


Chief Sponsor: Karen Mayne

House Sponsor: Ryan D. Wilcox


8     General Description:
9          This bill allows a court to order supervised probation for certain DUI offenses to be
10     provided by Adult Probation and Parole in certain circumstances.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     allows a court to order supervised probation for certain DUI offenses to be provided
14     by Adult Probation and Parole if the individual is already subject to supervised
15     probation from Adult Probation and Parole for a different offense; and
16          ▸     makes technical changes.
17     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
18          None
19     Other Special Clauses:
20          None
21     Utah Code Sections Affected:
22     AMENDS:
23          41-6a-507, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2005, Chapter 2

25     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
26          Section 1. Section 41-6a-507 is amended to read:
27          41-6a-507. Supervised probation for certain driving under the influence
28     violations.
29          (1) If supervised probation is ordered under Section 41-6a-505 or 41-6a-517:

30          (a) the court shall specify the period of the probation;
31          (b) the person shall pay all of the costs of the probation; and
32          (c) the court may order any other conditions of the probation.
33          (2) (a) [The] Subject to Subsection (2)(b), the court shall provide the probation
34     described in this section by contract with a probation monitoring agency or a private probation
35     provider.
36          (b) If a court determines that a person is subject to supervised probation provided by
37     Adult Probation and Parole for an offense other than the offense for which probation is ordered
38     under Section 41-6a-505 or 41-6a-517, the court may order supervised probation to be
39     provided by Adult Probation and Parole.
40          (3) The probation provider described in Subsection (2) shall monitor the person's
41     compliance with all conditions of the person's sentence, conditions of probation, and court
42     orders received under this part and shall notify the court of any failure to comply with or
43     complete that sentence or those conditions or orders.
44          (4) (a) The court may waive all or part of the costs associated with probation if the
45     person is determined to be indigent by the court.
46          (b) The probation provider described in Subsection (2) shall cover the costs of waivers
47     by the court under Subsection (4)(a).