



Chief Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper

House Sponsor: Steve Eliason


9     Committee Note:
10          The Transportation Interim Committee recommended this bill.
11               Legislative Vote:     16 voting for     0 voting against     2 absent
12     General Description:
13          This bill amends provisions related to application for a state identification card.
14     Highlighted Provisions:
15          This bill:
16          ▸     amends provisions related to the application requirements and process for a state
17     identification card;
18          ▸     requires the Driver License Division to waive the application fee for a state
19     identification card in certain circumstances; and
20          ▸     makes technical changes.
21     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22          None
23     Other Special Clauses:
24          None
25     Utah Code Sections Affected:
26     AMENDS:
27          53-3-803, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 381

28          53-3-804, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapters 381 and 382

30     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
31          Section 1. Section 53-3-803 is amended to read:
32          53-3-803. Application for identification card -- Age requirements -- Application
33     on behalf of others.
34          (1) A person at least 16 years [of age] old or older may apply to the division for an
35     identification card.
36          (2) A person younger than 16 years [of age] old may apply to the division for an
37     identification card with the consent of the applicant's parent or guardian.
38          (3) (a) If a person is unable to apply for the card due to his youth or incapacitation, the
39     application may be made on behalf of that person by his parent or guardian.
40          (b) A parent or guardian applying for an identification card on behalf of a child or
41     incapacitated person shall provide:
42          (i) identification, as required by the commissioner; and
43          (ii) the consent of the incapacitated person, as required by the commissioner.
44          (4) [A] The division may not issue a Utah identification card or an extension of a
45     regular identification card to a person who holds an unexpired Utah license certificate issued
46     under Part 2, Driver Licensing Act[, may not be issued a Utah identification card or an
47     extension of a regular identification card] unless:
48          (a) the Utah license certificate is canceled; and
49          (b) if the Utah license certificate is in the person's possession, the Utah license
50     certificate is surrendered to the division.
51          Section 2. Section 53-3-804 is amended to read:
52          53-3-804. Application for identification card -- Required information -- Release
53     of anatomical gift information -- Cancellation of identification card.
54          (1) To apply for a regular identification card or limited-term identification card, an
55     applicant shall:
56          (a) be a Utah resident;
57          (b) have a Utah residence address; and
58          (c) appear in person at any license examining station.

59          (2) An applicant shall provide the following information to the division:
60          (a) true and full legal name and Utah residence address;
61          (b) date of birth as set forth in a certified copy of the applicant's birth certificate, or
62     other satisfactory evidence of birth, which shall be attached to the application;
63          (c) (i) social security number; or
64          (ii) written proof that the applicant is ineligible to receive a social security number;
65          (d) place of birth;
66          (e) height and weight;
67          (f) color of eyes and hair;
68          (g) signature;
69          (h) photograph;
70          (i) evidence of the applicant's lawful presence in the United States by providing
71     documentary evidence:
72          (i) that the applicant is:
73          (A) a United States citizen;
74          (B) a United States national; or
75          (C) a legal permanent resident alien; or
76          (ii) of the applicant's:
77          (A) unexpired immigrant or nonimmigrant visa status for admission into the United
78     States;
79          (B) pending or approved application for asylum in the United States;
80          (C) admission into the United States as a refugee;
81          (D) pending or approved application for temporary protected status in the United
82     States;
83          (E) approved deferred action status;
84          (F) pending application for adjustment of status to legal permanent resident or
85     conditional resident; or
86          (G) conditional permanent resident alien status;
87          (j) an indication whether the applicant intends to make an anatomical gift under Title
88     26, Chapter 28, Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act;
89          (k) an indication whether the applicant is required to register as a sex offender in

90     accordance with Title 77, Chapter 41, Sex and Kidnap Offender Registry; and
91          (l) an indication whether the applicant is a veteran of the United States Armed Forces,
92     verification that the applicant has received an honorable or general discharge from the United
93     States Armed Forces, and an indication whether the applicant does or does not authorize
94     sharing the information with the state Department of Veterans and Military Affairs.
95          (3) (a) The requirements of Section 53-3-234 apply to this section for each individual,
96     age 16 and older, applying for an identification card.
97          (b) Refusal to consent to the release of information under Section 53-3-234 shall result
98     in the denial of the identification card.
99          (4) An individual person who knowingly fails to provide the information required
100     under Subsection (2)(k) is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
101          (5) (a) A person may not hold both an unexpired Utah license certificate and an
102     unexpired identification card.
103          (b) A person who holds a regular or limited term Utah driver license and chooses to
104     relinquish the person's driving privilege may apply for an identification card under this chapter,
105     provided:
106          (i) the driver:
107          (A) no longer qualifies for a driver license for failure to meet the requirement in
108     Section 53-3-304; or
109          (B) makes a personal decision to permanently discontinue driving; and
110          (ii) the driver:
111          (A) submits an application to the division on a form approved by the division in
112     person, through electronic means. or by mail;
113          (B) affirms their intention to permanently discontinue driving; and
114          (C) surrenders to the division the driver license certificate; and
115          (iii) the division possesses a digital photograph of the driver obtained within the
116     preceding 10 years.
117          (c) (i) The division shall waive the fee under Section 53-3-105 for an identification
118     card for an original identification card application under this Subsection (5).
119          (ii) The fee waiver described in Subsection (5)(c)(i) does not apply to a person whose
120     driving privilege is suspended or revoked.

121          (6) Notwithstanding Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
122     Management Act, the division shall, upon request, release to the Sex and Kidnap Offender
123     Registry office in the Department of Corrections, the names and addresses of all applicants
124     who, under Subsection (2)(k), indicate they are required to register as a sex offender in
125     accordance with Title 77, Chapter 41, Sex and Kidnap Offender Registry.