8 General Description:
9 This bill creates the State Flag Task Force and establishes a commemorative state flag.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ defines terms;
13 ▸ creates the State Flag Task Force;
14 ▸ provides for the appointment of task force members;
15 ▸ describes the duties of the task force, which include:
16 • creating a process that includes public input for the submission and assessment
17 of designs for a new state flag; and
18 • providing a written report and recommendations for the design of a new or
19 revised state flag to the Economic Development and Workforce Services
20 Interim Committee;
21 ▸ establishes a commemorative state flag to commemorate the 125th anniversary of
22 Utah's statehood in 2021;
23 ▸ describes the design and meaning of the commemorative state flag;
24 ▸ allows a governmental entity to display the commemorative state flag on public
25 grounds during 2021;
26 ▸ establishes repeal dates for the task force and for the commemorative state flag;
27 ▸ modifies the description of the current state flag; and
28 ▸ makes technical changes.
29 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
30 None
31 Other Special Clauses:
32 None
33 Utah Code Sections Affected:
35 36-29-101, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 219
36 63G-1-501, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
37 63I-2-263, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Fifth Special Session, Chapter 12
39 36-29-201, Utah Code Annotated 1953
40 36-29-202, Utah Code Annotated 1953
41 36-29-203, Utah Code Annotated 1953
42 63G-1-502, Utah Code Annotated 1953
44 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
45 Section 1. Section 36-29-101 is amended to read:
48 36-29-101. Title.
49 This chapter is known as [
50 Legislature."
51 Section 2. Section 36-29-201 is enacted to read:
53 36-29-201. Definitions.
54 As used in this part, "task force" means the State Flag Task Force created in Section
55 36-29-202.
56 Section 3. Section 36-29-202 is enacted to read:
57 36-29-202. State Flag Task Force -- Creation -- Membership -- Meetings --
58 Vacancies -- Per diem and expenses -- Staff.
59 (1) There is created the State Flag Task Force.
60 (2) The task force consists of the following nine members:
61 (a) the governor, or the governor's designee;
62 (b) the lieutenant governor, or the lieutenant governor's designee;
63 (c) three members of the Senate, appointed by the president of the Senate;
64 (d) three members of the House of Representatives, appointed by the speaker of the
65 House of Representatives; and
66 (e) the executive director of the Department of Heritage and Arts.
67 (3) Each individual with authority to appoint a member of the task force under
68 Subsection (2) shall make the appointment on or before June 1, 2021.
69 (4) The governor shall appoint a chair of the task force.
70 (5) A majority of the task force constitutes a quorum for the transaction of task force
71 business.
72 (6) The task force shall ensure that each meeting of the task force complies with Title
73 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act.
74 (7) The term of each member of the task force ends on November 30, 2022.
75 (8) (a) A member of the task force may be removed from the task force by the
76 individual who appointed the member.
77 (b) Within 14 days after the day on which a vacancy occurs on the task force for any
78 reason, the individual who originally appointed the member shall fill the vacancy in accordance
79 with Subsection (2).
80 (9) (a) Subject to Subsection (9)(b), a task force member may not receive
81 compensation or benefits for the member's service on the task force but may receive per diem
82 and reimbursement for travel expenses incurred as a task force member in accordance with:
83 (i) Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107; and
84 (ii) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
85 63A-3-107.
86 (b) Compensation and expenses of a task force member who is a legislator are governed
87 by Section 36-2-2 and Legislative Joint Rules, Title 5, Legislative Compensation and
88 Expenses.
89 (10) The Department of Heritage and Arts shall provide staff support for the task force
90 and assist the task force in conducting task force meetings.
91 Section 4. Section 36-29-203 is enacted to read:
92 36-29-203. Task force duties.
93 The task force shall:
94 (1) convene the task force's initial meeting on or before June 11, 2021;
95 (2) establish and adopt guiding principles for the task force regarding flag design and
96 the goals of recommending a revised or new state flag for the state;
97 (3) create a process for the submission and task force assessment of proposed designs
98 for a revised or new state flag of Utah, including a process that includes the design community;
99 (4) on or before September 15, 2021, select a group of up to 10 proposed flag designs
100 that:
101 (a) represent the state; and
102 (b) adhere to the guiding principles described in Subsection (2);
103 (5) create a process that includes the gathering of public input to review the proposed
104 flag designs described in Subsections (2) and (3), including the public input of children and
105 young people in the state, and to select a proposed revised or new state flag of Utah; and
106 (6) on or before November 1, 2021, provide a written report and recommendations to
107 the Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee and the Legislature
108 regarding:
109 (a) the proposed flag designs described in Subsection (3);
110 (b) the process and results of the review of the proposed flag designs described in
111 Subsection (5);
112 (c) the task force's recommendation for the design of a revised or new state flag of
113 Utah; and
114 (d) proposed legislation retaining the current flag, revising the current flag, or
115 designating a new state flag of Utah, which may include a recommendation to designate the
116 current state flag of Utah described in Section 63G-1-501 as the governor's flag.
117 (7) The task force may:
118 (a) create working groups to carry out the task force's duties under this section,
119 including working with one or more graphic designers or other professionals to review and
120 improve designs for consideration by the task force; and
121 (b) accept contributions from private or public sources for the purpose of awarding a
122 prize to one or more creators of flag designs selected and recommended by the task force.
123 Section 5. Section 63G-1-501 is amended to read:
124 63G-1-501. State flag.
125 The state flag of Utah shall be a flag of blue field, [
126 following device worked in natural colors on the center of the blue field:
127 [
128 (2) above the shield and thereon an American eagle with outstretched wings;
129 (3) the top of the shield pierced with six arrows arranged crosswise;
130 (4) upon the shield under the arrows the word "Industry," and below the word
131 "Industry" on the center of the shield, a beehive;
132 (5) on each side of the beehive, growing sego lilies;
133 (6) below the beehive and near the bottom of the shield, the word [
134 (7) below the word "Utah" and on the bottom of the shield, the figures "1847";
135 (8) with the appearance of being back of the shield there shall be two American flags
136 on flagstaffs placed crosswise with the flag so draped that they will project beyond each side of
137 the shield, the heads of the flagstaffs appearing in front of the eagle's wings and the bottom of
138 each staff appearing over the face of the draped flag below the shield;
139 (9) below the shield and flags and upon the blue field, the figures "1896"; and
140 (10) around the entire design, a narrow circle in gold.
141 Section 6. Section 63G-1-502 is enacted to read:
142 63G-1-502. Commemorative state flag -- Display.
143 (1) As used in this section:
144 (a) "CMYK" means the color model of four-color printing using cyan, magenta,
145 yellow, and black ink.
146 (b) "Commemorative state flag" means the flag described in Subsection (3).
147 (c) "Governmental entity" means the same as that term is defined in Section
148 63G-2-103.
149 (d) "Legacy gold" means a color with:
150 (i) an RGB value of 251, 178, 23;
151 (ii) a CMYK value of 1, 33, 100, 0;
152 (iii) a web color value of #fbb217; and
153 (iv) a Pantone value of 2010 C.
154 (e) "Liberty blue" means a color with:
155 (i) an RGB value of 11, 36, 68;
156 (ii) a CMYK value of 100, 86, 44, 47;
157 (iii) a web color value of #0b2444; and
158 (iv) a Pantone value of 282 C.
159 (f) "Mountain white" means a color with:
160 (i) an RGB value of 255, 255, 255;
161 (ii) a CMYK value of 0, 0, 0, 0;
162 (iii) a web color value of #ffffff; and
163 (iv) a Pantone value of Safe.
164 (g) "Pantone" means the color model of printing using ink mixes to create a color
165 match.
166 (h) "Public grounds" means the same as that term is defined in Section 11-61-102.
167 (i) "RGB" means the color model of three-color video and computer displays using red,
168 green, and blue light.
169 (j) "State flag of Utah" means the flag described in Section 63G-1-501.
170 (k) "Utah red" means a color with:
171 (i) an RGB value of 175, 31, 36;
172 (ii) a CMYK value of 22, 100, 99, 13;
173 (iii) a web color value of #af1f24; and
174 (iv) a Pantone value of 2350 C.
175 (l) "Web color" means the color model of web page displays using a hexadecimal color
176 code.
177 (2) The state may commemorate the 125th anniversary of Utah's statehood in 2021
178 with the display of a commemorative state flag.
179 (3) The commemorative state flag shall be a rectangle that has a width to length ratio of
180 three to five and contain the following:
181 (a) one diagonal cross pattern that creates four triangles meeting at the center of the
182 flag:
183 (i) with the two triangles in the horizontal plane that are:
184 (A) equal in width and length, spreading the full width and length of the flag; and
185 (B) colored mountain white;
186 (ii) with the upper and lower triangle shaped quadrants:
187 (A) each having a length equal to the full length of the flag; and
188 (B) the upper triangle shaped quadrant being colored liberty blue and the lower triangle
189 shaped quadrant being colored Utah red;
190 (iii) with the cross pattern to represent:
191 (A) Utah's moniker as "the Crossroads of the West"; and
192 (B) the history of Promontory Point;
193 (iv) with the two triangles in the horizontal plane colored mountain white to represent
194 the Rocky Mountains of Utah;
195 (v) with the upper triangle shaped quadrant colored liberty blue to represent:
196 (A) the Great Salt Lake; and
197 (B) the tradition of Utah; and
198 (vi) with the lower triangle shaped quadrant colored Utah red to represent the red rocks
199 and national parks of Southern Utah;
200 (b) one circle that:
201 (i) is shaded legacy gold and filled with a background that is shaded liberty blue;
202 (ii) contains a slightly thinner gold circle that is:
203 (A) shaded legacy gold; and
204 (B) filled with a background that is shaded liberty blue;
205 (iii) is placed over the meeting point of the four triangle shaped quadrants described in
206 Subsection (3)(a) in the center of the flag; and
207 (iv) represents, in combination with the four triangle shaped quadrants, the following
208 Native American Tribes of Utah:
209 (A) the Ute;
210 (B) the Paiute;
211 (C) the Navajo;
212 (D) the Shoshone; and
213 (E) the Goshute;
214 (c) one beehive that is shaded legacy gold that:
215 (i) contains six hive sections with a small semicircle removed from the center of the
216 base of the lowest section;
217 (ii) is placed within the circles described in Subsection (3)(b); and
218 (iii) represents:
219 (A) Utah's identity as "the Beehive State"; and
220 (B) industry; and
221 (d) one regular, five-pointed star that:
222 (i) is shaded mountain white;
223 (ii) is located below the center of the beehive described in Subsection (3)(c);
224 (iii) is spaced so that the upper point of the star is located near the removed semicircle
225 described in Subsection (3)(c)(ii) but not on an even plane with the bottom of the beehive;
226 (iv) is oriented so that one point faces upward; and
227 (v) represents:
228 (A) Utah's statehood in the United States of America, dating to Utah's joining the union
229 in 1896; and
230 (B) Utah's star on the flag of the United States of America; and
231 (e) the dates corresponding to the 125th anniversary of Utah's statehood, 1896-2021.
232 (4) (a) In any place where the state flag of Utah is displayed out of doors on public
233 grounds, the governmental entity responsible for the display of the state flag of Utah may
234 display the commemorative state flag in the manner described in Subsection (4)(b) during the
235 2021 calendar year.
236 (b) When displaying the commemorative state flag under Subsection (4)(a), the
237 governmental entity displaying the flag shall place the commemorative state flag directly under
238 the state flag of Utah.
239 Section 7. Section 63I-2-236 is amended to read:
240 63I-2-236. Repeal dates -- Title 36.
241 [
242 The following sections regarding the State Flag Task Force are repealed on January 1,
243 2023:
244 (1) Section 36-29-201;
245 (2) Section 36-29-202; and
246 (3) Section 36-29-203.
247 Section 8. Section 63I-2-263 is amended to read:
248 63I-2-263. Repeal dates, Title 63A to Title 63N.
249 [
250 [
251 [
253 [
254 [
255 repealed July 1, 2021.
256 [
257 Commission is repealed July 1, 2023.
258 (4) Section 63G-1-502 is repealed July 1, 2022.
259 (5) The following sections regarding the World War II Memorial Commission are
260 repealed on July 1, 2022:
261 (a) Section 63G-1-801;
262 (b) Section 63G-1-802;
263 (c) Section 63G-1-803; and
264 (d) Section 63G-1-804.
265 (6) Subsections 63G-6a-802(1)(d) and 63G-6a-802(3)(b)(iii), regarding a procurement
266 relating to a vice presidential debate, are repealed January 1, 2021.
267 (7) In relation to the State Fair Park Committee, on January 1, 2021:
268 (a) Section 63H-6-104.5 is repealed; and
269 (b) Subsections 63H-6-104(8) and (9) are repealed.
270 (8) Section 63H-7a-303 is repealed July 1, 2024.
271 (9) Subsection 63J-1-206(3)(c), relating to coronavirus, is repealed July 1, 2021.
272 (10) In relation to the Employability to Careers Program Board, on July 1, 2022:
273 (a) Subsection 63J-1-602.1(57) is repealed;
274 (b) Subsection 63J-4-301(1)(h), related to the review of data and metrics, is repealed;
275 and
276 (c) Title 63J, Chapter 4, Part 7, Employability to Careers Program, is repealed.
277 (11) Title 63M, Chapter 4, Part 8, Voluntary Home Energy Information Pilot Program
278 Act, is repealed January 1, 2022.
279 (12) Sections 63M-7-213 and 63M-7-213.5 are repealed on January 1, 2023.
280 (13) Subsection 63N-12-508(3) is repealed December 31, 2021.
281 (14) Title 63N, Chapter 13, Part 3, Facilitating Public-Private Partnerships Act, is
282 repealed January 1, 2024.
283 (15) Title 63N, Chapter 15, COVID-19 Economic Recovery Programs, is repealed
284 December 31, 2021.