8 General Description:
9 This bill amends provisions related to advanced driver assistance facilities and enacts
10 provisions related to motor vehicle glass repair.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ amends provisions related to the repair and recalibration of an advanced driver
14 assistance feature;
15 ▸ establishes a violation of a provision related to an advanced driver assistance feature
16 as an infraction;
17 ▸ enacts provisions related to motor vehicle glass repair; and
18 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
19 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20 None
21 Other Special Clauses:
22 None
23 Utah Code Sections Affected:
25 41-6a-1645, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 267
27 41-6a-1646, Utah Code Annotated 1953
29 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
30 Section 1. Section 41-6a-1645 is amended to read:
31 41-6a-1645. Advanced driver assistance facilities -- Repair, calibration, and
32 disclosure -- Penalties.
33 (1) As used in this section, "advanced driver assistance [
34 electronic safety system that is:
35 (a) designed to support the driver and vehicle while operating on roads and highways
36 [
37 (b) intended to increase vehicle safety and reduce losses associated with automobile
38 crashes[
39 (c) tied to the windshield of a vehicle.
40 (2) If [
41 an automotive glass company or repair facility approving or conducting glass repair,
42 replacement, or recalibration on the vehicle shall:
43 (a) before approving or performing a vehicle glass repair or replacement, inform the
44 consumer in electronic or hardcopy writing if a recalibration of [
45 driver assistance feature:
46 (i) is required [
47 (ii) will be performed; and
48 (b) if performing [
49 or exceed the manufacturer's specifications.
50 (3) (a) The automotive glass company or repair facility shall provide the consumer:
51 (i) an itemized description of the work to be done on the vehicle; and
52 (ii) if an insurer is paying all or part of the repair, the total amount the insurer has
53 agreed to pay for the work described in Subsection (3)(a)(i).
54 (b) An insurance company that [
55 (3)(a) may not be required to pay more than a fair and competitive price for the local market
56 area.
57 (c) An automotive glass company or repair facility may not represent to a customer that
58 the cost of a repair, replacement, or recalibration will be paid for entirely by the customer's
59 insurer and at no cost to the customer unless the cost of the repair, replacement, or recalibration
60 is fully covered and approved by the insurer.
61 (d) If a recalibration was not performed or not completed successfully, the automotive
62 glass company or repair facility shall inform the consumer electronically or in writing that:
63 (i) the recalibration was not successful or was not performed; and [
64 (ii) the vehicle should be taken to a vehicle manufacturer's certified dealership, a
65 qualified automobile glass company, or repair facility capable of performing the recalibration
66 of an advanced driver assistance [
67 specifications.
68 (4) An automotive glass company or repair facility conducting a scan or recalibration
69 for vehicle glass repair or replacement services on a vehicle equipped with an advanced driver
70 assistance [
71 (a) is not limited to vehicle glass, tooling, or equipment dictated or recommended by
72 the manufacturer's procedures or specifications; and
73 (b) shall recalibrate the advanced driver assistance [
74 the manufacturer's procedures or specifications.
75 (5) An automotive glass company or repair facility may only bill or charge for vehicle
76 glass repair, replacement, or recalibration services that are performed and necessary.
77 (6) (a) A person with actual knowledge that [
78 [
80 for sale, or display for sale, the motor vehicle without providing written notice to the purchaser
81 that:
82 [
83 recalibrated to the manufacturer's specifications; or
84 [
85 (b) This Subsection (6) does not apply to:
86 (i) a motor vehicle auction or consignor to a motor vehicle auction, if no disclosure is
87 required under Section 41-1a-1005.3; or
88 (ii) a vehicle for which the ownership document is:
89 (A) a certification of title in an insurance company's name;
90 (B) a salvage certificate, as defined in Section 41-1a-1001; or
91 (C) a nonrepairable certificate, as defined in Section 41-1a-1001.
92 [
93 (7) A person who violates a provision of this section is:
94 (a) guilty of an infraction; and
95 (b) subject to a civil penalty of $500.
96 (8) (a) In addition to any other penalties, a purchaser may bring a civil action to recover
97 damages resulting from a seller's failure to provide notice under Subsection (6).
98 (b) The amount of damages that may be recovered in a civil action described in
99 Subsection (8)(a) is the greater of:
100 (i) the amount of the actual damages; or
101 (ii) $1,500.
102 Section 2. Section 41-6a-1646 is enacted to read:
103 41-6a-1646. Motor vehicle glass repair requirements -- Penalties.
104 (1) An automotive glass company or repair facility shall provide a consumer seeking
105 motor vehicle glass repair or replacement:
106 (a) an electronic or hardcopy written and itemized description of the work to be done
107 on the vehicle; and
108 (b) if an insurer is paying all or part of the repair, the total amount the insurer has
109 agreed to pay for the work described in Subsection (1)(a).
110 (2) An insurance company that pays for work described in Subsection (1)(a) may not
111 be required to pay more than a fair and competitive price for the local market area.
112 (3) An automotive glass company or repair facility:
113 (a) may not represent to a customer that the cost of a repair or replacement will be paid
114 for entirely by the customer's insurer and at no cost to the customer unless the cost of the repair
115 or replacement is fully covered and approved by the insurer;
116 (b) is not limited to vehicle glass, tooling, or equipment dictated or recommended by
117 the manufacturer's procedures or specifications; and
118 (c) may only bill or charge for vehicle glass repair, replacement, or recalibration
119 services that are performed and necessary.
120 (4) A person who violates a provision of this section is:
121 (a) guilty of an infraction; and
122 (b) subject to a civil penalty of $500.