 the Blind
1115 From Education Fund
1116 From Federal Funds
1117 From Dedicated Credits Revenue
1118 From Revenue Transfers
1119 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
1120 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
1121 Schedule of Programs:
1122 Support Services 15,600
1123 Administration 6,919,400
1124 Transportation and Support Services 11,146,200
1125 Utah State Instructional Materials Access Center 2,145,800
1126 School for the Deaf 12,279,900
1127 School for the Blind 9,035,600
1128 (1) In accordance with Section 63J-1-201, the Legislature intends that the State Board
1129 of Education report performance measures for the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind line
1130 item. The State Board of Education shall report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
1131 and to the Governor's Office of Management and Budget before October 1, 2021, the final
1132 status of performance measures established in fiscal year 2021 appropriations bills and the
1133 current status of the following performance measures for fiscal year 2022:
1134 (a) average growth on vocabulary assessments for the deaf and hard of hearing campus
1135 students (target = greater than 2 standard score points);
1136 (b) outreach educational services - provide contracted outreach services (target =
1137 100%);
1138 (c) deaf-blind educational services - improve communication matrix scores (target =
1139 2.5%); and
1140 (d) average percentage of growth for blind and visually impaired students attending
1141 campus programs (target = 51%).
1142 (2) The Legislature further intends that the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind
1143 may purchase an audiology van and a small bus with non-state funds in fiscal year 2021 or
1144 fiscal year 2022.
School and Institutional Trust Fund Office
39 To School and Institutional Trust Fund Office1147 From School and Institutional Trust Fund Management
1148 Account
1149 Schedule of Programs:
1150 School and Institutional Trust Fund Office 1,423,200
1151 Section 7(b). Expendable Funds and Accounts.
1152 The Legislature has reviewed the following expendable funds. The Legislature
1153 authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts between funds and accounts as
1154 indicated. Outlays and expenditures from the funds or accounts to which the money is
1155 transferred may be made without further legislative action, in accordance with statutory
1156 provisions relating to the funds or accounts.
Public Education
State Board of education
40 To State Board of Education - Charter School Revolving Account1160 From Dedicated Credits Revenue
1161 From Interest Income
1162 From Repayments
1163 From Beginning Fund Balance
1164 From Closing Fund Balance
1165 Schedule of Programs:
1166 Charter School Revolving Account 1,511,400
41 To State Board of Education - Hospitality and Tourism1168 Management Education Account
1169 From Dedicated Credits Revenue
1170 From Interest Income
1171 From Beginning Fund Balance
1172 From Closing Fund Balance
1173 Schedule of Programs:
1174 Hospitality and Tourism Management Education Account 350,000
42 To State Board of Education - School Building Revolving Account1176 From Dedicated Credits Revenue
1177 From Interest Income
1178 From Repayments
1179 From Beginning Fund Balance
1180 From Closing Fund Balance
1181 Schedule of Programs:
1182 School Building Revolving Account 1,465,600
1183 Section 7(c). Restricted Fund and Account Transfers.
1184 The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer the following
1185 amounts between the following funds or accounts as indicated. Expenditures and outlays from
1186 the funds to which the money is transferred must be authorized by an appropriation.
Public Education
43 To Uniform School Fund Restricted - Public Education1189 Economic Stabilization Restricted Account
1190 From Education Fund
1191 From Education Fund, One-Time
1192 From Beginning Fund Balance
1193 From Closing Fund Balance
44 To Education Fund Restricted - Minimum Basic Growth1195 Account
1196 From Education Fund
1197 Schedule of Programs:
1198 Education Fund Restricted - Minimum Basic Growth
1199 Account 75,000,000
45 To Underage Drinking Prevention Program Restricted Account1201 From Liquor Control Fund
1202 Schedule of Programs:
1203 Underage Drinking Prevention Program Restricted
1204 Account 1,750,000
46 To Local Levy Growth Account1206 From Education Fund
1207 Schedule of Programs:
1208 Local Levy Growth Account 100,083,400
47 To Teacher and Student Success Account1210 From Education Fund
1211 Schedule of Programs:
1212 Teacher and Student Success Account 115,734,800
1213 Subsection 7(d). Fiduciary Funds.
1214 The Legislature has reviewed proposed revenues, expenditures, fund balances, and
1215 changes in fund balances for the following fiduciary funds.
Public Education
State Board of Education
48 To State Board of Education - Education Tax Check-off Lease Refunding1219 From Beginning Fund Balance
1220 From Closing Fund Balance
1221 Schedule of Programs:
1222 Education Tax Check-off Lease Refunding 2,200
49 To State Board of Education - Schools for the Deaf and the Blind1224 Donation Fund
1225 From Dedicated Credits Revenue
1226 From Interest Income
1227 From Beginning Fund Balance
1228 From Closing Fund Balance
1229 Schedule of Programs:
1230 Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Donation Fund 120,400
1231 Section 8. Effective date.
1232 (1) Except as provided in Subsections (2) and (3), if approved by two-thirds of all the
1233 members elected to each house, this bill takes effect upon approval by the governor, or the day
1234 following the constitutional time limit of Utah Constitution, Article VII, Section 8, without the
1235 governor's signature, or in the case of a veto, the date of veto override.
1236 (2) The following sections of this bill take effect on July 1, 2021:
1237 (a) Section 53F-2-301.5;
1238 (b) Section 7, Fiscal Year 2022 Appropriations;
1239 (c) Subsection 7(a), Operating and Capital Budgets;
1240 (d) Subsection 7(b), Expendable Funds and Accounts;
1241 (e) Subsection 7(c), Restricted Fund and Account Transfers; and
1242 (f) Subsection 7(d), Fiduciary Funds.
1243 (3) Section 53F-9-201.1 in this bill takes effect on July 1, 2022.